
鼓励是什么意思 鼓励在线翻译 鼓励什么意思 鼓励的意思 鼓励的翻译 鼓励的解释 鼓励的发音 鼓励的同义词 鼓励的反义词 鼓励的例句
鼓励 基本解释鼓励[gǔ lì]词典:促进;支持;鼓励,鼓舞;鼓动。词典:煽动;刺激;激励;促使。词典:鼓励,使有胆量。词典:振作起来;鼓励,使振作;振奋,鼓舞。词典:引起;唤醒;激起性欲;使行动起来。鼓励 汉英大词典鼓励[gǔ lì] pat sb. on the back.:  例:热情鼓励        鼓励孩子学习    encourag    从 ... 得到鼓励    take encouragement from ...;    货币贬值时, 就无法鼓励人们储蓄。    When money falls in value, there is no encouragement to save.鼓励 网络解释1. Encouragement:一、 鼓励(encouragement)和赞扬(praise)针对以上情况,可以根据英语学科的特点进行德育渗透. 不同的句式表述不同的效果. 如直截了当向学生提出道德要求,让学生认知优良的道德品质,可采用祈使句(Imperative sentence)来表达禁令或命令.2. 2. Encouraged:我的意思是,这些新增的贷款并不是由政府指导(directed)的,而是受政府鼓励(encouraged)的. 随着经济增长在第四季度出现减速,紧缩开始出现,政府显然是利用银行作为财政政策的一部分,这很自然,也许这个财政政策是对的. 我们知道,鼓励 双语例句1. 鼓励1. 所以老师在平时教学中不仅要鼓励学生多开口、勤开口,而且要尽力创设真实、宽松的语言情景,充分发挥学生的主体作用,多创造讲英语的机会,充分调动学生积极参与课堂活动,让学生乐学、善说英语。&&&&Therefore, teachers should not only encourage students speaking often, speaking voluntarily, but also try their best to design roleplays in realistic and relaxed linguistic background, and have students develop their motivation in speaking english. Opportunities of speaking English need to be created, to develop students'parcitipation and involvement in class activities, motivate their interest and desire in English, and encourage their persistence in learning.2. 鼓励2. 该课题通过让学生制订学习计划,自行挑选和设计学习内容并在课堂讲述,鼓励学生对自己的学习负责。在这一教学实践中,学生和教师的角色得以转换,实现了真正以学生为中心。&&&&With students making their learning schedule and designing lessons and materials and presenting in the class, the project encouraged students to take responsible for their own learning.3. 我总是在寻找一个学生的优点,而不是他们的缺点,这是人最基本的需求,在我的课堂上,如果有哪个学生的英语不好的话,我会想别的办法让他张嘴去表达,要么下来和他聊一聊,要么给予他更大的鼓励。&&&&I always look for the good things a student does rather than the negative things. It is a basic human need. If a student doesn't do good in speaking English in my class, I will try by other means to get him to open up....either by having a chat with the student or by giving stronger encouragement.4. 根据方案,年底前北京将扩大错时上下班范围,调整各级党政机关上下班时间,倡导有条件的企事业单位实行弹性工作制,鼓励网上办公。&&&&All institutions and enterprises will be encouraged to work based on a more flexible schedule, and even via remote online connection.5. 5. 谈谈系统性饲鸭:一些组织和团体,鼓励匿名反馈,由于错误地认为这提供了一个安全的环境,让诚实的沟通。&&&&A WORD ABOUT SYSTEMIC DUCK FEEDERS: Some organizations and groups encourage anonymous feedback, in the mistaken belief that this provides a safe environment for honest communication.6. 甚至不景气的埃尔德哈特市也有了好消息:8月4号,一个休闲车部件的供应商说,在当地刺激政策的鼓励下,将会给该镇增加240个工作岗位。&&&&Even battered Elkhart got some good news: on August 4th Dometic, a supplier of recreational-vehicle parts, said that with some help from local incentives it would add 240 jobs to its operation in the town.7. 7. 鼓励民用飞机高技术产品的出口,并积极推动与其他国家签定双边适航协议,促进国产民机进入国际市&&&&Furthermore, the Chinese Government encourages the export of high-tech aircraft products and the signing of bilateral airworthiness agreements with other countries to promote domestic civil aircraft to enter the international market.8. 他的新书《招引恐怖:未知帝国的扩张》检讨了当今的恐怖威胁以及它是如何受到西方国家内部定义缺失所鼓励而加剧的。