backward and forward和back and forwardth的区别

Bed structure for assisting legs to move back and forth - Patent - Europe PMC
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Bed structure for assisting legs to move back and forth
(PAT - TW279227B)
Patent - Taiwan
This invention relates to a bed structure for assisting legs to move back and forth. A proper place at the end of the bed contains a groove with a back and forth exercising unit that slides forward and backward. The back and forth exercising unit is connected with the power unit at the bottom of the bed, such that the linkage of power unit and back and forth unit enables the user lying on the bed to stretch legs forward and backward for knee bending and stretching exercise and rehabilitation
Priority number:
Classifier:Back and forth - Idioms by The Free Dictionary /back+and+forth
back and forth Also found in: , , , .
back and forth1. adjective In one direction and then another in an alternating fashion. During the party, I went back and forth to the kitchen to get drinks for the guests. The kids are outside throwing the baseball back and forth. The union and management are still going back and forth in the contract negotiation.2. noun A argument or discussion in which two or more people alternate in sharing their perspectives. They're having a real back and forth up there&can you hear them yelling? I think we should have a little back and forth before we make a final decision.See also: , , back and forthin one direction and then
from one place to another repeatedly. We tossed the ball back and forth between us. The tiger paced back and forth in its cage.See also: , , back and forth if someone or something moves back and forth between two places, they move from one place to the other place again and again Nurses went back and forth among the wounded, bringing food and medicine. See also: , , back and forthAlso, backward(s) and forward(s). To and fro, moving in one direction and then the opposite and so making no progress in either. For example, The clock pendulum swung back and forth. The term is also used figuratively, as in The lawyers argued the point backwards and forwards for an entire week. [c. 1600] See also: , ,
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Jane found that by running back and forth between the bow and stern she could alternately raise and lower each end of the boat as she shifted her weight from one end to the other, with the result that each time she leaped to the stern the canoe moved a few inches farther into the river. With the lions still padding back and forth beyond the closed door, Victory and I crossed the room to one of the windows.The creature was making a frightful racket now, leaping back and forth from the floor at the broad window ledge, tearing at the masonry with his claws in vain attempts to reach me. Immediately he commenced to draw the rope rapidly back and forth across the tree trunk.Coolly, methodically, without haste, Tarzan drew the rope back and forth against the rough trunk of the small tree. He was crying with sheer rage and eagerness as he circled back and forth for a chance to spring in.Only Spitz quivered and bristled as he staggered back and forth, snarling with horrible menace, as though to frighten off impending death. But I called up all my resolution, set my teeth, and hobbled back and forth from galley to cabin and cabin to galley without further mishap.But they were supremely interested, for every little while they ardently took sides, and sometimes all were talking at once, till their voices surged back and forth in waves of sound like mimic thunder-rolls in the confined space.I could see their faces, flushed and angry, the brutality distorted and emphasized by the sickly yellow of the sea-lamps which rocked back and forth with the ship. She walked, indeed, two or three times back and forth from end to end--it gave her such a pleasant sensation of airy space after and the roof was so broad and flat that she had no fear of falling off.
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back and forth
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back and forth可以做名词吗
不可以.只能做副词 来回来去
固定词组 ph. 1.来回地, 往复地不可以作名词I had walked back and forth in my room trying to say my words一般用在动词后
Forward Genetics and Reverse Genetics是什么?
正向遗传学 forward genetics反向遗传学reverse genetics 正向遗传学是指,通过生物个体或细胞的基因组的自发突变或人工诱变,寻找相关的表型或性状改变,然后从这些特定性状变化的个体或细胞中找到对应的突变基因,并揭示其功能.例如遗传病基因的克隆.反向遗传学的原理正好相反,人们首先是改变某个特定的基因或蛋白质,然后再去寻找有关的表型变化.例如基因剔除技术或转基因研究.简单地说,正向遗传学是从表型变化研究基因变化,反向遗传学则是从基因变化研究表型变化.


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