
PEP 四年级上册第五单元What would you like第一课
上传: 吴红珍 &&&&更新时间: 13:24:27
本节课主要学习的是:rice,noodles,fish,beef,soup,vegetable几个单词,和can i have some &&?sure,here you are.并扩充一些简单对话教学。
(1)&&&&知识与技能:能正确地听、说、读词语rice,noodles,fish,beef,soup,vegetable.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语:can i have some &&?sure,here you are.并扩充一些简单对话教学。
 教学难点:正确运用can i have some&? sure, here you are。进行交流,并能扩充一些简单交际对话
(1)用英语向学生问好:goodmorning. how are you?nice to meet you.what&s the weather like today?do you like eating?....
(2)sing a song
&let&s have a picnie today.&
(3)let&s do.(三年级上册第五单元p51)
教师:let&s have a picnic today,let&s go to restaurant to&&eat something .(课件呈现一个小餐馆,小餐馆有许多食物,其中卡通人物zoom,zip正在吃东西)教师可以就动画提问:what do they eat?which food can you&&see in&&the restaurang
①课件中zoom、zip吃的有些食物是学生们不认识的也是这节课新单词。卡通人物zoom、zip告诉大家,点击课件播放:ieat rice.认读单词:rice.老师用同样的方法教其他单词。并贴图在黑板。&
(1) &&&&带读单词
(2) &&&&利用课件将英文单词隐藏或关闭课件发音,引导学生自己说单词,说食物,将单词的图形、音相结合学习单词。
(3)老师拿单词卡问学生:what would you like?并把该卡送给回答正确的学生&
学习新句子:cani have some&here you are,
(1)&课件呈现zoom去买东西吃,问店员:cani have some&sure,here you are.句
老师说:there are a lots of food in the restaurant,let&s buy something to eat.。
教师做售货员引导对话.s:can i have some&?t:sure,here youare.:2yuan ,please .s:here is the money.
oh,you buy so many food, you will have a big dinner.what would you like for dinnie ?and i am hugery. can i have some &
unit4 what would you like?
can&& i&& have&& some&&&&&&& fish,&&&&&&& sure ,here you are.
□super&&&&&&&□&&good&&&&&□ come on
□super&&&&&&&□&&good&&&&&□ come o
□super&&&&&&&□&&good&&&&&□ come on
& □super&&&&&&&□&&good&&&&&□ come on
文明上网,理智发言I like bread for breakfast.[对划线部分(bread)提问]是What do you like for breakfast?还是What's do you like for breakfast?
是What do you like for breakfast?
扫描下载二维码December 16, 2016
Yep, we&re doing it again!
Together with , we&re excited to announce our second Food and Lifestyle Photography Workshop! If you feel like playing with photography, improving your skills, learning how to control light, style, look for a right angle and spend amazing time in the most beautiful spot in Portugal, this is for you. Together with a talented flower stylist who will take us foraging and will compose a beautiful flower arrangement for us to shoot, an artist who will show you how to make your own backgrounds, we prepared a great program. Write us for more details.When: 14th & 18th of May 2017Price: 1350& for shared double room, 1500& for private room. Deposit of 50% is needed for registration and a final payment will be due March 1, 2017th.What is included:All below listed except&transfer from and to the airport- 3 whole days of food and lifestyle photography,&all&lectures, one on one sessions, classes, hands on- all meals,&refreshment and snack during workshop- all activities and excursions including flower foraging with Chelsea Fuss and background making with Filipe Fraz&o- accomodation at&S&o Louren&o do BarrocalWhere: S&o Louren&o do Barrocal is a 780-hectare estate in the stunning Alentejo region of Portugal. Bordering Alqueva lake, the estate spans olive groves, vineyards and meadows, as well as the remarkable stone formations.It is a place to embrace nature, no matter what time of the day. Seventh-generation family-owned, the property is being sensitively transformed into a rural retreat, comprising a five-star hotel of understated luxury, its own winery, a farm to table restaurant and organic vegetable garden, a farm shop and a spa by Susanne Kaufmann. All of this continuing to thrive as a working farm, producing olive oil from centenary olive trees, its own brand of single-estate wines, certified organic cattle, and oats.Collaborators:Chelsea Fuss is a floral designer and prop stylist originally from Portland, OR, now living in Lisbon. A former flower shop owner, Chelsea has studied floral design in London and worked alongside flower farmers in the English countryside. She loves casual, unfussy, flower arrangements that look like they were just gathered from the garden and strives to use locally grown or foraged flowers whenever possible.Filipe Lucas Fraz&o is a Food Photographer based in Lisbon. With education in Fine Arts and Photography he is also a food lover. Food photography and food styling are the avenues he have found through which to communicate his passion for food, and ones he feels deeply fulfilled. Besides Photography Filipe also loves to cook simple and seasonal food and the freshness of a good fish is something he hardly resists.Cancellation Policy:&There will be no refunds on cancellation.Reservation:&For reservation please contact us on:
