Unable to extricatehelp oneself to翻译

extricate是什么意思 extricate在线翻译 extricate什么意思 extricate的意思 extricate的翻译 extricate的解释 extricate的发音 extricate的同义词
extricate英 ['ekstr?ke?t] 美 ['?kstr??ket] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:extricate 基本解释extricate及物动词使摆脱困难,脱身名词解脱; 解脱者extricate什么意思extricate 相关例句及物动词1. The meeting seemed to be endless, but I extricated myself by saying I had to catch a plane.&&&&会议好象没完没了,不过我说我得赶飞机,才得以脱身。extricate 网络解释1. 解脱,救出:extreme 极端,极端之事物; 最远,极度的 | extricate 解脱,救出 | extrinsic 外来,外在的2. 救出:extricable 可救出的 | extricate 救出 | extrication 救出3. 使......解除困境:exchange交火 | extricate使......解除困境 | ferret侦察4. extricate的解释4. 拯救,救出:extricate 拯救 救出 | intricate 复杂的 难懂的 | extrinsic 外在的 外部的extricate 双语例句1. More than a month, I often fall into distress among the non-anonymous in order to extricate themselves.&&&&一个多月了,我时常陷入无名的苦恼之中无以自拔。2. Last-minute, support searchs engine and live, the search engine regards as the stationmaster of parents of him back and belly, it is bubble is in free marsh cannot the person of extricate oneself, discharge wants free, the program wants free, the domain name also had better be free, should talk only receive fund, the fall out on the horse, but more acid is, want to search engine to change a bit a little only, or advertisement alliance money gives little, the clapperclaw that blot out the sky and cover up the earth began, as if the whole world is right only he is one.&&&&归根究底,依靠搜索引擎而活,将搜索引擎当作自己衣食父母的站长,都是泡在免费沼泽里不能自拔的人,流量要免费的,程序要免费的,域名最好也是免费的,只要谈收钱,马上翻脸,但是更加讽刺的是,只要搜索引擎稍微有点变化,或者广告联盟钱给少了,铺天盖地的痛骂就开始了,仿佛全世界对的只有他一个。3. 3. It is obvious that without outside help, trapped in the quagmire of the stock market will be difficult to extricate themselves, and the policy aspect of the substantive measures to rescue the market, will be the key to reversing the course of events.&&&&显然,没有外界的帮助,在股市陷入泥潭难以自拔,以及政策方面的实质性措施救市,将是扭转事态发展的关键。4. extricate在线翻译4. As the day you insisted on a black umbrella in the rain, I do not know where you come from, where to go, but can not extricate himself in love with you.&&&&就如那天的你,在雨中撑着一把黑伞,我不知道你来自哪里,要去哪里,但不可自拔地爱上了你。5. 5. The novel follows Dunross'attempts to extricate himself from all this and to save Struan's, the Noble House.&&&&新奇的追从 Dunross'尝试使解脱他自己从所有的这和解救 Struan ,高贵的众议院。6. Prairie style exterior and the pursuit of consistency, architectural features to reflect the internal space, attention to the use of building materials and the proportion of their attempt to extricate himself from the often eclectic sets, looks the same effect as if vegetation on the ground.&&&&草原式风格追求表里一致性,建筑外形尽量反映出内部空间关系,注意建筑自身比例与材料的运用,力图摆脱折衷主义的常套,造型效果犹如植物覆盖于地面一样。7. He stopped and then began again with an effort, lips and jaw moving in exaggerated spasms as if he were trying to extricate some gumlike residue from his teeth.&&&&他顿住了一会儿,然后,嘴又重新开始嚅动起来,嘴唇和下颌夸张地抽搐着,仿佛他想极力地挤出牙床残渣。8. When you have refugees who are fleeing, it's going to extricate one of the we you can't say we don't encourage you to leave your own country because the risk is risks are really great.&&&&但难民逃亡是棘手情况的其中之一,你不能告诉他们我们不鼓励你们离开自己的国家因为这真的非常危险。9. Last Empress Wan Rong Guo Brokaw, isolation and Liqunsuoju court Neijing, social unrest brought her spiritual impact of her life incident brought the tremendous shock, and later a series of unsatisfactory, loss of personal freedom to live in exile She caused GRE at mental trauma to her life and very dramatic changes, but also makes her the start of the alienation of human nature, she sank into a deep pain in the hearts of the tight encirclement and can not extricate themselves until death.