try it on是什么意思on try

Finally, the regressive correlation of them is verified by try-on test.
Results In Aetio-array of 9 cases anterior urethral injury were all confirmed through try-on urethral catheterization and urethral catheter per urethra was put with ureteroscope.
The interaction of "information presentation", "complexity of information feedback" and "try-again" has effect on "attitude toward the advertisement" and "attitude toward the brand";
"Try-again" has effect on "attitude toward the advertisement" and "attitude toward the brand";
The interaction of "complexity of information feedback" and "try-again" has effect on "attitude toward the advertisement" and "attitude toward the brand";
OBJECTIVE:To discuss the contradiction between new rules of Good Practice on Management of Prescriptions(try-out)and drug administration for extended use and its countermeasures.
RESULTS &CONCLUSION:It is popular to prescribe beyond the instructions such as extended indication, increased dosage, which is against Good Practice on Management of Prescriptions(try-out).
I try to ravel things involving their friend-makings based on the relevant literature to reveal the codes of these two sages.
Objective:Try to study the effect of short-term psycho-intervention on mental status, medical coping mode, social supports and mood states in patients with maintance hemodialysis(MHD).
In light of traditional PID controller parameters optimization with manual cue-and-try method, a novel kind of PID parameters optimization strategy based on ACA (Ant Colony Algorithm) was proposed.
The cathode design procedure is shown on a computer instead of cut - and - try in the practical machining.
Chapter five, the empirical research on the intra-industry trade of the car Indus try of China, is a core of this dissertation.
Few previous researches on Web query refinement, however, try to exploit the multi-modal information.
The article points out that China should focus on developing medium- and high-grade shuttleless looms and try ever…
We should try to develop practice habits that are productive-that is, habits that are based on minimum effort and maximum efficiency.
So in order to promoting its unfaltering development, the paper try to establish system on performance appraisal of the of Well Technology Operation Company oil-tested team (WTOT) leader in CPEB.
When we construct the culture of the dormitory, we should try to build a stdent-oriented moral education system, and we should put our efforts on the construction of it.
It must be dependent on"two marketplaces, two resources"for Chinese furniture indus- try to realize this am…
This article will try on four aspects at his life , opera , novel and theory criticism with all-a.
As a result, our cowl-try is also trying to have more communication and cooperation with them. This paper makes analysis on several areas that need improve- meat in the relations.
On the basis of expatiating and analyzing this framework, I try describing how Chinese legal research keeps going with self-determination under this framework.
This article focus on the phone, lexical, grammar analysis, and compares Chinese mid-ancient pronunciation and dialects, try to discover its pronunciation evolution rules.
In this thesis, we should show more details to it on the base of combining the words in different versions, and to debate the opinion of Li Gong-huan, and try to recover the original poem.
Since the paper studying on such topic is little, to choose the index system of rural well-off society as the object of study would be a beneficial try.
This article is try to focus on some attention problems in revaluation of postmarketing herb process. Such as the laws and regulations demand, the basement and the subject of revaluation of post-m…
This study try to use value innovation, operation innovation, growth out side the core, and innovation risk find out where is on-line game core value.
On the basis of first-try dependability, we therefore recommend use of the general protocol, although for large-scale applications it may be worthwhile to explore low phosphine conditions.
In this paper, we try to do so some research work on algorithms of robot path planning and those of modular self-reconfigurable robots'locomotion planning with cellular automata.
Taking the school as object, the authors try to make essential and non-symbolic researches on modern architecture by means of computer technology.
Taking the school as object, the authors try to make essential and non-symbolic researches on modern architecture by means of computer technology.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Home Try-On模式在中国能否成功?--新闻资讯--新闻列表 -- CCTIME飞象网
<meta name="description" content="电子商务,交一副眼镜框架钱后,5副眼镜送上门供顾客试戴,5天后留下自己喜欢的一款,剩下的对方上门回收并赠送一对镜片。听起来很夸张的事,其实是国内眼镜业的垂直电商“可得眼镜网”最近正在推的一项新服务:“在家试戴、5选最爱”。这个网站希望通过该服务,解决中国用户网络配镜带来的无法试戴、验光等问题,把网络配镜服务推广开来。,,,,成功">
Home Try-On模式在中国能否成功?
