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united nations climate change summit
BBC News with Sue Montgomery. President Obama is to go to Copenhagen early next month for the start of United Nations Climate Change Summit and will propose major cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
At a special United Nations summit on climate change earlier this week, world leaders acknowledged both the quickening pace of global warming and a world community's slow response to it.
President Hu Jintao is expected to outline some measures at a major United Nations summit on climate change next week.
Whether such an agreement is negotiated will only be known when the world's leaders convene in Copenhagen for the United Nations climate change summit early next month.
VOA: standard.
The material belonged to some of the world's leading climate scientists and caused them difficulty just before the major United Nations Copenhagen summit on climate change.
His desire to make a difference has seen him working with charities such as Oxfam and SOS, while in 2009 he spoke at the United Nations' Summit on Climate Change in New York -- a far cry from his early days as a lonely child in Benin.
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英语角/forum-439-1.html I am sweating like a pig 01 OMG! 美语 拉斯S加斯 婚礼 ' It is hot as heck out here! OMG!did u see that guy?he is so hot. Tie the knot 结婚 wedding gowns 婚
纱 tuxedo Have you heard Lady Gaga's hot new song? 男士礼服 veil 头纱 The little white wedding chapel I have the hots for brandon,he is so handsome wedding chapel 结婚礼堂 Be careful,don't drink that coffee yet,it's red hot! Drive-thru wedding 免下车婚礼 renew vows 誓言 Don't listen to her,she's not making any sense,she 更新 is full of hot air 她说的话没有什么意思 Oh don't worry!he's just kidding,don't get all hot and Graceland wedding chapel elvis weddings 猫王 bothered about it 别生气 婚礼 Exchange vows(新人交换誓言) How to order ice cream since it's summertime02 OMG! 美语 怎么用-OMG Oh my gosh! OMG 天哪.Did you hear Lady Gaga's new song? I love it! You can use OMG as a reaction to almost anythi ng If you're frustrated,oh my gosh!I missed the bus again. If u're excited... OMG.I'm so excited!We are goi ng to the beach tom! Or,if you're disappointed...Oh my gosh! I just fail ed that test! 03 OMG! 美语 回答粉丝的 问题 Tell me a little bit about yourself I recently graduated from college where I majore d in journalism and specialized in Mandarin Chinese.I' m looking for a job that focuses on cross-cultural co mmunication and international relations Very interesting, what would u say is your greate st strength? I love interacting munication is m y greatest strength Hey girl!what's up? Hey dude!what's up? Hey man!what's up? What's going on? What are you up to? How ar e u ? How's it going? My stomach doesn't feel so hot 肚子痛 = my tum my hurts! I feel nauseous = I have a stomach ache = my t ummy feels icky(小孩子说) 04 OMG! 美语 Hot! Hot! Hot! Oh, it is so hot in Washington D.C. OMG,It's so hot outside,I am roasting out here! Oh my gosh!I'm so hot,I'm sweating bullets 05 OMG! 美语 Nothing better! Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing aga cools me down better than ice cream active verb phrase better than noun puts me to sleep than classical music wakes me up better than coffee makes me want to dance better than Lady G06 美语 I -3 Shoes Shopping! I need a new pair of shoes Fill someone's shoes 接替某人的职位 It will be difficult to fill his shoes,he did a great job If the shoe fits, wear it!如果是真的,承认吧 Are u calling me a dumb blonde?if the shoe fits,wear it! To be in someone else's shoes 处于某人的境地 What would u do if you were in my shoes? I wouldn't want to be in her shoes 我不想处于他的境 地 She just wrecked her car,I wouldn't want to be in her shoes 07 OMG! 美语 Date night romance How was your weekend My weekend...I went on a date this weekend Go on a date 去约会 We went out on date night 平常是周五或周六晚上 My date took me out to dinner and a movie Dinner was so good,my date took me to an Italian re staurant He picked up the check 他请了客 He is such a gentleman And he was so polite,he opened every door for me When a man is being a gentleman,you can say he is being very chivalrous 对女孩子谦恭有礼1 英语角/forum-439-1.html So?what happened at the end of the day? Hey there,hi there.hi girl,howdy little lady I don't kiss and tell!泄漏隐私 What's up? Nothing much,what's up with you? Will we go on another date next weekend? Hey,what's new? Nothing much,what's new with you? I haven't called him back Doing well,how are you doing? How's it going? I'm playing hard to get 故意装作难以接近的样子 Goin' well. adios(西班牙语再见) Ok,talk to you bet = yes = yeah = yup = y 08 OMG! 美语 Fashionista ep Lady Gaga has great fashion sense 12 You want fries with that? Lady Gaga is a fashionista! I' m hungry. I'm starving. I'm feeling a little peck Girl, that shirt is fierce!wort it.把你的味道表现出来 Lady Gaga is rockin' that dress!穿起来很好看 ish 有点饿 You can rock a dress,rock a T-shirt,sunglasses My stomach is eating itself. I could ear a whole cow! You can rock tennis shoes Let's go get something to eat. What do you feel Does this shirt go with my shoes?配不配 they go/they like eating? match My shirt goes with my shoes Let's go to McDonald's! Welcome to McDonald's. May i help you? My shirt matches my shoes I'd like the #4 cheeseburger with fries please. These don't go. These do not match. My shirt does not go with these shoes Can i get the #4? I'd like to order the #4 please This shirt doesn't match these shoes I'm just gonna get the #4 with small fries. I don't wanna eat McDonald's. Let's go to that Fr I love this shirt! It' s so me! ench bakery and get some sandwiches and coffee. Tha 09 OMG! 美语 Bargain shopping! t place is a little more healthy. Dontcha think? I am a bargain shopper Hi, can I start you off with something to drink? I look for all the coupons, the clearances,the sales,any 你想喝什么? discount I can find! I'd like some ice water with lemon please Are u ladies ready to order? What can I get ya? This shirt is so cute! I got it on sale yesterday it was half off 大减价 I'd like the chicken sandwich with wheat bread, Did u hear? The Gap is having a clearance sale,we h and what kind of sides does that come with 有什 ave to go today 么配菜 I have a coupon that gives me 10% off my entire pur Our sides include a side salad,french fries,or a fr chase! uit cup I don't see a discount on the price of this dress,I don' I'd like the side salad please t think I'm going to buy it,let's go look at the sale ra 13 OMG! 美语 Phone talk! ck for a better deal Dropped the call 断线了 10 OMG! 美语 Nosey girl! Hello? Baijie speaking. Hello? This is Baijie I can't carry everything,can u give me a hand please? Excuse me, who is this? May I ask who's calling,plea Will you please keep an eye on my luggage?I'm gonn se? a go get coffee I'm sorry,you 've dialed the wrong number She is always sticking her nose into other people's bu Yes, may I please speak with Ms.Bai?(找办公室的人) siness,she is so nosey! Can I please have extension 552? Is Baijie there? I can never remember people's names,they go in one I'd like to leave a message ear and out the other Would you like to leave a message? He is so lazy,he never lifts a finger to help me at ho Can I take a message for you? me 干家务 Hold on, I'm getting another call. Hey, can u hold on one sec? 11 OMG! 