Good morning sunshine;goomorning什么意思思

你可能喜欢Good morning sunshine
's fan fiction
"Adventure has no place in the
anthropologist' it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks
which detracts from his effective work." Claude
Levi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques, 1955
Updated 9/22/07:
SG:A. "Don't think I remember the conditional of that verb," Ronon said flatly.
The longer ones
: Blair didn't mean to snoop ... but finding that box in the back of Jim's closet may cost him his life just the same. First posted in May, 1998; Kareila generously hosted this story at Hargrove Vault for years; with the Trickster crash, the link now leads to a backup here at my own page.
Sometimes a sentinel can just hear too damned much. Finished
Then there's the
cobbled-together trilogy, Tristes Tropiques. No,
really, I had it all planned from the beginning, I swear. The stories are:
When Jim learns just how far
Blair is willing to go for a footnote, it nearly destroys their partnership.
March 1997.
After Blair finally confronts old nemesis at an anthropology conference in
Los Angeles, he and Jim bring more back to Cascade than just a touch of sunburn. July 1997.
The darkest secret of Blair's past returns to haunt him in the midst of a difficult murder
June 1999.
There are a handful of
from May of 1998.
May of 1999. The Smarm Queen's birthday falls in May -- the least I can
do is try to write a little goo for her, especially since I can't cough
up for that silver 'vette.
was written the summer after the second season of Sentinel and posted to the
list years later. By now it's a story that's been told many, many times
by many fine writers, but I still have a lingering fondness for this
version, written back when the world was young.
. A short smarm piece, first posted February 2002. Blair goes undercover, and the usual ensues.
Then there are the collaborations:
The aptly named
which Kitty coauthored, after goading me into beginning it in the first
place, (posted at the Smarm Sanctuary, as are all my collaborations.)
Kitty, cat1, and Merry, and me, and
by Kitty and me.
is an ongoing collaboration with Kitty.
, 3/31/02,
is set in the aftermath of the episode Hathor.
My first story in another fandom. I feel like cracking open the
champagne or bursting into tears. Apparently I need to get out more,
seeing as this counts as high drama in my life.
(7/13/03): Daniel looks for peace in the aftermath of Absolute
Power and The Light.
Unfortunately, he goes looking for it in The
Most Dangerous City in America. A Sentinel/Stargate crossover, gen,
around 300k.
: Drs. Daniel Jackson and Rodney McKay go for a
drive on a dark and stormy night.
Some nice mentions and awards:
were both nominated for a 1999 Huggy for Best Dramatic Short Story, and
"Plank" won the 1999 Cascade Award for best drama and the 2001 Cascade Times
Award in the "Favorite Long Story" category. Snake Oil was nominated
for a 1999 Huggy for Best Novel and won the 1999 Cascade Award for Best
Novel and the 2000 Cascade Times Award in the Best Horror/Scary category.
won the 2001 Cascade Times Award in the Favorite Horror/Scary category.
won a 2002 Burton
as the best Smarm story.
Borneo Eyesa collaboration with Kitty won the 1999 Cascade
Award for best slash snippet, but it is, in fact, as gen as can be.
It is as you feared:
I've succumbed to the greatest vanity of a fan fic author and posted some
original fiction.& Please note: these stories aren't about Jim and
Blair, and there are some warnings appended.
(in progress)
My email is
and yes, since you ask, I am a neurotic author who gauges her self worth
entirely by feedback -- if I don't hear anything, I'm liable to run off
and start my own Reviews and Recommendations page. And by the way, of course
I have no claim whatsoever on The Sentinel nor on Stargate SG-1. I've been
about The Sentinel anyway.
Many thanks to Kandace for providing the new home.& Anyone who has
tried to get to my old Dencity page recently knows how desperately I needed&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&
南波志帆 Good Morning Sunshine日
k尤:日歌手:南波志帆作~:fifi leger作曲:THE CHARM PARK
Good Morning Sunshine始まりはこれからBめたくないI wanna love you甘い Surprise受け止められるよ荬蓼挨欷亲苑偈证省boy青空で口づけを
付けたことない赤いリップ初めて色づく震えている まつげの先君のため流れ星こぼれる
Good Morning Star Shineいつものふりして友_なんかじゃいられないYou’re the one in my life魔法をかけてね不意に目を]じたその隙に星空で口づけを
Just give me a smileもっと近付いてよ特eな人にしかせない笑をせてそっと幛扦ぎゅっと抱きしめて
Good Morning Sunshine始まりはこれからBめたくないI wanna love you甘い Surprise受け止められるよ荬蓼挨欷亲苑偈证省boy青空で口づけを
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