《why water blueis needed》 的英语作文

【节约作文】 池锝网
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篇一:关于节约用水的英语作文 We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence. Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing. Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water. Therefore, so save water from every single person is important. That is why we should save water at home. If every one of us saves water at home, then the water saved together would be a huge amout. And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we just used them to wash clothes to water the plants o when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc. So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home .篇二:中考英语作文范例:节约用水 中考英语作文范例:节约用水 题目:请以“Saving Water”为题,并根据以下提示写一篇不少于60单词的作文。
Saving Water
1 What do we use water for?
2 Why water is very important in our daily life?
3 How do we save water?
As we all know, water is essential in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use water to wash things and cook food, we also use water to make machines. People can't live without water.
Though about 75% of the earth is covered with water, only 3% of it is fresh water. So we must save water by having a shower instead of a bath. We can save water by fixing dripping taps immediately and we can also save water by not washing under a running tap.
虽然地球75%都被水覆盖,但其中只有3%是淡水。所以我们应该用淋浴代替泡澡来节约水,同时及时修好滴水的水龙头,并且不要开着水龙头洗东西。篇三:节约用水英语 水资源问题: As we can see, the world population is growing quickly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, most factories produce waste gas . which results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth. With fresh water, the world will be more lively and beautiful . Saving water 节约用水 As we all know water plays an important part in people’s daily lives. Water is the basic source of life. There would be no life without water. More and more water is needed in the modern society. So we should try to save it. At the same time , it is our duty to save water . Now many places are short of water. For example, a big drought(干旱中国的西南地区) at the beginning of this year. especially Yunnan province, millions of people has not got enough water for common life. A lot of rivers and lakes are polluted. What's worse, many people are wasting water seriously. In order to protect water, let's do something to fight against all kinds of pollution and waste of water. For example , we could cycle the water we have just used, We can use them to wash clothes, to water the plants or to rush the WC(厕所); when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc. Water Water is very important to living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water. We need water to drink, to cook our food and to clean ourselves. Water is needed in home,offices, factories , schools and hospitals, etc .
Seeing from space,
the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe. Water covers about seventy percent of the earth's surface. There is water in oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. Even in the driest part of the world, there is some water in the air. Water is found almost everywhere篇四:英语作文节约用水——海报 Protect our environment ----------Let’sconserve water Yesterday, I see a picture on the newspaper. There is a tap on it. And there just has a drop of water .there is a line of words after that: Please conserve water, or the last drop of water will be our tears. I think we should do something to save water. Because. We can't leave water if there is no water, it will be no life. As we all know water is very important in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use it to wash dishes, make food and so on .People can't leave without water. But now, the world is not only hungry, but also thirsty for water .There is only a little water for us to use .If we don't save it, it will surely be used out some day. But how can we save water? We have many ways to save water. For example, when we finish washing face we can use the water to clean the floor. If we see the dropping tap, we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible and we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath is a waste of water .The most important thing is we should not pollute water so that we will have fresh water for years and years. Let’s conserve water!篇五:中英文作文水的重要性(一)The Importance of Water(一) 水的重要性(一)The Importance of Water(一) It is well-known that water is indispensable in existing, in producing and in living. And we should not waste of a drop of water. 众所周知,在生产和中水是必不可少的。我们不应该浪费一滴水。 First, water is definitely important for life. As is known to us all, water is necessary to support life. Without water, human beings, animals and plants cannot exist at all. 首先,水对生命是非常重要的。众所周知,水是维持生命所必需的。没有水,人类,动物和植物都不复存在。 Second, water is also significant for producing. For one thing, industrial production needs a lot of water, such as using water to generate electricity. For another, agricultural production is also in need of water, especially in irrigation. 第二,水对于生产也具有重要的意义。一方面,工业生产需要大量的水,如,用水发电。另一方面,农业生产也需要水,特别是在灌溉方面。 Finally, water is indispensable in life. In our daily life, we are not able to finish many things without water, such as cooking and washing. 最后,水在我们生活中是不可或缺的。在我们的日常生活中,没有水,很多事情我们都无法完成,如做饭、洗衣服。 To sum up, water is absolutely significant for our living, for producing and for living. Therefore, we need to make full use of each drop of water and form a habit of saving water. 总之,水对我们的生存,生产和生活是非常重要的。因此,我们要充分利用每一滴水,养成节约用水的习惯。篇六:2013中考英语作文预测:节约用水
2013中考英语作文预测:节约用水 随着水资源的短缺,节约水是我们每个人的,请以此话题写一篇短文。 As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.篇七:英语作文有关节水作文 On March 22 every year,lots of people who study and work in the school take part in various activities. These activities are very necessary for everyone.It
really pays to do them. Some students put on short plays to tell everyone that we should persist in saving
as possible as we can.It’s high time for us to know the ndimportance of water. Some also have a big speech competition ,which shows people
that the wasting and polluting of water are very serious. At the same time ,others make some posters to call on the ways of protecting it.We really have responsibilities to protect the water resource. There is no doubt that where there is no water ,there
is no life.Don't let our tears become the last drop of water.Let’s actions to protect save water.
take and 篇八::节约用水 一年级作文:节约用水 我的家在文博广场附近,所以我经常去那里玩。文博广场是个南北长,东西窄的长方形广场。 文博广场的北面有一个半圆形的回廊,回廊下面有一些欧式风格的柱子支撑着。回廊北面的草地上有一棵棵绿色的大树,真想一个个身穿绿衣的巨人。回廊的南面有一个圆形的喷泉池,连着两个长方形的喷泉池。它清清的池水倒映着大树、楼房和来来往往的人们。 广场的中心有一个正方形的台子。白天它是小们的乐园,他们在上面玩耍;晚上它是大人们的乐园,他们在上面跳舞健身。 广场南面的草地上,立着面对面的十八个少林武僧的雕像,他们做着各种各样的武打动作,旁边的一块大石头上刻着介绍这些少林武僧的文字。 文博广场真是一个美丽、漂亮的广场!篇九:节约用水作文300字 如果人类不珍惜水,那么我们看到的最后一滴水将是我们的眼泪。 3月22日是世界水日,我们都知道,水是生命之源,我国是世界12个贫水国之一。尽管这样,可水的浪费还是十分严重。 看一看我们平时生活中的用水习惯:有些小朋友经常洗手之后忘了关水龙头,任凭水花花地流走;有的上完厕所后,却在里面打起了水仗,玩起了水游戏;更有的甚至把喝水的水壶当成了水枪,在地上撒起了水柱。相信这样浪费水的行为一定是们不能接受的,所以大家之间可以相互监督、相互提醒,逐渐改掉浪费的陋习。 同学们,让我们自觉保护和每一滴水,让我们的实际行动,提高全民节水意识,保护我们珍贵的水资源,保护社会生态。相关热词搜索:
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