美语 Yes Yep Yup Hey, I gotta call u back,I'm getting another call2 英语角/forum-439-1.html Can I call you right back?I've got to take this call. Dude! Stop drooling over her,you are never gonna get a date with Britney Spears 不断的谈论那个女孩 14 OMG! 美语 Thank you Thank you Thank y Zit 青春痘= pimple=blemish Girl!that zit you have on your chin. That thing is hug ou! e! You gotta pop that thing! For me? Thank you so much. You shouldn't have. He' 17 OMG! 美语 Face time! s so cute Thanks .thank you. Thank you so much.thanks a lot. Her boyfriend has wandering eyes 看别的女生 Thank'ya much! Let's nose around this store,I want to find a pair of s I had a splendid evening,thank u so much for having hoes 四处看看 me 款待 Don't tell her too many secrets,she is a big mouth 大 Cheers(英国人谢谢) 嘴巴 Lips 嘴唇. Do as I tell you!and don't give me any lip! 15 OMG! 美语 Will you be my friend 不许顶嘴 Hi! How r u? I'm doing well,how r u? I'm good,than Cheek 面颊. Usually I turn the other cheek when a p ks erson is rude to me 不理他 Where r u from? Where do u work? Why the long face?为什么这么难过? What do u do for living? What u just said to me is such a slap in the face! Do you come here often? Happiness is written all over your face Are u enjoying yourself? Shut your face!闭嘴 What brought u here?你为什么来这 Two-faced 两面的 How has your day been? How has your week been? 18 OMG! 美语 OUCH!! That hurts Where did u grow up? What do u do in your free time? Injuries 受害 Where do u go to school? Where did u go to school? I slammed my fingers in the door 夹到 The weather has been amazingly lately! I just stubbed my toe 踢到 This shop serves really good coffee. I just got a paper cut This is a good, do u like it? Ouch! Your sweater shocked me!电到了 Your cat just scratched my face 16 OMG! 美语 Yucky GUNK! My mosquito bites are still so itchy!! Oh,I've been looking at the computer all day,my eyes All of gunk that comes out of your face are so sore Sleepies 眼屎=eye gunk I always have sleepies in the corner of my eye when Add insult to injury 雪上加霜 I wake up in the morning He dumped me and to add insult to injury,he started Earwax 耳屎 dating my best friend! I use Q-tips to get the earwax out of my ears 棉棒 19 OMG! 美语 I -3 Coffee Hey! Get the wax out of your ears 同我的话 Booger 鼻屎 Today,I'm here at my favorite coffee shop. You have a..uh.. You have a booger right there It's so close to my house and their coffee is so good. Ok, you got it! I usually order a medium soy latte with hazelnut syru You are being such a booger!真讨厌,烦人 p to go 外带 A medium latte for here 在这喝 Snot 鼻涕. I'm so sick,my nose is so runny. So much snot! A double latte has 2 shots of espresso with either hot She refuses to wash the dishes,she is such a little sno or cold milk.Mine is cold 浓缩咖啡 t!(说一个年轻人很不客气的时候) Espresso is really strong coffee,it has a very intense fl Drool 口水= slobber avor. So you only need to add a little bit This big dog slobbered all over me. His slobber is all The more shots of espresso in your latte,the more cof over my hands! fee it has.3 英语角/forum-439-1.html A regular cup of coffee is also called 'drip coffee'= Let's bounce 走吧 A cup of joe 滴溜咖啡 The party's boring,Let's bounce! Grinding coffee 咖啡研磨 Hit me up 跟我联系 I need a coffee to wake up in the morning. I'm kind Hit me up if u wanna go shopping! of addicted 22 OMG! 美语 SO STUFFED! Coffee = wake up and smell the coffee 别迷迷糊糊的, 好好看看实情 Runnng late!来的晚 I decided to cab to work since I was running late 20 OMG! 美语 Get your hair done! Play it by ear 没有预定计划,随机应变 I'm getting my hair done today Its ok,we'll just play it by ear Yuppie 处于中上阶层的年轻人士 I just want to take an inch off my ends I'd like to shorten my bangs down to touch my eyebr Our neighborhood has recently become a yuppie gathe ows 刘海 ring place I wanna dye my hair red 我们的附近 Less is more 少就是多 Can you make the ends choppy? My hair is too long,I wanna cut it all off! Don't wear too much makeup,less is more!简单就是美 Stuffed 吃饱了 That hair style fits u perfectly I've never eaten so much in my life,I'm so stuffed! I'm having a bad hair day 今天的发型很糟糕 Trendy! 流行的 (另外的意思:一个很不舒服的一天) I don't care what's trendy,I just wanna be comfy! She won by a hair 微弱的优势 You're being so annoying,get out of my hair! 23 OMG! 美语 Text me! Don't be scared,I know he's big dog,but he wouldn't h BRB = be right back urt a hair on your head LOL = laugh out loud Let your hair down!放松一下 NVM = never mind 算了 I've been pulling my hair out over this interview 担心 THX = thanks 得不得了 2nite = tonight 21 OMG! 美语 Let's bounce! BBL = be back later BFF = best friend forever Friday funday 周末快乐 BF = boyfriend Epic 非常好 GF = girlfriend The last Harry Potter movie was epic! My BF is so cute! OMG!it was amazing! Cool beans(回答)好吧 BTW = by the way = BTDubs(更口语) I invited you to my friend's party.It's gonna be really G2G = got to go fun.Cool beans! I'm here,G2G! I'm down 我可以去,我可以做 TTYL = talk to you later I'm down with going shopping if you are. XOXO 亲亲抱抱 It's a toss up!不能比 24 OMG! 美语 OMG! 美语 Go bananas!!! Both soccer players are really good,Yeah,but who's better?It's a toss up! Butter someone up 过分恭维 It was so nice to meet u,I'll facebook u!(初次见面准备要 I've seen you buttering up the boss 走) Couch potato 整天看电视,懒在家的人 My bad!对不起 He is a real couch potato,he just sits and watches TV Are these your bananas yours? My bad,I thought they were at home all day! mine! The big cheese 非常重要的人 Break the ice 打破僵局 That's brandon,he is the big cheese around here,so yo Saying something about the weather is the most typical u want to get on his good side way to break the ice. 获得它的亲睐4 英语角/forum-439-1.html She always suspected he had a good head for math Go bananas,go nuts 发疯的 Lose face 丢脸 My mom will go bananas when she finds out I crash If the teacher can't even answer this simple question,h ed her car e will lose face with his class Spill the beans 泄漏秘密 By the skin of one's teeth 勉强 Come on,tell me,spill the beans,what did he say? I made the 5 o'clock train by the skin of my teeth. Sharp cookie 很聪明的人,不会被人骗 You can't fool Yuyang,she is a sharp cookie. A pain in the neck 惹人讨厌的人或事 Cool as a cucumber 非常冷静,镇定自若 These mosquitoes are a pain in the neck Put your heart into something 用心去做事 She always stays cool as a cucumber when thing go Nothing is difficult if u put your heart into it! wrong Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth 看起来很天真,实 27 OMG! 美语 OMG! 美语 Sing in the shower! 际不是(美国南方人常说) Peter the intern is rude to all the other interns,but wh Take a shower en he talks to his supervisor. Shower gel 沐浴露 I like to use vanilla scented shower gel Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth 他满口都是奉承话 了。 Shampoo and conditioner 洗发精,护发素 When I wash my hair,first I shampoo and then conditi 25 OMG! 美语 Fly away! on it Air travel Wash your face Cayyr-on bag 随身携带的包 I wash my face every morning and night. Checked baggage 托运的行李 Loofa 洗澡海绵 lather 泡沫 Check-in 办理登记手续 A loofa helps the shower gel lather up. After you check your bags at the check-in desk,you st I like to sing in the shower! ill have to go through airport security Face cream 面霜 body lotion 身体乳 Security 机场安检 After showering,I like to put on face cream and body Security will ask you may I please see your passport? lotion Are u flying domestic or international? Hair dryer 吹风机 The flight has been canceled due to bad weather 28 OMG! 