
Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use tool to
help you collect, organize, cite, and share your
research sources.
Available for Mac, Windows, and Linux
Grab your research with a single click.
A personal research assistant.
Zotero is the only research tool that automatically senses content in your web
browser, allowing you to add it to your personal library with a single click.
Whether you're searching for a preprint on arXiv.org, a journal article from JSTOR,
a news story from the New York Times, or a book from your university
library catalog, Zotero has you covered with support for thousands of sites.
Store anything.
Zotero collects all your research in a single, searchable interface. You can add
PDFs, images, audio and video files, snapshots of web pages, and really anything
else. Zotero automatically indexes the full-text content of your library, enabling
you to find exactly what you're looking for with just a few keystrokes.
It has never been easier to sort your research.
Say goodbye to folders.
Zotero organizes your research into collections that act like iTunes playlists.
Research items can be added to any number of named collections and subcollections,
which in turn can be organized however you like. With saved searches, you can
create smart collections that automatically fill with relevant materials as you add
them to your library.
Assign tags to your library items to organize your research using your own
keywords. The tag selector enables you to filter your library instantly to view
matching items. Zotero can even use database and library data to tag items
automatically as you add them.
You’re never more than a click away from a bibliography.
Cite perfectly.
Whether you need to create footnotes, endnotes, in-text citations, or
bibliographies, Zotero will do all the dirty work for you, leaving you free to
focus on your writing. Create citations in Word and OpenOffice without ever leaving
your word processor and add references to an email, a Google Doc, or some other
editor simply by dragging one or more references out of Zotero.
Always in style.
Ready to submit your manuscript to Tropical Doctor or French
Historical Studies? We've got you covered: with native integration of the
powerful and flexible Citation Style Language (CSL), Zotero supports thousands of
publication formats with more styles added daily.
Your data is always where you need it.
Research everywhere.
Zotero automatically synchronizes your data across as many devices as you
choose. Add to your research library on your work PC, and organize your
collections on your home laptop. All of your notes, files, and bibliographic
data remain seamlessly and silently up to date. Returning from field work? Your
data will be waiting for you when you get home.
Painless data transfer.
Upgrading to a new computer? Zotero will automatically pull down a complete
copy of your research library from our server network. Even if you don't yet
have Zotero installed, you can always access your research from any web browser
in the world.
Work together and share with the world.
Works well with others.
Create and join research groups to focus on any topic you choose. Each group can
share its own research library, complete with files, bibliographic data, notes, and
discussion threads. Tag and analyze your research together with others. Work with a
single colleague or an entire class: Zotero groups can include as many members
as you please.
Share with the world. Or not.
Zotero groups can be private or public, open or closed. You decide. For example,
you and a few colleagues might initially work on a research project in private. After
publication, why not share your research notes and library with the world?
Zotero News
Get Involved
Zotero wouldn't be the powerful, flexible tool it is today without the tireless efforts of all our community members. Find out how to .
Zotero is a project of the , and was initially funded
by the , the , and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~
怎样写论文的参考文献reference(harvard style)how_to._use_the_harvard_reference_system
怎样写论文的参考文献reference(harvard style)how_to._use_the_harvard_reference_system
&embed src='/DocinViewer-4.swf' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed&
3秒自动关闭窗口英语论文网 会员登录
论文字数:1241论文编号:org077572语种:英语论文 English地区:英国价格:免费论文
摘要:留学生英语论文写作格式之哈佛参考文献reference体系格式汇总 -各类别各类型参考文献哈佛格式参考
(performance)If you refer to production and performance elements of a play that you have viewed within your , your reference will need to give emphasis to the title of the play first (see examples)
Format:Title of Play- in italics or underlined. By Author. (Year of publication - in brackets). [Play C in square brackets]. Production date, Theatre and Place of performance: Performers names. Director.
Bibliography Example:A Round of Applause. By Harry Green. (2006). [Play]. First Produced 18th June. Round Theatre, Burns Wood. Performers: I. Bloggs & S. Jones. Director: Harry Green.
Podcast citations should commence with the name of the originator or organisation which produced the podcast.
Format:Originator of podcast C Surname, initials or organisation if no named person is available. (Year of distribution - in brackets). Title of Podcast C in italics or underlined. Number and/or title of the episode C if needed. [Online C in square brackets]. Date of the Podcast. Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography Examples:BBC Radio 4. (2008). Material World: Severn Barrage & Palaeopathology introduced by Quentin Cooper. [Online]. Thursday 15th May. Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/thematerialworld.shtml. [Accessed: 19th May 2008]
In-text Example:If you refer to a podcast in the body of your work, the title will need to be underlined or placed in italics:
…examined in BBC Radio 4’s podcast Material World: Severn Barrage & Palaeopathology (2008)
Poem (from an anthology)Poems are not referenced in the same way as book chapters. In-text you need to mention the poem and poet and page number, but in the Bibliography you will need to reference the source (book, etc.) where you found the poem.
Format:Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets for editor(s) (Year of publication - in brackets) Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Fictitious Bibliography example:If you refer to a poem in your work from a book, for example a poem from the following book, you will need to reference the source (book) where the poem can be found:
Fish, J. (2004). The Art of Poetry. London: Fish and Sons.
In-text:The poem Spring Time by Bloggs (Fish. 2004. p.67) shows.....This was highlighted in Bloggs’ Spring Time (Fish. 2004. p.67).“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author’s Surname, Year of Publication, p. C followed by page number C in brackets)
Punctuation (when using Harvard)Punctuation can vary when using Harvard. Hence you might find that some Harvard references will have complete full stops after each part of the reference and some may not. The generally accepted rule when using Harvard is to be consistent with your style and use of punctuation throughout your assignment. For further information or assistance, please refer to:
British Standards Institution. (1990). BS. Recommendations for citing and referencing published material. Milton Keynes: BSI
British Standards Institution. (2000). BS0. Copy Preparation and Proof Correction. Design and Layout of Documents. Milton Keynes: BSI
Neville, C. (2007). The Complet本由提供整理,提供,,,,,,相关核心关键词搜索。
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