or little.upside.down..December 14, 2016
These are most probably the most delicious healthy pancakes I&ve ever had. The addition of grated apples caused a miracle over here. I need to start a chapter called &Breakfast for little ones& as my Mia kept screaming &mine!& whenever I wanted to take an additional bite. She&s not familiar with &sharing is caring concept&, at least not yet and not when it comes to food. I have a feeling that this girl will be my real life hero.This recipe will make a perfect Christmas breakfast, as after all the amazing traditional food you&ll have, something simple and healthy will be nice. Christmas is almost here!You will need (for 2):1 cup millet flakes½ cup wholemeal flour1 egg½ cup rice milkpinch of saltzest from 1 orange 1 medium apple, grated1 tbsp honey or agave sirupI don&t even know if I should write it. Next time I&ll ask Mia to make these, at least the mixing part. Sooooooooo& place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix.Now comes the &not for children& part - heat an olive oil on a pan over a medium heat and start frying. I used i tablespoon of the dough on each pancake.Serve with fruits and agave syrup.Enjoy, Marta December 11, 2016
We started to have a small problem lately. To do all my morning magic I need to feel happily rested. I don&t need much, just a few hours of a good sleep. But it turned out that we did not establish it properly in our family and Mia got totally confused. By this I mean that her idea of sleeping is starting in her cradle and moving to parent&s bed at night. It is a sweet procedure, I cannot complain here. I love her sleepy face next to mine and the way she hugs me, to make sure that I won&t take her back to her bed. The rough part starts about 30 minutes later. This lady has some crazy dreams, in some of them she&s running, in other she must be a dancer, in the end she ends up on me or kicking me in a face is an every night procedure. Apparently Tomasz does not experience it as much as I do, but I personally had to say stop. Obviously we won&t kick her out of our bed because I like it too much. I&ve decided that what we need is a bigger mattress. Did you guys look for one recently? It&s literally like buying a car, so many options. Just when I was close to giving up and visualising my 8 year old daughter still kicking me in a face at night, I&ve been contacted by
to test their mattress and it was like a dream come true. No more searching, I&m keeping this baby forever!December 04, 2016
There are areas of Berlin, where I hang out quite a lot, and others, that I don&t know that much. I can honestly tell you that I know Prenzlauer Berg and Friedrichshain quite well, as I made hundreds of kilometres with
stroller over here, stopping in front of each spot to check it out. But Mitte is still a wild territory for me. Especially the more touristy areas like Potsdamer Platz or Brandenburger Tor area. I remember when I discovered
and I was shocked how awesome it is and that it is a dream spot for all the tourists who need a break. I am happy to announce, that I&ve just found another super duper great place - . It&s located very close to Potsdamer Platz so it will make a good break when you wander around this hood, or when you want to catch up with a good movie in English (my main cinema destination).December 02, 2016