美语 dating gossip! Your flight is on time! It's leaving from Gate 8 Can you please tell me the flight number and departu My boyfriend and I just started dating a few weeks a re time? go.His name is Brandon.He's pretty cute!He has brown To board a flight 上飞机 hair and blue eyes. Aisle seat 靠走道的座位 We met through mutual friends when we all went out Window seat 靠窗的座位 to dinner one night,he said his parents are coming to I prefer the aisle seat.I'd like a window seat,please. town soon.I am so nervous to meet the parents! Arrivals 到达 departures 出发 We have so much in common,I think we're a match made in heaven.天造地设 There are fifty arrivals and departures every hour Excuse me ma'am,where can I find the arrivals and d Last week,we got in a fight,we were on the rocks for epartures?航班信息 a bit 出现了一点危机 Those monitors show arrivals and departures He messed up!and he was in the dog house for a fe Have a safe flight! w days 让我很生气 We made up a few days later when he apologized 和 26 OMG! 美语 head over heels 好了 head over heels 很爱上某人,为止神魂颠倒 29 OMG! 美语 Compliments He is head over heals for her Wear your heart on your sleeve 感情外露 If your friend is wearing a nice new piece of clothing, It's better to not wear your heart on your sleeve you can say this Have a good head for something 对某件事很有头脑 Nice suit! Nice dress! Nice jeans!5 英语角/forum-439-1.html Your friend has a new hairdo,I like your new hair sty Party! T.G.I.F = Thank goodness it's Friday le! Throw a party/have a party 开个派对 You're visiting your friend's apartment for the first tim My friend Karen throws the best parties 很会办派对 e Life of the party 聚会中,活跃气氛的中心人物 Your apartment is so cute,I like how you decorated it! I'm so glad Brian is coming out with us tonight,he is the life of the party 出去玩 Your friend played piano for you,That was wonderful, Party pooper 不合群的人 you're really talented He's bringing his girlfriend?she is a such a party poop Your friend helped you solve a difficult problem,like t er hey helped you fix your bike Party hard!玩得很 high That was a big help!thanks so much Party animal 派对迷,喜欢社交活动的人 You're going on a date with someone and you want t Bod parties really hard every weekend,he's a party ani o compliment him or her, mal You look really nice're so fun to talk.nice Wallflower 坐在旁边看得人 shoes! He was being so shy at the party,he was being a wall You're so much fun!this is cool 你很好玩 flower and didn't talk to anybody I really like this restaurant!great choice! Social butterfly 交际花 You're so sweet,thank u so much for a fun date 谢谢 I talk to everybody when I go to party,I'm a social b 你安排了这么好玩的约会 utterfly! 30 OMG! 美语 D.C.! 33 OMG!美语 The Breakup George Washington Washington Monument 华盛顿纪念碑 Breakup 分手 Founding father 建国先驱 My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday Thomas Jefferson He said it's not working Jefferson Memorial 杰佛逊纪念堂 I can't believe it's over,I didn't see this coming at all Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 I guess he let me down easy,he was very nice about Cherry Blossom 樱花盛开 breaking up Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念堂 He said he needs space,he said I love you,but I'm not Abraham Lincoln in love with you Top hat 高礼帽 What does that mean? Civil Rights Movement 民权运动 How long will it take for me to get over this relation ship 31 OMG! 美语 my favourite music! I don't think I'll ever get over him When I'm relaxing or studying,I like to listen to Beet I thought he was my soulmate hoven He broke my heart When I'm getting ready in the morning or going danc 34 OMG! 美语 Gulp Nibble ing ,I like to listen to Lady Gaga 早上化妆时 What's your favorite band? Taste this! It's really good My favorite band is Bon Iver,Their music is so beauti Nibble 一点点地咬 nibble on 吃一点 ful. Nibble on a chip I wasn't hungry at lunch,so I just nibbled on my sand Who is your favorite musician? wich My favorite musician is obviously Lady Gaga! Did u see Lady Gaga's new album dropped today,I ju Binge 大吃 st got it on iTunes 刚刚发行 I binged on ice cream and snacks for an entire day I am Lady Gaga's &little monster& when my boyfriend broke with me Gulp 大口喝,一饮而尽 Lady Gaga's fans are called&little monsters& He gulped down an entire bottle of champagne1 32 OMG!美语 Party!!! TGIF!!! Munch 来点小吃6 英语角/forum-439-1.html We can munch on some chips before dinner so you d Movie buff 电影迷。 I saw every movie that came out on't get too hungry last year,I'm a big movie buff Inhale 吸气,在吃饭时指非常快 Chick 女生,flick 电影 chick flick 言情片 I just inhaled that hamburger,I was so hungry! My friend John won't watch chick flicks with me. He Savor 细细品尝 says they're too girly Horror film 恐怖片。 I slowly drank the coffee,savoring every drop. Never take me to a horror film ever again,I was scare 35 OMG!美语 FREE! FREE! FREE! d out of my wits 魂魄都吓掉了 Free stuff 免费的东西 Sci-fi movie 科幻片 It's free. Sci-fi movies are the coolest! I love Avatar! I got this cell phone for free with a 2-year contract My favorite actor os Robert Downey Jr.. He plays Iro Buy one get one free 买一送一 n Man so well! All jeans are buy one get one free today I didn't like The Smurfs. That movie sucked Free-for-all 大混战 Based on a true story 真人真事 There was a sale at the store,so many people swarme My favorite movie is the Blind Side with Sandra Bull d in when it opened,it was a massive free-for-all 大减 ock,it's based on a true story. 价 38 OMG!美语 Travel Boston! On the house 老板买单,完全免费 Bostonian 波士顿人 Today is your birthday?desert is on the house! NYC = big apple. Boston = Bean Town No such thing as a free lunch 没有免费的午餐 Harvard Square 哈佛广场 I don't think he is giving us money without an ulterio Ivy League School 常春藤大学 r motive.there's no such thing as a free lunch John Harvard founder 撒谎雕像(第一个捐钱的人) Freeload 白吃白喝 Red Sox In America even if you life with your relatives,you ca Fenway Park 芬威球场(很小) nnot be a freeloader Green monster 他的左外野墙 36 OMG!美语 Badonkadonk! Clam Chowder 蛤蜊浓汤 Exercise. Get in shape 健身 39 OMG!美语 Rebound ate Getting a little soft 变得有点胖 I have to get in shape,I'm getting a little soft As you all known,my boyfriend broke up with me las t week. Still hurting Cardio 锻炼心肺功能 tone up 加强锻炼 I do lots if cardio like running to tone up I'm not over it yet,I'm still hurting. The one 命中 Work out. Lift weights 举重 注定的那个人 I lift weights when I work out I thought he was the one. Funk 忧郁, 绝望的. R Yoga. People who do yoga are really fit. ebound 分手后随便找个人约会 Jiggly 胖胖的. My arms get jiggly. muffin top 腰部赘 My friends say I need to get out of this funk and fin 肉 d a rebound date Badonkadonk 打屁股 Pick up 找个新帅哥,美女 not my style 不是我的风 She stopped working out,and she got a little jiggly,I h 格 ear she has a muffin top and a big badonkadonk! My friends tell me to find a new guy,but that's not m I do lots of sit=ups 仰卧起坐 push-ups 俯卧撑 squats y style 蹲坐 Ask someone out 约某人出去 So I don't get a big badonkadonk A guy I met on metro asked me out for coffee. I'm not going to go,it's too soon,It think I'm rea 37 OMG! 美语 Watch a movie! dy to date Let's go see a movie. I wanna watch a movie 40 OMG!美语 Tickled Pink! Have u seen that movie? Subtitles 字幕 I need English subtitles when I watch foreign films Black and white 黑白分明,是非分明7 英语角/forum-439-1.html The movie is set in pre-war London Judge everything as either good or bad Starring 由。 。主演 It's not black and white,just because she has a differe 'Salt' starring Angelina Jolie nt opinion than u do doesn't mean she's wrong. It's n What's that movie about? ot black and white Box office 票房 Feeling blue 感觉特别难过,心情忧郁 I've been feeling blue since my boyfriend broke up w That movie topped the box office last weekend ith me 44 OMG!