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一、怎样解决烦恼 B: Hey jun hao, as we all know,we always meet a numbers of troubles in our life.And in many times we don’t know how to deal with this problem.If we can’t handle them properly,it will cause more troubles.So what do you do to relax when you’re feeling stressed or angry? A:When I feel stressed,I will try to distract my own concentration,by listening to some music or watching some interesting videoes,if not,I will chat with others to relax myself.What about you? B:Well,if I am feeling stressed,I think I will go to the playground to play the basketball with my friends,or jog by mysely.I will appreciate the scenery when I am jogging,and it can remit my pressure. A:Yes,I think your method is very great.But,all of us really don’t want to feeling stressed or angry.So I regard that we should keep positive mentality,it is necessary. B:Oh,I can’t agreed more with your point of view.As you know,to keep optimistic mentality can let our body more healthy.Otherwise,we should be joyful and smile frequently.It can reduce our pressure. A:Haha,I know you really get my point.I believe we can dispose the stress and angry in the correct way.I am very enjoy chat with you,see you next time.(point, 减压,blah) B:See you.二、晚上遇到贼 B: Hey,jun hao,nice to see you.I have some questions to ask you.You know,the society is more unsafety.So what would you do when you wake in the night and realize there is a burglar in the room? A:Well,there is no doubt that I am afraid if I meet this situation.But I know I can’t take some action quickly because it is dangerous for me.I should think some effective mearsures.Usually,I will pretent to asleep,and I regard it is the most safty action,do you think so? B:Um,your idea is great.By the way,for me,I will observe his build,if he is thin,I will go out from the bad quickly and use the quilt to cover him and hit him.Although this method is not good,I want to give him the lesson. A:I know you are angry to meet the burglar when you sleep,but I think your action is insecurity.To sum,all of us don’t want to meet this situation.So we must do a Good job in security work,for example,before we go to the bed,we should lock the doors and windows,do you think so? B:Yeah,I can’t agreed more with your point of view.By the way,if we can,we should prepare lots of weapons to put under our bed.When we meet the burglar,we can use them to revolt him. A:Haha,I think if we really meet this situation,we should wait and see the burglar how to do.If him just want money,we can let him go.If him want to hurt us,we must fight back.Above all,we should sure ous safty.三、网络 A:Nowadays,more and more people tend to surf the Internet for information or just for fun. Whatever one may use the Internet for , things always have their advantages and disadvantages.so Do you know what we can do with the Internet? B:As we all know that, The Internet provides wide knowledge. We don't have to go to the library or take time to look for the books.In that way,we can study on the Internet and it can save us a lot of time. A:Yes,I can't agree more.Internet is a good way to gain knowledge.in my opinion , The Internet makes purchase more convenient. You don't even have to go the department store. The only thing you should have is a bank account and a few clicks.In that way,the goods we want will be deliverd to our home quickly.So i love shopping online. B:What’s more The Internet makes communication easier and faster. We don't have to write letters. Just type in and send will do. It helps to save money and time.Do you agree with me? A:Of course.I did agree with you.And in my spare time.We can download movies, books and music freely, which save space as well as money.I believe that almost everyone in china download movie on the Internet. B: Absolutely yes.and We can make more friends through QQ and WEIBO , meantime we can share our information with others and learn your friends ‘ information timely.Nowadays,i can't live without QQ and weibo. A: Yes,As college students,we need some special information for essay and paper.We