total divas中文字幕carbohydrate中文表示什么?

&&&total digitalization
Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis(DDS) is a new technology of frequency synthesis,which possesses the advantages of high frequency resolution,fast frequency switching,super-wide relative band width,successive phases,total digitalization,etc.
直接数字频率合成(DDS———D igital D irect Frequency Synthesis)是一种新的频率合成技术,具有频率分辨率高、频率切换快、超宽的相对带宽、连续的相位特性和全数字化等优点.
The results show that digital modulation is with high resolution,total digitalization programmable,and low phase noise etc.
Simulating realization of motor control strategy is gradually dropping out of historical stage. Adopted modern means such as microprocessors, FPGA/CPLD, general-purpose computer and DSP control, digital control system is rapidly developed. Applied advanced algorithm, total digitalization intelligent control system will become heading of new generation of motion control system design.
Simulating realization of motor control strategy is gradually dropping out of historical stage. Adopted modern means such as microprocessors, FPGA/CPLD, general-purpose computer and DSP control, digital control system is rapidly developed. Applied advanced algorithm, total digitalization intelligent control system will become heading of new generation of motion control system design.
The necessity of total digitalization of the multi-mode in hospitals affiliated to medical colleges and universities
This paper introduces a kind of more advanced monitoring system, which utilizes the existing network resources and the key device, the network video server, to make the monitoring video signals realize the total digitalization, and any PC on the network can be located as the main control and auxiliary control computer, and realize the real-time monitoring and operate the front-end devices in any places through Internet.
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Total Gastrectomy
The necessity of total digitalization of the multi-mode in hospitals affiliated to medical colleges and universities
Digitalization of
On Professional Archives Digitalization
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没有找到相关例句 At the beginning of 21st century, digitized hospitals have been set up in some countries including the United States and Malaysia. At present,in China the digitalized construction of the hospitals affiliated to medical colleges is basically at the stage of multi
mode information management, which can hardly attain goal of total digitalization.This article discusses the stages of multi
mode development and the characteristics of totally digitalized hospitals as well as the significance of constructing... At the beginning of 21st century, digitized hospitals have been set up in some countries including the United States and Malaysia. At present,in China the digitalized construction of the hospitals affiliated to medical colleges is basically at the stage of multi
mode information management, which can hardly attain goal of total digitalization.This article discusses the stages of multi
mode development and the characteristics of totally digitalized hospitals as well as the significance of constructing such hospitals. By introducing the general situation of digitalized hospitals in developed countries and the flourishing cities in China, the paper proposes that the construction of digitalized hospitals affiliated to medical colleges be put onto the agenda.2 1世纪初美国、马来西亚等国家已经开始建设全数字化医院 ,我国目前高校教学实习医院数字化建设方面基本上都处于信息管理多模式发展阶段 ,离全数字化医院目标相距甚远。本文论述了多模式发展阶段和全数字化医院特点 ,两个阶段间之间的关系 ,建设数字化医院的重要性 ,通过介绍先进国家和我国发达城市建设数字化医院的概况 ,提出我国高校附属医院应将建设全数字化医院摆入议事日程 ,认真规划早日发展。 