
春节作文:春节里最难忘的一件事 来源:  16:08:00 【】    快乐的春节到来了,我们一家到河内市天堂公园去玩。里面有许许多多的游乐项目,其中,看3D电影让我记忆犹深,难以忘记。  那天,我们一进到电影院就发现椅子和平时看电影的椅子不一样,我问妈妈:&为什么这个椅子和平时看电影的椅子不一样呢?&妈妈说:&我现在不告诉你,待会儿看完后你就明白了。&更让我惊奇的是服务人员叫我们系上安全带,咦,这是为什么呢,难道要开车吗?  电影开始了,这是一部惊险片,恍惚间,觉得坐上了一辆高速行驶的列车,列车一会儿钻进了山洞,一会儿又开到了湖面上,一会儿又撞上了装满货的火车,火车上的货突然掉了下来,感觉象是砸在了我的头上,我把头往左边一偏,好险哦,差一点就被砸到了,真是有惊无险啊!忽然,一阵阵狂风吹来,感觉列车开到了万丈悬崖的边上,天呀,我心里突然冒出了一种不祥的预感:觉得我们马上就要掉下去了。座下的椅子也在左右摇晃,我的心一直往下沉&&没想到前面又出现了一条平坦的轨道。列车又开了上去,没想到前面有一个蜘蛛网,上面还有一只好大好大的蜘蛛,列车把蜘蛛网撞破了,蜘蛛掉在了列车上,把大家都吓坏了,终于在一个弯道把蜘蛛甩掉了,列车一直往前开,惊险是一个接一个&&  直到现在,我都还在回味,真是又惊险又刺激,让我领略了什么叫&身临其境&,让我回味无穷,真正感受了科技的伟大,我要认真学习,以后掌握许多许多的科技知识。1&&& 文章责编:gaoxiaoliang& 看了本文的网友还看了 ?&&( 14:07:00)?&&( 14:01:00)?&&( 13:36:00)?&&( 10:58:00)?&&( 16:51:00)?&&( 14:58:00) 12345678910 12345678910 12345678910 12345678910 作文范文点击排行 作文频道最新更新 12345678910 ? ?   ? ?   ? ?   ? ?   ? ? ? ?   ? ?   ? ?   ? ?    ? ?   ? ?   ? ?   ? ? ? ?   ? ? 实用工具 | | 大全 | 大全      | 版权声明:如果网所转载内容不慎侵犯了您的权益,请与我们联系,我们将会及时处理。如转载本内容,请注明出处。 Copyright & 2004- 网 All Rights Reserved 中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-春节期间最难忘的一件事 英文作文 100词 如题,春节期间最难忘的一件事 英文作文 100词 SpringFestivalisthemostimportantfestivalinChina.It’stocelebratethelunarcalendar‘snewyear.BeforetheSpringFestival,atfirst,IwillhelpmymothertoputNewYearscrollsonthewallforgoodfortune.Then,wewillcleanthehouseanddosomeshopping.IntheeveningbeforetheSpringFestival,familiesgettogetherandhaveabigmeal.Dumplingsarethemosttraditionalfood.Afterabigmeal,Iliketosetofffirecrakerswithmybrothers.Nextmorning,Iwillputonmynewclothsandgoouttohavefun.Ourchildrenlikethefestivalverymuch,becausewecanhavedeliciousfoodandwearnewclothes.Wecanalsogetsomemoneyfromourparents.Thismoneyisgiventochildrenforgoodluck.TheSpringFestivallastsabout15dayslong.Peoplevisitrelativesandfriendswiththewords“Haveallyourwishes”.IenjoytheSpringFestival,duringthistimewecanhaveagoodrest.春节是中国最
春节是中国最重要的节日,它是为庆祝农历的新一年。今年春节前,一开始,我将帮我母亲把新年卷轴在长城上停留了好运然后,我们将打扫房子买点东西。在春节之前的那个晚上,家庭聚在一起,会有一顿大餐是最传统的食物.Dumplings特区一顿大餐,我喜欢了firecrakers与我的弟兄。第二天早晨,我要穿上我的新衣服 在我的记忆中,去年春节里发生过许多许多事情,但其中令我最高兴的事还是放烟花和看春节联欢晚会。
55 下页更精彩:1 本文已影响人请写下你在春节时最难忘的一件事,300字, 嘟嘴伦0188 我们的节日——春节这个假期真是喜事连连,因为多了个春节.春节到了,家家户户忙着贴春联、买年货……忙的不可开交.我们家也忙着打扫屋子,准备过春节.  日子一天天的过去了,终于迎来了大年三十.一大清早,就有人开始放鞭炮,热热闹闹的.傍晚,太阳向大地看了最后一眼,然后闭上眼睛,慢慢躲到山后.夜幕悄悄降临,给天空蒙上了一层黑纱,晚上,万家灯火,万家欢乐.爷爷邀请了我们一家和姐姐一家,高高兴兴的围坐在一起吃年夜饭,聊聊过去一年发生的难忘事和收获,展望一下未来等等.  吃完团圆饭后,我们就开始守年岁了.大约7点钟,《春节联欢晚会》开始了,我们一家坐在电视机前看《春节联欢晚会》,耳边还不时传来震耳欲聋的鞭炮声.晚会节目很精彩:有优美动听的歌曲,有幽默风趣的小品,还有滑稽逗人的相声……节目是丰富多彩,看得我眼花缭乱.快到零点的时候,我和爸爸一口气冲到了阳台,拿出了早已准备好的烟花.“当当当……”新年的钟声响起了,烟花和爆竹便齐鸣起来.我和爸爸点燃了烟花筒,说时迟,那时快,只听见“轰”的一声巨响,一颗烟花弹升到了空中,在一瞬间爆炸了,那爆炸了的烟花仿佛是一朵美丽的莲花在空中展开了花瓣,这时,一颗颗烟花又从烟花筒中喷发,像无数明亮而璀璨的流星,在天空中一闪而过……天空中还闪烁着其他的烟火,它们有的如一串串珍珠,有的如一颗颗流星,有的如一朵朵菊花,有的如一条条瀑布……让我目不暇接.一声声响亮的爆竹声,一朵朵光芒四射、灿烂无比的烟花,在天空中飞舞、闪耀着.这些烟花,各式各样,五光十色,把天空点缀成一朵鲜花,夜空顿时变得光彩夺目.此时的常熟,被笑声、鞭炮声、喊声、乐曲声合成的旋律包围着,真是热闹非凡!  今年的春节真是快乐,让我不禁想起了王安石的《元日》:  爆竹声中一岁除,  春风送暖入屠苏.  千门万户瞳瞳日,  总把新桃换旧符. 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 扫描下载二维码难忘的一件事英语作文 难忘的一件事英语作文 难忘的一件事英语作文 难忘的一件事英语一:An unforgettable thing during Summer vacation It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too. In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind. In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives helped people. 