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& This Guy Loves Talking to Me, But Does Not Want to Be My Boyfriend
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I am dating this guy I really like. We have been dating since November of last year.
We both believe in being up-front about things so he made it a&
Hi Evan, I am in a very tricky situation and don’t know what to do, I found your web site and your advice are great. I hope you will answer&
I am 25 years old and I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 3 years. I’ve had a couple of relationships before him, one was serious.
He’s had several relationships before&
&9 months and 14 first dates later, I met the man of my dreams! Love is not a big enough word for how we feel!&It's only been 106 days, Evan, but they have been the BEST 106 days of my life! Thank you for leading me in the right direction, giving me the confidence to believe in myself and helping me find the love I deserve.Cheryl O.&I was able to learn from others’ experiences without having to go through all of it myself.
That’s why the Inner Circle was invaluable.&I went from being unsure and inexperienced to having a great boyfriend who adores me and treats me really well and is now actively thinking and talking about marriage and kids.Marie N.&I cannot say enough good things about this man.&He is a beautiful person and he is so generous, affectionate, well spoken and accomplished. He is tall and athletic and totally hot. He is 53, but I am here to tell you 53 can be pretty damn impressive. All this from a woman who a year before had equated dating with despair, rejection and pain.Charlene J.&After reading Evan’s material. I enjoyed my dates and I learned to trust my feelings and instincts more.&He is everything I never knew I always wanted. He is kind and caring, with wonderful values. He makes me feel like the most special woman in the world.
I never have to wonder how he feels about me, I KNOW.Lisa R.“I will never have to settle for a less than fabulous relationship ever again.”He recently started referring to us as boyfriend and girlfriend and it makes my heart sing. I really feel that we are moving towards the next level in our relationship and I continue to listen to “Why He Disappeared” on a weekly basis to keep myself grounded.Amy G.
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