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We hope it causes good growth in your spiritual life so that you
will go on to maturity in the Lord. The Solid Food section truths
will help you to go on to maturity, but you can never forget the
Milk section truths.
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No doubt there are millions who have
professed the name of Christ and continue to live in a way which
gives no evidence whatsoever that their profession is real. In
fact, a widely reported opinion poll survey indicated that over
fifty million people in the United States claim to be born again.(1)
Surely, if that many people were true &partakers of the divine
nature,& the impact on our country would be profound.
In the clearest possible terms the New
Testament writers presented the unconditional nature of the
gospel offer:
And let the one let the one who
wishes, take the water of life without cost (Rev. 22:17
口渴的人也当来。愿意的都可以白白取生命的水喝。(启 22:17)
For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should
not perish but have everlasting life (Jn. 3:16 NASB).
Yet explicit statements such as these are
sometimes difficult to accept. Could something as important as
our eternal destiny really come to us only through believing and
be &without cost&?One cannot profitably speculate on the eternal
destiny of many who have acted in a way that brings shame to the
gospel. But this type of behavior by people who claim to be
Christians certainly makes one anxious that the clearest
possible presentation of the gospel be made.
Grace under Fire
There are two powerful influences which have
caused this hesitation to accept the unconditional freeness of
saving grace.
1 George Gallup, Jr. and David Poling, The Search For
America's Faith (Nashville: Abingdon, 1980). p. 92.
George Gallup, Jr. and David Poling,《美国信仰追寻》(Nashville:
Abingdon, 1980). p. 92.
The Abuse of Grace
The first is the deplorable state into which
Western Christianity has fallen as we move to the end of the
twentieth century. This has caused many to wonder, Is the
teaching of free grace healthy?
There has always been sin in the church, but
the presence of the media, television evangelists, and the news
and information explosion has highlighted certain hypocrisy as
never before.
Furthermore, Western culture has become so
thoroughly secularized and godless that simply living in it has
resulted in many Christians getting mud on their feet. The
church, instead of being a beacon of light, has often been
penetrated by the very abuses which it speaks against.
A lamentable situation such as this is bound
to provoke thoughtful and even angry reactions from some within
the church who are understandably upset about empty professions
of faith which have not resulted in any change of life. One such
reaction has recently come from the able pen of John MacArthur,
pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church.
Troubled by the prevalence of &cheap grace&
in the church today, MacArthur has turned our attention to The
Gospel According to Jesus, a book which he says is the product
of four years of study on the subject of the definition of the
gospel according to Christ.
Why does such a situation like this exist in
the church today? In MacArthur's opinion it is due to the well-
meaning but misinformed teaching that salvation is being offered
without the necessity of accepting Christ as both Savior and
Lord at the point of saving faith.
He feels that many leading Bible teachers are
saying &the only criterion for salvation is
knowing and believing some basic facts about
The fallout of this thinking, he says, is a deficient doctrine
justification is not necessarily and inevitably
linked to sanctification. People feel they can pray a prayer,
receive eternal life, and then go on sinning.
2 John MacArthur, The Gospel According to Jesus (Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 1988), p. 17.
The answer, MacArthur feels, is to include
the notion of submission to the lordship of Christ as the
antidote to a defective view of faith. This leads him into some
views of the nature of saving faith and of the conditions for
salvation which, to many, would seem to be an extreme reaction
in the opposite direction from the &easy believism& he so
vigorously attacks.
The Theology of the Reformers
The second major influence which has caused
many to ask, Is free grace healthy? is a persistent theological
tradition going back to John Calvin. Calvin and the Reformers
who followed him told their readers and parishioners that faith
alone saves, but true faith is a faith which results in a life
In fact, the final proof of the reality of faith is whether
or not a man perseveres in good works to the end of life. Known
as the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, this
teaching emerged in its mature form(3)
during the Protestant Reformation.
One has only to read Calvin's Institutes to
see immediately that he labored under a great burden to defend
the Reformation against the criticism that a faith alone, grace
alone gospel would lead to moral laxity. When perusing these
great volumes, the &atmosphere& is pungent with anxiety to
demonstrate that the gospel of free grace will not lead to
license but will, to the contrary, result in a life of holiness.
However, in order to make his argument &air tight,& Calvin went
beyond the Scripture and taught that the gospel will necessarily
and inevitably guarantee a life of holiness.
This subtle change in the gospel was readily
accepted by the Reformers because it completely negated the
Catholic attack. When a person who claimed to be a Christian and
yet was living a carnal life was set up by the Catholics as an
example of the product of Reformation theology, the Reformers
could now simply say he was not a Christian at all.
John MacArthur
Rapids: Zondervan, 1988), p. 17.
3 Traces of this teaching can be found in 1 Clement and
the Apostolic Fathers.
