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文档内容预览:&& 哈尔滨市2016年中考密卷数学试题一、选择题1.下列各数中,比-3小的数是(
C.2=-8 D.=±33.在下列四个图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是(
C.3个D.4个二、填空题11.将l 250 000 000用科学记数法表示为
25.(本题10分)电器商场销售A、B两种型号计算器,两种计算器的进货价格分别为每台30元、40元.商场销售5台A型号和1台B型号计算器,可获利润76元;销售6台A型号和3台B型号计算器,可获利润120元.(1)求商场销售A、B两种型号计算器的销售价格分别是多少元?(2)商场准备用不多于2500元的资金购进A、B两种型号计算器共70台.问最少需要购进A型号的计算器多少台?26.(本题l0分)已知,AB是⊙O的直径,AE、AF是弦,BC是⊙O的切线,过点A作AD,使∠DAF=∠AEF .(1)如图(1),求证:AD ∥ BC;(2)如图(2),若AD=BC=AB,连接CD,延长AF交CD于G,连接CF,若G为CD中点,求证:CF=CB;(3)如图(3),在(2)的条件下,点I在线段FG上,且IF=AF,点P在上,连接BP并延长到L,使PL=PB,连接AL,延长EA、BI交于点K,已知∠BAK+∠ABL=180o,∠ABI+∠BAL =90°,⊙O的半径为,求四边形ALBK的面积.27.(本题10分)如图,二次函数y=ax 2+bx(a≠0)的图象经过点A(1,4),对称轴是直线x=-  ,线段AD平行于x轴,交抛物线于点D.在y轴上取一点C(0,2),直线AC交抛物线于点B,连结OA,OB,OD,BD. (1)求该二次函数的解析式;(2)设点F是BD的中点,点P是线段DO上的动点,将△BPF沿边PF翻折,得到△B′PF,使△B′PF与△DPF重叠部分的面积是△BDP的面积的  ,若点B′在OD上方,求线段PD的长度;(3)在(2)的条件下,过B′作B′H⊥PF于H,点Q在OD下方的抛物线上,连接AQ与B′H交于点M,点G在线段AM上,使∠HPN+∠DAQ =135°,延长PG交AD于N.若AN+ B′M=,求点Q的坐标.答案D
△BEF(1)A42元,B 56元最少30元(1)连BF,可得∠OAD=90o(2)连BF,先证四边形ABCD是正方形,可得tan∠DAG=,设边长为2a,则tan∠ABF=,得AF=,FG=,解△CFG,得tan∠CFG=,所以∠CFG=∠ABF,∠CFB=∠CBF,所以CB=CF(3)连AP,∠LAP=∠BAP∵IF=AF,∴∠ABF=∠IBF∴tan∠ABF=tan∠IBF=,又∵∠ABI+∠BAL=90o∴tan∠LAP=tan∠BAP=∵∠BAK+∠ABL=180o∴∠BAK+90o-∠PAB=180o,∴∠BAK=90o+∠PAB又∴∠BAK=90o+∠KAD,∴∠PAB=∠KAD,解△ABK,过K作KK′⊥AB,∴=15(1)∵A(1,4)C(0,2)∴,∴B(-2,-2)∵D(-4,4)∴BD,由条件得P′是PD的中点,四边形BFB′P是菱形,∴PB=∵P在上,∴P(-1,1)∴PD=由(2)得F(-3,1),P(-1,1)B’(-2,4)过A作AI⊥HP,可得四边形AB’HI是正方形,过A作AL∥PN,由∠HPN+∠DAQ =135°得∠MGP=45o∴∠MAL=45o,设B’M=m,则AN=,∴PL=∴LI=∴ML=B’M+LI=,在Rt△MHL中,得m=∴M(-2,)∴AM:∴Q(,)
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2013 年初中升学考试英语模拟试题第Ⅰ卷一、听力测试(本题共 30 分)听录音,每题读两遍。 Ⅰ.听句子,选出与所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 (本题共 5 分,每小题 1 分)( ()13. Wu Ming’s temperature is A. high B. low. C. all
rightⅡ.听对话,根据问题选出正确的答案。 (本题共 10 分,每小题 2 分) ( )6. A. Less than three months ago. B. About two months ago. C. More than four weeks ago. ( )7. A. A doctor B. A worker C.A teacher ( )8. A. Home B. Restaurant C. Hospital ( )9. A. The man B. The woman C. Nobody ( )10. A. To carry the box. B. To teach English. C. To bring a book. Ⅲ.听对话,根据对话内容选出最佳答案完成各句。 (本题共 5 分,每小题 1 分) ( )11. doesn’t look well. A. Ann B. Wu Ming C. A doctor ( )12. Wu Ming has . A. a headache and a cough B. a headache and toothache C. a cough and a runny nose)14. Wu Ming . A.is nothing serious B.has a bad cold C. is terribly ill ( )15. Ann told Wu Ming to . A. take enough exercise B. take some medicine C. take a bath Ⅳ.听短文,根据听内容选出短文中划线部分词的同义词或同义短语。 (本题共 10 分,每小题 2 分) What is “time”? We can’t see it and we can’t catch it. But we 16 feel it passing by. Time is always with us in our life. When we are at the table, time passes away while we are eating. When we wash our faces, time flies away in front of us. If you make the best use of it, time will give you 17 , or you will miss a lot. The lost time will not be found 18 . Today, time is becoming more and more important to us. You can always hear people say, “Time is life.” tells us It not to waste any time. We must 19 ,“Time and tide wait for no man.”Now we are still young. It’s high time for us to 20 more. We must make the best use of every minute and be masters (主人)of time. ( )16. A. are willing to B. are able to C. are afraid to ( )17. A. much B. most C. little ( )18. A. at once B. once more C. on time ( )19. A. forget the saying B. explain the saying C. remember the saying ( )20. A. study B. have C. lose 二、单项选择(本题共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 选择最佳答案。 ( )21. ―It looks like rain, why not take umbrella with you? ―Thank you!But I don’t think it’s necessary. A. a B. an C./ ( )22. When the police came, the thief hid himself in the cave (山洞) , his breath and didn’t move. A. holding B. taking C. held ( )23. ―Is that the small town you often talk about? ―Right, just the one you know I used to work for years. A. where B. which C. that )24. ―The English exam is not difficult, is it? ― . Even Tom to the top students failed in it. A. No, it isn’t; belonged B. No, it isn’t; belonging C. Yes, belonging )25. ―What did your parents think about your decision? ―They always let me do I think I should. A. what B. here C. that )26. ―Hello, may I speak to your father, please? ―Sorry, my father Shanghai. He went there this morning.(((第 1 页 共 6 页 ((((((((A. has been to B. has been in C. has gone to )27. ―Why don’t you go to the lecture last Friday? ―It was something pleasant. A. more less B. much more C. far less )28. ―When the plane , you’d better not wear that jacket with too many mental decorations(金属装饰). ―OK, I’ll now. A. takes off, take it off B. is taking off, take off it C. will take off, take it off )29. ―I regret you John has been fired. ―I can hardly believe my ears. He’s such a fine worker. A. telling B. having told C. to tell )30. ― the sports meeting might be put off. ―Yes, it all depends on the weather. A . I’ve been told B. I told C. I’m told )31. ―Paul is good at swimming. ―Yes, he swam across river last Sunday. A. an 11 meters wide B. a 11-meters-wide C. an 11-meter-wide )32. Kate King is an English teacher ,She married Jack Brown, then her students can call her . A. Mrs. King B. Mrs. Brown C. Teacher King )33. Thunderstorms usually happen at this time of year. If you are outdoors during a thunderstorm, what of the following should you do? ①Go into a nearby building or car right away. ②Go under a tree. ③ If there’s no building around, try to find a low place to stay in. Squat(蹲 下)down near the ground and put your hands over your ears. ④Never be afraid and keep walking in the storm. ⑤Never use a cell phone. A. ① ④ ③ B. ① ⑤ ② C. ① ⑤ ③ )34. How much should a handicapped father and his 9-year-old son pay for the tickets? Tickets Price Adults(成人) $7 Young people 12-17, over 60 and unemployed$5 Disabled people$3.50 Under 12 free A.$10.5 B.$8.5 C.$3.5 )35. Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? A. Treasure B. pollution C. afford三、完形填空(本题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 Did you ever wish you hadn’t made a certain mistake? I’ve been in that 36 plenty of times, You just wish you hadn’t done something 37 you realize how silly what you’ve did actually was. But sometimes when you learn your lesson, it is too late to change anything. I think the following tips may be helpful to you. ● It’s never too early to start living a healthier lifestyle. Most people do not think about living a healthy lifestyle before they start having some 38 problems. The earlier you start healthy living, the 39 problems you will be able to avoid in the future. ● Don’t ignore(忽视) what you have. I’ve learned to be grateful for what I have, I have also learned to protect 40 . I have been given in life. I ask you to protect your health, protect your family and protect your friendships 41 ignoring them. ● It is okay to ask for help. It is important to ask for help when 42 it. It does not matter your back hurts, you are tired 43 a long day at work or you