December is here and I have no idea when and how it has happened. It was just the beginning of the year, Mia turned 1 and I was getting ready for our first long flight. In 4 days she will turn 2 years old. It looks like yesterday passed a whole year.During this time I&ve been trying to catch up with my life and to do everything I need to do, not forgetting about everything that I want to do. It turns out that I&m pretty boring nowadays.Three years ago I was the crazy adventurous Marta, sometimes irresponsible, always curious, ready to pack my backpack and move to the other side of the world to check out if I like it there, climbing a volcano by myself and returning with a leg covered in blood, as I kicked a tree out of excitement, traveling around South America by myself for half a year, getting inspired by people on each step.November 27, 2016
This is a post that I was supposed to post a few months ago. I suppose it had to wait for it&s right moment. The moment came, because soon I&ll be ready for a new adventure with Mia - me and her in a van in New Zealand for a few weeks, so I&ll be writing about traveling with 2 years old (yes, this tiny girl turns 2 soon), this time totally by myself.November 23, 2016
A few weeks ago I went to one of the most beautiful places in Germany - Rakotzbr&cke. It was an unique trip, as I almost ended up with an empty tank in the middle of no gas station land plus I&ve just got a letter with a ticket for not paying for a parking in a middle of a forest (I always pay for a parking and this time firstly I couldn&t see any parking automat and secondly I would never guess that there could be one). But yet again, it was so worth it. I went together with
who is a super talented calligrapher and delicious pear and blue cheese tart with rosemary by my other super talented friend Meike of . She has just released her first , filled with great recipes, so check it out.November 20, 2016
This is one of these super easy to make recipes. It looks pretty good, tastes amazing and you need to make it! I do eat a lot of sandwiches lately, but it&s because it&s getting cold in Berlin and I have no idea how it explains me eating more sandwiches, but let&s leave it here.
You may look at the pictures and think that these are actually waffles, but you will be mistaken. These are sandwiches :D I made kind of a herbed french toast and fried in a waffle maker. It turned out crispy and it was definitely faster. I was just waiting for a light to change from red to green.November 15, 2016
This is a delicious combination of flavours. So delicious and maybe slightly unconventional that there, right there, for a slight second I thought that I&m pregnant again. But back to reality, I
just have a strange craving, as for usual. Pears are sweet, but cranberries not necessarily, rather tiny bit sour, so it makes a perfect mix. When you add blue cheese, it&s like a dream come true. At least it was for me. I made this recipe by accident really. I was hungry and there were some ingredients leftovers in my kitchen. This is what I could make out of them. Lucky coincidence, one may say. Thanks to whipped egg whites the omelette is super fluffy. It made me think of these few days I spent in Salo not even 2 months ago. It was so sunny and beautiful. Where&s the sun now? Most probably in Australia, because definitely not here. So for now I&ll watch some pictures and eat a sunny omelette.November 10, 2016
I got obsessed with forests. Not for mushroom picking, as this one usually ends up for me with an empty basket (usually, because once I found a half of a mushroom). I like to eat there. I also like to take my friends and family to the forest. Two weeks ago I took Mia. She loved it. For 15 minutes she runs like crazy and then she walked me straight back to a car. 23 months old girl has its rights.
You won&t believe, but I also have adult friends, who want to hang out with me in a forest. One of them is , who didn&t only eat the food, but also made a handsome model. The only problem was, he wanted to eat it straight away. Sounds like a regular process, but when you want to make food pretty and end up short on products, it changes your plans. I managed to keep it safe for about 5 minutes, before Emo made his bite out of it.
网易公司版权所有&&&四年级英语Unit 5 what would you like教案及教学反思
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文章来源莲 山课件 w ww.5 Y
Unit5 what would you like?