难忘的一件事英语作文二:An unforgetable experience This morning, I take my first taste on seeking family education with a high heart-lever. In latest, I have summonned up my encourage to carry out this travel, and regulate myself that I will not do work at a payment lowing 20RMB per hour at least for self-thought that I am hold an impressive proficiency of English and an outstanding condition. After a string of waiting time, I welcame the first customer, a couple. Leading a mutual chinchin, our talking seemed going smoothly before refering to the wages. The man said:& How much you want get per hour.& I though deeply and gave a reply:& OK, 20 is moderate.& The women interfered:& But I have noticed that other tutors just require for a specific pay under 15!& I promptly conscioused that all my particularly excellent conditions descend to an ignorable position when refering to wealth. Merely I can leave an so-called engagement for excluding unexpective circumstances... Yes, I am on the way of reaching adultness, the bricks-and-mortar world is not as absolute as I believe. Not a popular character I can be only in own mind. Yes, I should on days ahead conduct every step on the sea-lever. Illusion is virtual, my agenda is need to be foot by foot. I am sure that one day current days are abount to become to what I fantasize now! 难忘的一件事英语作文三:An Unforgettable Day August 5 was a special day. It was my eighteenth birthday, on the way to become an adult. I didn&t go out with my relatives as usual, I went to Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Building to experience how an editor of Zhejiang Online Website worked. In the morning, we visited many offices, chatted with Wang Zhidong, the former CEO of Sina, and we tried to edit a report and send it to the Internet. We also had a debate about whether kids&being on-line was good. I stood on the positive side. That was, we should get on-line, to learn, to relax, to shop, to play, to make friends, and to name just a few. We took some pictures to accept as a souvenir. We had lunch there and watched movies afterwards. Spiderman II was truly realistic. We were fascinated by the cool actions, scared by the ugly beast,and encouraged by the brave hero. Then we saw part of Detective Conan, a Japanese cartoon film. In the afternoon, we took a bus to a building where the governors worked to interview a grandpa, who used to work for the young generation. He is kind, and healthy, though he is over eighty. He loves working, especially working for the youth. He feels more energetic as he talks with kids. At last, he asked us to sing a song for him. We sent a boy on behalf of us all to sing a happy song. He didn&t disappoint us, making everyone present laugh for a while. When the interview ended, we headed back to the newspaper office.The leader handed each of us a diploma and the photos we took that morning. Good time passed quickly. We said good-bye to each other, and then we parted. Yeah, we&ve become friends though we haven&t known each other very long. In a word, that was a meaningful enjoyable day. I really had great fun. 