
急写大熊猫的外貌的小学五年级水平就行急用阿 好的有积分
The panda is famous for China in the world.It belongs to bear-family.It has a beautiful black-and-white coat.The ears,eyes and some parts of its the body are black.Other parts of it are white.Its body is round.The size of it is quite big.The weight is about 100-150 kilogram.The panda is quite lovely and gentel.Everybody in the world love it very much.enough?
Panda comes from China.There are a few pandas in the world.So we must protect them.Panda is a lovely animal.I think everyone like pandas very much.小学水平 5句话足够了
南京珍珠泉是南京市民和在南京的大学生踏青的好地方,也是必到的地方,而外地旅客来玩的很少,因为这里适合度假,放松心情,不是到此一游的而已的地方。周边还有老山国家森林公园,汤泉温泉和南京最标准的高尔夫球场。还未到大门,就感觉到清新的空气沁人心脾。久违了大自然的城里人一下子就回过神来了,是啊,好久没有这么清新的空气呼吸了,不由自主的又深深吸了一口气。路的两边绿树葱茏,远处连绵的山丘看起来真是一幅充满中国意境的山水画。一进大门,沿着公园的小路往里走,不一回儿,来到一座小桥,镜面的湖水,清澈见底,一点也不亚于趵突泉的水。湖边有几位老者正在垂钓,右手远处学生们划着竹排,一幅漓江山水的情景。过了小桥往左走,就会看到珍珠泉了。具体是什么样的?卖个关子,这里就不描述了,怕我的文笔煞了风景,还是自己去体会一下吧。当然这里还有百虎园和缆车,值得走一趟。连票60元。Pearl Spring of Nanjing is the good place where citizen in Nanjing and university student in Nanjing go for an outing in early spring, it is the place where must be reached too, and the nonlocal passenger came to play few because suitable for spending holidays here, relax mood, it is not the place to visit here. There are a national Forest Park of Laoshan , soup spring and hot spring and the most standard golf course of Nanjing in the perimeter. Have not got to the gate yet, just feel that the fresh air gladdens the heart and refresh the mind. The urban resident who sees the nature for ages has too come supernaturally quickly, yes, there is no such fresh air to breathe for a long time, the ones that can't help are deep and in one breath again. The green tree of both sides in the way is verdant, the unbroken hillock seems to be really a landscape painting which is full of China's artistic conceptions in the distant place. Enter the gate , path on it is along park in walk,eaches,come of bridge not light, the lake water in the surface of the mirror, see the bottom limpidly , is as good as water in Baotu Spring. Several old persons are going angling on the lakeside, the students at a distance of right hand are rowing the bamboo raft, scene of the mountains and rivers of Lijiang River. Walk to the left after passing the small bridge, will see Pearl Spring . What kind concrete? Sell for piece imprison son , here describe , afraid of style of writing scenery very of me, go to realize by oneself . Certainly there are one hundred tigers garden and cable car here, worth going. Even the ticket is 60 yuan.希望您可以采纳.
金星:[ jīn xīng ] 1.Venus2.Hesperus3.Hesper4.phosphorus
VENUSVenus is the second-closest planet to the Sun,orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days.The planet is named after Venus,the Roman goddess of love.It is the brightest natural object in the night sky,except for the Moon.Venus reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset,for which reason it is often called the Morning Star or the Evening Star.Venus is sometimes called Earth's "sister planet," because they are similar in size,gravity,and bulk composition.Venus is covered with a layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid,preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light.简单易懂,如果不够可以补充.


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