&&& 交一副眼镜框架钱后,5副眼镜送上门供顾客试戴,5天后留下自己喜欢的一款,剩下的对方上门回收并赠送一对镜片。听起来很夸张的事,其实是国内眼镜业的垂直电商“可得眼镜网”最近正在推的一项新服务:“在家试戴、5选最爱”。这个网站希望通过该服务,解决中国用户网络配镜带来的无法试戴、验光等问题,把网络配镜服务推广开来。
&&& 成功的“试戴”模式
&&& “可得眼镜网”是国内最大的网上眼镜商城,根据2013年其合并艾视网时发布的有关数据,它的眼镜网络销量已连续六年全国第一,份额保守估计超过65%。而此次推出的试戴服务,在国内也属首创,称得上是眼镜业在服务方式上的突破。但是,对于这种“试戴”销售模式能否在中国行得通,还是值得考量的。
&&& 首先,这种送货上门的试戴,之后还要上门接受退货,看起来运营成本似乎过高,如果长期这么做下去,电商网站是否承担得起?其次,消费者可能很挑剔,如果5副眼镜都不满意而退货,服务就白做了,这也是经营风险;再者,还有诚信问题,顾客如果把五幅眼镜都昧起来怎么办?
&&& 可得眼镜网选择推广试戴服务主要原因可能是因为,这种商业模式已经在美国被证明是成立的。可得眼镜网的参照对象是美国眼镜业垂直电商WarbyParker。WarbyParker在2011年成立,两年市值就达到1亿美元,颠覆了美国眼镜销售长期被连锁店垄断的面貌。通过与厂商直接合作在网络上销售,WarbyParker首先用95美元这个传统零售1/5的价格迅速抢占市场,此前通常在美国配一副最普通的眼镜也要花300美元,稍微好点则要在600美元以上;同时,Warby Parker采用的免费试戴、满意后付款的创新商业模式“Home Try-On”也获得成功。“Home Try-On”就是让消费者们在Warby Parker上挑5款眼镜之后,可以免费试戴5天,满意后再付款,其他不满意的由厂家上门回收。对顾客来说,这是零风险的承诺,能大大增加消费者对网站的好感和信任度。而且在试戴期间,人们必然会向自己的社交圈咨询意见,便无形中就又给Warby Parker做了口碑推广。2013年底,本来不差钱的Warby Parker又获得一笔6000万美元的C轮融资,这证明了投资界对其的看好程度。
&&& 但接下来的问题是,尽管可得眼镜网的“在家试戴”服务并非异想天开,而是借鉴成功,是践行可行的商业逻辑。但是,美国的商业环境毕竟与中国不同,橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,洋办法会不会遭遇“水土不服”呢?
&&& 改变网上配镜
&&& 乐淘网CEO毕胜几年前曾在网上吐槽国外电商模式遭遇中国式消费的尴尬结局:当看上同样一款东西两个网站都有的时候,一些国内消费者会选择货到付款,两个都订,哪个先到要哪个,把剩下的那个退回去。毕胜透露“有大批这样的用户”,某年卖掉了100万双鞋子,“有10万人是干这个事的”;还有种用户是买了鞋子回去穿一个月,在质保期内时说穿着不合适要退货;也有用户故意损坏商品,在到了保质期前又将商品退回。这些都让网站遭遇不小的损失。可得眼镜网会否也陷入类似的麻烦?
&&& 对付诚信问题,其实最好的办法就是尽量提供更精细的服务,最大限度打动用户,尽量提升交易成功率,减少其退货选择--让他们提起退货来都不好意思。
&&& 可得眼镜网是这么做的,能否成功还需市场检验:首先“在家试戴”服务是针对框架眼镜用户推出的。与隐形眼镜相比,框架眼镜在的网络销售难度要大许多。因为框架眼镜并不是非常标准的产品,消费者需要根据自己的脸型、气质和喜好等进行选型,常常不得不跑很多门店,非常麻烦,但如果能在网上挑选并试戴,就方便多了。至少市场真实存在这样的需求。其次,“在家试戴”服务增加了配镜程序,而且还将免费提供一副镜片,既满足了消费者的要求还施以优惠,能大大促升交易的成功率。另外,可得眼镜网还将“在家试戴”服务与其早前推出的“克隆眼镜”服务相结合,不清楚度数的用户可以将其配戴舒适的旧眼镜一道寄回,可得眼镜网会据此测量并复制出眼镜的光度。
&&& 从选到试再到配,消费者能得到全程的上门服务,只要切身感受到其便捷和实用,人们会很快接受这种配镜方式。目前中国的网购业已经很发达了,大众的接受新鲜事物的能力也相当强,同时互联网上的口碑效应非常明显,种种因素都可能刺激这种网上配镜新模式的普及。不难想象,就像WarbyParker让美国人从跑门店改到上网配眼镜一样,中国人也会很快习惯从此在网上解决眼镜的问题,届时整个眼镜行业传统的营销体系及渠道都不得不迎合这样的变化。从中国电子商务发展的现状可以看出,互联网营销重口碑、重服务的特质鲜明,消费者有更多“主权”,而谁能够支撑起消费主权,谁就将能掌握一个行业的话语权。
编 辑:王洪艳
CopyRight &
公司名称: 北京飞象互动文化传媒有限公司 &法律顾问:万国法源律师事务所律师 王海疆


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