A、Let's learn Let's play C、Task time
第& 1 课时 / 共 6 课时
1、能听、说、认、读单词rice fish beef soup noodles vegetable
2、能听懂、会说"Can I have some ...,please? Sure, here you are."初步掌握"What would you like for...?I'd like some...
教& 学& 过& 程
1、欣赏歌曲《what would you like? 》
2、what do you listen to in the song ,please show me it.生举卡片说单词,复习学过的单词(不要求全说完)并进行简单的英语交流。for example:
T: Do you like hamburgers?
S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
T: What do you like
S: I like …
二、呈现新课 (Presentation)
1、教师指着黑板上这么多东西,说:WOW!so many food! I'm hunger! Can I have some
Rice, please ?板书句型在黑板的正中央,教读。(贴rice图片)
生会意抽出卡片,引导说:Sure, here you are.教读。师:Thank you.
2、同桌之间操练句型。(依次呈现学生已经会的单词:fish beef noodles ...)
3、游戏:act and guess教师或学生上台模仿某种食物的样子,或吃的动作,请其他学生猜,猜对得分。
5、句型:T:I like soup for dinner.Guess,what else do I like ?
&&&&&&& S: fish /...
&&&&&&& T: No, I like vegetables.
教师拿出各种蔬菜图片,Look! I have many kind of vegetables. Carrot is a kind of vegetable. Tomato is a kind of vegetable. A potato is a kind of vegetable....
6、找一找的游戏:教师蒙上一名学生的眼睛,然后将vegetable的图片藏在一张课桌里,然后让该学生开始寻找图片,全班学生齐说该单词,当学生走近时声音放大,否则则减弱。找到图片后,该生需问:Can I have some vegetable, please? Sure, here you are.
7、开火车进行Let’s play的游戏。
8. 听录音,跟读单词和对话。
9. 教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词。
10. 教师指着黑板上的说: Look! Everything’s ready. I’d like some rice fish for dinner.
What would you like 引导学生说出:I’d like some… and…
三、趣味操练 (Practice)
1. The food and drink game
把食物和饮料的卡片贴在教室的不同地方,卡片之间保持一定的距离。教师对学生说:“Chicken”。 8 学生必须ssbbww. c om走向单词卡chicken 。重复以上8 t tt 8.c o m步骤,直到练习完8 单词。
2. 猜一猜,说一说
让一位学生站在教室前面,将自己喜欢的食品的卡片放在背后,大家猜他喜欢的是哪种食品。猜的学生说:“Rice”, 8 没猜中,站在前面的学生说:“No .” 8 猜中了,站在前面的学生说:“Yes .”猜中的学生站在前面,大家继续猜。
3. What is missing
1. 教师引导学生回忆所学过的打招呼的话语:Hello, Hi .
2. 告诉学生,买东西的人要说出他们喜欢的食物,如:I like (ice-cream ) 。
3. 买东西的人要对售货员说:Can I have some …, please
4. 扮演售货员的学生要说:Sure. Here you are. 并假装递给他们所要的食物。
5. 买东西的学生要问:How much
6. 卖东西的学生要根据每样东西的价签,告诉对方实际8ttt8的价格。
7. 买东西的人付钱时可象征性地拍一下对方的手。并要谢谢售货员,引出词组:Thank you .
8. 给学生时间让他们练习,让每个学生都有机会表演。
9. 让各小组布置自己的情景(如:用课桌当柜台,用卡片代替食品),排练话剧。
10. 鼓励学生在全班同学面前表演短剧。
(1)&&& 做“下一个数字”的游戏。教师说“One!”,知道下面数字的学生争取先站起来说“Two!”教师说“Unit4!”,知道下面数字的学生争取最先起立说“Unit5!”
(2)&&& 全班跟录音一起说唱学生用书三年级上册第五单元的歌谣“Show me the hamburger”和“Pour the water ”。
“找一找”游戏。教师蒙上一名学生的眼睛,然后将vegetable图片藏在一张课桌里,然后让该学生睁开眼睛开始寻找该图片。全班学生齐说vegetable, vegetable.当该学生走近图片时,声音加强;反之,声音减弱。找到图片后,该省需问:Can I have some vegetable , please ?
