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覆土是什么意思 覆土在线翻译 覆土什么意思 覆土的意思 覆土的翻译 覆土的解释 覆土的发音 覆土的同义词 覆土的反义词 覆土的例句
覆土 双语例句1. 籽球重量超过50 mg并经过自然低温后有能力抽地上茎。7月20日前扦插繁殖的籽球第二年会开花,7月10日前扦插比7月20日产前插繁殖的籽球开花率高,露出扦插比覆土扦插开花率高。&&&&It was able to sprout stem leaf that the bulblet was cooled in natural after growth more than 50mg.2. 2. 在下认为覆土烧刃法并没有在中国消失,逐步消失弃用的是最费工力的包钢法,清代作品中也会有烧刃,光凭覆土烧刃是不能确定为明物。&&&&In my opinion this forging didn't disappear in China, the contrary is that what was given up was the forging which wasted the most work. In Qing works there's burning blade, and only by earth burning blade, it can't be dated in Ming dynasty.3. 在以做好的高畦上,按60--70厘米株距播种的位置开穴,每穴撤一些加工地50倍多菌灵及1.5%的3911颗粒剂,用瓜铲搅拌均匀,捡出石块、杂草、打碎疙拉,用瓜铲顺沟方向划一道2厘米长,5--7厘米深的沟,沟的两断个点一粒种子,然后覆土。&&&&In order to do a good job of Gao Qi, according to 60 - 70 cm Zhuju sowing the location of a point, Mei Xue dismantling some 50 times the processing to carbendazim 3911 and 1.5 percent of the granules, mixed with melon spade uniform, Jianchu stones, miscellaneous Grass, breaking Ge Rafah, with melon-ditch spade direction designated a 2 cm long, 5 - 7 cm deep ditch in, ditch the two points off a seed and soil.4. 覆土中的细菌数量随着双孢蘑菇菌丝的生长而增多,不同覆土的细菌数量与其中的蘑菇菌丝生物量正相关,覆土中的细菌与蘑菇菌丝存在营养共生关系。&&&&Comparatively higher mycelium biomass of Agaricus bisporus were found in all casing soils at the primordia stage of second flush. The increase of mycelium biomass of Agaricus bisporus in casing was accompanied by an increase in the bacterial population. The result may indicate the syntrophism between bacteria and mycelia during growth of mushroom.5. 结果]经过综合分析,得出适宜神东矿区文冠果营养杯育苗的组合为:营养杯规格15 cm×15 cm、种子装杯粒数1粒、营养土类型为腐殖酸土、覆土厚度5 cm。&&&&Results] After comprehensive analysis, the optimal condition of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. seedling-raising in Shendong Mining area was the size of cup, 15 cm×15 1 type of soil, humic acid soil and thickness of soil, 5 cm.6. 在进行景观设计时,利用好覆土建筑的景观特征,处理好建筑与环境之间的关系,使之成为景观连续统一的有机组成部分。&&&&Landscape architects could make good use of this feature to deal with the relationship between architecture and environment in order to let architecture to be a part of the continuous landscape.7. 覆土对草地早熟禾当年地下生物量的影响在各处理及对照间均不显著(P>0.05)。&&&&There were no significant difference of underground biomass between control and mulching thickness treatments and between thickness treatments.8. 覆土的近义词8. 根据覆土的理化性质和矿区实际情况,提出了复垦土地的土壤改良方法。&&&&The method of discharging of waste soil and rock and of the soil improvement of the reclamation land at discharged area out of the...9. 以小树枝填在沟槽内,上面覆土而形成的排水暗沟&&&&A channel at the edge of a ship's deck to drain away water.10. 修正了种绳覆土厚度的数学模型,同时建立了开沟前地表不平度与整压后地表不平度的传递函数。&&&&The mathematical model was established between Surface roughness and Ditch's bottom roughness.11. 11. 在地下结构按荷载结构模型计算分析时,如何确定作用在地下结构上的上覆土荷载的大小及分布是合理设计的关键。