
这个够不够?如何做个优秀的海盗(英文)have seen a lot of posts here about people having problems with piracy. Most have figured out how to catch ships, however they get caught and fined. Since this seems to be a huge question I put together some of the information from PatricianWorld and brought it here. It may be beneficial for the mods to sticky this near the top. This gives a bunch of information on piracy, along with Baltic Traders cascade capture strategy for handling more heavily manned ships early on.Ships in port that are at anchor do not appear to notice vessels captured outside the port, however once they leave the dock their site radius appears to be active not just when they are on the ocean. I have a feeling the AI also gets a slightly larger sight radius than we do, but can't prove it. Sailing experience is more important than fighting for piracy. If you can't catch them the extra fighting skill is meaningless. So if you have 0/0/4 (t/s/f) and 0/2/0 captains as choices either look for a new one or use the 0/2/0. I prefer 3 sailing or better. 5 is preferable since I can catch empty snaikkas with 100% health as well.Unarmed cogs are the easiest targets and can be caught by snaikkas with captains that have no sailing experience. So your main targets should be unarmed cogs and snaikkas. Snaikkas should either be heavily loaded, under 90% health, or both. Later when you have crayers and hulks that are stage 3 anything will be fair game. Do not return the ships to the port the came from or the merchants home port. Both of these tend to increase the odds of getting caught. I would recommend sending most of the ships you catch to your home port (they will automatically head there once you capture them), just make sure they weren't owned by your hometown competitor and you aren't preying outside your hometown. Writing down a list of all the competitors and the town they are in may be beneficial. You will still run into many lesser traders that aren't on the list, however I have never had a problem returning their ships to my homeport.Don't bother with weapons unless you are hunting convoys and pirate ships. This includes cutlasses unless you have spares. Unarmed merchant s having a couple more sailors will let you win so save the cutlasses for your pirate hunters.Use spotters with your pirates. 2 spotters are fine for river towns (Koln, Novgorod, Turon), use one at the mouth, one in town. The river towns should probably be your first haunt until you catch a few ships. Use 3 spotters for the new city near Novgorod (at the mouth of the river). 4 spotters should be fine for London, Stockholm, Helsinki, Bergen, and Oslo. Use 5 spotters for the rest. (Somebody can correct, I am sure I missed some cities that either need more or less). When you start your spotters will probably be minimum crew snaikkas, possibly even recently acquired. As you start getting qualified captains (don't waste a 3-5 trade captain with little fighting/sailing as a pirate...) I would recommend replacing them with fully crewed snaikkas with captains, swords can wait until you get a surplus. Still keep one minimum crew snaikka with no captain in the city unless you have an auto buyer or an office in town. Don't shy away from multiple targets, if you catch them all you don't get fines. It should go without saying that if you have 3 pirates and 4 targets in a tight cluster