
  1. infatuation
  1. 她狂热地迷恋着舞台生活。
  2. 他和他太太都迷恋艺术。
  3. 谁是你新的迷恋对象?
  4. 他如醉如痴地迷恋着埃米莉亚。
  5. 故乡甜蜜的空气很难使我迷恋。
  6. 茜比尔,你在神魂颠倒地迷恋他。
  7. 他由于突如其来的迷恋而娶了她。
  8. 我知道她是一个美人,他迷恋着她。
  9. 她想说服自己摆脱迷恋,可是没成功。
  10. 皮埃尔撒克斯特狂热地迷恋着文化。
  ◎ 迷恋 m&li&n
  [madly cling to] 强烈的、通常是极度的爱慕
  对某一事物过度爱好而难以舍弃。 宋 何 《宴清都》词:&青丝绊马,红巾寄羽。甚处迷恋,无言泪珠零乱。&《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二八:&只怕为j火所烧,迷恋起来,没人指引回头,忘却本来面目。& 柳青 《创业史》第一部题叙:&猪、鸡、鸭、马、牛,加上孩子们的吵闹声,这是庄稼院最令人陶醉的音乐。 梁三老汉 熟悉这音乐,迷恋这音乐。&
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陶醉 基本解释陶醉[táo zuì]词典:陶醉。词典:狂欢。词典:入迷;心醉;陶醉。词典:醉,陶醉。词典:醉,陶醉。陶醉 汉英大词典陶醉[táo zuì] be enchanted:  例:自我陶醉    be intoxicated with self-    陶醉于已有的成就    become dizzy [intoxicated] with the successes already won陶醉 网络解释1. 1. intoxication:长出叶子 所以有个昵称叫 比父母早出生的孩子因 此它的花语是 早熟 凡是受到这种花祝福而生的人 非常早熟 青春期就常因为 各种矛盾而苦恼 生气 极为单纯 绝不容许恋人有丝毫的背 叛行为花语: 陶醉 (Intoxication) 精神分析家以希腊2. revel:revelry狂欢 | revel陶醉 | retribution报复3. Passenger Eslite:陶醉-Passenger Eslite: | Passion is sweet 激情令人幸福 | Love makes weak 爱情令人脆弱陶醉 双语例句1. 上班前无名的郁闷,讲课后满身的疲惫,下班后也要和小贩们讨价还价,一站到讲台上,这些凡尘杂念便化为乌有,只有抑扬顿挫的读,挖空心思的讲,只有为了正确答案激烈的争论,为了活跃气氛会心的微笑,只有教师讲到得意处的自我陶醉,只有学生听到动情时的暗自叫好。&&&&Anonymous depressed before work, after the lectures covered the tired, after work and the hawkers have to bargain stop to the podium, he will lose these mundane world distractions, only the cadence of the time, rack their brains to speak, and only correct answer to intense The argument, in order to liven up the smile that only teachers spoke proudly Department of narcissism, and only when the students heard the emotional secretly applauded.2. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D2. 歌唱家们优美的嗓音,清晰的吐字和那极富穿透力的高音,令人兴奋陶醉。&&&&The elegant voice, the clear words and the very penetrating alt of the singers really make the audience excited and lost in the wonderful music.3. 故事很平凡,但却有种让人陶醉其中的力量。&&&&The story is very ordinary, but actually has plants lets the human be infatuated with strength.4. 银行 不要因为承担了赞助社会活动的责任而自我陶醉。&&&&That bank responsible for spon ring a social programme does not wallow in self-glory.5. 又是一个星期天中午,我再次来看望这蔷薇,第一眼看到它,便陶醉其中了。&&&&Is also a Sunday noon, I again came to see the rose, first to see it, they revel in them.6. 6. 我们已经有足够,因此我们应该陶醉在我们自己的内部丰盈。&&&&We already have enough, so we should revel in our own interior abundance.7. 陶醉的意思7. 一年春天,庭院里美丽的花草打动了杜丽娘,她陶醉于自己的美貌,并在梦中爱上了一位英俊的书生。&&&&In spring, she is touched by the flowers in her garden. Intoxicated in her own beauty, she falls in love with a handsome scholar in her dream.8. 银行不要因为承担了赞助社会活动的责任而自我陶醉。&&&&That bank responsible for sponsoring a social programme does not wallow in self-glory.9. 9. 音符在他熟巧的指尖滑过时,你听到的不只是好音乐,还能激发你陶醉催情又感性一面喔!&&&&Greg blends Spanish, flamenco, fingerpicking, and blues styles into a great reason to go out on Tuesdays!10. 10. 251他在兴头儿上,颇想学学水手的好榜样,借口要……把照片稍微撂上几分钟,听任它发挥魅力,那么对方就可以独自陶醉于对美人儿的欣赏中了。&&&&The spirit moving him he would much have liked to follow Jack Tar's good example and leave the likeness there for a very few minutes to speak for itself on the plea he so that the other could drink in the beauty for himself, her stage presence being, frankly, a treat in itself which the camera could not at all do justice to.11. 虽然不算是个有钱人,但我还是在曼谷的东方大酒店里住了两个晚上,周围芝兰的香气令人陶醉,不禁让我悠悠地想起了往事。