美语 Blind date! Green with envy 十分嫉妒 My friends were green with envy when they saw the Blind date 由第三方安排的约会,初次见面,相亲 new LV bag I bought My friend set me up on a blind date this weekend Golden opportunity 绝好的机会. This is your golden o Single 单身 double date 两对男女的约会 pportunity. Don't let it pass u by! My friends Henry and Claire who are boyfriend and Tickled pink 非常开心,高兴的要命 girlfriend brought their single guy friend for me to meet,it was a double date I was tickled pink by the compliment Not my type 41 OMG!美语 Cut class! He's a really nice guy but he's not my type Teacher's pet 老师的宠儿 Ex 前男女友 hung up on someone 对某人朝思暮想 Carrie is the teacher's pet I can't help it,I'm still hung up on my ex Bookworm 书虫 45 OMG!美语 Fashion Week! To have your nose in a book 总是专心的看书 Kenzie is a bookworm,she always has her nose in a b Decked out / dressed to kill 盛装打扮 Melissa came to the party dressed to kill/all decked out ook Burn a hole in one's pocket 花钱如流水,花的快 Final 期末考试 Having a cat is expensive,I have to buy so many toys and I am so nervous for my algebra final treats for him,it's burning a hole in my pocket Cut class 逃课 hit the books 很认真的学习 Fly by the seat of your pants 凭感觉,碰运气 I decided to cut class,go to the library and hit the bo We had never seen a situation like this,so we were flying oks,so I'm ready for tomorrow's big final by the seat of our pants 42 OMG!美语 Sick! Hand-me-down 用旧的东西全给某人 This shirt is a hand-me-down from my older sister I feel sick 我感觉不舒服 Sick as a dog 病得厉害 46 OMG!美语 Dead Right!! Andrew is sick as a dog,I'm going to make him some soup Dead meat 死定了 Call in sick 打电话请病假 Wow,what? You cheated on your girlfriend?you are dead i don't feel good,I'm going to call in sick and take the day meat off Dead right 完全对 You are dead right,this is the best coffee in the city Sick in bed 卧病在床 Bob is sick in bed with the flu Dead wrong 完全错 Worried sick 担心得要命 You are dead wrong on this one,Yaoming is the best Thank heavens! You're alright! I was worried sick! basketball player Dead to the world 对周围事物毫无感觉 43 OMG!美语 Favorite Movie! I have been studying day and night for two weeks straight,I Movies feel dead to the world What's your favorite kind of movie? Over my dead body 休想 除非我死了 My favorite movies are adventure movies She moves in to our home,over my dead body! Comedies,the movie takes place in...发生在。 。 。 47 OMG!美语 各种笑! The movie takes place in Beijing The movie is set in ...以什么时间为背景 Crack up 大笑8 英语角/forum-439-1.html Grip 把手 You crack me up! Start a business 创业 Laugh sarcastically 冷笑 Yeah,that's funny.... Put on a false smile 皮笑肉不笑 Day passes 全天票 Her false smile is so unbearable Great deal 划算的交易 Smile 微笑 Zipline 滑索 vibe 气氛 She's all smiles on the outside,but on the inside she's evil!! Word of mouth 口碑很好 Mock 嘲笑 Brooklyn Bridge 布鲁克林大桥(爬它可是违法的) You shouldn't mock other people's flaws Hint 提示 Hang on for dear life 抓紧(白洁真的很敬业,爬那么高 Giggle 咯咯的傻笑 还不忘交我们短语,lol) She giggled at him Forced smile 强颜欢笑 I nailed it 我搞定了 I was so angry!but I forced a smile That was awesome dude!48 OMG!美语 You're such a PEACH!! Bad apple 坏人 He was a bad apple,I'm glad we broke up. Apple of someone's eye 掌上明珠 My brother is the only boy in the family,he is the apple of everyone's eye. Compare apples and oranges 不能相提并论的 Comparing Lady Gaga and Brad Pitt is like comparing apples and oranges You're such a peach!你真好啊 Thanks for helping,You're such a peach! Lemon 不合格的东西 The car u just bought is a lemon! Sour grapes 吃不到葡萄酸葡萄酸 She said my purse is ugly,I think it's a case of sour grapes. 49,50 分别为主持人白洁的采访实录,在此不做实录, 有兴趣的同学可以自行听译,欢迎随时补充 51 OMG!美语 NYC Indoor Rock Climbing! Are you ready to have a blast?开心的玩一通 Brooklyn boulders 全 NYC 最大的室内攀岩健身房 Graffiti 涂鸦 slackline 走绳(练习平衡能力) Top-Rope Climbing 顶绳:有绳的高处攀岩 Bouldering 较低处的无绳攀岩 Nevers of steel 形容人很勇敢 Newbie 新手 To be on the safe side 为了安全起见 Gear up 穿戴全副装备 Harness 安全带 Belay on 做了保护准备 I have no clue 我一点也不了解 Oops 哎呀 52 OMG!美语 Grandma Grandpa Uncle Aunt Grandpa 爷爷,姥爷 I have tow grandpas,my dad's dad and my mom's dad Grandma 奶奶,姥姥 Both of my grandmas,my mom's mom and my dad's mom live in Ohio Uncle 叔叔,伯伯,舅舅,姑父,姨夫...(只要是妈妈或 爸爸的哥哥弟弟) My dad's brother Tom is my uncle, my mom's brother Tim is my uncle Aunt 婶婶,姨妈,姑妈,舅妈...(只要是爸爸或妈妈的 姐姐妹妹)两种读音都行 My mom's sister Sarah is my aunt. My dad's sister Michelle is my aunt 53 OMG!美语 STINKY smells! Stinky 臭味,that's bad Oh,what is that stinky smell? That is nasty 受不了了 Fart 放屁 Bob,did u fart?Bob cut the cheese!放屁 B.O. = body odor 体臭 I gotta shower before we go out tonight,I have some serious B.O.! Bad breath 口臭 Bad breath is a big turn off 有口臭真让人扫兴 Stinky feet 臭脚 OMG!The whole floor smells like stinky feet! 54 OMG!美语 Totes Magotes!! I am obsessed with Lady Gaga,I love her music. Dig 很喜欢 i really dig this coffee shop I dig your shoes,they're so cute! I really dig him,he's so nice! This is my thing 这是我特别喜欢做的事情 Dancing is my thing!我特别喜欢跳舞9 英语角/forum-439-1.html I can't wait!等不及 Sleeping is my thing Cooking is my thing I can't wait to get off work! I leave for the vacation Supes cool 很酷 supes = super tonight! totes cool 很酷 totes = totally So psyched 很兴奋 We get to meet Lady Gaga tonight? I'm so psyched. This shirt is supes cool, I'm gonna get it! Transformer 3 was totes cool! 58 OMG!美语 Def OBVI!! Supes this...... Supes that......Totes awesome... Totes magotes 当然啦! (从'I love you,Man'这部电影中) Def=definitely 当然 You wanna go out tonight? Totes magotes Are u going to the party? Def! I am def going to the party. 55 OMG!美语 SNOOZE button! Obvi=obviously 很明显 Hit the snooze button 按下闹钟上的止闹按钮 She obvi has a crush on you! I hit the snooze button a few times beupfore I finally get Are u going to Lada Gaga's concert tonight? Get up and get ready 起床,准备好 Obvi! To get ready in the morning,I take a shower Jeli = jealous 嫉妒的 Do my makeup and do my hair OMG!Your boyfriend is so cute!it's not fair... Smoothie 沙冰 Don't be jeli! I make a smoothie for a breakfast every morning,it has OMG! I totes love your LV bag! I want one... bananas and strawberries in it ,so healthy! Don't be jeli! Hop on the metro 上地铁 Gorg = gorgeous 在 D.C.,地铁叫做 metro Angelina Jolie is supes gorg! 在 NYC,地铁叫做 subway Fo sho = for sure!那绝对的 I take my smoothie with me and hop on the metro Do you like Lada Gaga? Fo sho! You wanna go out tonight? fo sho! 56 OMG!美语 Bust my butt! 59 OMG!美语 Ta-Da!!! Bust my butt!努力地工作 When I get to work,I bust my butt Ta-Da=look 看、瞧 Goof around 游手好闲 I got u a little present! Ta-da! It's a kitty. I have a lot to get done,there is no time to goof around Drum roll,please!请来一连串击鼓! Get some air 呼吸新鲜空气 想显示好玩的消息就说此句 I always take a lunch break and eat outside to get some air Voila!(瓦剌,法语,美国人常用感叹词) Get off work 下班 那就是,瞧的意思 See what my friends are up to,when I get off work 打电话 Voila! A delicious dinner just for u! (或短信)给我的朋友看他们在干什么 There ya have it!就这样(讲故事完了之后就这样说) Hey Melissa, whatchu up to?(on the phone) Wanna come There ya have it! That's how I met Lady Gaga! over? That's it 就这些 Hang out at my house.在我家玩 That's it. I've got nothin' else for ya! We all usually hang out at my house after work 60 OMG!美语 Makeup! 57 OMG!美语 Totes STOKED! Foundation 粉底 Really excited 很激动 Many women use foundation before putting on makeup I'm really excited to see New York. SPF 防晒系数 So stoked 很激动 My foundation also has SPF 15 Girl's night 只有女孩子参加的姐妹淘聚会 You need eye shadow 眼影 I'm so stoked for our big girls night out! Liquid eyeliner 眼线液 Awesome 棒极了 Mascara 睫毛膏 You got front row seats to the concert? This is gonna be That mascara makes your eyes look so pretty! awesome. Put on some powder to help the makeup stay.