that one will probably get away... However, a long line of 4 or 5 spaced out is fair game. Catching all the witnesses will prevent fines. Many people believe that if you can change from pirate to civil after the deed you are going to get away with it, this is not true, stay a pirate a little longer (2-3 seconds at Normal speed). If you see another ship in the area you are probably busted unless you catch them as well. Since I started waiting around a couple seconds and catching any newcomers I have yet to face a fine, this streak has gone through 4 starter games and the current game.I would recommend using 3 pirates once you have 3 ships. Hold the captain with the highes he can even second as a spotter. Pirate with the other 2 and if you see a witness appear that is lightly loaded and virtually undamaged use the reserve to catch it. I would recommend that the reserve have cutlasses since you may need to board armed ships.While doing my research I now have 5 ships with qualified pirate captains working London/Edinburgh, there is also one spare min crew for the city duty in Edinburgh. When London starts drying up for a while or I see a bunch heading to (or in) Edinburgh I move, although soon they will do a stint near Hamburg/Bremen, I have notice some merchants in the area taking advantage of me and using unarmed lightly crewed cogs. I tried sending them letters warning them of the dangers, however the warnings and the object lessons in the London area fell on deaf ears. I fear they must also learn the hard way as well. A small part of me will feel some guilt since this will reduce the fine mayor of Riga to no ships. Of course he will share company with others of high standing, the current mayor of Haarlem (until I replace him) has no ships either, as well as the mayors of Rostock, Reval, and Memel.If you catch all the merchant ships you will end up crippling the economy of the Hanse unless you can take over all the trading, so at some point you should stop preying on the merchants and switch to the pirates.Here is a paste of the earlier posting by BT on the Cascade technique for capturing ships: The Cascade as I termed it I originally used with crayers to capture the holk in the pirate mission undamaged. But I adapted it to snaiikas, and capture a cog in the first month or two of the game now.One snaiika needs to be a level three, a convoy leader. The captain should be a four in fighting but a three will do fine usually. Two other snaiikas are upgraded to level two, but armed only with one small catapult apiece. This is so they can participate in the battle. I will leave it to your imagination how I acquire the snaiikas in the first place.The convoy leader should have all crew armed with twenty swords. The second snaiika preferably has a captain and armed crew. The third should be unarmed. All should have full crews.When the pirate cog is encountered you attack. In the battle screen, immediately turn the convoy and flee. Then turn the uncaptained ship and board the cog. It is tricky, you have to angle properly in the wind to avoid him maneuvering to fire upon you. Turn the other two ships back toward the cog as the first nears to board. The pirate cannot fire upon you when engaged in the boarding battle. Click on the lesser captain, and direct him to board the snaiika which will quickly lose the battle to the cog. The pirate