just can’t take all the responsibilities(责任) anymore. People who love you will be willing to help you because they care about you. ● Small steps 44 big results. Did you ever give up on something simply because it didn’t bring immediate results? Some steps 45 we make in life are really tiny but they take us to the highest peaks(山峰)in the end. ( )36. A. way B. situation C. form ( )37. A. because B. though C. and ( )38. A. health B. healthy C. healthily ( )39. A. fewer B. many C. more ( )40. A. which B. what C. that ( )41. A. instead of B. thanks to C. pay attention to ( )42. A. needing B. need C. needed ( )43. A. when B. before C. after ( )44. A. bring B. take C. carry ( )45. A. who B. where C. that 四、阅读理解(本题共 15 分,每小题 1 分) (A) A chameleon(变色龙)is a kind of lizard There are more than eighty different species of chameleon. Most of them live in Africa, but there are some species that live in India and the Middle East and one species that lives in Mediterranean(地中海的) countries. The interesting thing about chameleons is that many species can change their color. Some people believe that chameleons change color so that other animals will not be able to see them and attack them, but(第 2 页 共 6 页 this is not the case. They usually do so when they are angry or frightened. Because chameleons can turn their eyes backward, they can look behind them without moving their body or head. They can even have one eye looking forward and one eye looking backward at the same time! Chameleons are long and thin and vary(变化)in size depending on the species―usually between 4 and 60 centimeters long. They move very slowly and live in trees. They wait for insects(昆虫) to come by and then shoot out their long tongues, catching the passing insects on the sticky(粘性的) surface. Then the chameleons eat their catch. Large chameleons also eat birds. Chameleons’ tongues move so quickly that people cannot see them. In some African countries, people are afraid of chameleons because they think they bring bad luck. Many people in Madagascar(马达加斯加岛) believe that anything you do to a chameleon will one day happen to you. For example, if you drive over a chameleon on the road and kill it, soon someone will drive over you and kill you. Because of this, Madagascans are very careful how they behave toward chameleons. In reality, chameleons do not hurt people. They do not bite and they are not poisonous(有毒的), even the larger ones are harmless. 根据短文内容选出最佳答案。 ( )46. The underlined word “species” in the passage mean “ ” in Chinese. A. 种类 B. 形状 C. 群体 ( )47. Chameleon may change color . A. before other animals see them and attack them B. when they are going to hide C. when they frightened or angry ( )48. Picture shows something special about the chameleon’s eyes when they look behind them.((A B C )49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Many Africans are afraid of chameleons because they think they are dangerous. B. Chameleons catch insect with their tongues. C. Most of the chameleons are not poisonous except the larger ones )50. The best title of this passage should be . A.THE SPECIES OF CHAMELEON B.CHAMELEON DO NOT HURT PEOPLE C.CHAMELEONS AND THEIR CHARACTERS (B)Word box: ESP=SPAIN; Sustainable 可持续性 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( )51. Japan held the Expo in according to the form. A. 2000 B. 2005 C.2008 ( )52. The theme of 2010 Expo is . A. Better City Better Life B. The Living Ocean and Coast C. Water and Sustainable development ( )53. Participants of 2005 Expo are fewer than that of 2000 Expo. A. 87 B. 43 C. 30 ( )54. Both and have two mascots of Expo according to the form. A. J China B. K Japan C. G Korea ( )55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information from the form? A. Three Asian countries will have held the Expo by the end of 2010. B. No country will give up joining in the Expo 2012. C. Shanghai Expo will last six months and it is the second longest. (C) I filled my afternoon with small kindness today. It didn’t take much time or effort, but I hope it made a small difference to the people who received it. I stopped at the supermarket to buy some hamburgers for my daughter, Rita. I also decided to get a few more for my husband and me. Armed with the hamburgers, I went on to my second stop―a local bookshop. I wanted to see if it had any book on pets, since Rita loves them. While I was there, I talked with the lady at the counter(柜台). She said I was the second person to the shop that day with lovely smelling hamburgers. I jokingly replied that there were only two things she could do C either avoid them, if she was on a diet or go to the supermarket and get some. She replied she would prefer the second choice. “Even better” I said, “I’ll give you mine”. With that, I placed them on the counter and walked straight out. I caught her surprise as I第 3 页 共 6 页 left “I thought you were joking!” It had been raining heavily so everyone looked quite wet. I noticed a homeless lady selling the “Big Issue”(a magazine that supports nameless people) who looked particularly cold so I gave her all my change(零钱) but asked her to keep the magazine. I then went back to my car. I had to pay for two hours of parking instead of one because I didn’t have the correct change, so I still had an hour left on my parking. I waited until I saw a young couple drive in and gave it to them. They were a little surprised but quite pleased. Then I went home with a smile on my face. 根据短文判断正、误。 (注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂“A” ,错误的涂“B” ) ( )56. According to the passage, the writer is a kind woman. ( )57. The writer went to the supermarket to see if it had any book on pets. ( )58. The lady at the counter may like eating hamburgers. ( )59. The writer gave all her changes to a homeless lady to buy the magazines. ( )60. The writer waited for an hour after she paid for the parking.第Ⅱ卷五、任务型阅读(本题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 先阅读(A)(B)两篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列四项任务。 、 (A) have little deep many thinkHow 61 time do you spend with your parents? When did you last tell them what was on your mind? Your parents are your dearest people in the world when you are young. And they always care for you 62 . But even though many children still love their mum and dad, families may become 63 close as they get older. The end of the year is a time for families to get together. Have you ever 64 how you can show your parents that you love them? Find a chance and do something for them. 65 a sincere (真诚的) talk with them is a good idea. If you can do this, your parents will be very happy. (B) The Earth is about 4,600 million years old. Many of the things that we have done are good, but many more are not good for the Earth. Pollution is a serious problem on the earth. In big cities cars and buses have polluted the air. Many people in cities now have very bad health problems. Factories have also polluted the land and