&&&&末代皇后郭布罗·婉容,与世隔绝及离群索居的宫廷内景,社会动荡带给她的心灵冲击,生活变故带给她的巨大的震动,以及后来一系列不尽人意、失去人身自由的流亡生活给她造成的巨大精神创伤,使她的一生极富变化和戏剧性,同时也使她的人性开始了异化,她陷入了深层的内心痛苦和重围中无法自拔,直至离世。10. extricate10. Chu elegies □FarWill swim are Qu Yuan later period a lengthy lyric poetry, the poetpick the clothing to practice moral culture, become an immortal farinnermost feelings will extricate.&&&&楚辞·远游》是屈原后期一首长篇抒情诗,诗人将采服修身,登仙远游作为在政治绝望之后所追求的一种内心解脱。11. In short, I was thrown into a bottomless pit you can not extricate themselves.&&&&&&总之,我对你已陷入无底深渊,无法自拔。12. 12. And one important is also the inevitable tendency, is the clothing color from the animal instinct or the totem, the religion as well as records under Shi the historical heavy burden to extricate, becomes the people to beautify the life, the demonstration nationality psychological feature lining decoration.&&&&&&其中一个重要的也是必然的趋势,就是服饰色彩从动物本能或图腾、宗教以及记史释俗的历史重负下解脱出来,成为人们美化生活、展示民族心理特征的衬饰。13. 13. You that love her, why doesn't leave behind her, is your deep love that she, therefore you do not want yourself, to be unable to extricate oneself again!......&&&&&&你那么爱她,为甚么不把她留下,是不是你深爱的那个她,所以你不想再让自己,无法自拔!……14. But Benigne Bossuet himself was obliged to allude to a chicken in the midst of a funeral oration, and he extricate d himself from the situation in stately fashion&&&&&&他以辩护人的资格,坚称他的主顾为商马第,他说并没有人看见他亲自跳墙或攀折树枝。15. extricate15. When I feel happy that more male residents that the girlfriend, although for him happy, but they have no special, I would like to have one person can not extricate themselves...&&&&&&当我感受到男舍长说到女友那开心劲的时候,虽然替他高兴,但也没有特别,我想又要有一人无法自拔了。。。16. Dominic, in agreement with the ecclesiastical authority, and at the request of Pomponazzi, sought to extricate him from this difficulty by drawing up a short theological exposé of the question which was to be added in the future to the work of Pomponazzi.&&&&&&金口javelli ,丽晶神学在修道院的圣星,在协议,与教会的权力,并在请求蓬波纳齐,设法摆脱他从这个困难,拟订了一项简短Exposé的神学思想建设的问题,这是为了补充说:在今后的工作蓬波纳齐。17. In order to focus on the diverse culture value of the novelists in the 1990s of China and with the help of the globalization theory and the self-identity theory, the diverse culture self-identity and culture choice determine the diverse ideal culture value. The novelists, on one hand, feel ill at ease for the abandonment of past self, on the other hand, wait with complex feelings for the external unable to extricate themselves form the cultural value tramp, which holistically shows a illegibility state.&&&&&&为了探讨20世纪90年代小说界的文化价值理想,运用全球化理论,试图从文化认同的角度,剖析20世纪90年代中国小说家不同的文化认同和选择带来作者不同的文化价值理想取向,结论认为他们一方面为抛弃已留在后面的自我而不自在,一方面又感情复杂地等待外来文化的冲击,在两者的撕扯中不能自拔,并在整体上表现为一种文化价值理想的浑蒙状态。18. Even some patients will love playing with hair, in the process to get a thrill of excitement and, finally turned into a mind obsessed with this addictive behavior can not extricate themselves.&&&&&&甚至有些病患会喜欢上玩弄毛发,在过程中得到一种兴奋与快感,最后变成一种沈迷於此行为的心瘾而无法自拔。19. Home's famouser data includes DCCI, Ai Rui, AC to watch international Nielsen, easily to wait, although the battle of the saliva of 4 big doors is hit dark all round, but did not cite undoubtedly the data of these companies, potato net discharge of in quick succession glides, not only did not seek an account from oneself, oppugn data to monitor however square, had caused the dissatisfaction of company of tripartite data, and the to its ability suspicion of certainly will facilitating investor, more make potato deep-set lair, cannot extricate oneself.&&&&&&国内比较著名的数据包括DCCI、艾瑞、AC尼尔森、易观国际等,4大门户的口水之战虽然打的天昏地暗,但是无疑不引用了这些公司的数据,土豆网接二连三流量下滑,非但没有从自身找原因,而是质疑数据监测方,已经引起第三方数据公司的不满,并势必促成投资人的对其能力的怀疑,更使得土豆深陷泥潭,无法自拔。