如何解决 "Unable tno start tag怎么解决debugging

Unable to start debugging. The debugger is not properly installed 重裝不了,修復安裝也安裝不了,该如何解决 - VB Dotnet当前位置:& &&&Unable to start debugging. The debugger is not pUnable to start debugging. The debugger is not properly installed 重裝不了,修復安裝也安裝不了,该如何解决&&网友分享于:&&浏览:136次Unable to start debugging. The debugger is not properly installed 重裝不了,修復安裝也安裝不了---------------------------
Microsoft & Development & Environment
Error & while & trying & to & run & project: & Unable & to & start & debugging.
The & debugger & is & not & properly & installed. &
& Run & setup & to & install & or & repair & the & debugger.
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Unable to start T-SQL Debugging.
Could not connect to computer '.'.
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Unable to start T-SQL Debugging.& Could not connect to computer '.'. This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.
I'm using Management Studio 2008 with Sql Server 2008 Express.& I can execute queries, but I cannot debug them.& I am a member of the systemadmin role, and my server is using &local system&& as the account.& I am on a domain here at work.
I have seen http://social./forums/en-US/sqlnetfx/thread/3590e35b-bb2d-45cd-be85-be8/, but I am not doing any remote debugging.& I tried running the server under my user name, but still no luck.& I also have my firewall
disabled (even though I did enable it and open up the correct ports just-in-case).
It use to work before I uninstalled and re-installed SQLEXPRESS.& What could be the issue?& I've searched everywhere, and so far everything says I should do what I've already tried.& I did have a password change, but changing it several times
has not had any effect.
When I try to debug queries on the main 2005 sql server, I get:& Cannot execute script.& Additional Information:& Unable to start the
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I want to show a splash screen before start the local host services, the host can be open without error, however the client (Form1) is not able to connect to the service. Without the splash screen, every thing work fine. Any idea why ?
Here is the code.
Imports System.ServiceModel
&ServiceContract()& _
Public Interface IHelloWorldService
&& &OperationContract()& _
&& Function SayHello(ByVal name As String) As String
End Interface
Public Class HelloWorldService
&& Implements IHelloWorldService
&& Public Function SayHello(ByVal name As String) As String Implements IHelloWorldService.SayHello
&& & &Return String.Format(&Hello, {0}&, name)
&& End Function
Module Module1
&& Private host As ServiceHost
&& Private frmSplash As Form
&& Sub Main()
&& & &AddHandler AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad, Addres
I am creating an application where I want to store an html page from one of my websites into another web site.&
For the same purpose I am taking the url of the html pages&
for example if I want to copy this page &/html/page1.html& then i take this url from a text box which user enters.
<div style="position:left:-10000top:0width:1height:1overflow-x:overflow-y:" id=
Categories:& & & & & & & & & & &&今天很奇怪,调试的时候 冒出个Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server 异常
网上搜了一下,有的说是 IIS没有启动
习惯性的查看了一下IIS的配置,发现IIS下该网站的ASP.NET引擎已经改成了2.0, 目前需要调试的程序是在1.1下开发的
问题终于找到了, 由于刚装了.NET 2.0, 就把我所有网站的 引擎都改成了2.0, 只要把引擎切换到1.1下即可搞定
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LZ,你的调试是如何连接的?------解决方案--------------------引用:Quote: 引用:
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