divides his crew, leaving too few to defend the cog properly. Board the cog with your convoy leader. Board the snaiika with the captained second snaiika. Be aware the snaiika will fire upon you, but can't do a lot of damage with a small catapult.Properly done, you end up with the cog, and all three snaiikas, all undamaged. Sail for the nearest port to reapportion swords, captain, and reman your ships. The cog can then be used to hunt down the remaining pirate cogs. In the beginning of the game they are not fully manned, usually have about thirty or so crew. Make the cog a convoy leader so the captured ship(s) remain attached.Even if you are not deft enough with the maneuvers, you can board and lose two snaiikas and still end up with your convoy leader and a cog. The snaiikas will need to be captured or they for some reason will try to attack your shipping in preference to anyone else's. The convoy leader can do this later on, with a new captain.And of course, you must never ever use these captured cogs to attack the AI cogs .or bunch them together to attack and loot cities of their hard earned treasuries .or give some to those nasty characters in the taverns .I usually have a couple of dozen cogs by the time the sought pirate mission comes along, and the pirates are ever so nice to have large catapults before anyone else, along with plenty of swords.Enjoy. You might want to save the game before the encounter to practice it a few times.But I wonder if this will work as well in P3. From your post, if he can do the same as you do and send only a minimum crew to board it will need modification. I will check it out, if I ever get my hands on the game. In the meantime, perhaps you can research it some more!As a side note, if your pirates are also spotters it may help some, if you have captains to spare. I sometimes do.文章大意:自己的船只有在海上才能看到周围的别人的船,在港口只能看到停泊在港口的船.船在海上的视野也是有限的,作者猜想电脑控制的船的视野可能比我们自己的要远一点儿(他也证实不了,猜想…只是猜想)作战船长的航海技能比战斗技能来得重要,驾驶能力差了追都追不上敌船,那战斗技能又有何用呢?最好对付的是史奈卡和没武装的克格.俘虏了竞争对手的船后,不要把这艘船开到它原来主人所在城市或它刚离开的那个城市,否则被起诉的机会很高!(头一回听说这个,有时间我也要试试~~,我想即使真这样,那过几个月应该没关系了)所以有必要把所有竞争对手对应的城市记下来,对付一般没武装的商船只要自己的水手多就行了,不需要什么武器.想彻底消灭竞争对手的船就要在城市放艘船(有事务所就不用了),这样城市里有什么船,什么时候到哪个地方去都能看清楚,“知已知彼……”.在城市附近放几艘船(全是最低水手配置,只要使自己能看到周围的全部海域就行了).挂了海盗旗后,要把附近看到你的所有商船干掉.即使你只挂旗不打击商船也是会被控告的,挂两三秒钟就够控告的资格了(原文如此,经核对不是这样的,应该是在你攻击商船时,周围能看到的其它商船都要一个不留的灭掉).否则过几天就会弹出消息“有人看到你……作坏事,你被控告了”!就是说要消灭目击证人.这也就是前面说的要在周围海域多放几艘空船的原因,不让一个商船溜走!而且最好在一个地方同时用几个船分开做海盗.(老外还说游戏中能写信警告对手,我怎么没发现这功能?也许是多人游戏吧,我没玩过不清楚这个)除非自己有足够的船来帮助汉撒的运输,否则对手都没船了汉撒的经济就崩溃了.所以到一定时候就该转而进攻海盗船了.用三艘史奈卡的护航队俘虏一艘克格的海盗(克格基本上不损坏哦):旗舰A要升到三级并装满炮,且A的船长战斗等级要在3以上,另两艘B、C升到两级也行(我记得好象升级能增强船的装甲防护).B要有船长装不装炮无所谓,但是C不要船长不要装炮(切记),都带足匕首.遇到海盗进入了海战画面,首先点逃跑按钮(是为了不让三艘船齐上).让C上去和敌人肉搏,敌人会追旗舰A,所以C是比较容易靠近敌人而不挨枪子儿的,这中间A和B不要跑得太快了,和敌人保持距离即可.当C赶上敌船肉搏开始了,此时A、B停止逃跑,并回头让A靠近敌船、B靠近C,但A不要打敌人,和它平行并留点缝隙速度减到0,B和C可以不留缝隙,AB都要选上俘虏按钮.因为敌人正和C肉搏,是不会向A开炮的.C被敌人俘虏了!此时(应该“说时迟那时快”),立即让A转向碰上了敌船,也开始肉搏了!B和C也肉搏啦!(因为敌人俘虏C后会分一部分水手到C上,加上此前和C肉搏消耗的,敌船上的水手已经不多了),一眨眼功夫,战斗胜利了,而我们只消耗了几个不要钱的水手.然后到最近的港口补充水手后用俘虏的克格作旗舰,继续……剩下都是客套话了
this greedy evil pirate...
that greedy and evil pirate
这段话主要是围绕这里荒无人烟,成了三个“小海盗”的快乐大本营,表达了三个“小海盗”自由自在,无拘无束的心情!(也可以这样!) 2、这段话让你产生了什么想法?请用一段话写一写.(100字左右)这是多么快乐,惬意的事啊,这也不正是我们所向往的吗?这里没有了昔日的约束,就是一片快乐的天地!在这美丽的地方,和大自然的花草树木,鸟兽鱼虫相伴,我觉得与其说他们是海盗,不如说是向往的是一种顺应天性,以自然为伴的自由自在,无忧无虑的生活方式!
他们无拘无束的生活,表达三个“小海盗”(愉快) 老师说的,,,不知道
扫描下载二维码> 【答案带解析】《当“海盗”去》和《“海盗”生活》中都有很多的环境(景物)描写,如“空中一丝风也...