20. 20. At a distance of 10 minutes to go to work, I still enjoy the game at this time, I have been unable to extricate themselves, even if it is docked my wages and bonuses, I now will not have any complain, Empire III after few years, you moved me or as strong, as is the impulse!!&&&&&&在距离上班还有10分的时候,我仍然在游戏中畅游,此时,我已经不能自拔,即便是扣掉我的工资和奖金,我现在也不会有丝毫的埋怨,帝国三,时隔数年,你给我的感动还是那样强烈,那样令人冲动!!extricate 词典解释1. 使摆脱;使脱离&&&&If you extricate yourself or another person from a difficult or serious situation, you free yourself or the other person from it.&&&&e.g. It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis...&&&&&&&&&&&那是该国摆脱经济危机的最后一搏。&&&&e.g. She tugged on Hart's arm to extricate him from the circle of men with whom he'd been talking.&&&&&&&&&&&她拽着哈特的胳膊,把他从那群正和他聊天的男人中拖了出来。2. 解救;救出&&&&If you extricate someone or something from a place where they are trapped or caught, you succeed in freeing them.&&&&e.g. ...extricate the survivors...&&&&&&&&&&&解救幸存者&&&&e.g. He endeavoured to extricate the car, digging with his hands in the blazing sunshine.&&&&&&&&&&&他在烈日下用手挖着,拼命想要把那辆汽车弄出来。extricate 单语例句1. Some politicians in the West are also using the military action in Libya as a means to extricate themselves from their current political predicaments.2. It should reassure Pyongyang that abandoning its nuclear program will help extricate it from the current security dilemma and that reforms will help it advance.3. The reason is the Dalai Lama has once again cheated the world in his attempt to extricate himself from the Lhasa violence.4. So it is the same old story of a pitiable daughter offering to marry whoever can extricate her father from a dangerous situation.5. The calls of war opponents over that of supporters will give the young US president the best chance to extricate himself from the Pentagon's pressures.6. This small victory could very well be the beginning of Japan's slide into trouble from which it may not be able to extricate itself.7. Then it's finally time for the driver to slowly extricate the car from a tight parallel parking spot.8. He said that despite limitations it offered the " best temporary measure to extricate the country from its worst situation ".9. Vieira de Mello was wounded and trapped in the rubble, and workers gave him water as they tried to extricate him.10. A woman who was trying to extricate herself from a botched handbag robbery used the only defense at hand - an apology.extricate的解释extricate 英英释义verb1. release from entanglement of difficulty&&&&e.g. I cannot extricate myself from this task&&&&Synonym: extricate是什么意思,extricate在线翻译,extricate什么意思,extricate的意思,extricate的翻译,extricate的解释,extricate的发音,extricate的同义词,extricate的反义词,extricate的例句,extricate的相关词组,extricate意思是什么,extricate怎么翻译,单词extricate是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 But as an officer in our bank I can not be directly have access to this fund. So my aim of contacting you is to seek for your partnership to team up with me and receive this money with your bank account and get 40% of the total fund as commission for your partnership. 的翻译是:但当军官在本行我不能直接获得这一基金。所以我联系到您的目标是寻求你与我收到这笔钱与您的银行帐户和作为您的合作伙伴关系委员会获得 40%的总基金的伙伴关系。 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
But as an officer in our bank I can not be directly have access to this fund. So my aim of contacting you is to seek for your partnership to team up with me and receive this money with your bank account and get 40% of the total fund as commission for your partnership.
