what colorwhat are these回答 bees?怎么回答

A Cure for Colorblindess - The Atlantic[转载]《失控》第二章
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2.1 Bees do it: distributed governance 2.1蜜蜂的做法:分布式管理The beehive beneath my office window quietlyexhales legions of busybodies and then inhales them. On summer afternoons, whenthe sun seeps under the trees to backlight the hive, the approaching sunlitbees zoom into their tiny dark opening like curving tracer bullets. I watchthem now as they haul in the last gleanings of nectar from the final manzanitablooms of the year. Soon the rains will come and the bees will hide. I willstill gaze out the window as I they will still toil, but now in theirdark home. Only on the balmiest day will I be blessed by the sight of theirthousands in the sun. 在我办公室的窗下,蜂箱静静地任由忙碌的蜜蜂进进出出。夏日的午后,阳光透过树影映衬着蜂箱。阳光照射下的蜜蜂如弧形的曳光弹,发出嗡嗡的声音,钻进那黑暗的小洞口。此刻,我看着它们将熊果树花朵今年最后的花蜜零星采集回家。不久雨季将至,蜜蜂们将躲藏起来。在写作的时侯,我还会眺望窗外,而它们此时仍继续辛勤劳作,不过是在黑暗的家中。只有在晴朗的日子里,我才能幸运地看到阳光下成千上万的蜜蜂。Over years of beekeeping, I've tried my handat relocating bee colonies out of buildings and trees as a quick and cheap wayof starting new hives at home. One fall I gutted a bee tree that a neighborfelled. I took a chain saw and ripped into this toppled old tupelo. The poortree was cancerous with bee comb. The further I cut into the belly of the tree,the more bees I found. The insects filled a cavity as large as I was. It was agray, cool autumn day and all the bees were home, now agitated by the surgery.I finally plunged my hand into the mess of comb. Hot! Ninety-five degrees atleast. Overcrowded with 100,000 cold-blooded bees, the hive had become awarm-blooded organism. The heated honey ran like thin, warm blood. My gut feltlike I had reached my hand into a dying animal. 养蜂多年,我曾亲手把蜂群从建筑物和树林中搬出来,以这种快捷而廉价的方式在家中建起新的蜂箱。有一年秋天,邻居砍倒了一棵空心树,我用链锯切入那倒下的老山茱萸。这可怜的树里长满了蜂巢的癌瘤。切入树身越深,发现的蜜蜂越多。挤满蜜蜂的洞和我一样大。那是一个阴沉凉爽的秋日,所有的蜜蜂都呆在家里,此刻被我的手术扰得不得安宁。我将手完全插入到蜂巢中。好热!至少有华氏九十五度(摄氏36度左右)。拥挤了十万只冷血蜜蜂的蜂巢已经变成热血的生物。热蜂蜜像温暖稀薄的血一样流淌。我本能地感觉仿佛刚刚把手插进了垂死的动物。The idea of the collective hive as an animal wasan idea late in coming. The Greeks and Romans were famous beekeepers whoharvested respectable yields of honey from homemade hives, yet these ancientsgot almost every fact about bees wrong. Blame it on the lightless conspiracy ofbee life, a secret guarded by ten thousand fanatically loyal, armed soldiers.Democritus thought bees spawned from the same source as maggots. Xenophonfigured out the queen bee but erroneously assigned her supervisoryresponsibilities she doesn't have. Aristotle gets good marks for getting a lotright, including the semiaccurate observation that &ruler bees& putlarva in the honeycomb cells. (They actually start out as eggs, but at least hecorrects Democritus's misguided direction of maggot origins.) Not until theRenaissance was the female gender of the queen bee proved, or beeswax shown tobe secreted from the undersides of bees. No one had a clue until moderngenetics that a hive is a radical matriarchy and sisterhood: all bees, exceptthe few good-for-nothing drones, are female and sisters. The hive was a mysteryas unfathomable as an eclipse. 将蜜蜂麇集的蜂巢视同动物的想法姗姗来迟。希腊人和罗马人都是著名的养蜂人。他们从自制的蜂箱收获到数量可观的蜂蜜,尽管如此,这些古人对蜜蜂所有的认识几乎都是错误的。其责任归咎于蜜蜂生活的隐密性,这是一个由上万狂热而忠诚的武装卫士守护着的秘密。德谟克利特(1)认为蜜蜂的孵化和蛆如出一辙。色诺芬(2)分辨出了蜂后,却错误地赋予她监督的职责,而她并没有这个任务。亚里斯多德(3)在纠正错误认识方面取得了不错的成果,包括他对“蜜蜂统治者”将幼虫放入蜂巢隔间的精确观察。(其实,蜜蜂初生时是卵,但他至少纠正了德谟克利特的蜜蜂始于蛆的误导。)直到文艺复兴时期,蜂后的雌性基因才得到证明,蜜蜂下腹分泌蜂蜡的秘密也才被发现。直到现代遗传学才有线索指出蜂群是彻底的母性制,而且是姐妹关系:除了少数无用的雄蜂,所有的蜜蜂都是雌性姐妹。蜂群犹如日(月)食一样神秘、一样深不可测。I've seen eclipses and I've seen bee swarms.Eclipses are spectacles I watch halfheartedly, mostly out of duty, I think, totheir rarity and tradition, much as I might attend a Fourth of July parade. Beeswarms, on the other hand, evoke another sort of awe. I've seen more than a fewhives throwing off a swarm, and never has one failed to transfix me utterly, orto dumbfound everyone else within sight of it. 我见过日(月)食,也见过蜂群。我观看日(月)食是把它当风景,兴趣不大,多半是出于责任,是因为它们的罕见与传说,更像是参加国庆游行。而蜂群唤起的是另一种情感,敬畏。我见过不少次蜜蜂分群,每一次都令我痴呆若狂,也令其他所有目击者目瞪口呆。