考研英语 经济学人主要关注经济学人的哪些板块

  本文是《经济学人》日刊的一篇文章,关注中国离婚率上升的问题。《经济学人》是阅读的重要题源!考研英语要想考高分 经济学人要多关注哦 (考研微信:renrenkaoyan)
  Family relationships
  Divorce: a love story
  While the government talks up family values, marriage break-ups are soaring
  YANG YOURONG's wife kicks him as they walk upstairs and he falls back a few steps, then follows again at a distance up to the cramped offices of a district-government bureau handling divorces in Chongqing, a region in the south-east. After more than 20 years of marriage, Mr Yang's wife has she is “quick tempered”, he says (she had slapped him earlier, he claims). At the bureau, divorce takes half an hour and costs 9 yuan ($1.40). It is administered a few steps away from where other couples get married and take celebratory photographs. Mr Yang and his wife have second thoughts, they return home, still arguing. Most couples hesitate less.
  Divorce rates are rising quickly across China. This is a remarkable transformation in a society where for centuries marriage was universal and mostly permanent (though convention permitted men to take concubines). Under Communist rule, traditional values have retained a strong influence over family relationships: during much of the Mao era, divorce was very unusual. It became more common in the 1980s, but a marriage law adopted in 1994 still required a reference from an employer or community leader. Not until 2003 were restrictions removed.
  The trend reflects profound economic and social change. In the past 35 years, the biggest internal migration experienced by any country in human history has been tearing families apart. Traditional values have been giving way to more liberal ones. Women are becoming better educated, and more aware of their marital rights (they now initiate over half of all divorce cases). Greater affluence has made it easier for many people to contemplate living alone―no longer is there such an incentive to stay married in order to pool resources.
  As long as both sides agree on terms, China is now among the easiest and cheapest places in the world to get a divorce. In many Western countries, including Britain, couples must separate for a period before d China has no such constraints. In 2014, the latest year for which such data exist, about 3.6m couples split up―more than double the number a decade earlier (they received a red certificate, pictured, to prove it). The divorce rate―the number of cases per thousand people―also doubled in that period. It now stands at 2.7, well above the rate in most of Europe and approaching that of America, the most divorce-prone Western country (see chart). Chongqing's rate, 4.4, is higher than America's.
  Helped by the huge movement of people from the countryside into cities, and the rapid spread of social media, the availability of potential mates has grown with astonishing speed, both geographically and virtually. But many migrants marry in their home villages and often live apart from their spouses for lengthy periods. This has contributed to a big increase in extramarital liaisons. Married people previously had limited opportunities to meet members of the opposite sex in social situations, according to research by Li Xiaomin of Henan University. Peng Xiaobo, a divorce lawyer in Chongqing, reckons 60-70% of his clients have had affairs.
  Such behaviour has led to much soul-searching. The notion that “chopsticks come in pairs” propaganda posters preach Confucian-style family virtues using pictures of happy, multi-generation families. (President Xi Jinping is on his second marriage but this is rarely mentioned.) Many commentators in the official media talk of separation as a s they fret that it signifies the decline of marriage, and of family as a social unit―a threat, as they see it, to social stability and even a cause of crime. The spread of “Western values” is often blamed.
  But marriage is not losing its lustre. In most countries, rising divorce rates coincide with more births out of wedlock and a fall in marriage rates. China bucks both these trends. Remarriage is common too. The Chinese have not fallen out of love with marriage―only with each other.
  It is tradition itself that is partly to blame for rising divorce rates. China's legal marriage age for men, 22, is the highest in the world. But conservative attitudes to premarital relationships result in Chinese youths having fewer of them than their counterparts in the West (they are urged to concentrate on their studies and careers, rather than socialise or explore). Living together before marriage is still rare, although that is changing among educated youngsters. People still face social pressure to marry in their 20s. Their inexperience makes it more than usually difficult for them to select a good partner.
  Couples' ageing relatives are part of the problem too. Yan Yunxiang of the University of California, Los Angeles, says “parent-driven divorce” is becoming more common. As a result of China's one-child-per-couple policy (recently changed to a two-child one), many people have no siblings to share the burden of looking after parents and grandparents. Thus couples often find themselves living with, or being watched over by, several―often contending―elders. Mr Yan says the older ones' interference fuels conjugal conflict. Sometimes parents urge their children to divorce their partners as a way to deal with rifts.
  Women are more likely to be the ones who suffer financially when this happens. Rising divorce rates reflect the spread of more tolerant, permissive values towards women, but legislation tends to favour men in divorce settlements. A legal interpretation issued in 2003 says that if a divorce is disputed, property bought for one partner by a spouse's parents before marriage can revert to the partner alone. That usually means the husband's family: they often try to increase their child's ability to attract a mate by buying him a home.
  In 2011 the Supreme Court went further. It ruled that in contested cases (as about one-fifth of divorces are), the property would be considered that of one partner alone if that partner's parents had bought it for him or her after the couple had got married. In addition, if one partner (rather than his or her parents) had bought a home before the couple wed, that person could be awarded sole ownership by a divorce court. This ruling has put women at a disadvantage too: by convention they are less often named on deeds.
  In practice, if the couple has children the person with custody often keeps the home―more often the mother. Yet the court's interpretation sets a worrying precedent for divorced women. Their difficulties may be compounded by the two-child policy, which came into effect on January 1st. If couples have two children and both partners want custody, judges often assign parents one child each. Marriage and the family are still strong in China―but children clearly lie in a different asset class.
  1.social change 社会变迁
  例句:The key issue is the ability of the state to perceive social change and realize possible outcomes of its social policy.
  2.in order to 为了
  例句:Anne raised her voice in order to be heard.