但当军官在本行我不能直接获得这一基金。所以我联系到您的目标是寻求你与我收到这笔钱与您的银行帐户和作为您的合作伙伴关系委员会获得 40%的总基金的伙伴关系。
但当军官在本行我不能直接获得这一基金。所以我联系到您的目标是寻求你与我收到这笔钱与您的银行帐户和作为您的合作伙伴关系委员会获得 40%的总基金的伙伴关系。
但作为一个主任在我们的银行我可以不应直接有权访问此基金。 因此,我的目的是为寻找你你联系伙伴关系组队,我和接受这笔钱你的银行帐户和得到40%的基金总额为你作为委员会伙伴关系。
但是,当一名官员在我们的银行中我不可能直接地是得以进入对这笔资金的。 如此与您联系的我的目标将寻求为了您的合作能与我合作和接受这金钱以您的银行帐户和得到40%总资金作为委员会为您的合作。
相关内容&a基于价格的土地资源配置 Based on price land resource disposition & ajourneys in time 旅途及时 & a改为一般疑问句。并作否定回答 改为一般疑问句。并作否定回答 & a你若不离我亦不弃 If you also do not abandon to me & a本文主人公是一个五十岁的女人 This article leading character is 50 year-old women & a对于我的工作,我爸爸知道这是我最喜欢的工作,他很支持,我妈妈知道当时是因为她的病,迫使我离开我热爱的岗位,所以她更支持我 Regarding mine work, my daddy knew this is the work which I most like, he supports very much, my mother knew at that time was because of hers sickness, forces post which I left me to deeply love, therefore she supported me & aSince then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places 从那以后, Fawcett上尉飞行了乘客到许多异常的地方 & a那一刹那,心里也不知是啥滋味五味杂陈,思绪很乱有点失控。其实啥也算不上又何必浪费自己的时间和精力呢。 That flash, in the heart did not know is what taste five senses mixed Chen, the train of thought very randomly a little loses control.Actually what also isn't why wastes own time and the energy. & a从图3.3可以看出本实验的最佳聚合温度为40℃, 因为温度太低不利于引发剂的分解, 产生的活性自由基较少,不利于接枝率的增加, 产生的高分子链太长, 导致产品的吸水率降低, 但超过40℃后, 由于链转移和链终止反应的加快, 使接枝聚合率下降, 从而使吸水率降低[108]。 3.3 may see this experimental from Figure the best polymerization temperature for 40℃, because the temperature too is low does not favor the initiator the decomposition, produces the active free radical are few, does not favor the stem grafting rate increase, produces the high polymer chain too is l & a灬花落丶 灬 the flower falls dot & a我上课总是回答老师问题 I attend class always answer teacher the question & aBatman 蝙蝠侠 & aOwner and pioneer for I&CIM 所有者和先驱为I&CIM & athere were 25 people on each team 有25个人在每个队 & aclick on the START button to start level 点击开关对起始水平 & a政府不能给人们足够的福利。 The government cannot give the people the enough welfare. & aA.sql server request resulted in a bad return code or status but no error message was returned A.sql服务器请求导致坏返回码或状态,但错误信息未返回 & asince way back in high school 从方式后面在高中 & atoo bad ,just lost 太坏,失去 & aher French teacher made the class interesting 她的法语教师做了类兴趣 & a亚洲淑女 Asian ripe females & a我有一些坏习惯。我经常用脏的手揉眼睛,这使我我的视力下降了不少。我认为这是不对的,但我还是改不了。所以我要努力,尽快矫正这个坏习惯 I have some bad customs.I use the dirty hand to rub the eye frequently, this caused my my vision to drop many.I thought this is not right, but I could not change.Therefore I must diligently, as soon as possible rectify this bad custom & aBlueEfficiency BlueEfficiency & a获得基金 Obtains the fund & a一生不忘我老师 Profesor no absorbido de la vida & a我不会难过 I cannot be sad & a被派到国外 Is sent overseas & aI thought this year is a unusual year, everything vicissitude, perhaps truly is unusual, but affirmative is this year winter is as before cold 我认为今年是一异常的年,一切变迁,或许真实地是异常的,但肯定是今年冬天是和在寒冷之前 & a世纪联盟贸易 ??? ????? ????? & ait was intended for my beloved 它为我心爱打算 & a我們將開發特別治具去管控印刷的范圍及厚度 We will develop the special fixture to go to the tube to control printing the scope and thickness & aTouchmyhear Touchmyhear & aWhen Liu was seven, he saw a coin trick in a big store. At that moment Liu decided to learn magic. 