粉,定妆10 英语角/forum-439-1.html Blush 腮红 Hola amigo! Would u like to try this new kind of blush? Hola! What's up? Hey amigo!how r u? Lip gloss 唇彩 Lip stick 口红 Adios!拜拜 See u tomorrow! Adios! And finally, a little bit of lip gloss! Nail polish 指甲油 Hola, amigo and adios 都是西班牙语 Bon voyage!一路平安,一路顺风(法语) I really like red nail polish,,how about you? I hope you have a wonderful trip! Bon voyage! 61 OMG!美语 SHAKE IT!! Gracias 谢谢(读音类似于 glass)(西班牙语) Clubbing 泡吧 Oh, you got me a latte? Gracias! I just wanna dance! De nada!不客气,不用谢(西班牙语) Let's get down the floor!开始跳舞吧 It as buy one get one free! Let's shake it!我们跳舞吧,摇吧 65 OMG!美语 Night Night Sleep Tight!! Do the robot!跳机械舞吧 She can really do the robot! Good morning! Head bang 摇头舞(跟着强烈的音乐节奏甩头跳舞) Good morning,sunshine! This song rocks!这首歌很赞,好好听 Good morning,how r u? Today is going to be a great day! 62 OMG!美语 Fall Foliage ! 秋叶景色! Mornin'! have a good day! Fall Foliage ! 秋叶景色! Rise and shine!该起床了 Need a ride? Rise and shine! Breakfast is ready! Ski lift 滑雪缆车 Good night, night night,night,goodnight Leafer 赏叶人 Night night! Sweet dreams! Apple fest 苹果节 Goodnight! Sleep tight!睡个好觉 Blueberry Pie Eating Contest Night night! I have to get my beauty sleep Chainsaw Carving 电锯雕刻 Good night, have a good evening! Candied Apple 苹果糖葫芦 66 OMG!美语 What a JERK! 63 OMG!美语 Okey-dokey! This sucks! That sucks 很烂,很差 Okey-dokey!好吧,可以啊 This party sucks,let's bounce I'll see u soon! Okey-dokey! Crappy 差的(任何物) Sounds good 听起来不错,好吧 That movie is crappy I'll bring desert to your dinner party,how about...brownies! Computer is crappy Oooo! Sounds good! That's a crappy movie. I;m down with that. I'm down 好吧,乐意去 Your shoes,if they fall apart,crappy shoes Let's go out tonight! I wanna dance! These shoes are so crappy, I've been wearing them for two I'm down with that. I'm down! weeks. And you can see,they're already falling apart.crappy You got it!好吧,可以啊 shoes. I'll meet you at 5? You got it! I am exhausted 累死了 I'll meet you at your house? You got it. OMG,I am exhausted,I just worked an 18 hour day Sure thing,好吧,当然啦 So not cool!太不酷了 I'll see u next weekend? Sure thing! What?! She was flirting with your boyfriend?So not cool! Can you watch my dog while I'm gone next weekend? Bad form 粗鲁的,不良的表现 这里 gone 是形容词用法,离开的意思。 It's bad form to talk about yourself too much in front of others. Jerk,what a jerk,he is a jerk,don't listen to him.笨蛋 64 OMG!美语 Hola amigo! 67 OMG!美语 Yo Homie!! Hola!你好 amigo!朋友11 英语角/forum-439-1.html You did WHAT!? I said don't freak out! Sup? = what's up 怎么啦,干什么呀,怎么样,你好 You little jerk!笨蛋 I heard you have some news,sup?听说你有点事和我说, 怎么了? Freaks me out 让我紧张 Yo! = hey! Just the thought of the final exam freaks me out,I need to study Yo! What's up? Dawg 狗的意思,在嘻哈语里面褒义词就是够义气的哥 A really wierd guy followed me home last night!I was so 们. Yo dawg! freak out 紧张死了 Homie. That's my homie! Sup homie? 兄弟 Control freak 控制狂 That's my dog! My boss is such a control freak,he changes everything I Bob is my dawg! do! Shortie 辣妹 Clean freak / neat freak 洁癖狂 Shortie you lookin' good today! Glee 中的 Emma 就是一个 哈哈! Boo 男朋友/女朋友的 My roommate is such a neat freak! She cleans the I love my boo apartment every day! Mad skills 太强了,太厉害了 Health freak 健康狂 Melissa's got mad skills! She can really do the robot! Melissa is a big health freak. She only eats salads Hook me up 给我吧 70 OMG!美语 SORRY!!! Is that the new Lady Gaga song? Hook me up! Different ways to apologize! Are you going to the grocery? Will me hook me up with I apologize. some bread? I apologize for the inconvenience 68 OMG!美语 Mexican food! I own you an apology. I love Mexican food! I was rude last night, I own you an apology. Salsa 墨西哥食物中辣调味汁 Sorry about that I love salsa I'm sorry,we're all sold out of the jeans Salsa is usually a mix of tomatoes,onions hot peppers and I'm sorry I hurt you,I didn't mean to! cilantro.香菜 I know I'm late,I got stuck in traffic,sorry about that! I like spicy salsa!我喜欢很辣的 salsa My bad 对不起,抱歉 Guacamole 鳄梨色拉酱(在墨西哥,几乎每家餐厅都会 Did you get the movie tickets?I forgot.... My bad! 提供) Forgive me , please forgive me It is made of avocado 鳄梨;鳄梨树 I totally forgot we had plans,please forgive me! Avocado 又被称为牛油果 Oopsies oops! I'm sorry oops!my bad Tortilla chips 玉米薄饼 Oops!please forgive me That needs sugar. I added salt instead of sugar!oopsies! Burrito 墨西哥卷饼 Burrito baby 跟一个新生婴儿一样大的墨西哥卷饼 71 OMG!美语 各种音乐!! This burrito has a lot of stuff inside,there is rice,beans,corn,salsa,cheese,guacamole and a little lettuce Pop 流行音乐 Nothing better than this! Pop music is so fun to dance to. I love Gaga1 Lady Gaga &Edge of Glory& 69 OMG!美语 FREAK OUT!!! Hip hop 嘻哈 Freak 怪人 I like to listen to hip hop when I go running,it keeps me Look at that guy! He has blue spikey hair! What a freak!刺 pumped up!兴奋 猬一样的 Karmin Covers &Super Bass& Freaky 奇怪的 R&B = rythme and blues 节奏布鲁斯 I had a freaky dream last night.I dream I was 10 feet taller R&B music can be so romantic! So much love in the lyrics than everyone! Adele &Someone like you& Freak out!!发飙了,发脾气 Country music 乡村音乐 yeeee-haw!!! Wooo hooo!! Ok,don't freak out... I lost your computer. Country music,baby!yeehaw!12 英语角/forum-439-1.html I'm from Ohio,a lot of people in my home town listen to Say that 3 times fast! country music. She sells sea shells down by the sea shore Say that 3 times! Big & Rich &Save a Horse[Ride a Cowboy]& Jazz 爵士乐 A big black bug bit a big black bear made the big black bear bleed blood Jazz is so relaxing.I listen to it on weekend mornings when I make breakfast Say it3 times fast! Etta James&At Last& 75 OMG!美语 各种 Parties! 72 OMG!美语 MORE music!! Birthday party Blues 蓝调 Are you going to my birthday tomorrow night? We're all going to my favorite Chinese restaurant. If you have the blues,you can relate to this type of music Blue grass “蓝草”音乐 Housewarming party 乔迁之喜派对 Blue grass is kinda like country but it has a lot more banjo Bob just bought a new house! He's inviting all of his 乡村音乐, 班卓琴 friends over for a housewarming party. Classical music 古典乐 G oing away party/farewell party 欢送会 Classical music is so beautiful, I listen to it when I study. Cameron is moving to New York, we're throwing him a Opera 歌剧 going away party tonight! I sing opera in the shower! Baby shower 婴儿洗礼 Swing/big band 摇摆乐 Yiru is having a baby girl, what should I get her for the My favorite big band music is obvi Frank Sinatra! baby shower? bridal shower 新娘结婚前的派对 73 OMG!美语 Fist pump!! We're going to Melissa's bridal shower tomorrow. What did Punk 朋克摇滚乐 you get her? I got her a really funny gift! Punk fans are known for being crazy,they have body 76 OMG!美语 Man up!! piercings all over their face,they have crazy color hair, and their music is just as crazy.就是这么 Man up 男子气一点 Broadway music/showtunes Man up and kill that spider! It's scaring me... Showtunes are songs featured in musicals 音乐剧中的歌 Man to man 老实说,坦率说 曲 Man to man,what happened yesterday? Woman to woman, what happened yesterday? House 浩室舞曲 There's only one dance you can do when you dance to Man cave 男人的私人空间 Where's danny? He 's in the&man cave&playing video house music,fist pump!!! Indie 独立摇滚乐 games Indie music is very popular among American college Man-child 看起来是一个成年男子,实际上却很不成熟 students,some people call indie,&emo&because it's very I broke up with Brandon,he was def a man-child emotional!