the water. As a result, many rivers and lakes are flow polluted. All over the world, people have cut down millions and millions of trees. Did you know many kinds of animals and plants are now disappearing (消失) ?In particular, trees are very important because they produce oxygen (氧气) and control the climate. Now, many people are beginning to take these problems seriously. They are making windgenerators(发动机) and planting new trees. There is a group in our class that picks up the garbage at school. Whether the weather is hot or cold we always do it. I think we are setting a good example to everyone else. I hope, in the future, the sky can be clearer, the water cleaner, and the land greener. Then both people and animals can have a greener Earth. 任务 1:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,连贯、合理。 (每空一词,每词限用一次) 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 任务 2:根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词。 66. p big question 67. d missing, not to be seen any more 任务 3:同义句转换,每空一词。 Then both people and animals can have a greener Earth. Then not 68. people 69. animals can have a greener Earth. 任务 4:根据短文内容简答问题。 70. What pollutes the air? . 六、交际应用(本题共 15 分,每小题 1 分) (A)从 A-J 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。 (选项中由两项时多余的) A:Morning. 71 B: Well, I hardly know where to begin, I feel unhappy most of the day. A: 72 B: No, I’m always sleeping and often feel too tired to do even simple things. A: 73 B: All the time. I worry about my exams, 74 I worry about being late for school… A: Mmm B: I’m quite worried about everything in the school. A: 75 B: Well, about two years. 76 A: No, you needn’t. There is nothing seriously wrong with you. 77 . Play football or basketball for at least half an hour every day. 78 B: Thanks, doctor. A. What’s the trouble? B. You’d better go to school early. C. You’ll soon feel well again. D. I worry about my homework. E. Don’t worry about it. F. Do I need to take some medicine? G. Do you get worried a lot? H. Do you have trouble sleeping? I. And how long has this been going on?第 4 页 共 6 页 J. But you must do more exercises. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 (B)填入一个恰当的词补全对话,每空一词。 A:Can I help you,madam? B:Yes, I bought this T―shirt here yesterday. But I found 79 dirty on it when I got home. A:You should have 80 it over carefully yesterday before you 81 for it. B:I wish to change it for a clean one. A:I’m sorry,but we’ve 82 out all T―shirts like this. B:Then I’ll change it for 83 kind of T―shirt or get my money back. A:Sorry, madam. We can do 84 of them. I think we can only try to clean it for you. B:Well, I should speak to your manager. Please get him for me. A:OK, wait a moment. I’ll go and see 85 he is free. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 七、阅读表达(本题共 10 分) (A)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。 (本题共 5 分,每小题 1 分) Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous westerner to visit Asia during the middle Ages. He wrote a book about his travels。