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UID 2236666
阅读权限 40
在领英上收到一个老外的交友信息,说他不熟悉社交平台,让我告诉邮箱给他,通过邮箱联系。然后就给我发来了好长一篇邮件,还有他的照片。本人英语不太好,Get 不到他的点,请各位路过的帮忙看一下他的中心思想是什么?是不是骗子呢?
Hello dear ,
Thanks so much for your time writing back to me and providing me your email as requested . I went through your profile on LinkedIn and i found it loving and nice, so that's why i connected to get to know you better . I am new on social network and i don't know much about it ,so choose email other than social network&&so that we can get to know each other better and also be able to exchange photos.
It is not easy to write a message like this to a total stranger but i cannot help it than to do what my mind urges me.Though i am working on my retirement project which include relocating , settling down with good investment project and settling down with a partner not minding even our age difference.
I do not know how this happened but meeting you today has just so occupied my mind and thoughts in a very special way and i love this feeling. I have made record of the second , the time, the date and the day we met through this social network, it is a day to remember.
Where do i start from now ?
Am so happy you took the stress to write me not minding your busy schedules . Thanks lot dear ,i guess you should know more about me at this point..i don't know how this work, but hey! here is an exclusive. If at my age i do not know what and when to say, then what would i be? When a wise man sees he has probably spent about half of his time in life already, he begins to assess his main goals in life. What could be more important than a happy ending? LOL,.
A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his achievements, he is reduced to nothing if he has no crown to complete him and that is a&&woman to call his own. Wife and Best friend. A woman who knows that even while arguing they still need to hold hands. A woman whom i can call a partner in crime,LOL&&A woman whom you can tell anything. How could you think anything can make you happier in life than finding a love that knows no bound. To make you know more about me,I will break this down to segments and it would be like a case study.
I was born to a loving couple, a home, by an American man from Texas(USA) and an Italian woman. My father was an international business man who met this Italian orphan whose only family were close friends. She says there was something about the man that no woman could ever resist. sometimes she says she sees same in me ,LOL. During my father's global movement , while i was twelve i left state to study medicine&&and consequently consulted on Surgery.
My father died and she was left alone. I met my wife and best friend in Paris. she was a fashion model. Very good at heart. Actually i could say i met her in a funny way, would explain that later.(May her soul rest in peace).
I was born in N.Dallas TX(USA) on the 5th of December 1965.I have a beautiful daughter..her name is Carolyn..she will be 16 yrs old this year..she is in a boarding house in London..been taking care of by the school management. Have been trying to be everything to her, ever since her mother left the world..
Am presently on an assignment here in Middle east , Iraq ,Iran Afghanistan for the good and love of my country.. Am Sure you know more about us here.. probably you've seen and hard it in the news though i am still an active member with UN and a Physician in the white house medical unit.
I don't want you to be scared that maybe i will die and loss my life...No not like that my dear..If it happens its for the good and love of my country..But it will never happen...I don't do the battle thing even though i work directly under the military.
This contract here is my last on the field and i will be through latest December.i shall quit field works and continue my works from my home office while on a choice location. I think i really have gotten to this height cos i embraced work for so long trying to get over my wife, that i worked this hard, but i think i now realize i can move on.
Don't be bordered about the distance between us.. as i am ready to spend the rest of my life with you after my final mission here.. i am ready to join hands together with you,Build a new house and most importantly build a home in your country....Only if it we finally love each other and it works well.
MY DREAM I have told you how my typical dream day would be like, i just want to spend the rest of my life enjoying the fruit of my labor. I just want a woman who would be my best friend and everything. You know someone whom we would still love each other more as the days pass by, even when we cant make love anymore and all we could do is play bingo,LOL.
I am a total package , i only need someone who understands the value of a good smile.
I cant wait to hear back from you. please write me soon my dear.
Your turn!ha-ha-ha-ha
UID 2863128
阅读权限 25
UID 2883606
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Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-俄罗斯交友邮件骗局
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