Unit5 what would you like?
Can I have some...,please?& 贴图片
Sure, here you are.
What would you like for...?
I'd like some...
1、draw your own menu.让学生设计晚餐的菜单。
没有渗透英语连读知识。在本课中,a cup of tea, a bottle of Coke这些词组都应该注意连读,慢慢渗透连读教学,培养学生形成标准的语音、语调。
Unit5 what would you like?
A、Let's talk group work C、good to know
第 2& 课时 / 共 6 课时
1、能听懂、会说“what would you like for dinner? I’d like some…, please. Everything’s ready.”
3、通过good to know有关饮食文化的渗透,激发学生探究的兴趣。
教学重点:就餐时的基本会话:what would you like for dinner? I’d like some…, please.
教& 学& 过& 程
1、欣赏歌曲《what would you like? 》
2、做游戏Do you like …?
将画有所学食物和饮料的卡片放在一个帽子或盒子里面。将这个帽子或盒子放在讲台上。教师让一位学生到讲台前,抽出一张卡片(如:juice)。这位学生看过卡片后,要记住卡片上的食物是他/她喜欢的食品。然后,将卡片放在讲台内。让其他学生问:Do you like…?如果其他学生猜得不对,这个学生要回答No。如果其他学生猜对了,这个学生要回答Yes. I like juice.并出示刚才抽出的卡片。
3、chant: Dinner Time (学生一起表演说唱)
二、呈现新课 (Presentation)
1. (教师在黑板上画一个钟,时间指向6:30)教师说:now! It’s 6: 30. It’s time for dinner.同时师又指向黑板上的餐桌,say:Everything’s ready. I’m hungry! I’d like some rice and vegetable. What would you like for dinner?引导学生回答: I’d like some... and ....
2、操练:像这样做连锁问答:What would you like? I’d like…
3、Chant: What's for dinner? What's for dinner?
&&&&&&&&& What would you like for dinner?
&&&&&&&&& Rice and soup, Rice and soup,
&&&&&&&&& I’d like some rice and soup.
4、教师通过图片导入课文:Look at these pictures. Who are in this pictures?
What are they talking about?
What would Mike like for dinner?
What would Mike’s mother like for dinner?
(请学生在书本group work的表格中打上“√”)
B、看课文,跟读课文,教师在放录音之前,引导学生说:Wait and see!然后说:It's ok.Let's look at the book ,read after the tape.
6、 观看课件,给人物配音。
7、 教学生新单词breakfast, lunch, supper.(也可以出示三个时间点) 鼓励学生用这些词模仿课文自编新对话。
8、 让学生到前面表演对话,进行评比。
1、group work:完成书中的调查表格。展示
先师扮Waiter ,生扮Customer.再生生互动,注意用上一些常用的用餐语。
4、good to know
接着上一环节,教师演示吃饱的样子:Mm...,I'm full. But where's the dessert? Such as pudding, fruit, ice-cream...
Let’s sing: What would you like?
P67页Let’s sing部分。
学生听录音,一起表演说唱学生用书三年级上册中的歌谣“Dinner Time ”
听音敲图游戏。请三名学生上台,教师与一名学生问答:I’d like some …,…,… and …. What would you like for dinner ?I’d like ….另外两名学生同时用充气锤敲相应的单词图画。游戏结束时,教师可以奖给每名学生一个小礼物。
Unit 5& What would you like?
What would you like for dinner / breakfast / lunch?
I’d like…
Unit5 what would you like?
A、Read and write& Write and say& C、Story time
第 3& 课时 / 共 6 课时
1、正确拼读和规范书写四会单词 bread, egg, milk, water。
2、能听懂、会说Write and say的内容,并能在实际情景中运用What would you like for breakfast?