  3.more than 超过
  例句:He had notched up more than 25 victories worldwide.
  4.social media 社交媒体
  例句:For leaders, social media is an extraordinary tool.
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  导语:众所周知,《经济学人》中的文章频频出现在历年的阅读理解试题中。因此,各位的考生在复习考研英语过程中,可以多看看经济学人中的文章。为大家分享经济学人中的文章,希望对2016的考生有所帮助。  German humour  德国幽默  Get thee to an Institute  闻所未闻的幽默培训  Germans concede that in humour they needprofessional help  德国人认为幽默需要专门的训练  EVA ULLMANN took her master&#39;s degree in 2002 onthe part that humour has to play in psychotherapy, and became hooked on the subject. In2005 she founded the German Institute for Humour in Leipzig. It is dedicated to “thecombination of seriousness and humour”. She offers lectures, seminars and personalcoaching to managers, from small firms to such corporate giants as Deutsche Bank andTelekom. Her latest project is to help train medical students and doctors.  2002年,伊娃?乌尔曼以“幽默在心理治疗中的作用”为论文研究主题获得了博士学位,并对该主题产生了巨大的兴趣。2005年,她在莱比锡城创建了德国幽默研究所,致力于研究“严肃和幽默之间的关系”。伊娃为管理者们(从小公司到诸如德意志银行和德国电信之类的商业巨头)都有进行演讲、开展讨论会和个人辅导。最近,她正在着手训练医学学生和医生。  There is nothing peculiarly German about humour training. It was John Morreall, an American,who showed that humour is a market segment in the ever-expanding American genre of self-help. In the past two decades, humour has gone global. An International Humour Congresswas held in Amsterdam in 2000. And yet Germans know that the rest of the world considersthem to be at a particular disadvantage.  奇怪的是,德国并没有特定的幽默培训。一个叫约翰?莫瑞尔的美国人指出曾经一度膨胀的资历的美国精神中,幽默也是市场的一部分。过去的20年里,幽默走向了国际。2000年国际幽默大会在阿姆斯特丹建立。在此之前,德国人还不知道在其他国家的人眼里,他们十分严肃。  The issue is not comedy, of which Germany has plenty. The late Vicco von Bülow, alias Loriot,delighted the elite with his mockery of German pretension and stiffness. Rhenish, Swabianand other regional flavours thrive―Gerhard Polt, a Bavarian curmudgeon, now 72, is aShakespeare among them. There is lowbrow talent too, including Otto Waalkes, a Frisianbuffoon. Most of this, however, is as foreigners always suspected: more embarrassing thanfunny.  这个议题并非是个喜剧,德国的此类例子很丰富。已故的 Vicco von Bülow, 别名Loriot,曾就以讽刺德国人的自负和固执娱乐精英。莱茵河人,斯瓦比亚人和其他地区的精英们层出不穷――Gerhard Polt是个巴伐利亚人,脾气很怪,现年72岁,就是其中的一个莎士比亚。也有一些比较肤浅的人物,比如弗里斯兰小丑OttoWaalkes。然而大多数情况下,外国人的怀疑:往往是尴尬大于有趣。  Germans can often be observed laughing, uproariously. And they try hard. “They cannotproduce good humour, but they can consume it,” says James Parsons, an Englishmanteaching business English in Leipzig. He once rented a theatre and got students, including MrsUllmann, to act out Monty Python skits, which they did with enthusiasm. The trouble, he says,is that whereas the English wait deadpan for the penny to drop, Germans invariably explaintheir punchline.  人们常常可以看到德国人大笑。他们真的在很努力地发出笑声。在莱比锡大学教授商务的英国人詹姆斯?帕森斯说,“他们没法变的幽默,但他们可以表现得很幽默。”他曾经租了一个歌剧厅,邀请了一些学生,包括乌尔曼一起表演Monty Python短剧。他们表演得很有热情。但是,问题是,英国人会面无表情地等硬币落下来而德国人则认为很有笑点。  At a deeper level, the problem has nothing do with jokes. What is missing is the trifecta ofirony, overstatement and understatement in workaday conversations. Expats in Germanyshare soul-crushing stories of attempting a non-literal turn of phrase, to evoke a horrifiedexpression in their German interlocutors and a detailed explanation of the literal meaning,followed by a retreat into awkward politeness.  更深层次上来说,这个问题与笑话无关。他们在正常的工作交流中,没有一连串的讽刺,大话和保守言论。德国的外国移民设法通过非文学的方式,与当地人交流窝心的故事,对他们的德语朋友产生恐惧的印象并不得不解释这些词语的文学一次,因而最后会陷入尴尬的礼貌却又疏离的境地。  Irony is not on the curriculum in Mrs Ullmann&#39;s classes. Instead she focuses mostly on thebasics of humorous spontaneity and surprise. Demand is strong, she says. It is a typicalGerman answer to a shortcoming: work harder at it.  讽刺不属于乌尔曼的授课内容。相反,她主要集中在自发幽默和惊喜的基本原则。她说人们对幽默的需求很强。这是典型的德国人对待缺点的方式:埋头苦干。  【重点解析】  1.dedicate to 献身于  例句:Concentrate the natural elite, Dedicate to theHuman Health.  浓缩植物精华, 缔造人类健康!  2.consider to 考虑  例句:We don&#39;t consider our customers we consider them to be our friends...  我们没有把客户仅仅看作是消费者;我们还把他们当作朋友。  3.answer to 适应, 符合  例句:I don&#39;t quite know what to say in answer to your question.  我不太清楚如何回答你的问题。  4.such as 例如;诸如  例句:We dislike people such as him.  我们不喜欢像他这号人。热点聚焦考研关注?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&复习备考综合辅导?&?&?&?&?&?&?&&&


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