我一直在你身边顾西爵跟着师姐做实验 用英文怎么说

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I am 34-32 to enter the laboratory, followed by their teachers and fellow brother Windstruck' further in-depth study.
I early entered in the laboratory, follows teacher and the fellow apprentice female apprentice further thorough study.
I entered a lab early, followed jiemen of teachers and brothers architects further in-depth study.
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今天写论文时记起以前英语老师说导师英文不能用tutor,但用的是什么记不清了,于是google了一下,顺便发现了师兄、师姐的表达方法:导师的英语表达:supervisor(论文导师), 注意tutor是不对的!tutor在大学里面相当于国内的辅导员,比助教还低一个档次的教师。sometimes use the word advisor,but supervisor is formal.助教: tutor 讲师 lecturer 教授 professor 导师supervisor 博士生导师:doctoral supervisor或者是PHD supervisor另:博导 Ph.D doctoral advisor 导师:supervisor, advisor ------------------------------------------------------------How to say "师兄"During a delightful meeting with some readers last week at Beijing Institute of Technology, a student from Renmin University of China asked: "How to say '师兄/师姐' in English?" That's a good question."师兄/师姐", or "师弟/师妹",is from Chinese martial arts culture. Fellows learning from the same master (师父) are "senior/junior male/female fellow apprentices". As the saying goes, "The master teaches the trade, but the apprentice's skill is self-made" (师父领进门,修行在个人).On campus these words refer to students who're studying in or have graduated from the same major at the same university. "Alumnus" (校友) may be the closest word in English. But a sentence like "John and I are both alumni of Ohio University" indicates both John and the speaker have graduated.So, to translate "师兄师姐" into English, we have to describe instead of using single words.Several suggestions are:* "We're both majoring in business at Ohio University." (我们是在俄亥俄大学学商务的同门。)* "She shares the same major as me but is senior/junior to me." (她是跟我同专业的师姐/师妹。)* "He's in my same major but a year ahead." (他是跟我同专业的上届师兄。)* "He's in my major but a year below/behind me." (他是跟我同专业的下届师弟。)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------师兄shīxiōng[senior fellow apprentice]∶称先与自己从同一个师父学习的人[the son of one's master (older than oneself)]∶称师父的儿子中年龄比自己大的人[father's apprentice (older than oneself)]∶称父亲的徒弟中年龄比自己大的人[a polite form of address to a monk]∶旧时对和尚的尊称but sb said that its called senior apprentice or senior shoolmate,I think either is ok,because it just be a word of Chinese English.谢谢,我正需要这个请问北校区和中山二路怎么翻译呀,急需north campus Zhongshan Second road你快乐我快乐 wrote:请问北校区和中山二路怎么翻译呀,急需
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