A hive about to swarm is a hive possessed. Itbecomes visibly agitated around the mouth of its entrance. The colony whines ina centerless loud drone that vibrates the neighborhood. It begins to spit outmasses of bees, as if it were emptying not only its guts but its soul. Apoltergeist-like storm of tiny wills materializes over the hive box. It growsto be a small dark cloud of purpose, opaque with life. Boosted by a tremendousbuzzing racket, the ghost slowly rises into the sky, leaving behind the emptybox and quiet bafflement. The German theosophist Rudolf Steiner writes lucidlyin his otherwise kooky Nine Lectures on Bees: &Just as the human soultakes leave of the body...one can truly see in the flying swarm an image of thedeparting human soul.& 即将分群的蜂巢是疯狂的。蜂巢的入口处明显地躁动不安。没头没脑的蜂群犹如一片云,嗡嗡喧闹的哀鸣振动邻里。蜂巢开始吐出成群的蜜蜂,仿佛不仅要倾空其肠胃,还要倾空其灵魂。小股小股的意愿捣蛋鬼似的在蜂箱上方聚集成型,渐渐成长为有目的有生命、不透明的黑色小云朵。在嗡嗡的震耳欲聋的喧闹声激扬下,幻影慢慢升入空中,留下空空的蜂巢和令人困惑的静谧。德国神智学者鲁道夫•斯坦纳(4)在其另类怪僻的《关于蜜蜂的九个讲座》(Nine Lectures on Bees)中清楚地写道:“正如人类灵魂脱离人体……通过飞行的蜂群,你可以真实地看到人类灵魂分离的影像。” For many years Mark Thompson, a beekeeperlocal to my area, had the bizarre urge to build a Live-In Hive -- an active beehome you could visit by inserting your head into it. He was working in a yardonce when a beehive spewed a swarm of bees &like a flow of black lava,dissolving, then taking wing.& The black cloud coalesced into a20-foot-round black halo of 30,000 bees that hovered, UFO-like, six feet offthe ground, exactly at eye level. The flickering insect halo began to driftslowly away, keeping a constant six feet above the earth. It was a Live-In Hivedream come true. 许多年来,和我同区的养蜂人马克•汤普森一直有个强烈的怪诞愿望,建立一个同居蜂巢——一个你可以把头伸进去探访的活跃的蜜蜂之家。有一次,他正在干活的一个院子里,突然一个蜂箱涌出一大群蜜蜂 “源源不断像一条解体的大黑虫,然后长翅膀。”黑云合并成一个三万个蜜蜂构成的直径20英尺的黑晕,像UFO似的,离地六英尺,正好在齐眼的高度。忽隐忽现的昆虫黑晕开始慢慢地漂移,一直保持离地六英尺的高度。那是一次同居蜂巢的梦想成真。Mark didn't waver. Dropping his tools heslipped into the swarm, his bare head now in the eye of a bee hurricane. Hetrotted in sync across the yard as the swarm eased away. Wearing a bee halo,Mark hopped over one fence, then another. He was now running to keep up withthe thundering animal in whose belly his head floated. They all crossed theroad and hurried down an open field, and then he jumped another fence. He wastiring. The bees weren't; they picked up speed. The swarm-bearing man glideddown a hill into a marsh. The two of them now resembled a superstitious swampdevil, humming, hovering, and plowing through the miasma. Mark churned wildlythrough the muck trying to keep up. Then, on some signal, the bees accelerated.They unhaloed Mark and left him standing there wet, &in panting, joyful amazement.&Maintaining an eye-level altitude, the swarm floated across the landscape untilit vanished, like a spirit unleashed, into a somber pine woods across thehighway. 马克没有犹豫。他扔下工具迅速进入蜂群,他的光头马上处于蜜蜂旋风的中心。他小跑着与蜂群同步穿过了院子。戴着蜜蜂光环(说明1),马克跳过一个又一个篱笆。此刻,他正跑步跟上这响声如雷的动物,他的头在它的腹部晃荡。他们一起穿过公路,迅速通过一片开阔地,接着,他又跳过一个篱笆。他累了,蜜蜂还不累,它们加快了速度。这个载着蜂群的男人滑下山岗,滑进一片沼泽。他和蜜蜂此刻组装成迷信里的沼泽魔鬼,嗡嗡叫着,盘旋着,在瘴气中翻腾。马克在污泥中拚命摇晃着努力保持平衡。这时,蜜蜂得到某种信号,加快了速度。除去了马克头上的光环,留下湿漉漉的他独自站在那里,“气喘吁吁,快乐而惊。”蜂群保持着齐眼的高度,从地面漂过,好似被释放的精灵,越过高速公路,消失在昏暗的松树林中。&Where is 'this spirit of thehive'...where does it reside?& asks the author Maurice Maeterlinck asearly as 1901. &What is it that governs here, that issues orders, foreseesthe future...?& We are certain now it is not the queen bee. When a swarmpours itself out through the front slot of the hive, the queen bee can onlyfollow. The queen's daughters manage the election of where and when the swarmshould settle. A half-dozen anonymous workers scout ahead to check possiblehive locations in hollow trees or wall cavities. They report back to theresting swarm by dancing on its contracting surface. During the report, themore theatrically a scout dances, the better the site she is championing.Deputy bees then check out the competing sites according to the intensity ofthe dances, and will concur with the scout by joining in the scout's twirling.That induces more followers to check out the lead prospects and join the ruckuswhen they return by leaping into the performance of their choice. “‘蜂群的灵魂’在哪里……它在何处驻留?”早在1901年,作家墨利斯•梅特林克(5)就发出了这样的疑问:“这里由谁统治,由谁发布命令,由谁预见未来……?”(说明2)现在我们能确定统治者不是蜂王。当蜂群从蜂巢前面狭小的出口涌出时,蜂王只能跟着。蜂王的女儿负责选择蜂群应该何时何地安顿下来。半打的无名工蜂在前方侦察,核查可能安置蜂巢的树洞和墙洞。他们回来后,用约定的舞蹈向休息的蜂群报告。在报告中,侦察员的舞蹈越夸张,说明她主张使用的地点越好。接着,蜜蜂助手根据舞蹈的强烈程度核查竞选地点,并以加入侦察员旋转舞蹈的方式表示同意。这就引导更多跟风者前往占上风的候选地点视察,回来之后加入看法一致的侦察员的喧闹的舞蹈,表达自己的选择。It's a rare bee, except for the scouts, whohas inspected more than one site. The bees see a message, &Go there, it'sa nice place.& They go and return to dance/say, &Yeah, it's reallynice.