&&&&&&I was not rich, but I treated myself to two nights at the Oriental, where I basked in orchids and nostalgia.12. 她在提纲契领告诉他他该做什么功课时,他几乎没听过去——她在他身边时带来的陶醉令他惊讶&&&&&&He could hardly follow her outlining of the work he must do, so amazed was he by her delightful propinquity13. 在我的思想还稍显幼稚的时候,便已经在那雨滴一颗颗缀成珠链的清晨拿着安徒生的童话,陶醉在那干净的街道上。&&&&&&Also in my thoughts a little naive when it has been for many in the rain beads up into the early morning with Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, reveling in the streets clean.14. 今后举到她唇边的、在雕花的金色大杯中的生活的美酒,肯定是醇厚、郁和令人陶醉的;不然的话,在她喝惯了具有强效的兴奋剂式的苦酒渣之后,必然会产生一种厌烦的昏昏然之感。&&&&&&The wine of life, henceforth to be presented to her lips, must be indeed rich, delicious, and exhilarating, in its chas or else leave an inevitable and weary languor, after the lees of bitterness wherewith she had been drugged, as with a cordial of intensest potency.15. 百花香水,香气淡雅清郁,令您陶醉。&&&&&&Assorted flower perfume with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance intoxicates you.16. 每当我害怕每当我害怕,生命也许等不及我的笔搜集完我蓬勃的思潮,等不及高高一堆书,在文字里,象丰富的谷仓,把熟谷子收好;每当我在繁星的夜幕上看见传奇故事的巨大的云雾征象,而且想,我或许活不到那一天,以偶然的神笔描出它的幻相;每当我感觉,呵,瞬息的美人!我也许永远都不会再看到你,不会再陶醉于无忧的爱情和它的魅力!--于是,在这广大的世界的岸沿,我独自站定、沉思,直到爱情、声名,都没入虚无里。&&&&&&When I have fears that I may cease to be When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has glean'; d my teeming brain, Before high-piled books, in charactery, Hold like rich garners the full ripen'; When I behold, upon the night'; s starr'; d face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And think that I may never live to trace Their shadows, with the
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour, That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the faery power O --then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.17. 古往今来,不少骚人墨客慕名而来觉苑寺参观游览,陶醉于画壁艺术之中,无不叹为观止。&&&&&&Since the ancient times, a lot of man of letters Kok Yuen Temple come visit and tour, and reveling in wall art paintings, to name just a breath-taking.18. 18. 夜仿佛纸浸了油,变成半透明体;它给太阳拥抱住了,分不出身来,也许是给太阳陶醉了,所以夕照晚霞隐褪后的夜色也带着酡红。&&&&&&The sun remains in high spirits, rising early and setting late, eating up most of the nights, which like a paper oiled, turn into transparent, owing to sun`s indeclinable embracement, or to its enchantment that makes a rosy sky even when the sunglows retire.19. 陶醉19. 它像玫瑰花馨香的气息,令人陶醉;像沙漠的绿洲,叫疲乏的旅客得安息;又像春天的霖雨,叫大地回复青春美丽。&&&&&&It refreshes people like the fragrance of roses, It is like an oasis in the desert, giving relief to weary travellers. It IS like the morning dew, reviving the Earth.20. 20. 意大利帕尔玛皇家歌剧院的优秀演出家们,将此剧完美无缺的展现给观众们,令人陶醉!&&&&&&The all artistes from famous Tearto Regio di Parma are extremely outstanding and they show the opera as perfect as they do to audiences, and made them infatuatedly!陶醉是什么意思,陶醉在线翻译,陶醉什么意思,陶醉的意思,陶醉的翻译,陶醉的解释,陶醉的发音,陶醉的同义词,陶醉的反义词,陶醉的例句,陶醉的相关词组,陶醉意思是什么,陶醉怎么翻译,单词陶醉是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 自我陶醉zì wǒ táo zuì成语解析释义:陶醉沉醉于某种事物或境界里,以求得内心的安慰。指盲目地自我欣赏。典故:唐·崔曙《九日登望仙台》诗且欲近寻彭泽宰,陶然共醉菊花杯。。例句:学习有了进步时,决不能沾沾自喜,~。感情色彩:褒义词语法结构:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义近义词:&&&&&&反义词:&&英语翻译:1.self- self- [Psychology] narcissism2.to be intoxicated with self- to lay a flattering unction to one's soul样式分类:字数分类:
Copyright&&& All Rights Reserved. 沪ICP备号沉醉近义词是不是陶醉(⊙o⊙)哦
是的 还有沉浸,沉迷 这些都可以
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