教学重点:单词 bread, egg, milk, water的拼写。
1.& 图片bread, egg, milk, water及其他相关的食物图片。
2. 教材相配套的教学录音带
3.& 学生准备人物的头饰和单词卡片
教& 学& 过& 程
1、齐唱歌曲《An apple a day 》
2、Let’s chant
Ss:What would you like?
& &&Look,l00k,100k!
&& &Eggs,bread.milk.
& &&Or a glass of water.
& &&Mm,Yummy,yummy, yummy!
& &&I’d like eggs.
& &&I’d like bread.
& &&I’d like milk.
& &&I’d like water.
3、Free talk
T:(拿出一个放着很多食物卡片或实物的托盘) Look! I have some food and drink here.I’d like a hamburger. What would you like ?
S1:I’d like a cake.
T: Have some..../Here you are.(把cake给S1,同时把托盘给S1)
S1:Thanks.What would you like?
S2:I’d like ....
T:Oh! It’s 7 o’clock.It’s time for breakfast.(课件出示小描很饿的样子)
Cat:I'm hungry.Can you help me?(小猫英语很差,单词拼读不好,吃不到想要的食物,请大家帮忙拼写单词。学生拼对单词,小猫就吃到该食物。)
m __ __ k &&&&&e __& __&&&&&& w a t __ __&&&&&&&&& b r __ __d &&&&&r __ c __
Write &down the word.
2、Zoom今天早上选择什么食物作为他的早餐?学生听Listen and write的内容,呈现出此课要求的4个四会食物单词。)
& A:What would you like for your breakfast?
& B:I'd like some m_ _,some b_ _,some w_ _,and an e_ _.
& A:OK! Wait a minute.
教师想好一个四会单词,如bread,然后在黑板上画好五条线…一学生开始猜这个单词包含的字母,若猜对一个字母,如e。教师就在相应的横线上写出字母,_ _e_ _,若猜错,教师就画一笔下面的图,如果学生在教师把下面的图画好之前猜出所有字母,学生就获胜,反之,教师获胜。
b.Write and say
Story time
T:Oh,it’S 11 o'clock now.
It,s time for lunch.Listen !What would Zip like?
(让学生听Story time的内容,请学生说出它们点的食物。)
b.Read the story.
教师发指令:Show me the rice , please . Pass / Give me a … , please .学生用词卡做出相应动作。
教师带领学生一齐拍手打节奏说:What would you like , what would you like , what would you like for breakfast ?I’d like some , I’d like some , I’d like some milk .What would you like , what would you like , what would you like for dinner ? I’d like some , I’d like some , I’d like some rice . Yeah !
Unit5 what would you like?
教学设计巧妙,由“APPLE”为线索,引出本课时的单词及重点句型“I can use the…”,为创设了真实的语境,让学生通过切苹果、吃苹果自然引出knife fork,让学生思考,学会主动去获取信息。吃完苹果,就剩plate,环环相扣,循序渐进。在单词教学中贯彻了词不离句的思想,鼓励学生用旧知,用句子操练单词,滚动练习。简单的little chant有效化解了本节课的教学重难点chopsticks。提高了单词的实效性,把操练变得有意义,学生获得了成功感和更高的学习热情。
Unit5 what would you like?
B.Let’s learn Let’S do C.Let’S sing
第& 4 课时 / 共 6 课时
1、Be able to understand,say and recognize“spoon,fork,knife,chopsticks,plate”.
2、Be able to understand some orders about passing and using the tableware.eg:Pass me a plate,please.Use the chopsticks.
3、Learn to sing“What would you like?’’
教学重点:Be able to understand,say and recognize the words.
教学难点:Be able to understand some orders about passing and using the tableware.
教& 学& 过& 程
1、Let’s chant:
What’s for dinner? What’S for dinner?
Wait and see.Wait and see.