& By compounding emphasis, the favorite sites get more visitors, thusincreasing further visitors. As per the law of increasing returns, them thathas get more votes, the have-nots get less. Gradually, one large, snowballingfinale will dominate the dance-off. The biggest crowd wins. 审察多个地点的蜜蜂,是除侦察员之外最出类拔萃的。蜜蜂看到一条信息:“去那儿,那是个好地方。”它们去看过之后回来舞蹈说,“是的,真是个好地方。”由于重复强调,属意地点的探访者越来越多,于是更多的探访者加入进来。按照收益递增的法则,得票越多,反对越少。渐渐地,以滚雪球方式形成一个大群舞的主宰直到曲终。最大的蜂群获胜。It's an election hall of idiots, for idiots,and by idiots, and it works marvelously. This is the true nature of democracyand of all distributed governance. At the close of the curtain, by the choiceof the citizens, the swarm takes the queen and thunders off in the directionindicated by mob vote. The queen who follows, does so humbly. If she could think,she would remember that she is but a mere peasant girl, blood sister of thevery nurse bee instructed (by whom?) to select her larva, an ordinary larva,and raise it on a diet of royal jelly, transforming Cinderella into the queen.By what karma is the larva for a princess chosen? And who chooses the chooser? 这是一个白痴的选举大厅,由白痴选举白痴,其产生的效果却极为惊人。这是民主制度的真髓,是彻底的分布式管理。曲终幕闭,按照民众的选择,蜂群挟带着蜂王和雷鸣般的嗡嗡声,向着通过群选确定的目标前进。蜂王非常谦恭地跟随着。如果她能思考,她可能会记得自己只不过是个村姑,是其血亲姐妹保姆蜂受命(谁下的命令?)选择了她普通的幼体,然后以蜂王浆作为食物来喂养,将灰姑娘变成了蜂王。是什么样的因缘选择这个幼体作为女王呢?又是谁选择了这选举人呢?&The hive chooses,& is thedisarming answer of William Morton Wheeler, a natural philosopher andentomologist of the old school, who founded the field of social insects.Writing in a bombshell of an essay in 1911 (&The Ant Colony as anOrganism& in the Journal of Morphology), Wheeler claimed that an insectcolony was not merely the analog of an organism, it is indeed an organism, inevery important and scientific sense of the word. He wrote: &Like a cellor the person, it behaves as a unitary whole, maintaining its identity inspace, resisting dissolution...neither a thing nor a concept, but a continualflux or process.& “是由蜂群选择的。”威廉•莫顿•惠勒的回答,解除了人们的疑虑。威廉•莫顿•惠勒是古典学派生态学家和昆虫学家,最早创立了社会性昆虫研究领域。在1911年写的一篇爆炸性短文(刊登在《形态学杂志》(Journal of Morphology)上的《作为社会组织的蚁群》(The Ant Colony as an Organism))中,惠勒断言,就每一个重要的科学意义而言,昆虫群体不仅仅在模拟有机体,它的确是一个有机体。他写道:“就像一个细胞或者一个人,它表现为一个一元整体,在宇宙空间保持自己的特性以抗拒解体……既不是一种物事,也不是一个概念,而是一种持续的熔融或铸造。” It was a mob of 20,000 united into oneness. 它是20,000个乱党合并成的整体。注释 &注1:德谟克利特Democritus :(约公元前460—370),古希腊哲学家。 &注2:色诺芬Xenophon:(约公元前434—前355) ,希腊将军, 历史学家, 著有《长征记》一书。 &注3:亚里士多德Aristotle:(公元前 384~前322),古希腊大哲学家、科学家、亚历山大大帝的教师,雅典逍遥学派创始人。 &注4:鲁道夫•斯坦纳Rudolf Steiner:(1861年2月27日克拉列维察—1925年3月30日瑞士多纳什城),奥地利社会哲学家。他是灵智学(anthroposophy)的创始人,用人的本性、心灵感觉和独立於感官的纯思维与理论解释生活。他潜心於科学,编辑了歌德的科学著作,并深受其影响。在「自由的哲学」(Die Philosophie derFreiheit,1894年)一书中转而钻研哲学;在他编辑的「文学期刊」中又探讨文学。1913年,在多纳什城(Dornach)成立第一个哥德学园—一所文科(Geistewissenschften,人文科学)学校。同时还创始瓦尔多夫(Waldorf)学校运动,建立了许多为残疾儿童、数学与科学研究、医学、农业及为培养讲演、音乐和戏剧方面人才的研究所。斯坦纳到处讲演、著述。作品有「歌德的世界观」(Goethes Weltanschauung,1897年)、「通神学」(Theosophie,1904年)及自传体的「我的生活道路」(Mein Lebensgang,1924年)。 &注5:莫里斯•梅特林克Maurice Maeterlinck:(1862~1949)比利时剧作家、诗人、散文家。主要作品有剧作《盲人》、《青鸟》、散文集《双重的花园》、《死亡》、《蚂蚁的生活》等。1911年作品《花的智慧》获诺贝尔文学奖。获奖理由: “由于他在文学上多方面的表现,尤其是戏剧作品,不但想象丰富,充满诗意的奇想,有时虽以神话的面貌出现,还是处处充满了深刻的启示。这种启示奇妙地打动了读者的心弦,并且激发了他们的想象”。说明1) halo指神像头上的光环,黑晕一词不能表达光环的含义。2)梅特林克的这两句话应该是在《蜜蜂的生活》[包含在散文集《双重花园》内]里出现的。其作品的特点是唯灵论,或者说是以神灵、精灵的观点来阐释自然,充满神秘色彩和梦幻因素。代表作是《青鸟》,国内一般读者将之当作童话来读,实际上这部作品具有一定的讽世意味。原使用的“蜜蜂精灵”不符合上下文的意义,也不符合梅特林克《蜜蜂的生活》。文中强调的是对操纵蜂群活动的力量的追问,因此改为“蜜蜂的灵魂”。 ——bice &2.2 The collective intelligence of a mob 2.2 乱众的集体智慧In a darkened Las Vegas conference room, acheering audience waves cardboard wands in the air. Each wand is red on oneside, green on the other. Far in back of the huge auditorium, a camera scansthe frantic attendees. The video camera links the color spots of the wands to anest of computers set up by graphics wizard Loren Carpenter. Carpenter's customsoftware locates each red and each green wand in the auditorium. Tonight thereare just shy of 5,000 wandwavers. The computer displays the precise location ofeach wand (and its color) onto an immense, detailed video map of the auditoriumhung on the front stage, which all can see. More importantly, the computercounts the total red or green wands and uses that value to control software. Asthe audience wave the wands, the display screen shows a sea of lights dancingcrazily in the dark, like a candlelight parade gone punk. The viewers seet they are either a red or green pixel. By flipping theirown wands, they can change the color of their projected pixels instantly. 