This paper introduces a kind of more advanced monitoring system, which utilizes the existing network resources and the key device, the network video server, to make the monitoring video signals realize the total digitalization, and any PC on the network can be located as the main control and auxiliary control computer, and realize the real-time monitoring and operate the front-end devices in any places through Internet. This system, which is economic, simple and flexible, possesses infinite augmentability... This paper introduces a kind of more advanced monitoring system, which utilizes the existing network resources and the key device, the network video server, to make the monitoring video signals realize the total digitalization, and any PC on the network can be located as the main control and auxiliary control computer, and realize the real-time monitoring and operate the front-end devices in any places through Internet. This system, which is economic, simple and flexible, possesses infinite augmentability and is the first choice among the technical scheme of realizing the security monitoring with the existing network resources.介绍了一种目前比较先进的监控系统,其利用原有网络资源,应用“网络视频服务器”这一核心设备,将监控视频信号完全数字化,网络上的任意一台PC可设置为主控或辅控机,在任何地方都可以通过Internet实现实时监控并可操作前端设备。该系统经济、简洁、应用灵活,并具有无限可扩展性,是已有网络资源实现安防监控的首选技术方案。 Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis(DDS) is a new technology of frequency synthesis,which possesses the advantages of high frequency resolution,fast frequency switching,super-wide relative band width,successive phases,total digitalization,etc.In fact,DDS is a technology for waveform synthesization that is able to output any waveform with high stability.This paper discusses the overshooting and ringing in the output signals in pulse-generating DDS,puts forward the methods to optimize pulse waveforms with... Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis(DDS) is a new technology of frequency synthesis,which possesses the advantages of high frequency resolution,fast frequency switching,super-wide relative band width,successive phases,total digitalization,etc.In fact,DDS is a technology for waveform synthesization that is able to output any waveform with high stability.This paper discusses the overshooting and ringing in the output signals in pulse-generating DDS,puts forward the methods to optimize pulse waveforms with the help of genetic algorithm so as to reduce overshooting and ringing,and demonstrates the methods with computer simulation.直接数字频率合成(DDS———D igital D irect Frequency Synthesis)是一种新的频率合成技术,具有频率分辨率高、频率切换快、超宽的相对带宽、连续的相位特性和全数字化等优点.DDS实际上是波形的合成技术,可以输出高稳定度的任意波形.对脉冲产生型DDS中输出信号的过冲和振铃进行了讨论,提出了用遗传算法优化脉冲波形以减少过冲和振铃的方法,并用计算机仿真结果进行证明.&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社total carbohydrate
...肪(Total fat)4、饱和脂肪(Saturated fat)5、胆固醇(Cholesterol) 6、钠(Sodium)7、总碳水化合物(Total Carbohydrate):系由食品之总重量减 去粗蛋白质,总脂肪,水分及灰份总合而得。
...(Fat):0公克(g)饱和脂肪(Saturated Fat):0公克(g)反式脂肪(Trans Fat):0公克(g)碳水化合物(Total Carbohydrate):10.3 公克(g)钠(Sodium):10公克( 本产品为天然果汁制成,如有沉淀或颜色变深为正规现象,请安心饮用。
巧克力 美国Nature Plus 儿童蛋白粉49... ...
280 mg280毫克
Total Carbohydrate总糖
13 g13克 ...
总碳水化合物含量 (Total Carbohydrate) : 包含所有的醣类、淀粉以及纤维。
There was a slight decrease in total carbohydrate content in haemolymph and mid gut tissue in susceptible and resistant breeds.
For patients with diabetes, glycemic index and glycemic load use may modestly improve glycemic control vs that observed when considering only total carbohydrate (B).
对于糖尿病患者,血糖指数和血糖负荷与所观察到的只考虑总碳水化合物相比更适合改善血糖控制(B) 。
The contents of total carbohydrate, saccharose , reducing sugar and vitamin C in fresh day-lily were determined, and for the first time the content of amino acid was determined.
Then you can look at how this stacks up for a person that has a 200 calorie diet or a 2500 calorie diet, and it'll show things like total fat, cholesterol, sodium, and total carbohydrate.
Just watch your serving size, as brown rice is still somewhat carbohydrate-dense, so the overall impact on your blood sugar and total caloric intake is still significant if you consume too much.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!There was a slight decrease in total carbohydrate content in haemolymph and mid gut tissue in susceptible and resistant breeds.
For patients with diabetes, glycemic index and glycemic load use may modestly improve glycemic control vs that observed when considering only total carbohydrate (B).
对于糖尿病患者,血糖指数和血糖负荷与所观察到的只考虑总碳水化合物相比更适合改善血糖控制(B) 。
The contents of total carbohydrate, saccharose , reducing sugar and vitamin C in fresh day-lily were determined, and for the first time the content of amino acid was determined.