感性 Maneater 少男杀手 Boy bands 男孩乐队 Rachel once had 5 boyfriends in 1 month! What a Don't tell anybody,but I still listen to N*Sync all the time! maneater! They're my facorite boy band! 77 OMG!美语 Go Girl! 74 OMG!美语 Tongue Twisters -P Girly 女生气的 Red leather,yellow leather That dress is too girly, I don't like wearing pink, it makes Say that 3 times fast me look too much like Barbie! How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a Like a girl 像女生一样做什么,做的不太好 woodchuck could chuck wood 土拨鼠 Go girl!!加油,女孩子们 Say that 3 times fast! I went running with Adam and he couldn't keep up. I told If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Where's him you run like a girl! He was so mad! the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? Babe 美女、男女朋友相互的昵称13 英语角/forum-439-1.html Out of the world 了不起的 Jessica Alba is a babe! My math teacher is out of this world,I have learned so Hey babe. I love you! much from her! Hey babe, let's cook some dinner! Girl talk 女孩子或女人之间的谈话 80 OMG!美语 Don't worry! It's time for girl talk. All I wanna talk about is makeup,clothes and cute boys! Comfort someone It'll be ok 一切都会好的 Womanizer 花花公子 Don't worry about it Don't fall for Bob,he's a womanizer Oh you and your boyfriend broke up,don't worry about it. &womanizer&is also a really good Britney Spears song! it'll be ok 78 OMG!美语 Bubble Tea Bash! It's not the end of the world 天不会塌下来 Foodie 美食家 It's not the end of the world, he was a jerk anyway Bubble tea 珍珠奶茶 You'll get through this 你能挺过这件事的 Jumbo 巨大的,片中是那家奶茶店的招牌,形容大颗的 I'll help you get through this. How about this? We'll eat ice 珍珠 cream and watch movies all night! Tapioca 粉圆=boba=bubble You'll be fine!你肯定会好起来的 The real deal 最正宗的 You'll be fine! There're plenty more fish in the sea! Taiwanese cuisine 台湾美食 81 OMG!美语 Spotty Cell Service Customized 根据顾客的需要来做 Zen 禅宗 Smart phone Thai iced bubble tea 泰式珍珠奶茶 I just got a smart phone,this thing is so cool! Cravings 非常渴望 Service is so spotty here!信号不好 Hit the spot 特别合我的口味 I can't hear you,can you hear me now?are you there? Cozy 舒适、惬意 My phone is dead 手机没电了 Mellow out 放松 Oh no,I think my phone died Dim sum 点心 I need to charge it It caught my eye 吸引眼球 I need to plug it in High end 高端的 82 OMG!美语 Puppy Dog Eyes -P It blows my mind 让人惊喜 Innovative 创新 Dog days dog days of summer Happy hour 欢乐时光 夏天最热的几天 Pork puff 酥皮猪肉 I am so happy the dog days of summer are over! Chive dumpling 韭菜饺子 Bring on the cold weather! Crispy prawn balls 炸虾球 Just a puppy 新手 Twist 创新 Oh he's just a puppy,he has so much to learn! Dog eat dog world 弱肉强食的世界 79 OMG!美语 SUPES cool! It's a dog eat dog world! You got man up!坚强一点 Crazy good 非常好 Puppy dog eyes 撒娇 Try this cake I made,it's crazy good Don't give me the puppy dog eyes! They don't work on me To verb the heck out of something 很想做什么 83 OMG!美语 SportySportySporty I'm going to eat the heck out of that cake! Sporty 喜欢运动的人,像运动员的 I'm going to wear the heck out of these shoes! I'm going to drink the heck out of this coffee! Scott is a sporty guy,he plays basketball all the time I'll slap the heck out of you If you tell anybody my secret Athletic 身体健壮的,活跃的 Amazing 非常好,非常惊人 I am not athletic, I'm so bad at sports! This guy is amazing! He's cute,funny and smart! In shape 健美 I'll never get in shape unless I eat less and exercise more! Supes awesome 太好了 You got the job? That's supes awesome! Active 活跃的14 英语角/forum-439-1.html I'd like to be active on weekend, I usually go on hikes or I'll teach you how to dance,It's a breeze! bike rides Come rain or come shine 不管发生什么情况,风雨无阻 I'll stay by your side come rain or come shine! Fit 健美 Football players are so fit! I can't believe how big their Steal someone's thunder 抢别人的风头 I made all of the food for the dinner party,but Anna took muscles are! credit for it! I can't believe she would steal my thunder like 84 OMG!美语 Halloween!! that!她的功劳 Take a rain check 下次吧,改天再说 Halloween!!万圣节 ...are u scared?? I'm so busy tonight,I can't make it to dinner,can I take a Trick or treat 美国万圣节习俗,小孩子装扮好的时候, rain check? 就去他们附近的每个房间敲门,门打开的时候他们就说 Under the weather 不舒服,而不是具体得了什么病 Trick or treat! !意思是不给糖的话就捣乱 Brain is feeling a little under the weather,so I'm going to Jack-o-lantern!南瓜灯 make him some soup I am so excited to go to the trick or treating tonight! 87 OMG!美语 Hang out with 白洁 ! Halloween costume 万圣节服装 I don't have a Halloween costume yet...what should I be? Hang out 一起待着 I'm going as a witch!! What are you doing tonight? I'm hangin' out with Melissa Get toghther 见面,相聚 I'm dressing up as a ghost! We must get together soon! 85 OMG!美语 Chillax!! I want to try that new Chinese restaurant 打发 Chill,chill out(第一个意思)和朋友一起放松、休闲、 Spend some time with you 和你共度时光 时间 I can't wait to spend some time with Priya,I haven't seen her for a whole year! Let's chill out at my house after work What r u doing? I'm just chillin' with Melissa I wanna see you OMG! You're coming to D.C.?? I wanna see you,let's get Chill,chill out(第二个意思)休息、放松 I have been studing all day!! I need to chill out! dinner when you come to town! Let's watch a movie! Meet up 见个面 Chill,chill out(第三个意思)别着急、冷静 You wanna meet up after work? Let's go tp happy hour! I can't find my sunglasses,where are they!? Chill 88 OMG!美语 问路!! out,they're on your head! OMG! I'm so nervous for the exam! Chill out! You'll do Excuse me. I'm a little lost... Can you help me? fine! Can you help me find...? Chill,chill out 另一种说法是 chillax! Can you help me find the library? I just wanna chillax tonight! How do I get to...? I'm so nervous for the interview tomorrow! Chiilax girl How do I get to the nearest grocery? you'll do great! Can you point me to the direction of...? Chilly 冷 Can you point me to the direction of. The nearest metro It's chilly outside stop? OMG! It's snowing! Can you please tell me how to get to...? Chilled to the bone 感到寒气刺骨 Can you please tell me how to get to 300 C Street? Many people on the east coast were chilled to the bone last 89 OMG!美语 Central Park! weekend by the early snow storm. Central Park 中央公园 86 OMG!美语 Steal My Thunder New York's backyard 纽约的后花园 Fair weather friend 酒肉朋友 New Yorker 纽约人 Mike hasn't called me since I lost job,I guess he's just a fair Must-see 必看的 weather friend. The world is your oyster 尽情享受 It's a breeze 这是很容易的 Have a field day 户外运动15 英语角/forum-439-1.html First and foremost 最初的,最主要的 Oh, for the love of Pete!! Bob is 30 minutes late for dinner, Soak up the sun 沐浴阳光 I'm leaving. The Mall(公园中唯一笔直的大道) Love handles 腰部赘肉 Elm Tree 榆树 Cameron told me to lay off the junk food,because he Take a stroll 散步、闲逛 thinks I'm getting love handles! He is so mean!! Bethesda Fountain 毕士达喷泉 Misery loves company 同病相怜,或者是自己遇到不开 The best of both worlds 具有两方面的优势 心的事,不想让别人好受 It's way cool=so cool Why is Ralph so grumpy today? He got in a fight with his Take my breath away 美的让人吃惊 girlfriend last night.Misery loves company Snack stand 零食摊 Love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系 I have a love-hate relationship with cookies... Feast your eyes on this 饱尝眼福 They taste so good, but they're so fattening! They give me Soft pretzel 椒盐脆饼 love handles!! It's always packed 人多、拥挤 Penguins 企鹅 92 OMG!