拉斯维加斯,一间漆黑的会议室里,一群观众兴高采烈地挥舞着硬纸棒。纸棒的一端是红色,另一端是绿色。大会议室的最后面,有一架摄像机摄录着疯狂的参与者。摄像机将纸棒上的彩色点阵和由制图奇才罗伦•卡彭特(1)设置的一套计算机连接起来。卡彭特定制的软件确定了会堂中每个红色和绿色纸棒的位置。今晚到场的将近五千人。计算机将每个纸棒的位置及颜色精确地显示在一幅巨大而详细的视频地图上。地图就挂在前台,人人都能看到。更重要的是,计算机要合计红色和绿色纸棒的总数,并以此数值来控制软件。观众挥舞纸棒时,屏幕上显示出一片在黑暗中疯狂舞动的光之海洋,宛如一场朋克风格的烛光游行。观众在地图上看见的自己要么是红色像素,要么是绿色像素。翻转自己的纸棒,就能在瞬间改变自己所投映出的像素的颜色。Loren Carpenter boots up the ancient videogame of Pong onto the immense screen. Pong was the first commercial video gameto reach pop consciousness. It's a minimalist arrangement: a white dot bo two movable rectangles on each side act as virtual paddles. Inshort, electronic ping-pong. In this version, displaying the red side of yourwand moves the paddle up. Green moves it down. More precisely, the Pong paddlemoves as the average number of red wands in the auditorium increases ordecreases. Your wand is just one vote. 罗伦•卡彭特在大屏幕上启动了老式的视频游戏“乒乓”。“乒乓”是第一款引发大众参与意识的商业化视频游戏。其设置极其简单:一个白色的圆点在一个方框里跳来跳去,两边各有一个可移动的长方形,模拟球拍的作用。简单地说,就是电子乒乓球。在这个版本里,如果你举起纸棒红色的一端,则球拍上移,反之则球拍下移。更确切地说,球拍随着会场中红色纸棒的平均数的增减而上下移动。你的纸棒恰是参与总体决定中的一票。Pong 游戏 1972年发明也许是最古老的计算机游戏Carpenter doesn't need to explain very much.Every attendee at this 1991 conference of computer graphic experts was probablyonce hooked on Pong. His amplified voice booms in the hall, &Okay guys.Folks on the left side of the auditorium control the left paddle. Folks on theright side control the right paddle. If you think you are on the left, then youreally are. Okay? Go!& 卡彭特不需要作过多解释,因为这些1991年的计算机图形专家会议的与会者们,可能都曾经迷恋过“乒乓”游戏。卡彭特的声音通过扬声器在大厅中回荡:“好了,伙计们。会场左边的人控制左球拍,右边的人控制右球拍。假如你认为自己在左边,那么就在左边。明白了?开始!” The audience roars in delight. Without amoment's hesitation, 5,000 people are playing a reasonably good game of Pong.Each move of the paddle is the average of several thousand players' intentions.The sensation is unnerving. The paddle usually does what you intend, but notalways. When it doesn't, you find yourself spending as much attention trying toanticipate the paddle as the incoming ball. One is definitely aware of anotherintelligence online: it's this hollering mob. 观众们兴高采烈地欢呼起来。近五千人没有片刻犹豫,玩起了乒乓大家乐,还相当不错。球拍的每次移动都对应了数千玩家意向的平均值。这种感觉有时会令人慌乱。球拍一般会按照你的意愿移动,但并不总是如此。当它不合拍时,你会发现自己对球拍动向作预判时的高度关注堪比全力对付那只正跳过来的乒乓球。每一个人都清晰地体察到游戏里别人的智慧也在作用:一群大呼小叫的乱众。The group mind plays Pong so well thatCarpenter decides to up the ante. Without warning the ball bounces faster. Theparticipants squeal in unison. In a second or two, the mob has adjusted to thequicker pace and is playing better than before. Carpenter speed the mob learns instantly. 群体的智慧能把“乒乓”玩得这么好,促使卡彭特决定加大难度。在没有提示的情况下,球跳动得更快了。参与者齐声尖叫起来。但在一两秒之内,众人就立刻调整并加快了节奏,玩得比以前更好了。卡彭特进一步加快游戏速度,大家也立刻也掌握了。&Let's try something else,&Carpenter suggests. A map of seats in the auditorium appears on the screen. Hedraws a wide circle in white around the center. &Can you make a green '5'in the circle?& he asks the audience. The audience stares at the rows ofred pixels. The game is similar to that of holding a placard up in a stadium tomake a picture, but now there are no preset orders, just a virtual mirror.Almost immediately wiggles of green pixels appear and grow haphazardly, asthose who think their seat is in the path of the &5& flip their wandsto green. A vague figure is materializing. The audience collectively begins todiscern a &5& in the noise. Once discerned, the &5& quicklyprecipitates out into stark clarity. The wand-wavers on the fuzzy edge of thefigure decide what side they &should& be on, and the emerging&5& sharpens up. The number assembles itself. “我们来试试别的,”卡彭特建议道。屏幕上显示出一张会堂座位图。他用白线在中央画了一个大圈。“你们能在圈里摆个绿色的‘5’吗?”他问观众。观众们瞪眼看着一排排红色像素。这个游戏有点像在体育场举着广告牌拼成画面,但现在没有预先设置好的顺序,只有一个虚拟的映象。红色背景中立即零落地出现了绿色像素,歪歪扭扭,毫无规则地扩大,因为那些认为自己的座位在“5”的路径上的人把纸棒翻成了绿色。一个原本模糊的图形越来越清晰了。喧闹声中,观众们开始共同辨认出一个“5”。“5”字一经认出,便陡然清晰起来。坐在图形模糊边缘的纸棒挥舞者确定了自己“应该”处的位置,使“5”字显得更加清晰锐利。数字自己把自己拼搭出来了。&Now make a four!& the voice booms.Within moments a &4& emerges. &Three.& And in a blink a&3& appears. Then in rapid succession, &Two... One...Zero.&The emergent thing is on a roll. “现在,显示‘4’!”声音响起来。瞬时出现一个“4”。“三”,眨眼功夫“3”显示出来。接着迅速地,不断地一个个显现出“2……1……0。” Loren Carpenter launches an airplane flightsimulator on the screen. His instructions are terse: &You guys on the left you on the right, pitch. If you point the plane atanything interesting, I'll fire a rocket at it.