Vegetables, fish, rice and soup.
Yummy, yummy ,yummy.Yeah, yeah, yeah!
2、Game:“Music and toy”
&(Music:What would you like?”)
Ss pass a toy rabbit and stop when the song stops.
Others:Rabbit,rabbit,what would you like?
S1:I’d like some vegetables/soup/noodles….
1、Teach: Chopsticks.
a.T:What do you use to have noodles?
& (show and ask)Fork? Knife? Chopsticks? Or Spoon?
Ss:(choose and answer)
b.Ss:Learn to say“chopsticks”
T:(show pictures of children)They are from different countries.Do they use chopsticks?
& Ss:They’re from China.They use chopsticks.They’re from Canada.They don’t use chopsticks….
& T:(show answers)
2、Teach: Fork,knife,spoon.
a. T:What do Americans use?(show pictures of tableware)
& Ss:Fork。knife,spoon./Use No.1,No.3….
& T:Do you use the fork? Do you use the knife ?Do you use
& the spoon?
& Ss:Yes/No,I use/don’t use the fork/….
b.Ss:(pass and say)Give me a spoon./Pass me a fork.
& T:What can we have with the fork/spoon?
c.Ss:To have vegetables….
& T:What can we cut with the knife?
& Ss:To cut beef/with the knife.
d.T:(show pictures)Look,it’s an ice―cream spoon.What’s this? Can you guess?
& Ss:It’s a coffee spoon/soup spoon/beef knife/butter knife/salad fork....
3、Teach: plate.
a. T:(show a small oval)What’s this?
Ss:A spoon/….
T:(show the who1e picture)It’s a plate?Guess,what’s on the plate?
Ss:A fish/on the plate.&&& ..
b .T:The plate is dirty.Let me wash the plate?(whose the help of gesture)At home I wash plates.Who washes plates in your home?
& Ss:My mother/My grandmother/I…wash/washes plates.
1、Let’s do.
Ss listen to the tape and do.
Put away the tableware.
Ss:(Match the words to the pictures or stick the words on the corresponding drawers.)It’s for fork/knife/….
2、Let’s sing.
What would you like?
(1)& 学生听录音同时一齐说唱第一单元的歌谣“Work and play”。
(2)& 教师说单词,学生开火车拼单词。
教师出示soup一词的图片,说:Here is some soup . How can I drink it ? Oh , yes. I can use the spoon .教师边说边用汤匙作出喝汤的动作,同时带读单词spoon和句子Use the spoon .类似地,用noodles , rice 引出chopsticks , 用beef教单词fork和knife 。
Unit5 what would you like?
媒体的运用使得本节课有了更多的亮点,视听结合、声像并茂、动静皆宜的表现形式,生动、形象地展示教学内容,扩大了学生视野,有效地促进英语课堂教学的大容量、多信息和高效率,将课堂教学引入了一个新的境界。单词chopsticks的引出,观看‘how do I eat this’两个短片的插入,学生疲惫的学习状态有了很大的改变,让他们有更大的活力投入到后面的学习当中。学习英语的兴趣提高了,课堂气氛活跃了,让学生在轻松的环境中学到知识。
Unit5 what would you like?
B.Let’S talk Let’S chant
第& 5 课时 / 共 6 课时
1、能听懂、会说Help yourself?we had a good time…,并能在实际情景中运用。
教学难点:相关的会话句子较多、较散、如:Let me try.Let me show you.See you tomorrow.Good night.
教& 学& 过& 程
1、Let’s sing.&&&
What would you like?&&&
2、Let’s do.
Give me a spoon。Pass me a fork.
Wash the plates.Use the chopsticks.
Cut with the knife.
3、Free tall~
T:It’s cold today.I'd like some noodles.What would you like?
Ss:I’d like some….
1、I like...food.
T:Sichuan food is spicy.In Suzhou, food is sweet.(出示图片.配以表情和动作以帮助理解) I like Sichuan food.It tastes good.How about you?