美语 so CHEESY! It has something for everyone 适合每个人来 Chess 下棋[t?es](注意与 cheese 的区别) Fishy 可疑,靠不住 Checkmate 被将死、输掉 Your story sounds a little fishy. Tell me the truth! Pitch in 做出贡献 Cheesy 俗气,庸俗,没水平,很愚蠢 I was at the coffee shop and some guy says Are u a magnet? Carriage ride 马车 Slip away 消逝,溜走 Because I'm attracted to you! And I was thinking...OMG!! Have your cake and eat it too 两者兼得 That is the cheesiest pick up line ever!搭讪 I love watching gossip girl, but Melissa won't watch it with 90 OMG!美语 Freezing my BUTT off! me!because she thinks it's too cheesy! So cold!这么冷 In a nutshell 长话短说 How did it get so cold outside? Well,in a nutshell,I like watching cheesy TV shows! I'm freezing my butt off!屁股冻僵了 That's my cup of tea!很合我的胃口 I hate cold weather! That's not my cup of tea!不是我的爱好 Chilly 冷 Danceing is my cup of tea! It's a little too chilly to go running this morning! I'm going Sleeping in is my cup of tea!睡懒觉 back to bed! Washing the dishes is not my cup of tea I'm so cold....I can't feel my fingers! Use your noodle 动动你的脑子 I've been out in the cold all day!I can't feel my fingers! Guys, Chinese is too hard...I can't study anymore! Nippy 有点冷 Don't give up! Use your noodle! It's a bit nippy outside! I should wear more layers!穿厚点 93 OMG!美语 No Thanks..!! Ice cold 非常冷 There is no way I'm going outside today! It is ice cold No thinks,不要,谢谢 outside! You wanna go to lunch with me? Oh, no thanks,I packed lunch today. 91 OMG!美语 LOVE handles -P Maybe next time 下次吧 Love of my life 一生的爱 Hey, I have an extra ticket to a play tonight, wanna go with Melissa says Mike her new boyfriend is the love of her life! me? Oh, no, I can't! I have to work tonight.Maybe next When will I find the love of my life!? time. Oh, for the love of Pete!! 天啊,表示无可奈何,很受挫 I don't think so.我不想(做什么) 折的,很沮丧的。 Heyyy, pretty lady! Can I take you out to dinner? 同样可以说 for the love of ...anything! sorry..I don't think so.. Oh, for the love of cats! Why not?为什么不? Oh, for the love of ....China! I don't think so,OK?I have a boyfriend. Oh, for the love chocolate!!! I'll have to get back to you 我会再和你联系的16 英语角/forum-439-1.html mean! When can we meet and discuss this business deal? En,I'll I don't grasp the meaning 我不懂这个意思 have to get back to you, I'm very busy Not right now 不是现在,现在不行 Excuse me, Mr.Jones? I'm not grasping the meaning of Hey, let's go shopping! I need some new shoes! today's lesson. I'm not following I shouldn't have to tell you why I'm mad, you should know. Not right now,I have too much homework to do today. 拒绝完之后再加一句:Thank you anyway 不过还是谢谢 I'm not following. 你了 96 OMG!美语 白洁的日记 第一 Maybe next time, thank you anyway! Not right now,thank you anyway! Where is 白洁 from? I can't make it to dinner.thank you anyway! I grew up in Columbus the capital city of Ohio.Columbus has a population of about 78,000 people. Now I live in 94 OMG!美语 白洁 TOAST!! Washington,D.C. the capital of the U.S. How many people are in 白洁's family? Bread 面包 There are 3 people in my family me and my parents. I'm an Bagel 硬面包圈 Hello! I'm Mr.Bagel! only child! Some people say only children are kinda I eat a bagel for breakfast every morning. spoiled. Well, they're kinda right...! I cut it in half and then I toast it and then I spread cream What is 白洁's favorite color? cheese on each half. En, how good does that look!? This is My favorite color is pink, pink makes me so happy. my favorite food! I love bread. What is 白洁's favorite food? This is a loaf of bread 一条面包 My favorite food is probably coffee! I drink at least three cups of coffee every day! In the winter I like to drink soup. This loaf of bread smells so good! Does 白洁 have a boyfriend? I'm still single, I think it's Baguette 法式长棍面包 A baguette is a very long and thin loaf of bread which is because I'm still a little hurt by the breakup I went through known for its very crispy crust 硬的面包皮 this summer. Muffin 松饼 Does 白洁 have any hidden talents? I can wiggle my ears! Can you see? You're so cute, little muffin! My favorite type of muffin is the blueberry muffin, 97 OMG!美语 Hey GIRL!! blueberry muffins are a very popular type of muffin and they can be found in most coffee shops Girl 对女性朋友的称呼 Hey!Girl! 你好 Toast 烤面包 Hey girl! How you doin'? Which one's toasted? This is a piece of toast and this a a Hey girl! I haven't seen you in so long! piece of bread. Babe 意思一:男朋友对女朋友的称呼 Most Americans like to eat toast for breakfast alongside Hey babe! You look so pretty today! some scrambled eggs!炒鸡蛋 意思二:女孩子对她们的女性朋友的称呼 I have a special way of making toast. First, I toast a piece Hey babe! Let's go shopping today! of bread,nice and toasty and then I spread a little peanut 意思三:女朋友对男朋友的称呼 butter on top drizzle it with honey! That is &Bai Jie Toast& Hey babe, you look so handsome today. 95 OMG!美语 我不懂! Sister sis 姐姐、妹妹 也可以对女性朋友说&hey sister!& I don't get it 我不懂 And that' s how you calculate how much time it will take 通常是女性朋友之间 hey sister. Hey sis the spaceship to reach the moon. I don't get it 对家人可以说 hey sis will you make me a sandwich? Catch your drift 懂你的意思 Make your own sandwich! So.... I think it's going to happen! Do you catch my drift?? 女孩子们对你很熟的女性朋友就可以说 I'm not catching your drift. I don't get what you mean. Hey sister! Wanna eat lunch with me today? Did you tell Mike we're going to the party? I don't get what Hey woman! Hey lady!很口语的,女孩子们对你们很熟 you mean... 的女的朋友的称呼 Did you see the invitation? No wonder You don't get what I Hey lady! Are you ready to go to dinner?17 英语角/forum-439-1.html Hey woman! I really like your shoes! They are so cute! I lived in China in 2007,I studied Mandarin in Beijing and 98 OMG!美语 Dude, Sup!Hangzhou from january to june and then I worked at an English language magazine in Hangzhou that summer Dude 用法一:在 greeting 前面 dude! What's up? Dude, what's goin' on? Dude how are you? What's goin' on dude? How you doin' dude? Cappuccino:&hello everyone,I'm cappuccino,first of all,I 用法二:朋友(无论男女) want to say I really like 白洁's program OMG!美语 and Melissa is my dude! Bob is also my dude. now I want to ask you some questions.first of all,I think Man 和 dude 一样 most guys have asked you why are you learning Chinese? Hey Man, what's up?. Hey man what's goin' on? And how can you do it so well?& Bob is my man! Pamela Wu:&why do you learn Chinese? How long did you 表示不高兴:man, I an so tired... study Chinese?& Man i'm hungry... Bro 和 buddy 朋友 I started studying Chinese in college,I think Chinese is Sup bro?嘿,怎么样?也可以叫哥哥弟弟 bro such a beautiful language! And I also think Chinese sounds Hey buddy! Or hey bud!对男性朋友称呼 a lot like music. I love music so of course I also fell in love Hey bud, how's it going? with Chinese Hey buddy, are you ready to go to dancing? Katherine:&hello 白 洁 I'm Kathrine from Hong 99 OMG!美语 WHAT on earth!Kong,China. Before I ask you my question I really want to On earth , in the world 到底是什么,究竟是什么 say thank you for your fantastic teaching, I have learned a What in the world was that!? lot from 's you who told that English is not only a What on earth?究竟是什么? subject.learning English can be fun as is my Who,what,when,where,why+in the world/ on earth question.I know that you are enthusiastic about music so Who on earth would say something so mean? have you ever listened to Chinese music? Do you have any What in the world are you wearing? favorite Chinese singers? I hope I can be chosen for your Where on earth are we? We are so lost.. diary,thank you& Why in the world do you like watching 'Glee!'? It's so cheesy! I'm sure this is old by now I really really like 萧亚轩 这两个词组也可以让形容词的范围扩大 ELVA 的音乐!I really like her music Melissa is the coolest girl on earth. Coffee is the best thing in the world! China is the coolest place in the world. 在使用 in the world 的时候还可以再加上一个 wide 101 白洁日记 #3 继续回答粉丝的提 In the whole wide world! Coffee is the best thing in the whole wide world!问100 OMG! 美语 白洁的日记 第二 Frank:&I have a question to ask you,will you come to China? I wanna see you!& 过骏: “Hi 白洁,have you ever been to China or do you have any plan of coming here?” 乔博: “have you ever been in China,how do you think about China?” Elysia:&have you ever been to China?if not, do you have a plan to go there someday?& Pamela wu:&have you ever been to China?that's all and I really love your teaching video,bye bye&1) See where 白洁 shoots @OMG 美语 2) What type of guy does 白洁 like? 3) 白洁's FAV new TV show!18 英语角/forum-439-1.html Twi-hards 暮光迷,也就是《暮光之城》这部电影的追 4) 白洁's fav form of transportation。 星族。 想问白洁一个问题吗?录你的问题,然后发至
