想做翻译,有什么优化建议 翻译吗

想做翻译的话,直接工作好呢还是考研好呢? - 知乎543被浏览29460分享邀请回答14238 条评论分享收藏感谢收起166 条评论分享收藏感谢收起查看更多回答2 个回答被折叠()当前位置: &
英文翻译want to do sth = would like to do sth&&&& ponder&&&& produce&&&&what&&&&what do you feel like doing&&&&be my guest&&&&tell me what you wanna do&&&&what do you feel like doing today&&&&be my guest&&&&your ideal job&&&& what to do&&&&what do you want to do after breakfast&&&&what is learned in the cradle is
whatever you do do with ...&&&&can't&&&&don't&&&&do nothing&&&&intended to&&&&what to do&&&&what&&&&pretend to be / do&&&&advise doing sth&&&&be determined to de&&&&be eager to do sth&&&&take turns to do sth&&&&can do&&&&watcha gonna do
例句与用法Do what you please .你想做什么都行。 "i don't want to do anything out of the way!" he kept saying .“我可不想做什么见不得人的事情。”他一再说。Could be worse . you know whatelse i want to do可能会更糟你知道我还想做什么吗A : what kind of job would you like to do你想做什么工作?理想的是在医院工作。 What you gonna be when you grow up ? - i don ' t know你长大了想做什么? -我不知道This is my house ! i can do whatever i like这是我的房子,我想做什么就做什么。 What are you gonna do ? - find the guy responsibie你想做什么? -找阴谋的负责人During the holiday , we are free to do as we like在假期时我们想做什么就做什么。 Tom : what do you want to do during the holiday , sally汤姆:假期你想做什么,莎莉- what you gonna be when you grow up ? - i don ' t know-你长大了想做什么? -我不知道更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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