&&&&&&It is the key to design reasonably how to decide the size and distribution of loads on the underground structure in "action-reaction" model.12. 每垄栽2行,行距50厘米、株距20厘米,开6-8厘米深的浅沟,在沟内每隔20厘米摆一块薯种,浇水后覆土,最后搭上小拱棚。&&&&&&Planted per ridge line 2, line spacing, 50 cm, 20 cm spacing in the rows, the shallow depth of 6-8 cm, 20 cm in the trench before every piece of potato species, after the soil water, and finally catch a small Arch.13. 小区铲土覆土模拟试验结果显示,春小麦和胡麻以表土对其产量的影响最大,铲去表土5cm时,每减少1cm表土的产量下降幅度分别为3.1%和1.9%;而铲去表土10cm和20cm后,每减少1cm表土的减产幅度大为减低;每增加1cm表层熟土,产量增加1.7%和1.3%。&&&&&&And 1.3% with increasing every 1 cm top soil when 10cm top soil is added.14. 14. 对采用胶圈连接的柔性接口球墨铸铁管线,在不覆土的情见下,分别进行了两种管径、注水、不注水的静载拉拔试验。&&&&&&The seismic performance of the flexible joint ductile cast iron pipeline is better.15. 结果表明,离子色谱法测定双孢蘑菇培养料、覆土和鲜土中的ACC含量简便快速。&&&&&&In present study, the contents of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid in mushroom colonized compost, casing soil, and soil were determined respectively by ion chromatography.16. 双孢蘑菇培养料和覆土中的ACC含量显著高于鲜土,双孢蘑菇培养料和覆土中ACC脱氨酶产生菌的数量及其占细菌总数的比例同样明显高于鲜土。&&&&&&While the amount of ACC deaminase-containing bacteria in mushroom colonized compost, casing soil, and soil were detected respectively using DF salts minimal medium, in which ACC was the sole source of nitrogen.17. 当填满以后,除役的掩埋场会进行表面覆土,有时并会在上面造景。&&&&&&When filled, decommissioned landfills are capped and sometimes landscaped.18. 18. 为了解淮北电厂粉煤灰充填区覆土种植作物后,土壤和小麦中的氟含量,选取覆土年限不同的三个覆盖区调查,结果示随着覆土种植年限的延长,下层粉煤灰中水溶性氟逐年下降,土壤中水溶性氟含量逐年上升,呈负相关,这种变化达到一定年限后渐趋缓慢。&&&&&&In order to understand fluorine quantity in the soil and wheat at the coal ash sites covered with soil of Huaibei power station, three covered places with different years long were investigated. The results showed that aqueous fluorine in the lower power coal ash was reducing year by year, while aqueous fluorine in the soil was increasing year by year.19. 19. 在双孢蘑菇栽培中,以传统蘑菇砻糠田泥覆土为对照,研究了不同泥炭比例覆土配方的理化性状、细菌生长量、双孢蘑菇菌丝生物量及其产量。&&&&&&Physical and chemical properties, culturable bacterial population and phospholipid fatty acid profile of different casing soils at different mushroom cropping stages were investigated.20. 通过不同年份石灰炉渣废弃地理化性质及其上自然定居的微生物和植物种类的分析,阐述了废弃地理化状况不良,养分极度缺乏和毒性重金属污染是植物生长主要影响因子,针对上述问题,讨论了该类废弃地实施局部覆土和采用营养钵实生苗法,促进植物定居;利用藤本植物蔓延生长特性,对废弃地坡面进行固定;通过筛选重金属耐性植物,引种豆科植物,克服废弃地养份不足的治理对策。&&&&&&Analysed the physico-chemical properties of the limestone-slag ged wasteland formed in different years and various microorganisms and plants naturally settling on it set forth that the physico-chemical harms, nutrient difficiency and pollution of toxic heavy metals of the wasteland are the main factors, which affect the growth of plants.覆土是什么意思,覆土在线翻译,覆土什么意思,覆土的意思,覆土的翻译,覆土的解释,覆土的发音,覆土的同义词,覆土的反义词,覆土的例句,覆土的相关词组,覆土意思是什么,覆土怎么翻译,单词覆土是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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