& The plane is airborne.The pilot is...5,000 novices. For once the auditorium is completely silent.Everyone studies the navigation instruments as the scene outside the windshieldsinks in. The plane is headed for a landing in a pink valley among pink hills.The runway looks very tiny. 罗伦•卡彭特在屏幕上启动了一个飞机飞行模拟器。他简洁地说明用法:“左边的人控制翻滚,右边的人控制机头倾角。如果你们把飞机指向任何有趣的东西,我会向它发射火箭。”飞机初始态是在空中。飞行员是……五千名新手。会堂第一次完全静了下来。随着飞机挡风玻璃外面的情景展现出来,所有人都在研究导航仪。飞机正朝着粉色小山之间的粉色山谷中降落。跑道远看上去非常小。There is something both delicious andludicrous about the notion of having the passengers of a plane collectively flyit. The brute democratic sense of it all is very appealing. As a passenger youget to not only where the group is headed, but when totrim the flaps. 让飞机乘客共同驾驶飞机的想法既令人兴奋,又荒唐可笑。这种粗蛮的民主感觉真带劲儿。作为乘客,你有表决权来决定每个细节,不仅可以决定飞机航向,而且可以决定何时调整襟翼以改变升力。But group mind seems to be a liability in thedecisive moments of touchdown, where there is no room for averages. As the5,000 conference participants begin to take down their plane for landing, thehush in the hall is ended by abrupt shouts and urgent commands. The auditoriumbecomes a gigantic cockpit in crisis. &Green, green, green!& onefaction shouts. &More red!& a moment later from the crowd. &Red,red! REEEEED!& The plane is pitching to the left in a sickening way. It isobvious that it will miss the landing strip and arrive wing first. Unlike Pong,the flight simulator entails long delays in feedback from lever to effect, fromthe moment you tap the aileron to the moment it banks. The latent signals confusethe group mind. It is caught in oscillations of overcompensation. The plane islurching wildly. Yet the mob somehow aborts the landing and pulls the plane upsensibly. They turn the plane around to try again. 但是,群体智慧在飞机着陆的决定性时刻似乎成了不利条件,这时可没空均衡众意。当五千名与会者开始为着陆降低高度时,安静的大厅暴发出高声呼喝和急迫的口令。会堂仿佛成危难关头的驾驶员座舱。“绿,绿,绿!”一小部分人大声喊道。“更红点!”一会儿,另一大群人又喊道。“红,红,红、红、红!”(建议1)飞机令人晕眩地向左倾斜。显然,它将错过跑道,机翼先着地了。飞行模拟器不像“乒乓”游戏,它从液压杆动作到机身反应,从轻推副翼杆到机身侧转,设定了一段时间的延迟反馈。潜在的信号延迟显示,扰乱了群体的思维。受矫枉过正的影响,机身陷入俯仰震荡。飞机东扭西歪。但是,众人不知怎么又中断了着陆程序,理智地拉起机头复飞。他们将飞机转向重新试着着陆。How did they turn around? Nobody decidedwhether to turn left or right, or even to turn at all. Nobody was in charge.But as if of one mind, the plane banks and turns wide. It tries landing again.Again it approaches cockeyed. The mob decides in unison, without lateralcommunication, like a flock of birds taking off, to pull up once more. On theway up the plane rolls a bit. And then rolls a bit more. At some magicalmoment, the same strong thought simultaneously infects five thousand minds: &Iwonder if we can do a 360?& 他们是如何掉转方向的?没有人能决定飞机左转还是右转,甚至转不转都没人能决定,没人作主。然而,仿佛是万众一心,飞机侧转并离场。再次试图着陆,再次摇摆不定。这次没经过沟通,众人又像群鸟乍起,再次拉起飞机。飞机在上升过程中稍稍摇摆了一下,然后又侧滚多了一点。在这不可思议的时刻,五千人同时有了同样坚定的想法:“不知道能否翻转360度?” Without speaking a word, the collective keepstilting the plane. There's no undoing it. As the horizon spins dizzily, 5,000amateur pilots roll a jet on their first solo flight. It was actually quitegraceful. They give themselves a standing ovation. 众人没说一句话,继续翻转飞机。这下没有回头路了。随着地平线令人眼花缭乱的上下翻转,五千名外行飞行员在第一次单飞中让飞机打了个滚。那动作真是非常优美。他们起立为自己长时间鼓掌喝彩。The conferees did what birds do: theyflocked. But they flocked self- consciously. They responded to an overview ofthemselves as they co-formed a &5& or steered the jet. A bird on thefly, however, has no overarching concept of the shape of its flock. &Flockness&emerges from creatures completely oblivious of their collective shape, size, oralignment. A flocking bird is blind to the grace and cohesiveness of a flock inflight. 参与者做到了鸟儿做的事:他们成功地结队飞起来。他们的飞行是有意识的共同飞行。当合作形成“5”字或操纵飞机的时候,他们以总体视角做出了反应。飞行途中的一只鸟对自己的鸟群形态没有全局的概念。聚集成群的生物个体完全罔顾“集群”的形状、大小或队列。(建议2)结队飞行的鸟儿对鸟群的飞行姿态和聚合是视而不见的。At dawn, on a weedy Michigan lake, tenthousand mallards fidget. In the soft pink glow of morning, the ducks jabber,shake out their wings, and dunk for breakfast. Ducks are spread everywhere.Suddenly, cued by some imperceptible signal, a thousand birds rise as onething. They lift themselves into the air in a great thunder. As they take offthey pull up a thousand more birds from the surface of the lake with them, asif they were all but part of a reclining giant now rising. The monstrous beasthovers in the air, swerves to the east sun, and then, in a blink, reversesdirection, turning itself inside out. A second later, the entire swarm veerswest and away, as if steered by a single mind. In the 17th century, ananonymous poet wrote: &...and the thousands of fishes moved as a hugebeast, piercing the water. They appeared united, inexorably bound to a commonfate. How comes this unity?