In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard. Many people read the book but few believed what Marco Polo said. He spoke of strange people and places that nobody knew about at that time. As a young man, Marco Polo decided to travel together with his father. It took them more than three years to travel to China. He became the Chinese emperor’s friend. He learned the Chinese language when he traveled around and tailed to many people. When he was thirty,he was made a Chinese official. After nearly seventeen years in the east,Marco and his father prepared to return home. When they finally arrived in Venice,their family and friends were surprised to see them again. They had been away for almost 25 years. Name 86 and year of birth His book As a young man At the age of thirty Nearly17 years Marco In Venice in 1254 Few people understood and believed Marco Polo made a 88 He was made a Chinese 89 90 home 87 he said to travel together with his fatherFrom: To: Subject:An English Club Dear Xiaoli, Our school decided to have an English club next Wednesday2.Would you please put a poster up next afternoon?You can get more information in the P.S. May 29th P.S. This is the information about the English club. Place Time Activities In the hall of the school building 6:00 p.m.―8:00 p.m. Free talk,a party with foreign teachersPOSTER An English Club is waiting for You!Students’ Union 八、书面表达(本题共 15 分) 初四的学习生活,紧张忙碌,同学们难免会感到单调和压抑,幸好每个人都有自己的兴 趣爱好。兴趣爱好不仅可以丰富我们的生活,还能促进我们的学习。结合自己经验,谈一谈 毕业班的同学如何利用兴趣爱好来调节繁重的学习任务,从而达到更好的学习效果? 要求: 1、请根据所提供的信息材料和话题(不要逐句翻译) ,写出结构完整、语句精彩、意思 连贯、语言流畅、语法标准、符合逻辑的短文。 2、至少 80 词。 3、不得使用真实姓名、地名和学校名。 4、题目自拟。Marco and his father prepared to came86 87 88 89 90 (B)根据所给中英文信息完成应用文。 (本题共 5 分) 假如你是学校宣传部的成员, 请您根据老师发给你的电子邮件内容用英语写一则海报, 号召大家在课外尽量多说英语,要求内容所有信息,至少写出 5 句话。第 5 页 共 6 页 2013 年初中升学考试英语模拟试题一、 听力 1-5BCACC 6-10BCAAA 11-15BACAB 16-20BABCA 二、单项选择 21-25BCACA 26-30CCACA 31-35CBCCA 三、完型填空 36-40BAACB 41-45AACAC 四、阅读理解 46-50ACCBC 51-55BACBC 56-60ABABB 五、任务型阅读 61-65 much deeply less thought Having 66. problem 67. disappear 68. only 69. but 70. Cars and buses. 六、交际运用 71-78 AHGDIFJC 79-85 something looked paid sold another neither if 七、阅读表达 86-90 Place what decision official back (B)1.突出应用文的写作特点 2.信息完整 May 30th4.有下列情况之一在总分中扣 1 分:①书写字迹潦草,以致影响交 际;②没拟标题或标题有误;③严重语法错误(影响正确表达)每处扣 1 分,同一错误不重复扣分,最多不超过 3 分。 5.文中出现拼写、大小写、词语搭配或措词不当等错误 1―3 个扣 1 分,3 个以上扣 2 分,最多不超过 2 分。英、美拼写及词汇用法均 可接受。 (二)评分要求: 1.评分时应先考虑文章结构及文章的可读性,其次考虑较为复杂的 词语和句子结构的准确性。 2.评分时要根据文章内容和语言初步确定其所属等次,再以该等次 的要求来衡量,确定或调整等次,最后给分。 (三)给分范围: 一等文:(12 一 15 分)文章结构严谨;叙事完整;语言丰富优美;语 法准确:可读性强。 二等文:(9 一 11 分)文章结构合理,但叙事不够完整;能用完整的 句式,语言较流畅;有些语法错误,但不影响意思表达;可读性较好。 三等文:(6―8 分)文章结构不合理;叙事不具体;语言表达不够清 楚;能用一些词勉强表达情感;语法、句式达不到准确完整。 四等文:(0 一 5 分)基本不成文。第 6 页 共 6 页1) 号召大家在课外尽量多说英语 2)表格中的英文信息。3.语言准确 4.可读性强 (必须有主从复合句) 5.不少于 5 个句子 八、书面表达:(参照中考) (一)评分原则: 1.考生要根据所提供的材料和话题做答,按四个等次给分。 2.使用了真实姓名、地名和学校名,此题不给分。 3.有下列情况之一降一个等次:①脱离所提供的信息材料和话题; ②文体不符;③词数不足 80 个。
2016 年中考数学密卷(考试时间 120 分钟 试卷满分 150 分) 第I卷一、选择题...(本题 12 分) 24.2013 年第十二届全国运动会在辽宁召开,某市掀起了全民健身...2013年中考数学最新最密试题及答案二_中考_初中教育_教育专区。中考数学最新最密试题及答案2013 年中考数学最密试题及答案二一、选择题(共 15 小题,每小题 3 ...中考数学最新最密试题及答案中考数学最新最密试题及答案隐藏&& 2013 年中考数学最密试题及答案三注意事项: 1.本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共 10 页.第Ⅰ卷...2013年成都中考?密卷练习题精选篇_中考_初中教育_教育专区。成都优优数学学校独家密卷成都优优数学?为成都地区中、小学生一路护航! 【中考?密卷精选篇】 成都优...2013上海中考语文押题密卷_中考_初中教育_教育专区。2013上海中考押题密卷 上海中考押题密卷 2013 年 6 月 (满分 150 分,考试时间 100 分钟) 金溪民方仲永,...2015 年中考化学最新密卷答案十 一、选择题(本部分 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1 .下列属于化学变化的是( ) [来源...山东省聊城市2013年中考数学试卷密卷一 隐藏&& 山东省聊城市 2013 年中考数学试卷(绝密版) 一、选择题(本题共 12 小题,每题 3 分,共 36 分) 下列各小题...2013年中考化学最新密卷及答案四_中考_初中教育_教育专区。中考化学最新密卷2013 年中考化学最新密卷答案四 化学试卷本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共 8 页,满...2013年中考化学最新密卷及答案五_中考_初中教育_教育专区。中考化学最新密卷2013 年中考化学最新密卷答案五 化学一、选择题(本大题包括 14 小题,每小题 2 分...中考化学最新密卷中考化学最新密卷隐藏&& 2013 年中考化学最新密卷答案九 化学试卷说明:本试卷共 4 页,17 小题,满分 100 分。理科综合考试时间 130 分钟。 试...
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