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批判现实主义 基本解释批判现实主义词典批判实在论批判现实主义 网络解释1. ppxy:pljj 平均奖 | ppxy 批判现实主义 | pqsj 喷气式飞机批判现实主义 双语例句1. 1. 从而以其深刻的思想内容,鲜明的批判倾向和巨大的艺术力量成为俄国批判现实主义文学的奠定杰作,是俄国文学,也是世界文学中讽刺作品的典范。&&&&And thus its profound ideological content, a clear criticism of tendencies and great artistic power to become Russia's critical realism lay literature masterpiece, a Russian literature, satirical works of world literature a model.2. 俄罗斯的批判现实主义产生了列宾、苏里科夫等杰出画家。&&&&Russia's critical realism had Repin, Surikov and other distinguished artists.3. 沧浪之水》显示了从对人性的内在批判到对社会的外在批判的转移,这既是批判现实主义的力量所在,也是批判现实主义小说的局限所在。&&&&The novel shows the transfer of criticism of human nature from the internal to the external, which is the strength and also the limitation of the novels of critical realism.4. 小说的结构自然分成3个层次:由外省小城到省会神学院,再到首都贵族社会,由低到高、由下而上,清楚、严密而又完整。4、《红与黑》作为批判现实主义文学的政论性。&&&&The novel structure divides into three levels naturally: From other provinces small town to the provincial capital theological school, to the capital aristocrat society, from bottow to top, clear, strict but also is again complete.5. 5. 浪漫主义反抗城市文明和工具理性的统治,现实主义批判现代化对人的价值的毁灭。&&&&The former criticizes the distruction of human value and the latter resists the rule of urban civilization and machinery.6. 6. 他的现实主义小说遭到了一些人的批判。&&&&His realistic novel was criticized by some people.7. 批判现实主义是什么意思7. 小说是批判现实主义文学的杰作,把批判现实主义艺术发展到新的高度,具有鲜明的艺术特色。&&&&From the beginning of the 19th century the 1930s, literary realism gradually become the main trend.8. 同时也是对英国文学批判现实主义的巨大贡献。&&&&It is a great contribution to British literature criticism.9. 如果可能的话,我愿意从批判现实主义角度来看。&&&&I will choose Critical Realism if it is possible.10. 但他对当时的政治提出了批判,从而使道家思想具有一种批判现实主义的倾向。&&&&However, he criticizes the politics of that time, for which Taoism has a tendency of realistic criticism.11. 同时,也提示我们对文学的现实主义批判精神需要重新认识。&&&&&&Meanwhile, we need to have a fresh recognition of literature's realistic criticism.12. 这部小说标志着其创作中浪漫主义风格的结束和批判现实主义的出现。&&&&&&This novel marked the end of romanticism in his writing and the beginning of critical realism.13. 美国的悲剧》是美国现代批判现实主义的巅峰之作,它充分展示了资本主义社&&&&&&American Tragedy is one of the greatest works of modern American reality-criticism.14. 批判现实主义14. 拜托!!最好质量高一点啦托尔斯泰的《安娜·卡列尼娜》和哈代《德伯家的苔丝》都是批判现实主义的杰出作品。&&&&&&The card row 尼娜》 and generation of 哈《 the silk of 苔 of the virtuous house of 伯》 is all to criticize the realism and outstanding work.15. 在对这些文学主张的批判中,胡风形成了自己独特的文学理论,即现实主义理论。&&&&&&On the other hand, he criticized the creative tendency towards the vulgar mechanism such as formulism and objectivism in the revolutionary literature.16. 16. 同时,这种差异也说明,《战争与和平》并非是一部传统意义上的批判现实主义作品;而《静静的顿河》也不是一部社会主义现实主义的典范之作。&&&&&&The differences indicate that War and Peace is not a critical
nor is Silence Don a classic for socialistic realism.17. 批判现实主义的近义词17. 为了解决这一实际问题,必须研究外国现代派文学的特点,这一类作品有自身产生的特定时代背景,有着与批判现实主义迥然不同的创作手法,作品主旨大多孤独疏离。&&&&&&We have to research the characteristic of oversea modern school literature so as to solve the actual problems, these works have their given aged background, and have creative techniques which are different from critic- practicalism.18. 于连索黑尔是法国19世纪批判现实主义作家司汤达的长篇小说《红与黑》中的主人公,也是一个复杂的艺术典型。&&&&&&Julien Sorel is the hem of The Red and the Black by Stendhal, a French novelist of critical realism of the 19th century.19. 塑造了在经济体制和人际关系发生深刻裂变的宏观背景下,具有复杂心态的中国社会众生相,寄寓了新现实主义作家的生活理想和现实批判。&&&&&&At the end of 20 century, the tide of renovation run mountains high, and the society confront the rough chioce in the period of social transformation.20. 批判现实主义的解释20. 全文主要分为三个部分:第一部分,主要考察了理想主义和传统现实主义围绕国家利益这个概念在观点上的论争;第二部分,着重探讨了科学行为主义对国家利益研究方法的革新,以及传统主义受其影响的观点与方法修正;第三部分,重点论述了新现实主义与新自由主义关于国家利益的逻辑推导和主要观点,以及建构主义在对理性主义范式批判的基础上所形成的议程焦点。&&&&&&This thesis contains three parts. The first part is to explore the polemics of national interests on viewpoints and research methods between idealism and realism. The second part emphasises on study the innovation of research approach on national interests adv ocated by Behaviorism, and traditionalistic revise on its standpoints and research methods under the influence of this.批判现实主义是什么意思,批判现实主义在线翻译,批判现实主义什么意思,批判现实主义的意思,批判现实主义的翻译,批判现实主义的解释,批判现实主义的发音,批判现实主义的同义词,批判现实主义的反义词,批判现实主义的例句,批判现实主义的相关词组,批判现实主义意思是什么,批判现实主义怎么翻译,单词批判现实主义是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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