& 拂晓时分,在杂草纵生的密歇根湖上,上万只野鸭燥动不安。在清晨柔和的淡红色光辉映照下,鸭野们吱吱嘎嘎地叫着,抖动着自己的翅膀,将头插进水里寻找早餐。野鸭们散布在各处。突然,受到某种人类感觉不到的信号的提示,一千只鸭子如一个整体似的腾空而起。它们轰然飞上天空,随之带动湖面上另外千来只野鸭一起腾飞,仿佛它们就是一个躺着的巨人,现在翻身坐起了。这头令人震惊的巨兽在空中盘旋着,转向东方的太阳,眨眼间又急转,前队变为后队。不一会儿,整群野鸭陆续转向西方,飞走了,仿佛受到某种单一想法的控制。十七世纪的一位无名诗人写道:“……成千上万条鱼如一头巨兽游动,破浪前进。它们步调一致,似乎受到不可抗拒的共同命运的约束。这一致从何而来?” A flock is not a big bird. Writes the sciencereporter James Gleick, &Nothing in the motion of an individual bird orfish, no matter how fluid, can prepare us for the sight of a skyful ofstarlings pivoting over a cornfield, or a million minnows snapping into atight, polarized array....High-speed film [of flocks turning to avoidpredators] reveals that the turning motion travels through the flock as a wave,passing from bird to bird in the space of about one-seventieth of a second.That is far less than the bird's reaction time.& The flock is more thanthe sum of the birds. 一个群体不是一只硕大的鸟。科学报道记者詹姆士•格雷克(2)写道:“单只鸟或一条鱼的运动,无论怎样流畅,都不能给我们带来像玉米地上满天打旋的燕八哥,或像百万鲰鱼鱼贯而行的密集队列的震撼。……(鸟群疾转逃离掠食者的)高速电影显示出,转向的动作以波状传感的方式,以大约七十分之一秒的速度从一只鸟传到另一只鸟。比单只鸟的反应要快得多。”鸟群远非鸟的数目的简单聚合。In the film Batman Returns a horde of largeblack bats swarmed through flooded tunnels into downtown Gotham. The bats werecomputer generated. A single bat was created and given leeway to automaticallyflap its wings. The one bat was copied by the dozens until the animators had amob. Then each bat was instructed to move about on its own on the screenfollowing only a few simple rules encoded into an algorithm: don't bump intoanother bat, keep up with your neighbors, and don't stray too far away. Whenthe algorithmic bats were run, they flocked like real bats. 在《蝙蝠侠归来》的影片中,一大群黑色大蝙蝠飞越水淹的隧道一窝蜂地涌向哥谭镇(3)(建议3)。这些蝙蝠是由电脑制作的。动画绘制者先制作一只蝙蝠,给予一定的自由度使它能自动灵活地扇动翅膀,再复制出几十个蝙蝠,直至成群。之后,向每只蝙蝠下达指令,按照编入程序的简单规则在显示屏上独自各处移动:不要撞上其它蝙蝠,跟上自己旁边的蝙蝠,离队不要太远。当蝙蝠按规则移动时,就像真蝙蝠一样成群结队而行了。The flocking rules were discovered by CraigReynolds, a computer scientist working at Symbolics, a graphics hardwaremanufacturer. By tuning the various forces in his simple equation -- a littlemore cohesion, a little less lag time -- Reynolds could shape the flock tobehave like living bats, sparrows, or fish. Even the marching mob of penguinsin Batman Returns were flocked by Reynolds's algorithms. Like the bats, thecomputer-modeled 3-D penguins were cloned en masse and then set loose into thescene aimed in a certain direction. Their crowdlike jostling as they marcheddown the snowy street simply emerged, out of anyone's control. 群体规律是由克雷格•雷诺兹(4)发现的。他是研究象征符号的计算机科学家,图形硬件制造商。按他简单的方程式调谐不同的势力——多一点凝聚力,少一点延迟——雷诺德能使群体的动作形态像活生生的蝙蝠群、麻雀群或鱼群。甚至在《蝙蝠侠归来》中的行进中的企鹅群也是根据雷诺兹的运算法则聚合的。像蝙蝠一样,复制了很多计算机模拟的3—D企鹅,成为全体,然后按照某个一定的方向把它们分布在背景中。(建议4)当它们行进在积雪的街道上,推推搡搡拥挤的样子就轻易出现了,不受任何人控制。So realistic is the flocking of Reynolds'ssimple algorithms that biologists have gone back to their hi-speed films andconcluded that the flocking behavior of real birds and fish must emerge from asimilar set of simple rules. A flock was once thought to be a decisive sign oflife, some noble formation only life could achieve. Via Reynolds's algorithm itis now seen as an adaptive trick suitable for any distributed vivisystem,organic or made. 雷诺兹的简单群体运算法则是如此真实(建议5),回顾自己的高速电影,生物学家断定,真实的鸟类和鱼类的群体行为与这套简单法则如出一辙。群体曾被看作生命体的决定性象征,某些只有生命体才能实现壮观的队列。如今根据雷诺兹的运算法则,群体被看作是自动适应的技巧,适合任何分布式活力系统,无论是有机的或人造的。注释注1:罗伦•卡彭特Loren Carpenter:Loren C. Carpenter (1947-) 电脑图形图像研发专家。皮克斯动画工作室创建人之一并担任其首席科学家。他多项发明之一是为A—缓冲隐藏面算法。——译自维基详见:注2:詹姆斯•格雷克James Gleick: (.-) 作家、记者、传记记者。他的书披露了科学技术的文化派别。其中3本分获普利兹奖和国家图书奖的决赛资格,并被译成二十多种文字。 ——译自维基详见:。注3:纽约的别称。注4:克雷格•雷诺兹Craig Reynolds:(-), 仿真生命与电脑图形图像专家,1986年发明仿真人工生命“类鸟群Boid (Bird-oid)”。——译自维基详见:建议建议1:口语中“红、红、红”的表达方式会被看作是口吃,原文意在表达声音的拖长,可以用中文的破折号表达这种拖长的含义。建议修改为:“红——!” 建议3:Gotham City是漫画中蝙蝠侠的居住地,以纽约、波士顿等大都市为原型创造,并不是纽约的别称。而downtown Gotham并不是“哥谭镇”,而是哥谭市商业区。建议2:原文是“flockness”自“creatures…”而生。译文不符合原意。关键在这个“flockness”如何理解。建议:“群态”从完全罔顾自己的集体形状、大小或队列的生物中产生。建议4:计算机模拟的3—D企鹅(the computer-modeled 3-D penguins),computer-modeled是用计算机建立模型,3-D=3D=三维,因此应为:计算机建模的三维企鹅。全句:计算机建模的三维企鹅被复制成一大群,放入场景之中,朝着某个固定的方向[前进]。建议5:说的是flocking真实,而不是运算法则真实。2.3 Asymmetrical invisible hands 非匀质的无形之手Wheeler, the ant pioneer, started calling thebustling cooperation of an insect colony a &superorganism& to clearlydistinguish it from the metaphorical use of &organism.