&&&&His latest book Invitation to Terror: The Expanding Empire of the Unknown, examines today`s terror threat, and how it is encouraged and exacerbated by the collapse of meaning within the West itself.9. 鼓励在线翻译9. 这将鼓励住房产权,同时根除投机活动。&&&&This would encourage homeownership and eliminate speculation at the same time.10. 10. 国家鼓励发展的内外资项目确认书》的用汇额度与实际进口成交币种不同&&&&Where the quota of foreign exchange use specified in the Confirmation of Domestic-Funded or Foreign-Funded Projects Encouraged by the State for Development is in a currency different from that used in the actual import transaction11. 由于消费者每天所接触的营销信息有3,000条之多,因此他鼓励企业家们探求以创造性的方法进行营销活动。&&&&&&Since consumers are exposed to up to 3, 000 marketing messages a day, he encouraged entrepreneurs to find creative ways to build marketing buzz.12. 我生活在有你的日子里,什么时候都与你同在,只要你快乐我也会过的快乐的,我会努力,为自己也为相信我鼓励我的每一个人加油!&&&&&&I life in have you of the day, when and all and you together at, as long as your happiness I would also lead of happiness of, I would effort, for oneself also for believe me encouragement my each person to encourage!13. 13. 我们如何鼓励良好行为的儿童,我们如何阻止不良行为?&&&&&&How do we encourage good behaviour in children, and how do we discourage bad behaviour?14. 首先,不要为自己的作品申请专利,并且鼓励他人也不要那样做。&&&&&&First, don`t patent your own work, and discourage your peers from doing so.15. 国务院顾问任玉岭列举了一些城市为鼓励年轻夫妇进行婚检所采取的一些措施,他建议这些做法应该在全国范围内推行。&&&&&&Ren Yuling, a consultant to the State Council, listed measures taken by some cities to encourage young couples to go for tests b and suggested these practises be promoted widely.16. 好了,你是否愿意笑并愿意鼓励你的同事同你一起笑呢?&&&&&&Okay, are you ready to laugh it up and encourage your colleagues to do the same?17. 最终全面探讨浙江现代物流业促进外贸业发展的实现途径,总结出两条主要途径:(1)政府方面:可以制定现代物流行业发展规划;实施积极的政府支持政策;鼓励各类资本发展物流业;接纳国际物流业巨头进入;加快物流业公共基础设施建设;加快物流人才培养。&&&&&&Ultimately explore ways how Zhejiang Modern Logistics Industry to promote the development of foreign trade industry, to sum up two main ways:(1)goverment: establishing modern logistics industry
carrying out active governm encouraging all kinds of capital into th acceptting internatio building public infrastructure in th accelerating logistics personnel training.18. 第六十二条国家鼓励运用金融、信贷手段,支持教育事业的发展。&&&&&&Article 62 The State encourages the use of loans and other financial means to support the development of educational undertakings.19. 但最近吴作栋总理透露,一系列的鼓励生育措施反应我们大家都应该支援处在极度贫困中的人们。&&&&&&However, prime Minister Goh Chok Tong disclosed recently that response to measures to boost the national birthrate had not reaped the expected results20. 中国上述排污权交易所的创建者称,政府鼓励他们开发减排的基础设施和专门技术。&&&&&&The founders of the exchanges in China say the government is encouraging them to start developing the infrastructure and technical know-how to reduce pollution.鼓励是什么意思,鼓励在线翻译,鼓励什么意思,鼓励的意思,鼓励的翻译,鼓励的解释,鼓励的发音,鼓励的同义词,鼓励的反义词,鼓励的例句,鼓励的相关词组,鼓励意思是什么,鼓励怎么翻译,单词鼓励是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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