Ss:I like…food.It tastes good.
I can use…
T:(出示米饭图片)What can you use to have rice?
Ss:I can use chopsticks/spoon…
T:In Xinjiang some people use hands to have rice.(出示chicken图片)What can you use to have chicken?
Ss:I can use….
2、播放Let’s chant部分的录音。学生先听两遍,找出学过的单词,拿出相应的单词卡片。再看图跟读Let’s chant部分的歌谣。
3、Help yourself.
T:You did a good job.I want to treat you.(出示一个托盘,上面有香菜拌虾皮、辣椒、花生酱等有些人不爱吃的食物)
Help yourself.
Ss:Let me try./Sorry,I don’t like them.
S1:Help yourself.
Others:Let me try./Sorry,I don’t like them.
3、教师解释 Good night.可用简笔画画一个月亮表示时间,帮助学生理解:We had a good time.&&
T:John and Mike had a lot of fun at Wu Yifan’s? They had a good time.
T:(出示一些在风景点旅游的照片)It's Guilin?I had good time in Guilin.Where did you have a good time?
Ss: I had a good time in Hangzhou /Harbin….
教师手指黑板上的图,说:Look ! Dinner is ready . What would you like for dinner ? 再问:Do you like Chinese food or English food ?然后带读:I like Chinese food . It’s yummy .
“猜一猜”游戏。教师请三名学生上台,其中两名站在后面,没人各举一张餐具图片。游戏开始后,两名学生把图片放下,另一名学生背朝黑板猜:I can use the knife / ….
Unit5 what would you like?
Help yourself.
Let me try./Sorry,I don’t like them.
Unit5 what would you like?
B.Read and write &Write and say C.Let’S check Write and sav
第& 6 课时 / 共 6 课时
2、完成Let’S check部分内容。
3、完成阶段性练习Let’s check,及时了解学生的学习情况,查漏补缺。
教& 学& 过& 程
说歌谣:Dinner Time
Chicken and fries,
Chicken and fries,
What a surprise!
Chicken and fries.
Smell the chicken.
Taste the fries.
Dinner is ready.
Open your eyes. 二、呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)
可改歌谣为:Chicken and rice,
&&& &&&&&&&&Chicken and rice.
&&& &&&&&&&&What a surprise!
&&& &&&&&&&&Chicken and rice!
&&& &&&&&&&&Smell the beef,
&&& &&&&&&&&Taste the fish.
&& &&&&&&&&&Dinner is ready,
&&& &&&&&&&&Open your eyes.
b.教师出示字母“i”:Show me the letter I,make the word“rice”.学生组合成词,教师提示最后一个不发音的e。
c.教师再示字母“I”,Now it's pronounced/i/,/i//i/fish;同样引出chicken;教师出示字母组合ee,引出beef。
&&& 教师报单个元音或辅音音素,让学生用身体(体态语言)表示字母,组成本课的四会单词后,其余学生根据体态书写单词。
T:Act like“s”/“h”/“f”/“I”.
Make the word“fish”.
write it down please?
1、完成课文中根据图片填单词的练习和Let’s check部分的选择题.
Unit5 what would you like?
1、完成课文中根据图片填单词的练习和Let’s check部分的选择题.
在warm-up环节,细节处理不当,与学生的配合不够。我通过食物大转盘一些美味可口的食物吸引学生的注意力,活跃气氛,消除紧张的心理。由于我没有很好的做好铺垫,学生对于这个大转盘不知道该做一些什么,说一些什么。最后学生在我的慢慢的引导下能够Guess,where stop?学生还是能很好的投入到后面的新课中。评课时,们给了我很多的建议,可以把这一环节做一些改变,如:先把大转盘上的单词领读一边。再问学生what would you like? I like….步步为营,做好铺垫。
&文章来源莲 山课件 w ww.5 Y
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