& He wasinfluenced by a philosophical strain at the turn of the century that sawholistic patterns overlaying the individual behavior of smaller parts. Theenterprise of science was on its first steps of a headlong rush into the minutedetails of physics, biology, and all natural sciences. This pell-mell to reducewholes to their constituents, seen as the most pragmatic path to understandingthe wholes, would continue for the rest of the century and is still thedominant mode of scientific inquiry. Wheeler and colleagues were an essentialpart of this reductionist perspective, as the 50 Wheeler monographs on specificesoteric ant behaviors testify. But at the same time, Wheeler saw&emergent properties& within the superorganism superseding theresident properties of the collective ants. Wheeler said the superorganism ofthe hive &emerges& from the mass of ordinary insect organisms. And hemeant emergence as science -- a technical, rational explanation -- notmysticism or alchemy. 生物学家们注意到昆虫1群集忙碌的合作行为,而把昆虫巢群叫做“超有机体”(或超个体)(建议1)。惠勒(Wheeler)是最先这么称呼的,他率先开展了对蚂蚁习性的研究。用这样的概念来指称蚁巢,就可以很清楚和“有机体”那种隐喻式的用法区分开来。而惠勒(Wheeler)本人,实际上是受到了上个世纪之交(1900年左右)时的一个哲学潮流的影响,强调从细小部分的个体行为看待其上层的整体模式。科学,比如物理学和生物学,事实上是所有的自然科学,它们的事业进展,在第一步的时候,可以说是一头扎向各种微观的细节。而这些将整体还原2为它的组成部分来进行的杂乱无章的研究,在当时被看作是能够对整体规律形成理解的最实际的做法,将会持续到下一世纪(指21世纪)——也仍是科学探索的主要模式。惠勒(Wheeler)和他的同事们是这种还原观点的主要拥趸,为此惠勒(Wheeler)写就了五十篇论述蚂蚁特殊难解行为的专题论文。不过,与此同时,惠勒(Wheeler)也能看到那种属于超级有机体的“涌现特征”3,这种特征正在取代蚂蚁集体的内在特征。惠勒(Wheeler)说,由蜂巢所构成的超有机体,是从普通昆虫有机体大众“涌现”而来的。而且当他说“涌现”的时候,他指的是一种科学,纯技术的理性解释,而不是什么神秘主义或炼金术。Wheeler held that this view of emergence wasa way to reconcile the reduce-it-to-its parts approach with the see-it-as-a-wholeapproach. The duality of body/mind or whole/part simply evaporated whenholistic behavior lawfully emerged from the limited behaviors of the parts. Thespecifics of how superstuff emerged from baser parts was very vague ineveryone's mind. And still is. 在惠勒(Wheeler)看来,涌现性是一种能够把“从整体到部分”跟“从部分到整体”这两种解决之道调和在一起的方法。在整体行为从各部分的有限行为里合乎法则地涌现时,身体与心智,整体与部分的二元性就已经烟消云散了。不过,这种菁华到底是如何从底层的部分中涌现出来的,其具体的细节却非常的含混——直到现在仍然如此。What was clear to Wheeler's group was thatemergence was a common natural phenomena. It was related to the ordinary kindof causation in everyday life, the kind where A causes B which causes C, or 2 +2 = 4. Ordinary causality was invoked by chemists to cover the observation thatsulfur atoms plus iron atoms equal iron sulfide molecules. According to fellowphilosopher C. Lloyd Morgan, the concept of emergence signaled a differentvariety of causation. Here 2 + 2 does not equal 4; it does not even surprisewith 5. In the logic of emergence, 2 + 2 = apples. &The emergent step,though it may seem more or less saltatory [a leap], is best regarded as aqualitative change of direction, or critical turning-point, in the course ofevents,& writes Morgan in Emergent Evolution, a bold book in 1923. Morgangoes on to quote a verse of Browning poetry which confirms how music emergesfrom chords: 惠勒(Wheeler)的团队清楚这样一件事情:涌现是一种非常普遍的自然现象。它涉及日常可见的普通因果关系,就是那种A引发B,B引发C或者2+2=4这样的因果关系。化学家援引普通的因果关系来解释实验观察到的硫原子和铁原子化合为硫化铁分子的现象。而按照当时的哲学家C.劳埃德·摩根(C. Lloyd Morgan)的观点,涌现这个概念却指示着一种不同类型的因果关系。涌现关系里,2+2并不等于4。甚至很可能都不等于5。在涌现关系的逻辑里,2+2=苹果。“涌现的步伐,尽管看上去多少都有点跃进(跳跃),却最好是把它理解成是事件发展的过程中的某种质变,某种方向性的变化,或者某种关键的转折点。”这是摩根(Morgan)在1923年的著作《涌现式的进化》中所写到的,这是一本非常大胆的书。而在说了上面这段话之后,Morgan又接着引用了布朗宁的一段诗,这段诗证实了音乐是如何从和弦中涌现出来的:And I know not if, save in this, such gift beallowed to man That out of three sounds he frame, not afourth sound, but a star. 而我不知道,除此[音乐]之外,人类还能拥有什么更好的天赋因为从三个音阶(三和弦)中他所构造出的,不是第四个音阶,而是星辰。当然我们现在确实可以说——既然我们认定橡树是听不了巴赫的——是我们大脑所拥有的复杂性让我们能够从乐符中精炼出音乐。然而聆听巴赫时侵凌我们身心的所有“巴赫的气息(Bachness)”,——一幅诗意的图景,恰如其分地让人体味到洋溢着(巴赫)特色的艺术风格是怎样从律音和乐句里涌现出来的。4 The organization of a tiny honeybee yields apattern for its tinier one-tenth of a gram of wing cells, tissue, and chitin.The organism of a hive yields integration for its community of worker bees,drones, pollen and brood. The whole 50-pound hive organ emerges with its ownidentity from the tiny bee parts. The hive possesses much that none of itsparts possesses. One speck of a honeybee brain operates with the hive as a whole operates with a memory of three months, twice as longas the average bee lives. 一只小小的蜜蜂的细胞组织,已经为它那更为细小的,只有十分之一克的翅室5、组织和几丁质6产生出一种样式。而一个蜂巢,则会产生出一种整合的效应,让它里面那个由工蜂、雄蜂、花粉和蜂窝所组成的社区成为一种有机体。