
I do believe that aiding the poor countries will be to the mutual benefit to both the rich countries and the poor countries.
Rich countries should give aids to poor countries by religion and humanity.
In poor countries, which are short of sufficient economical foundation to the development by their own, let alone adequate food and drug, billions of people died of starvation and diseases.
We mustn’t sit by while the innocent people in the poor countries are approaching death .
to be a real big power should take the responsibility of a giant to help the needed countries and to allow more spaces for their existence which will have positive influence to the rich countries renown.
the poor countries are also in need of aids. Being unable to reverse their poverty on their own they need foreign resources to help them survive and shake off poverty. Because they need sufficient food and fund for the development. Only acceptance of foreign aids can make them relieve of poverty for development
the rich countries should pay attention to the means of aids, and the poor countries should also try to implement self reliance while receiving aids. What poor countries need isn’t but food and clothes, they need the chance of development. The rich countries should help the poor to develop their country economically, to give equal trading opportunities and advanced technology so that the poor countries can get out of poverty. While obtaining large sum of fund, the poor countries should also develop their country technically and economically
不对, 读起来不通,应该是用了翻译软件的。
1. 不会翻译成 “aiding the poor countries”,一般会用“in aid of”
2. 应该是 to the mutual benefit of xx and xx.
3. Rich countries should give aids to poor countries by religion and humanity. 中文原文不会是说:富有国家应该根据信仰和人道主义而援助穷困国家?感觉怪怪的。
5.什么是“ to the development by their own?” 应该是 to develop on their own。
6. 同一句话前面,后面不通,既然药品和食物都足够(adequate),怎么还有人被饿死和病死呢? 我的感觉好像原文翻译后应该是这样的一个意思 : Poor countries lack the economical foundation to develop on their own, billions of people die of starvation and diseases due to inadequate food and drugs. 没有原文,我只能给个我猜得意思。
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