当刘是七,他在一家大商店看见硬币欺骗。 在那片刻刘决定学会魔术。 & a重整第三代 Rallies the third generation & asmoking fish 抽烟的鱼 & adotnetfx dotnetfx & awill woke for food 意志为食物醒来了 & a我们需要喝足够的水 We need to drink the enough water & aToday, the majority of owners have a replacement car antifreeze maintenance of consciousness, but the face of auto repair shops, maintenance center array of antifreeze products on the shelves, the owner or the inevitable confusion. Many car owners reflects the common use of antifreeze on the market still will have afte 今天,多数所有者在架子有知觉替换汽车不冻液维护,但汽车修理商店的面孔,维护中心一些不冻液产品,所有者或者不可避免的混乱。 许多车主在市场上反射对不冻液的共同的用途在腐蚀问题以后更将有。 它被报道这个问题有被困扰大多的越来越成为的重要问题所有者。 & a没钱了去赚点钱 The money has not made a money & a在星期1到星期5 1 arrives week 5 in the week & aASEAN Business and Investment Summit, 5-7 October 2003 东南亚国家联盟企业和投资山顶, -7 & a我们是时尚的? We are the fashion? & athoughtfui thoughtfui & a这个我将要渡过三年的地方 This I am going to cross three years place & athey are blue flower 他们是蓝色花 & a他语文考了第一名 His language has tested first & a你不是外国的。别拿这套跟我玩! You are not the foreign country.Do not take this set to play with me! & ait is not on your buisness 它不在您的事务 & a现在每次在你查资料的时候,会自动弹出一些游戏,大家都报着试试的心理尝试。迷恋上了,无法自拔。 Now each time looks up the material in you time, can spring some games automatically, everybody is reporting the psychological attempt which tries.Was infatuated with, was unable to extricate oneself. & ais the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor 是洗手间在基层或第2楼 & a安吉从一个不羁叛逆的少女,变成一个领悟生命与伴侣的责任,爱,信赖的女人 Anji from an uninhibited rebel's young girl, turns a comprehension life and companion's responsibility, the love, the faith woman & a这个我即将度过三年的地方 This I soon passed three years place & a美丽也是一种深沉的力量 Beautiful also is one deep strength & a不会撒娇 Cannot act like a spoiled brat & aBut as an officer in our bank I can not be directly have access to this fund. So my aim of contacting you is to seek for your partnership to team up with me and receive this money with your bank account and get 40% of the total fund as commission for your partnership. 但是,当一名官员在我们的银行中我不可能直接地是得以进入对这笔资金的。 如此与您联系的我的目标将寻求为了您的合作能与我合作和接受这金钱以您的银行帐户和得到40%总资金作为委员会为您的合作。 &无法自拔 的翻译是:To gamble 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Unable to extricate themselves
unable to extricate themselves from
Is unable to extricate oneself
相关内容&a国庆节,我们的订婚日。爱你一万年 National Day, our engagement date.Loves your for 10,000 years & aREPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO REPUBBLICA二圣马力诺 & aI
whether to give up、、I can wave goodbye to forgive I放弃、、我是否可以挥动再见原谅 & a这样我们好偷情 Como este nós bons temos um caso & ataking place by a series of small changes over a long period 发生由一系列的零钱在长期 & a你奶奶真厉害 Your paternal grandmother is really fierce & a这是我前些日子参观过的工厂 This was I few days ago have visited a factory & ahello moto hello moto & aInception is so impressive 开始是很印象深刻的 & a不要让这个坏消息影响你 Do not let this bad news affect you & aHow not to Buy Happiness 多么不买幸福 & auploads