可以说,一个重达五十磅的蜂巢,其特性完全是从蜜蜂个体等组成部分中涌现的。一个蜂巢,拥有很多其任何一个组成部分都不拥有的性质。一只蜜蜂,它的那一点大脑,只有6天的记忆,而蜂巢作为一个整体,它的记忆时间是3个月,大概是一只蜜蜂的平均寿命的两倍。7 &蚂蚁,同样的,也拥有一种蜂箱心智。从一个定居点搬到另一个定居点去的蚁群,会显示出卡夫卡式的涌现性控制的“黑暗面”。你会看到,当一群蚂蚁用嘴拖着卵、幼虫、蛹(这里疑应为蚁后)——王冠——拔营西去的时候,同一蚁群中却有蚂蚁——一些忠誠的工蚁——在以同样的速度拖着那些收藏品再次掉头向东而行。而与此同时,还有另外一些蚂蚁,也许是意识到了信号的混乱和冲突,正空着手一会向东一会向西的乱跑。简直是典型的办公室场面。不过,尽管如此,整个蚁群却还是成功地转移了。不需要任何一种在更高层面上的可见决策,蚁群就选定了一个新的地点,发出信号让工蚁开始建巢,然后开始进行自我管理。The marvel of &hive mind& is thatno one is in control, and yet an invisible hand governs, a hand that emergesfrom very dumb members. The marvel is that more is different. To generate acolony organism from a bug organism requires only that the bugs be multipliedso that there are many, many more of them, and that they communicate with eachother. At some stage the level of complexity reaches a point where newcategories like &colony& can emerge from simple categories of&bug.& Colony is inherent in bugness, implies this marvel. Thus,there is nothing to be found in a beehive that is not submerged in a bee. Andyet you can search a bee forever with cyclotron and fluoroscope, and you willnever find the hive. 所谓“蜂箱心智”,其特异之处就在于,没有任何一个个体被加以操控,却仍有无形之手,从大量愚暗的成员的行为中出涌现出来,掌管整个群体。它的特异之处还在于,多了之后不仅仅是更多,而是不同(more is different,量变引起质变)。事实上,要想从单个虫子有机体产生出蚁群有机体,你所需要的,仅仅是让虫子的数量增多,更多、很多,当它们相互交流之后,虫子们就可以形成蚁群。到某一阶段,当复杂性水平达到某一临界点,“蚁群”这样的类别,就会从“虫子”这样简单的种类中涌现出来。虫子属性是蚁群的固有性质,暗含刚才说到的特异之处。所以说,我们在一个蜂箱中所发现到的所有东西,没有一个不是早就潜藏在一只蜜蜂的个体之中的。可尽管如此,当你非要在一只蜜蜂的个体中去寻找这些属于蜂箱的东西的时候,无论你是用什么装置,不管是粒子加速器还是X光机,你都是找它不到的。This is a universal law of vivisystems:higher-level complexities cannot be inferred by lower-level existences. Nothing-- no computer or mind, no means of mathematics, physics, or philosophy -- canunravel the emergent pattern dissolved in the parts without actually playing itout. Only playing out a hive will tell you if a colony is immixed in a bee. Thetheorists put it this way: running a system is the quickest, shortest, and onlysure method to discern emergent structures latent in it. There are no shortcutsto actually &expressing& a convoluted, nonlinear equation to discoverwhat it does. Too much of its behavior is packed away. 这里有一个关于活系统的普适法则:低层级的存在无法推断出高层级的复杂性。不管是计算机还是人脑,也不管用任何一种数学、物理或哲学方法,对于一个活系统来说,如果你不实际去运行它的话,就无从分拆并澄清它涌现的样式,这种样式已在系统内各处水溶无形。只有正常作息的蜂箱,才有可能揭示单个蜜蜂体内是否能找到蜂群的要素。有一种理论的说法:运转一个系统是洞悉潜藏在其中的涌现式结构的最快捷、最直接也是唯一可靠的方法。要想真正“表达”出一个复杂的、非线性方程的实际行为,这里面没有任何抄近道的办法可用。它里面有太多的行为都是捆扎在一起的打了包的。That leads us to wonder what else is packedinto the bee that we haven't seen yet? Or what else is packed into the hivethat has not yet appeared because there haven't been enough honeybee hives in arow all at once? And for that matter, what is contained in a human that willnot emerge until we are all interconnected by wires and politics? The mostunexpected things will brew in this bionic hivelike supermind. 而这,就让我们无法不产生这样的疑虑:在一只蜜蜂个体中到底还有什么别的被打了包上了捆的东西我们没有看到?或者,到底还有什么别的东西是被包裹在蜂箱内部,却因为我们无法同时连续观察到足够多的涌现前各阶段的蜂箱,而尚未显现出来的?还有,就此而言,有什么特性又是潜藏在一个人类个体的内部,除非我们所有人都通过人际交流和政治管理而互相关联,否则就不会涌现的?在这种类似于蜂箱的超心智中,一定会酝酿出某种最出乎意料的东西。注释:1 : 具有社会群集特征的主要是膜翅目类昆虫。2 :reductionism还原论又称化约主义,是西方重要的自然哲学观念,由来已久。对某种构成世界的简单同质的物质的寻找就成为&科学的&化约主义的明确起源。古代思想中的化约主义最清楚地体现在德谟克利特的原子论中。与还原论相对的是vitalism活力论,以亚力士多德为代表。还原论派生出来的方法论手段就是对研究对象不断进行分析,恢复其最原始的状态,化复杂为简单。生物学研究中的还原论表现最为明显,试图把生命运动形式归结为物理-化学运动形式;生物学规律还原为分子运动规律;把高等动物行为还原为低等动物行为。20世纪,随着物理学、化学等物质科学与生物学的交叉,随着以分子生物学为代表的实验生命科学的诞生和发展,还原论逐渐统治了生命科学的每一块领地。物理学家薛定谔曾说过,生命原则上可以通过物理学和化学来诠释。但是,他同时也承认,“它的工作方式是无法归结为物理学的普通定律的”。过于激进的还原论者,容易从科学滑向哲学。3 :emergent properties 涌现特征,又有译为冒现、浮现、聚现的。 emergent这个词有很深的内涵。在哲学、科学和系统论里,是指从具有多样性的互相影响的低级个体中,孕育出复杂系统或模式。也有人将其定义为:在复杂系统的自组织过程中,发生新生的紧密有序的结构、模式和特征。涌现特征是指大量运行在某一环境内的简单实体,作为集体特征出现更为复杂的行为特性。对生态系统来说,鸟群、鱼群、昆虫群体都是很好的实例。生物大分子合成细胞、DNA复制和蛋白质转录的过程中就有复杂的涌现特征。4 :巴赫的乐句精巧而细密,结构多采用复调对位,遵循严谨的几何逻辑,有建筑美感。从这一点来说,听巴赫是不需要有什么“命运在敲门”式的再加工想象的,因此可以说他的音乐特性是从无数简单的音符和乐句中涌现出来的。5 :翅面被翅脉划分成的小区。6 :一种基本上为含氮多聚糖的保护性半透明坚硬物质,是节肢动物外骨骼和某些真菌类植物细胞壁的主要组成部分。7 :据科学研究证实,蜂群中,工蜂的认巢能力是后天获得的,是一种暂时记忆。当蜂群来到新居,首先对太阳的方位以及周围环境进行识别,确定本群蜂巢的位置,并记忆一些标志物质,如树木、颜色等。当出外采集回巢时,工蜂就根据太阳方位、各种标志性物件、气味等找回原巢。工蜂每次的认巢记忆保留时间最长为4-6天,即如果工蜂不重复认巢,4天后就会忘记自己的蜂巢,会因无法回巢而死亡。但如果考虑到蜜蜂重复学习和记忆的辛劳,其对花形、花蜜、花粉、颜色、路径等信号的记忆能力还是相当强的。建议:建议1:书中多有这类super-字头的词,如果单译为“超”,会和hyper-字头重合,中文里就显示不出区别。因此,建议super-为“超级xx”,hyper-为“超xx”。建议2:根据上下文,hive多数说的是蜂群而非蜂箱(某些地方确实是指蜂箱,别论)。hive mind,群众的智慧,蜂箱如何产生思维?2.4 Decentralized remembering as an act of perception
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