If he was, he would not live like that. When
one was in the midst of a debate which was ripping apart the
fabric of Western Europe, one needed powerful arguments like
this in his arsenal.
Having successfully separated from
Catholicism and established the Reformation churches, the next
attack came from within. Pelagianism manifested itself in
resistance by Protestants in Holland to the notion that a true
Christian can never lose salvation.
Convinced that certain passages, such as Heb.
6, taught that falling away from salvation was a real danger,
they argued against the Calvinist doctrine of unconditional
Once again the doctrine of perseverance in
holiness was a powerful weapon to fend off this attack.
Certainly the Reformers could not be accused of a doctrine which
leads to license, if the doctrine guaranteed that true
Christians will persevere in holiness to the end of life.
When the Arminians pointed to a man who had
professed Christ and had never given evidence of a godly life,
the Calvinists could simply reply that according to their
doctrine he was not a Christian at all. &However much [they]
avoided this teaching [their doctrine of temporary faith) in
their sermons, it was always around, and they could readily
raise it when they needed it to explain an apostasy.&(4)This
debate about eternal security has not been a brief affair.
In fact, it has gone on for several hundred
years and continues to some extent today. When a discussion
endures that long, issues are more precisely defined, and
positions harden. The very length and intensity of the debate
has contributed in no small way to the traditional acceptance of
opposing positions.
Lest the reader doubt this point, consider the typical
seminary student. the future teacher of the sheep. When a
position differing from his own background or perhaps from that
4 R. T. Kendall, Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979), p. 143.
seminary which he attends is presented, he is
likely to &check it out& by opening up the standard theology
texts which support his view and learning the ancient arguments
against his opponents.
Thus, traditional arguments are passed on
from book to student, from professor to pupil, and from pupil to
the parishioner when he becomes a pastor. Pressed for time in
the seminary, and without it in the church, he rarely has
opportunity for original study which might challenge traditional
The Answer to Carnality
To prevent abuse of the gospel, two widely
held solutions are offered. Some, harkening back to the
Colossian error, insist that the cause of the problem is that
man needs more than initial salvation in Christ--a &fullness&
beyond our salvation experience, a second work of grace to
finish the incomplete beginning. However, some of the most
notable examples of the present hypocrisy have appeared within
the groups which offer such a solution and by the very leaders
who teach it. The other solution, and the one which this book
addresses, is the tendency to &front-load& and &back-load& the
Front Loading the Gospel
Front loading the gospel means attaching
various works of submission and obedience on the front end and
including them in the conditions for salvation. These works are
supposedly created in the heart by God. This is commonly done
among those who maintain that submission to the lordship of
Christ is a condition of salvation.
Faith is redefined to include submission, and
a man becomes a Christian not by &hearing& and &believing& but
by believing and promising God he will submit his life to
Christ. This is not to deny that true faith certainly involves a
disposition of openness to God and cannot coexist with an
attitude of determination to continue in sin.
But that is not what those who teach so-called
&lordship salvation& mean. Rather, their view is that a man must resolve to turn from all
known sin and follow Christ absolutely. It seems that works
enter through the front door, and another gospel is taught. But
surely this God-created submission to lordship is a work, and
works in the human heart whether from God or man do not save!
lordship salvation)的人的意
Back Loading the Gospel
A far more subtle change in the gospel,
however, occurs when some backload the gospel. Back loading the
gospel means attaching various works of submission as the means
for achieving the final aim of our faith, final deliverance from
hell and entrance into heaven.
This is what has been done in the more
extreme expressions of the Reformed doctrine of the perseverance
of the saints. While it is often claimed that a life of works is
the necessary and inevitable result of true faith, it is also
maintained by some that works are the means of achieving our
final destiny. Of course, it is not always stated as blatantly
These works, we are told, are different than
the works which the unregenerate perform to obtain merit with
God. These works are the gifts of Christ and the fruits of
regeneration. Calvin resisted a similar theology during the
The Sophists, who delight in sporting
with Scripture and in empty cavils, think they have a subtle
evasion when they expound works to mean, such as
unregenerated men do literally, and by the effect of free
will, without the grace of Christ, and deny that these have
any reference to spiritual works. Thus, according to them,
man is justified by faith as well as by work, provided these
are not his own works, but gifts of Christ and fruits of regeneration.
5 John Calvin, Institutes of the Cliristian Religion,
trans. Henry Beveridge, 2 vols. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
1964), 3.11.14.
加尔文,《基督教要义》,Henry Beveridge
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964), 3.11.14。
Calvin would no doubt be appalled to learn
that there are many in the church today and who bear his name
who espouse this very sophistry! To the prosaic mind, the
doctrine of perseverance in holiness sometimes seems to be
expressed in a way that teaches that sanctification is a means
of justification.
The English Puritans often came close to this, and
at least one of their luminaries, William Bradshaw (), explicitly taught what
others only implied.
