
09-07-15 &
如果意思是旧的话,是new 如果意思是老的话,是young
年老的是什么意思 年老的在线翻译 年老的什么意思 年老的的意思 年老的的翻译 年老的的解释 年老的的发音 年老的的同义词
年老的 双语例句1. 1. 天空布满羽毛一样的白云,从白云中走来一位印度少女和一位年老的长者。&&&&The sky filled with clouds and out of them came a young Indian maiden and an old grandfather.2. 2. 我看到他的时候,他年轻强壮,现在他已年老体弱。&&&&I saw him young and strong, and now he is old and worn.3. 3. 我想确认的是,政府会一直照顾年老体弱和最贫困的人们。&&&&We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions that we have ahead.4. 上帝,万能的,不应该把这样的判断下的产物,为年老体弱的人。&&&&God, the Omnipotent, ought not to bring under judgment so frail a creature as man.5. 当狗年老体弱,只知道向你狂咬的时候,你可以开枪打死它。&&&&When a dog gets old and starts to snap at you incessantly, you can shoot it.6. 于是,Kiljaeden开始将兽人引向堕落。一开始是年老的萨满Nerzhul,后来是他的学生,Guldan。&&&&And so Kiljaeden began to corrupt the orcs, first through the elderly shaman Nerzhul, and then through his apprentice, Guldan.7. 大卡永,五百点〇〇万年老,277公里长,18英里宽,科罗拉多河的深切峡谷涵盖1904年平方英里。&&&&Grand Cayon, five million years old, 277 miles long and 18 miles wide, the Colorado River's deep canyon covers 1, 904 square miles.8. danci.911cha.com8. 生活是美好的,热爱生活,当你年老时回想以前,你会觉得生活是一种享受。&&&&Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you`ll be able toenjoy it a second time.9. 科学家表示,他们将TEVs移植到绵羊体内,它们正常工作了5个星期。目前,他们的工作是寻找提供TEVs强度的途径,同时比较年老和年轻个体干细胞间的不同。&&&&The TEVs also produced both collagen and elastin, which give connective tissue their strength and elasticity and are critical to the functioning of artificial blood vessels.10. 因此,笔者试图对我国农村社会养老保险立法作一粗浅探讨。在分析了农村社会养老保险的概念的基础上,笔者将农村社会养老保险法定义为:是调整以国家、社会和农民个人为主体,为保障农民的社会养老保险权进而满足其年老时的基本生活需要并不断提高其生活水平而发生的经济扶助关系的法律规范的总称。&&&&In this paper, the author did a simple research on the legislation of QIC in China, drawing on other counties experience of establishing systems of the old-age insurance by legislation.11. 年老的最明确迹象是孤独。&&&&&&The surest sign of age is loneliness.12. 还有头上镀了银的手杖――是本州最可尊敬的满头霜染的年老的大富翁。&&&&&&They said he was a p'fessor in a college, and could talk all kinds of languages, and knowed everything.13. 年老的一辈尊重传统。&&&&&&A staunch defier of tradition.14. 作为一个小腺体,前列腺的好处是:它的神经末梢很多,可以让你做爱时感到快乐;坏处是:有可能在你年老时因前列腺疾病而痛苦,据说如果活到100岁,每个男人都有患上前列腺癌的风险。&&&&&&As a small glands, prostate benefits are: it's a lot of nerve endings, you can have sex disadvantages are: you may have when they grow old and suffering from prostate disease, it is said If you live to 100 years old, each Men suffering from prostate cancer have risks.15. 这是只有当你年少或等到你年老时才有时间和机会享受的一个词。&&&&&&This sometimes just only be your juniority or wait until your in old age a phrase that and opportunities enjoy.16. 她拿着扫帚、水桶以及肥皂,一等霍尔出门,她就像个年老的复仇天使,出发去清理霍尔的房间。&&&&&&She collected her besom, her bucket, and her soap, and as soon as Howl was out of the door, she set off like an elderly avenging angel to clean Howl`s bedroom.17. 就让你的外观形象随着生命的自然流程而年青,而年老吧,以期与自然保持和谐,因为,和谐本身就是美。忤逆之举只会弄巧成拙。&&&&&&Let your looks change from young to old in step with natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness.18. 即使我们的父母在年老时很希望由我们的照料,他们也不明显地表露出来。&&&&&&Even our parent are expecing us to be their caretaker, as they grow old. But they never make thaaat obvious to us.19. 年老的19. 通过红帽子协会她遇见了上千位年老的妇女,现在她已经摒弃这种根深蒂固的想法,以一种积极的态度看待体面的变老。&&&&&&Haing met thousands of older women through the Red Hat Society, she has replaced the stereotypical thinking with a positie iew of aging gracefully. First impression doesn't tell you a thing.20. 阿梅先向传媒界问句好,便正式入题,她保持著笑容说:「近日我觉得好烦恼,各界人士对我的身体、健康,一切都好关心,出现许多忖测,令我好烦厌,在我来说,病不是最头痛,而是人言可畏,很多未证实的事,传媒就作出忖测,本来我不想公开病况,病情亦不是不可讲给大家听,但这段时间我收到很多朋友、歌迷的来信,哭著、喊住问我的病况,大家都好担心,但我连家人、年老的妈妈也没讲过,因为我相信可将这个病打低,深信会医得好,深信好短时间可以好番,不要爱我的人为我担心,亦不把这事放在心上,虽然我系一个病人。&&&&&&I never even told my family, my aged mother about it, because I believe I will recover from it, I deeply believe I can recover within a very short period, so I don't like those who love me to worry.年老的是什么意思,年老的在线翻译,年老的什么意思,年老的的意思,年老的的翻译,年老的的解释,年老的的发音,年老的的同义词,年老的的反义词,年老的的例句,年老的的相关词组,年老的意思是什么,年老的怎么翻译,单词年老的是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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