can access the latest information in the related research field through Internet quickly and conveniently.and what we have discussed above almost cover everything.I do think we have a good discussion today. A:As we all know,bear is dangerous animal.It may hurt us when we are in the wild.do you have any constructive suggestion when we meet a bear in the wild B:In my opinion,First of all,Stay calm. If you see a bear and it hasn't seen you, calmly leave the area. AYes i can't agree more.As you move away, you better keep quiet.Bear has not detected your presence and is more than 100 m (350 ft) distant. B:Second. Stop. Back away slowly while facing the bear. A:of courseAvoid direct eye contact, as bears may regard this as a threat. Give the bear plenty of room to escape. Wild bears rarely attack people unless they feel threatened B: what's more.Speak softly. This may reassure the bear that no harm is meant to it. Try not to show fear. A:but we have to Fight back if a black bear attacks you. Bears have been driven away when people have fought back with rocks, sticks, binoculars and even their bare hands.But actually i am perfer to pretend to be dead. B:i can't agree more.we may lose courage when we are facing a bear so Climb a tree if available. A: oh that’ s a excellent idea and i think what have discussed above almost cover everything。 I am glad that we have a good discussion
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11:27 来源:网络综合
★无忧考网频道为网友整理的《校园英语口语情景对话:准备考试》,供大家参考学习。汤姆:Mr. Bill, I`m so tired that I can`t concentrate at all. 比尔老师.我太累了.精神根本集中不起来. 比尔:Why are you studying so hard tonight? 为什么今晚你那么用功学习? 汤姆:I`ve got an English exam tomorrow, and I`m worried. 我明天要参加一个英语考试.我很担心. 比尔:Why don`t you take a break? 为什么你不休息一会儿? 汤姆:I`ve got a lot more to study. 我还有很多东西要学. 比尔:I know, but you`ll be able to concentrate better if you relax for a while first. 我知道.但是如果先休息一会儿.你会更有精神看书. 汤姆:You`re right. 你说的对.大学期末考试英语口语交际对话 - TutorABC(原vipabc)官网
  大学的期末考试虽然没有高中那么紧张,但是不及格就需要补考甚至重修。老师不会再督促你背单词,做习题,一切靠自觉。有人大学第一年就过了6级,甚至陆续考过了托福雅思,正在准备GRE。有的人四年过去六级证书还没拿到。成绩都是汗水的所得,与其羡慕别人可以和外国留学生侃侃而谈,为何不趁年华正好,学习一下实用的?  大学期末考试情景对话  Mike: Your final exam will be at 10 : 00a.m. on Friday, June30 th.  期末考试是6月30号星期五早上10点.  Eric: Where will we take the exam?  在哪里考呢?  Mike: I`m not sure which hall the register will assign to us. During the studying time I`m sure they will post the exam location list. Check then.  我不太清楚教务处安排我们在哪里考.读书期间我相信他们会把考试地点张贴出来.到那时再查一下.  Eric: How much will the final count in our final grades?  期末考试占总分的多少啊?  Mike: The final will be 50% of your grade, so it is obviously a key factor.  占一半。所以期末考试很关键。  Eric: What format will it be? Multiple choice questions? True or false? Essay questions?  考试的形式如何?选择?是非?论述题?  Mike: It will be a combination. There are three sections. The first part is a series of twenty true or false questions. The second will be ten short answer questions. Finally you will have a choice of three topics to write an essay on.  都有。考试分三部分。第一部分是道是非题.第二部分是道简答题。最后一部分有三个主题.从其中选一个来写一篇文章. 。  Eric :How long will the test take? It`s not a take-home, is it?  考试时间有多长?不能拿回去写吧?  Mike: No, you’re not so lucky. You have to finish it in the classroom.  不能。你运气没有那么好,一定要在教室里写.  Eric: I suppose it`s not an open-book exam either?  我想这也不是开卷考试吧?  Mike: Once again, no such luck. You can only use your pencils to write down whatever knowledge you’ve been able to store in your minds.  再说一次,,有那么幸运。你只能用笔把脑袋里记得的知识写出来。  大学的学习主要靠的是个人的自觉,有的人打游戏打得昏天黑地,有的人是年年拿奖学金、出国深造,毕业后的结果可想而知。趁着大学有丰富的业余时间,为何不把英语学好呢?报名参加一个,每晚少看一集电视剧,或者少打两盘游戏,坚持一个学期,你的对话能力就能比同学好很多,以后无论是出国还是工作都极有帮助。
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话题如下。在线坐等。。跪求。Charlie bought a cat for company and it has given him a lot of pleasure. Lily comes and sees it, and Charlie highly recommends having a pet cat.
总的来说,首先要给监考老师留下一个好印象,比如在进考场时和老师打招呼,离开时说good bey之类的,其次,对话要冷静,当自己忘记怎么说时,用well之类的词语拖延,当他人不知道怎么说时你可以给予提醒,希望你考试顺利,【很荣幸能帮你解答这道题】朋友,看啦答案设为满意吧!你连赏金都没有,很少有人回答的【为了你宝贵的学习时间,我们将以最简略的方式为你解答】【不懂追问,帮到你的话望及时选为满意答案,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~】


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