More recently, Arthur Pink has maintained that God requires that
true Christians must &keep themselves& or risk eternal
damnation.(7) Yet he unequivocally maintains the &absolute and
eternal security of the saints.&(8)
\l &障。”
He is attempting to show that God preserves
His children through means- works. He quotes John Owen, that
prince of the Puritan expositors, with approval, teaching that
works are a means of salvation:
But yet our own diligent endeavor is such as
indispensable means for that end, as that without it, it
will not be brought about .... If we are in Christ, God hath
given us the lives of our souls, and hath taken upon Himself, in His
covenant, the preservation of them. But yet we may say, with
reference unto the means that He hath appointed, when storms and trials arise, unless we use our diligent
endeavors, we cannot be saved.(9)
It seems that Pink, Bradshaw, and Owen are
simply being honest about their understanding of the Reformed
doctrine of perseverance. In their preoccupation with means they
have forgotten that God has already told us what the means of
salvation are and what they are not.
Works are not a means, whether on the front end or on the
back end. The only means necessary for obtaining salvation is
faith, and faith alone:
6 see Kendall, p. 89.
7 Arthur Pink, An Exposition of Hebrews (Grand Rapids: Baker,
1968), p. 601. Arthur Pink,《希伯来书阐释》(Grand
Rapids: Baker, 1968), p. 601.
8 8 Ibid., p. 599.
9 9 John Owen, Hebrews, cited by Pink, p. 600. J
He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done,
but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of
rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit (Ti. 3:5).
The &means& are the washing of rebirth and
renewal by the Holy Spirit, and not our good works:
For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and
this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by
works, so that no one can boast (Eph. 2:8-9).
The means are one--faith. This faith is apart
from any means involving works. How else can Paul say it? When
Pink and his modem followers, reacting to the moral laxity in
the church, back-load the gospel with means, they are flatly
contradicting Paul, if words have any meaning at all. In so
doing, they seem to be preaching &another gospel& (Gal. 1:9).
We might ask, &Has loading the gospel with
additional means and conditions achieved any more notable moral
results than those who add nothing to it?& The answer seems to
be no. There is just as much moral laxity in the history of
those confessions who have stressed perseverance as in those who
One only has to read the works of the English
Puritans to see the burden these godly men felt over these same
issues in their churches. This approach has been tried before
without success, and it is hardly the answer to our present
dilemma. Robert Dabney, an articulate proponent of this very
doctrine, laments the deplorable state of the Presbyterian
Church in his day (1878).
The New Testament saints, he says, &did not, like so many
now, sit year after year in sinful indolence, complaining of the
lack of assurance, and yet indifferent to its cultivation.&(10)
10 10 Robert L. Dabney, Lectures in Systematic
Theology (1878; reprint ed., Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
The problems of spiritual lethargy and
spiritual abuse are widespread. The various proposals for
correcting them have been tried before, and there seems to be no
useful purpose served in continuing with the old answers such as
lordship salvation and perseverance in holiness.
It seems to me that these problems are rooted
in some very fundamental biblical misunderstandings. Could it be
that the Protestant Reformation was incomplete and that this
lies at the core of a raging modern controversy concerning the
freeness of God's grace?
Perhaps this unfinished beginning is also a
significant cause of the carnality found in many churches. Here
is the key to our modern dilemma. The Reformers feared free
grace and, as a result, did not take the Reformation far enough.
That is, their doctrine of the saints' perseverance in holiness
compromised the free grace of God.
Because the doctrine of justification by
faith alone was potentially vulnerable to the charge of
promoting license, the Reformers simply could not let go of the
notion that works played a necessary part in our final arrival
in heaven.
Unable to accept that a regenerate man could
live a life of sin and still be saved, they included works on
the back end of the gospel as the means (result?) of salvation.
If the saints must inevitably and necessarily persevere in
godliness to the final hour, then the doctrine of rewards and
chastisement at the judgment seat of Christ becomes murky.
How can a man who has persevered in holiness
be chastised? Since all who are regenerate will be rewarded
anyway, perhaps many settle into spiritual dullness thinking all
is well with their souls and there are no negative consequences
to pay. And if the doctrine of punishment for a carnal life is
vague and if the doctrine of rewards is reduced to a promise of
something that everyone will get anyway, then key motivators for
living the Christian life are compromised.
Most important, however, is the fact that the
motivation of gratitude for unconditional
1972), p. 707.
Robert L. Dabney
重印版, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1972), p.
acceptance is lost. This is because in the
Reformed system the most likely possibility for the continually
sinning Christian is that he may not be a true Christian at all.
While some advocates of this doctrine would not intend this, the
practical result is often continual introspection and doubt as
to whether or not one is really unconditionally loved and
accepted in God's family, apart from any works at all!


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