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中资银行股沽压沉重,成为众矢之的。 The Chinese-funded bank stock buys presses heavily, becomes is the target of public criticism. 者一向是众矢之的。 A champion is always a fair mark. 一时间,上海楼市的价格高地成为了众矢之的。 For a time, the Shanghai property market prices Heights become common knowledge. 基于这一原因,我们在很多时候成为了众矢之的。 Be based on this one reason, we made target of public criticism in a lot of moment. 去年德国富人偷漏税曝光使“避税天堂”成为众矢之的。 German tax evasion came to light last year, so that the rich "tax havens" have become the target of public criticism. 警方已经成为众矢之的,尤其是在墨西哥北部的边境城市。 Police have become common targets, especially in border cities in northern Mexico. 他因昨日忘了多买些咖啡,今晨早餐上遂成为家中众矢之的。 He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning! 美国因拥有广阔和流动性良好的证券市场而成为了众矢之的。 America is the favoured place because it has broad and liquid markets for securities. 那部电影一上演,可怜的导演就成为了批评家们的“众矢之的”。 The poor director became the Aunt Sally to critics soon after that film was on show. 我们纷纷掷出燧石,众矢之的应声倒地——但他仍在呼唤她的名字。 And we cast the Victim down there - but he called her by her name. 但是,由土地供给失衡所引出的机制缺陷问题还是成为了众矢之的。 However, the mechanisms that had emerged from the imbalance of land supply problems or errors become common knowledge. 让我们卷入这场危机的银行家们,在冰岛现在已经成为众矢之的了。 The bankers who got us into this mess are not loved here in Iceland. 房价问题早已是众矢之的,而此一轮宏观调控的着眼点也正是拿房价开刀。 Real estate has long been common knowledge, and the focus of this round of macroeconomic regulation and control is also taking real surgery. 库尔特先生以反对正流派艺术而闻名,他也许会因为他的观点而成为众矢之的。 Mr Kurtz, known for his anti-establishment art, may simply have become the target of harassment for his views. 接二连三的事件使食品行业成为了众矢之的,消费者被告诫要选择可靠品牌的产品。 Repeated incidents have made the food industry the target/ aim of public criticism, and consumers are warned to choose products of reliable brands. 在一个开放的舆论环境中,任何挑战公义或无视常识的说法,必然会成为众矢之的。 In an open public opinion environment, any challenges are public justice or the view that ignores common sense, inevitable meeting makes target of public criticism. 她的策略就是不要触及那些特别敏感的改革计划以免自己及本届政府成为众矢之的。 Her tactic is not to identify too closely with any particular reforms and to let her ministers take the flak. 在国会听政会上,中国问题将成为众矢之的,但民主党似乎准备好了尝试保尔森的新策略。 There will be much huffing about China in congressional hearings, but the Democrats seem prepared to give Mr Paulson's new strategy a shot. 新疆少数民族动乱,中国安保人员再次镇压,血流成河,自此之后,土耳其就成了众矢之的。 As Chinese security forces reimpose order after a bloody spasm of ethnic unrest in Xinjiang, Turkey is finding itself in the line of fire. 如果「绝佳本质」本身会让你成为众矢之的,那么只去梦想一下「绝佳本质」则是明智之举; To dream of excellence is wise if Excellence, Itself, will make of you a target. 迟迟无法公布的漫游成本费用,不仅成为众矢之的,更成为电信资费改革雷声大雨点小的明证。 There has been no announcement of roaming costs, not only has become a target of public criticism, but also a reform of telecommunications charges Raytheon evidence of a small heavy rain. 然而在我国的运行中,MBO却引发种种公平性问题,逐渐从改革利器变成了众矢之的,最终得到被暂停的命运。 But in the operation of our country, MBO causes all sorts of fairness questions, has turned from reform edge into a black sheep gradually, suspended finally. 背景:国内校园濒传安全意外事件,每每造成重大社会新闻事件,校护又常成为众矢之的,成为各方责难的焦点。 Background: In the past decade, the accidental events in the school of this country were heard very often, which usually cause a major social event in the newspaper. 海尔成为众矢之的,充满恨意的电子邮件向他蜂拥而来,大部分都指控他是隐瞒海尔波普彗星真相这项阴谋的一员。 Hale became the target of a flood of hate Email, much of it accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to suppress the true nature of Hale-Bopp. 尽管政府的初衷良好,但由于政策本身的缺陷和政策落实的不到位,经济适用住房再度成为众矢之的,处于尴尬的境地。 Despite the good intention, but because of policy mistakes and policies of its own in place, the economic application of housing has once again become a target, in limbo. 力拓公司执行长汤姆·艾博年和主席保尔·斯金纳在宣布了向中国国企中国铝业出售股份和资产的计划后,立刻成为众矢之的。 The reputations of Rio chief executive Tom Albanese and chairman Paul Skinner are on the line after they announced the plan to sell shares and assets to Chinese state-owned firm Chinalco. 双刃可以搬运任何地面车辆和步兵,不过这并不是没有风险的,搬运一辆昂贵的天启或是V4火箭车将会让你的双刃变成众矢之的。 Twinblades can carry any Ground Vehicle or infantry but it is not without risks, carrying an expensive Apocalypse Tank or a V4 Rocket Launcher makes your Twinblade a massive target. 公众、政府和媒体将金融危机的根源归结于银行家的鲁莽行为,而作为唯一一家屹立不倒的超级银行,高盛,自然成为了众矢之的。 The public, politicians and the press blame bankers' reckless trading for the credit crunch and, as the most successful bank still standing, Goldman is their prime target. 因此有些人布什成为那些喜欢将国家问题归罪于外国替罪羊的人的众矢之的,如委内瑞拉的总统查韦斯(HugoChávez)。 He thus offered an easy target for those, such as Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, who like to blame their countries' problems on a foreign scapegoat. 其实伯明翰市议会在10月初时已成为饱受民众抨击的众矢之的,根据媒体当时透露的消息,当地某些只是负责为城市街道刷上白色交通指示线的路政工人竟然每周也可以挣到1000英镑。 Earlier this month, Birmingham council came under fire when news leaked that some road workers -- whose job was to paint white lines on the city's streets -- earned 1, 000 pounds a week.


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