disabled 失去能力的加载 & aOK then make urself comfortable and have fun here buddy 好然后使urself舒适并且这里有乐趣伙计 & ause dedicated server 使用专用服务器 & a第三名 第三名 & a您应该减少作业量,为了保证质量 You should reduce the work requirement, in order to guarantee the quality & a我是最小的并且是最受宠的 And I am smallest am most am favored & a你的车子太脏了,最好到洗车店去洗一下 Your vehicle too dirty, best enough to washes Che Dian to wash & a职业经历 Occupation experience & a举办体育比赛 Holds the athletic contest & athe order of time 时间命令 & a在应用时的关键是确定造峰净雨时间 Makes to order the peak only rain time firmly in the application time key & au are the most stupid one i've ever seen u是看的最愚笨的一i've & a他的英语老师想让他每天早晨读英语 His English teacher wants to let his every morning read English & aAllow lagfix code to convert partitions\napplied next boot 允许lagfix代码转换partitionsnapplied下起动 & aCPU: Core i5 750 2.67 GHz CPU : 核心i5 750 2.67千兆赫 & a在巴黎 In Paris & a有时我希望我是一个白痴,但却很快乐 Sometimes I hoped I am an idiot, but very is actually joyful & athefarewell thefarewell & a你见过齐达内吗 Vous avez vu Qi Danei & a我过去的作业量 I pass work requirement & aMUSTER
APPLAUSE 集合掌声 & afoundation
cream 粉底霜 & aToo many memories of you of this city 许多记忆您这个城市 & a我想成为一名司机。可是作为一名司机,一定要知道哪些可以做,哪些不可以做。 I want to become a driver.But took a driver, wants certainly to know which can do, which can't do. & a可以从网上下载,省钱 May download from the net, economizes & aIt's not what you say, it'swhat you do 它不是什么您认为,您的it'swhat & a科学和技术的进步将有力地推动教育的发展 The science and the technical progress powerfully will impel the education the development & a老王家的猪有一个好朋友,是一只鸡,它很担忧猪,不过,它也是狗的朋友,就目前的情况而言,它也不知道怎么办才好办 The Lao Wang family's pig has a good friend, is a chicken, it worries the pig very much, but, it also is dog's friend, speaking of the present situation, it did not know how manages only then easy to do & aInject Loyai observant valiant enjoyment Yes obligation unison!” 是注射Loyai敏锐雄豪享受义务一致!” & ashake it upl 震动它upl & aAre u on diet 是u在饮食 & a男生们和女生们 Male students and female students & aDo you have a video cam 您有录影凸轮 & a太危险了,你不能床上玩 Too dangerous, you cannot on the bed play & a这伤的··真的好痛··· This wound · · really good pain · · · & a这个月,您是主题,您的节日让我们共同庆祝!老师,节日快乐! This month, you are the subject, your holiday lets us celebrate together! Teacher, the holiday is joyful! & aWarcraft 3 was unable to initialize direct Warcraft 3无法初始化直接 & a豚、あなたの人生のために、私だけです。 Because of the pig and your life, am just I. & a委托人可以通过对代理人进行适当的激励, The trustee may through carry on the suitable drive to the agent, & aSimilarly, the goal-related mediators could also be translated into safety culture terms 同样,与目标相关的斡旋人能也被翻译成安全文化期限 & a我肯定不会从你的世界消失, I definitely cannot from yours world vanishing & aWe need to be peaceful! We need to be peaceful! & aLet
begones 让begones是begones & a到树下去看书 To sets up reads & a无法自拔 Is unable to extricate oneself &}


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