难忘的一件事英语作文四:An unforgetable experience Last week i played basketball with my classmate in my school playground. i remember it is very hot that day, but you know,i like play basketball very much ,so they do . it is about 3 o'clock we all tired so we have a rest under a big tree. wow. it is very cool there.and then one of us said &how about to buy some drink ?&and the other one answered& it is no necessary,i have got one& oh,he has bring a bottle of water,and we share it. after that i learn that share something wiht others is helpful. 难忘的一件事英语作文五:he most unforgettable experience of my life As a student ,I don&t have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of preparing for the high school entrance examination. During the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell. After the final exam of Grade 3 in June, everything blew onto our faces : teachers& changing , harder and harder texts , terrible pressure and of course the graduate exam .Where your position was on the listboard became the most important thing in our life .We had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. the next day. But I must say that it&s really an unforgettable memory in my life. Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest, and enjoyed the true interesting things that we may have never cared before. Grade 4 in junior school was a turning point in my life. My attitude to learning, my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed. I turned to be positive and strong. I also gained many people&s true & pure friendship, both teachers & and classmates&. In some way, I like that kind of life, as it taught me many things I&d never learned before. Teachers also helped me a lot. I still can&t forget that my history teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003, for my application. My head teacher also encouraged me, so did my Chinese teacher. I should say, all my teachers worked very hard and always neglected their sleep and meals. Even if some of them were about 50 and often fell ill, they never left us one day .如何写一篇关于过年时最难忘的一件事的英语作文 杨子丶kEJ71 Spring down,when it comes to what most excites me,is the natural line of street.The ancients said:" sweet street ten city spring,laughter and noise into the gate.The suspect is layers of honey make,magic into a million people admire." Walking in the street,everywhere was the spring festival celebration,now see the basin big orange,clusters of flowering,to appreciate me most is the orchid,noble,generous,elegant gentle.Cymbidium,bright and petals,t arch blue,color attractive,stems of strange shapes,curved,like Zhang M Phalaenopsis,colorful,rise and dance in a happy mood in the stems of the leaves.Aoshuang stand chrysanthemum,delicate sweet plum blossom everywhere exudes fragrance,gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind,people seem to feel fresh inside.一年一次的洗旧迎新的时刻,家家户户都洋溢着新春的喜悦,人人披上红色,处处流露欢喜,伴随着鞭炮鸣响,春节锣鼓张罗地拉开序幕.新春大吉,说到什么最让我兴奋,自然是行花街了.古人云:“香街十里一城春,笑语喧声入彩门.疑是层峦采蜜使,幻成百万赏花人.”走在街上,处处都感到春节的喜庆,此刻看到盆盆大桔,簇簇盛花,最使我欣赏的便是兰花,高尚纯洁,大方得体,优雅斯文.蕙兰,鲜艳而花瓣大,给人充实之感;弓兰,色彩诱人,枝茎弯曲奇特,形态万千,如同张满的弓;蝴蝶兰,色彩斑斓,在枝茎绿叶中翩翩起舞.傲霜挺立的菊花、娇嫩可人的梅花,处处散发着沁人心脾的清香,人似乎包裹其中,心旷神怡. 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 扫描下载二维码}


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