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& &语言运用部分的题型是变化多样的,但万变不离其宗。只要同学们掌握其中的方法和要领,只要同学们在日常学习和生活中多观察生活,多积累,多运用,多练习,加强语文和生活的联系,就能提高语言运用的综合能力,就能让语文成为我们生活中不可缺少的朋友,赢得中考。
,松间沙路净无泥,萧萧暮雨子规啼。( 苏轼《浣溪沙》
)(9)古人在读书时很注重学与思的相结合。两千多年前的孔子就曾教导弟子说:“______ __________
阅读下面文字,把文中拼音所表示的汉字和加点字拼音写在文后方格内。(2分)晚秋的澄()清的天,像一望无际的平静的碧海;强烈的白光在空中跳动着,宛如海面泛起的微波;山脚下片片的高liánɡ()时时摇yè()着丰满的穗头,好似波动着的红水;而衰黄了的叶片却给田野着上了凋()敝的颜色。(选自叶以群《渡漳河》)填字  注音      
忆 读 书冰心一谈到读书,我的话就多了!我自从会认字后不到几年,就开始读书。倒不是4 岁时读母亲教给我的商务印书馆出版的国文教科书第一册的“天,地,日,月,山,水,土,木”以后的那几册,而是7 岁时开始自己读的“话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分……”的《三国演义》!那时我的舅父杨子敬先生每天晚饭后必给我们几个表兄妹讲一段《三国演义》,我听得津津有味,什么“宴桃园豪杰三结义,斩黄巾英雄首立功”,真是好听极了,但是他讲了半个钟头,就停下去干他的公事了。我只好带着对于故事下文的无限悬念,在母亲的催促下,含泪上床。此后我决定咬了牙拿起一本《三国演义》来,自己一知半解地读了下去,居然越看越懂,虽然字音都读得不对,比如把“凯”念作“岂”,把“诸”念作“者”之类,因为就只学过那个字一半部分。谈到《三国演义》,我第一次读到关羽死了,哭了一场,便把书丢下了。第二次再读时,到诸葛亮死了,又哭了一场,又把书丢下了。最后忘了是什么时候才把全书读到分久必合的结局。这时就同时还看了母亲针钱箩里常放着的那几本《聊斋志异》,聊斋故事是短篇可以随时拿起放下,又是文言的,这对于我的作文课,很有帮助,因为我的作文老师曾在我的作文本上,批着“柳州风骨,长吉清才”的句子,其实我那时还没有读过柳宗元和李贺的文章,只因那时的作文,都是用文言写的。因为看《三国演义》引起了我对章回小说的兴趣,对于那部述说“官逼民反”的《水浒传》大加欣赏。那部书里着力描写的人物,如林冲——林教头风雪山神庙一回,看了使我气愤填胸!武松、鲁智深等人,都有其自己极其生动的风格,虽然因为作者要凑成36 天罡72 地煞勉勉强强地满了一百零八人的数目,我觉得也比没有人物个性的《荡寇志》强多了。《精忠说岳》并没有给我留下太大的印象,虽然岳飞是我从小就崇拜的最伟大的爱国英雄。在此顺便说一句,我酷爱古典诗词,但能够从头背到底的,只有岳武穆的《满江红》“怒发冲冠”那一首,还有就是李清照的《声声慢》,她那几个叠字:“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚……”写得十分动人,尤其是以“寻寻觅觅”起头,描写尽了“若有所失”的无聊情绪。到我11 岁时,回到故乡的福州,在我祖父的书桌上看到了林琴南老先生送给他的《茶花女遗事》,使我对于林译外国小说有了广泛的兴趣,那时只要我手里有几角钱,就请人去买林译小说来看,这又使我知道了许多外国的人情世故。《红楼梦》是在我十二三岁时候看的,起初我对它的兴趣并不大,贾宝玉女声女气,林黛玉的哭哭啼啼都使我厌烦,还是到了中年以后,再拿起这部书看时,才尝到“满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪”,一个朝代和家庭的兴亡盛衰的滋味。总而言之,统而言之,我这一辈子读到的中外的文艺作品,不能算太少。我永远感到读书是我生命中最大的快乐!从读书中我还得到了做人处世的“独立思考”的大道理,这都是从“修身”课本中所得不到的。……因此,有某年的六一国际儿童节,有个儿童刊物要我给儿童写几句指导读书的话,我只写了九个字,就是:读书好,多读书,读好书。1.开头“一谈到读书,我的话就多了!”这句话在全文中的作用是什么?(2分)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.读书时,作者“咬了牙拿起一本《三国演义》来,自己一知半解地读了下去,居然越看越懂”,作者读书的这一经历告诉我们一个怎样的道理?(2分)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.解释加点词语在句子中的表达作用。(4分)(1)我只好带着对故事下文的无限悬念……____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)我决定咬了牙……____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.当代作家赵丽宏在《为你打开一扇门》中说:“文学作品对人的影响,是潜移默化的。”请根据本文有关内容,写出下列作品对作者的影响或作用。(3分)《三国演义》:______________________________________________________________;《聊斋志异》:______________________________________________________________;《茶花女遗事》:____________________________________________________________。5.作者对读书的回忆中,你得到什么启发?你对语文学习有什么新的认识?(2分)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
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