OBJECTIVE To study the effects on the chemical constituents from the contents of extract, polysaccharides, total carbohydrate and HPLC chromatogram of different processing Poria cocos herbs.
With CO_2 concentration increased, negative effects on corn seed rough protein, rough fiber and contents of total carbohydrate were observed but the starch of corn was positively effected.
However, total daily carbohydrate intake was only 80% of the recommended levels based on age and weight, and total daily energy intake was only 78% of the recommended levels based on age.
It significantly increased total leaf carbohydrate and starch contents, C/N ratios in leaves.
The content of chlorophyll, protein, proline, total soluble carbohydrate, and malondialdehyde in leaves were analyzed for 8days after grafting treatment, and they changed evidently.
After grouping, the difference between actual intake and demand was analyzed and compared in terms of total energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, iron, calcium.
However, the scientists found no significant differences in the total energy intake or overall carbohydrate, fat and protein consumption between the autistic children and the controls at 18 months.
However, the scientists found no significant differences in the total energy intake or overall carbohydrate, fat and protein consumption between the autistic children and the controls at 18 months.
Accounts for the total heat by the initial carbohydrate 205 ' about to increase present 60 ' % about.
Conclusions Our diet model is reasonable for treatment of simple obese children, while one high protein, proper fat, low carbohydrate diet and appropriate total calorie intake.
结论治疗单纯性肥胖儿不应过分降低总热能的摄入,应提高早中餐的质和量,降低晚餐的热能摄入。 以高蛋白、适量脂肪、碳水化合物为合理饮食模式。
Intakes of energy and protein were over 110% and 97.1% of the RDA:the protein provided 10.5%, fat 30% and carbohydrate 58% of total energy intake;
六五期间热量和蛋白质人均摄入量分别为供给量标准的110%和97.1%,蛋白质、脂肪和碳 水 化物的热量构成比分别为10.5%、30%和58%;
1 serving: 376 Calories; 23.9 g Total Fat; 264 mg Cholesterol; 22 g Carbohydrate; 3 g Fibre; 19 g Protein; 967 mg Sodium
1 serving: 370 Calories; 25.6 g Total Fat; 277 mg Cholesterol; 12 g Carbohydrate; 1 g Fiber; 22 g Protein; 532 mg Sodium
1 serving: 339 Calories; 11.9 g Total Fat;66 mg Cholesterol; 49 g Carbohydrate; 3 g Fiber; 11 g Protein; 609 mg Sodium
Results:Mean daily intakes of nutrients per capita were as follows:Protein accounted for 17 5% of the total caloric intake (kcal), fat 20 1% and carbohydrate 61 2%.
1 serving: 420 Calories; 15.1 g Total Fat (5.4 g Mono, 1.7 g Poly, 6.4 g Sat); 235 mg Cholesterol; 53 g Carbohydrate; 2 g Fiber; 17 g Protein; 693 mg Sodium
1 serving: 293 Calories; 9.1 g Total Fat (2.0 g Mono, 0.9 g Poly, 2.3 g Sat); 13 mg Cholesterol; 49 g Carbohydrate; 3 g Fibre; 6 g Protein; 102 mg Sodium
1 serving: 284 Calories; 7.8 g Total Fat (2.2 g Mono, 0.3 g Poly, 4.9 g Sat); 18 mg Cholesterol; 44 g Carbohydrate; 2 g Fiber; 11 g Protein; 161 mg Sodium
1 muffin: 208 Calories; 5.8 g Total Fat (3.1 g Mono, 1.7 g Poly, 0.6 g Sat); 18 mg Cholesterol; 37 g Carbohydrate; 3 g Fibre; 3 g Protein; 123 mg Sodium
The total energy that the patient absorbs everyday (include food and dialytic fluid) , 50% come from carbohydrate, 30% come from adipose, 20% come from protein.
If the total is less than 15 , then multiply the serving size so that your serving will have 15 grams of carbohydrate.
If the total is less than 15 , then multiply the serving size so that your serving will have 15 grams of carbohydrate.
- 来自原声例句


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