Bieber Fever!!! 比伯流感。 Justin Bieber 是 90 后男歌星。 Fever 就是发烧的意思。Bieber Fever 就是像流感一样, 感染着每个人。102Happy Thanksgiving 感恩节快乐 (一)1) Pilgrims and Indians 清教徒和印第安人 2) Thanksgiving Dinner 感恩节晚餐 3) visit family 看望家人 4) extended family 所有的亲戚 5) catch up 和很久没见面的人好好聊一聊 6) Eat turkey! 吃火鸡! 7) Give thanks 感谢Gleeks 是 Glee 这个电视剧的追星族。 Gleek 由两个词构 成,一个是电视剧的名字 Glee,另一个是 geek,书呆子 的意思。 103Happy Thanksgiving 感恩节快乐( Happy Thanksgiving!! 感恩节快乐! 1) Turkey 火鸡 2) star of the show 重点 3) stuffing 填料 4) mashed potatoes & gravy 土豆泥和肉汁 5) cranberry sauce 小红梅酱 6) must-have 必须要的105 白洁日记 #4 - My Favorites7) pumpkin pie 南瓜派 8) from scratch 自己用基本材料1) Who is 白洁's favorite Chinese male singer? 2) What is 白洁's biggest dream? 3) 白洁's favorite Chinese tea? 4) What are 白洁's holiday plans?9) Gobble 火鸡的声音104 感恩节疯狂抢购:黑色星期五 BLACK FRIDAY1)五 Black Friday 黑色星期106 美国各种追星族:Super Fans!super fans - 追星族;超级粉丝 little monster - 小怪物,指 Lady Gaga 的追星族。Lady Gaga 被粉丝们叫做 Mother Monster(妈妈怪物)2) crack of dawn 黎明,天刚亮 3) be a sucker for something 被……吸引 4) shop 'til you drop 购物到腿软 5) beat the crowds 比别人都来得早,避开购物高峰19 英语角/forum-439-1.html 3) Pisces 双鱼座 2 月 20 号 - 3 月 20 号 107 跟 Get 有关的表达:GET real 现实点吧! 4) Aries 白羊座 3 月 21 号 - 4 月 20 号 5) Taurus 金牛座 4 月 21 号 - 5 月 21 号 我们下周学更多星座! get real - 现实点吧,别傻了。 Question: What's the difference between horoscope, constellation, and zodiac sign? get lost - 走开! Answer: Horoscope = 运势 Constellation = 空中的星座; Zodiac sign = 每个月的星座,比如水瓶座。 get out of town - 真的吗?别唬我!110What's your sign 你是什么 星座的(二)Happy Monday! 更多星座! 1) Gemini 双子座 May 22 -June 21 2) Cancer 巨蟹座 June 22 - July 22 3) Leo 狮子座 July 23 - August 21 4) Virgo 处女座 August 22 - September 23get a life - 开始过更充实、有趣的生活。 get with it - 赶快着手做该做的事!108 怎么用英语说衣服上的各个部位1) collar 衬衣领子 2) collared shirt 有领子的衬衣 3) popped collar 竖起来的衣领 4) ruffles 花边 5) short sleeve shirt 短袖衬衣 6) cuff 袖口 7) hood 衣服上的帽子 8) zipper 拉链 9) zip up 拉上拉链 10) wrinkly 有皱纹的 11) needs to be ironed 需要熨一下109What's your zodiac sign 你是什么星 座的(一) What's your zodiac sign 你是什么星座 的?1) Do you believe in the zodiac ? 你相信星座吗? 2) Aquarius 水瓶座 1 月 21 号 - 2 月 19 号20 英语角/forum-439-1.html21 英语角/forum-439-1.htmlHi 白 洁 , this is jingkai Greetings from Singapore! Do you have any travel plans for the coming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays? Where would you like to travel the most? Would China be one of your ideal destination to go? Hi jingkai, I plan to travel to Ohio to spend Christmas with my family! Traveling to China is definitely ideal, I wanna meet all of my OMG 美语 fans! Hello 白 洁 I'm Tracy I like tennis! What's your favorite sport? OMG! I am so bad at sports! But I love going running in the's a great way to start the day! 美语 美国各种追星族 ! 108 OMG! OMG!美语 美国各种追星族! Super Fans!追星族 Little monsters 小怪物,是 Lady Gaga 的追星族 Little monsters are Lady Gaga's biggest fans,Lady Gaga is called Mother Monster.I am totes Lady Gaga's little monster. Are you a little monster? Paws up, little monsters! Twi-hards 暮光迷,是暮光之城的追星族 The craziest Twi-hards camped outside of movie theaters for days so they could be the first in line to see the new Twilight movie Bieber fever!!!比伯流感 Justin Bieber 是 90 后男歌星,fever 就是发烧的意 思 Have you heard Justin Bieber's new Christmas album? I have Bieber Fever all over again! Gleeks 是 Glee 这部电视剧的追星族 &Gleeks& comes from 2 words.the show name &Glee& and &geek& which means &nerd&. People who love Glee are proud to be called &Gleeks& I am totes a Gleek! I watch Glee every week! 美语 GET real! OMG!美语 109 OMG! Get real!别傻了 I think Bod and I are going to get married. Get real, you met him 3 days ago! Get lost!走开 I don't wanna see you anymore. Get lost! Get out of town,真的吗?别唬我 Get out of town!you met Lady Gaga! OMG! I'm so jealous! Get a life!开始过一个更为充实或更有趣的生活 I wish Melissa would get a life! She's always studying! Who's gonna go dancing with me? Get with it.快点着手做某件该做的事 Get with it.,you have a huge exam tomorrow! 美语 Pop your collar! 110 OMG! OMG!美语 Collar,this is collar 你衬衣的领子 Collared shirt 有领子的衬衣 This is a popped collar! 竖起来 Some people like to pop the collars on their shirts Short sleeve shirt 短袖衬衣 You guys know I love short sleeve shirts! Cuff 袖口 I like to roll up my shirt's cuffs I think it looks cute! Hood 带帽子的 I wear a hooded sweatshirt when I go running in the morning 带帽子的运动衫 Zipper 拉链 This is a zipper when I do's called &zipping up& Zip up 拉上拉链 Zip up your sweatshirt! It's cold outside! Ruffles 花边 I love the ruffles on this shirt! This shirt is so wrinkly! Can you see? OMG! This shirt is supes wrinkly! It needs to be ironed! 美语 Zodiac Signs 星座 第一 OMG!美语 111 OMG! Aquarius January 21-February 19 水瓶座 What is the Aquarius December 2011 horoscope? 运 势如何? Do you believe in the zodiac?相信星座嘛? Pisces February 20-March 20 双鱼座 Pisces treats others like family and is very understanding Aries March 21-April 20 白羊座 I hear Aries buys the first thing that catch its eye Taurus April 21-May 21 金牛座 The zodiac sign Taurus stands for growth and maturity. All of my Taurus friends are such23 英语角/forum-439-1.htmlresponsible people! 112 OMG! 美语 Vegas Hotels! OMG!美语 MGM 米高梅大酒店(代表是狮子,米高梅电影 开头那一段,一定记得吧。 ) Over the top 非常夸张 Lion Habitat 狮子栖息地 Safari 非洲的狩猎旅行 Descendant 后代 Lion cub 幼师 New York New York 纽约纽约大酒店 Roller Coaster 云霄飞车 Thrill Seeker 寻求刺激的人 Free Fall 自由落体 What a bargain 超级划算 Skyscraper 摩天大楼 Overwhelming 眼花缭乱 Pairs Hotel 巴黎大酒店 Head over heels 神魂颠倒 Chocolate Souffle 巧克力舒芙蕾 Bedazzle 贴钻 Body bedazzling 身体贴钻 SPA 水疗店 Bling-bling 珠光宝气,亮晶晶 Dolled up 盛装打扮 Bellagio 白乐宫酒店 Fountain 喷泉 Chill 休息,放松 Cocktail 鸡尾酒 Mixologist 酒保 美语 星座很配 ! 113 OMG! OMG!美语 星座很配! Libra 天秤座 September 24- October 23 Melissa is a Libra and her boyfriend is an Aquarius,their signs are very compatible! Scorpio 天蝎座 October 24-November 22 The sign traits of Scorpio are:loyal,passionate and dynamic. Sagittarius 射手座 November 23-December 22 Sagittarius is my sign! They say Sagittarius is adventurous and independent. So true, I want to see the world! Capricorn 摩羯座 December 23- Janurary 20 Celebrity Capricorns include: Kate Middleton, Tiger Woods and Elvis! 美语 白洁的日记 第五! 114 OMG! OMG!美语 王建鹏&Cappuccino&:&Hello everyone,Hello 白洁! I have a question to ask 白洁 what made you start this program OMG!美语 to everyone&I had a dream that we could all come together and talk about all of the things we have in common. Even though we live in different countries and we speak different languages. That's why I started OMG!美语. Monica:&you said your favorite food is coffee you can drink 3 cups of it one day, so you drink a lot, how could you fall as}


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