
我的经验,仅仅是我个人的啊 我一般很少去背的 我习惯每周写2篇英语作文一般也不限制时间 就是尽量用高级的句子,从句啊,倒装,虚拟啊等等 想用的词要好好的查字典,而且都有网络,要用新词汇用就用对了 千万别怕浪费时间 这整个过程不单单是练习作文,还是一个背单词,熟悉句型的好机会。 如果坚持1年的话你的英语水平是等级上的飞跃, 而且我个人背单词很费劲,主要就是靠作文和背词根背单词的 作文这种东西背别人的不能说没用,只是绝对没有自己认认真真的写一篇,然后让老师改那样有用 这样做印象极其深刻的~
我是lz,谢谢楼上。我们每星期都会考一次语数英的 、。我期末考150的英语卷子一般拿125,都是作文害的 !我觉得背诵别人的有点用,如果写的实在很好。。
回复:5楼呵呵不谢了 反正我是解脱了 以后就学日语了 虽然也得过4级把呵呵反正简单
你可能喜欢篇一:我的未来My FutureWhen I grow up, I hope to be a tennis player like Li Na. After school, I always play tennis with my family. They say O play it well. To be a good tennis player, I must keep on practicing. At the same time, I must learn English well. That would be very cool if I could talk with the foreign players in English. I am sure my dream will come ture(实现,成真) someday.篇二:我的未来My FutureMy life in the future will be colorful.I&m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from the university. I believe I'll bring my family health and happiness.In my spare time,I'll stay with my family.We'll travel a lot and do lots of sports.I'll also read as many books as I can.Even if the work is busy,I won't give up studying.写英语作文未来的我.5篇写英语作文未来的我.5篇I&m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life in the future will be wonderful.篇三:我的未来My FutureEveryone wants to know their future, but nobody knows it. I hope my future will like that. I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future. I help many people who is in difficulty. I will help the people are in need, no matter they are rich or poor. Then I think I will have a good reputation among the society. In order to have a good body, I will do some exercise every week. My family will be proud of me and always stand behind me. I will work hard to reach my future. Ok, this is the future in my dream. What& yours?写英语作文未来的我.5篇文章写英语作文未来的我.5篇出自Future LifeI want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things that I can&t now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don&t know what my future life would be. Look around myself, some people are busy working for having enough food to some are achieving every some may live in the poor situation. I don&t know what kind of life I would have in the future. But I know that everyone&s life is in their hands. So I will try my best to work hard for a better future life.我想快快长大。长大后,我就可以做很多我现在不能做的事情。然而,与此同时,我也很害怕。我不知道我的未来生活会是什么样的。看看我周围的人,有人忙绿工作只为了三餐和温饱;有些是一个个地实现自己的目标;有些可能生活贫困。我不知道我的未来生活会是什么样的。但我知道,每个人的生活都是掌握在他们手上的。所以我要尽我最大的努力赢得一个较好的未来生活。写英语作文未来的我.5篇小学作文-初中作文-高中作文-中考作文-高考作文-节日作文及各类中小学生作文篇五:我的未来My FutureI think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children. I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city. As a teacher, I&ll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person. In my free time, I&ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird. It makes me happy. During the summer holiday, I&ll go to Italy on vacation. I hear that it's a great place to have fun.我觉得将来我会成为一名教师,因为我喜欢和孩子们待在一起。我会住在上海,因为我去年夏天去上海的时候就爱上了它。我真的觉得那是一个美丽的城市。作为一名老师,我会尽力教好我的学生并告诉他们如何做一个有用的人。在我的空闲时间,我会听音乐,流行歌曲,和我的朋友去购物,有时候我会养宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳的鸟。它能让我开心。暑假的时候我会去意大利度假。我听说那里是去玩的好地方。
写给未来的自己作文一:写给未来的自己亲爱十年后的自己:最近可好?我是十年前的你,是那个没有成熟的球球,是那个没有长大的球球,是那个天真幼稚的球球,是那个对未来充满无数幻想的球球。现在的你,是否还是那样的纯真?为拿错了别人的东西而感到愧疚。。。还记得高中的时候,宿舍前的晾衣绳前,你拿了别人的校服,当时的你只是想:别人也拿了你的衣服,可是你还是为此愧疚了n个夜晚和白天。现在的你还是这个样子的么?你现在的性格还怪异不?记得阿冲曾说你性格怪异,当时你也没有问怎么个性格怪异,只是感觉很异类,你很喜欢别人说你怪异呢!说起来,九班的同学有没有聚会啊?当年的我因为老妈不同意没去成,后悔的要死呢!还有啊,你有没有回314看看啊?那里应该又有14个学妹了,记得当年,你和那些姐妹疯狂的日子。。。现在还有没有人管你叫哥哥呢?哈哈,虽然是个大姑娘,咱的性格可是比男生还狂野的哦!你的那些弟弟们还好么?要常联系人家,当年那一声声姐姐可不是白叫的!其实我懂你,虽然看起来没心没肺,其实心里的感情比谁都丰富,按二楠那话说的,那就是滥情啊!所以你稍稍收敛一点啦!最重要的一点,虽然我不知道你现在的体重,可是,你不要太过分好不好?虽然咱是吃货吧,也不能暴饮暴食啊!身体健康最重要。但是,我坚决不同意减肥哦!这是好不容易吃出来的是不?减肥神马的都去死吧!你已经二十六岁了吧!实现了自己的理想了么?是否是当年的理想呢?不管怎样,我相信,你的抉择都是对的。一定要相信自己哦!对了,现在的你是不是还是经常发呆啊?不要再发呆啦!时间都被浪费了!闲话不多说,相信自己就是啦!走自己的路,让别人说去吧!祝:健健康康!球球20XX.10.2二:写给未来的自己亲爱的未来自己:你还好吗?你像一个谜一样在我的脑海里如影随形,我想知道你,却又不敢知道你,或许知道了以后,心中就少了一份奋勇向前的执着和努力。未来的自己,你知道吗,年少时候的你最大的愿望就是能做一名保家卫国的好警察,我不知道未来的你会不会梦想成真,但是,年少的自己正在为这份梦想痴迷着、努力着、奋斗着。如果未来的你如愿穿上了帅气的警服,就一定要对得起它,不能把它当成普通的衣服。既然穿上了,也就意味着你已经承担起了保家卫国的责任。未来的你,有了这份光荣坚定的目标,将来无论服务在怎样的工作岗位上,你都必须尽自己最大的努力去干好每一件事,这是年少的你对自己的要求。未来的自己,我期待着你的到来,但又没有勇气去迎接你,我想,未来的你肯定比现在的你要勇敢许多,因为,那时的你已经长大了,已经学会了独立,学会了自强,学会了怎样在社会中更好的生活……未来的自己,告诉我好吗,未来的你是怎样的呢?嘘!仔细想想,未来的你是怎样的,不是应该由现在的我去决定吗?呵呵,未来的自己,我要向你保证,为了你以后更好的生活,现在的你肯定要拼命学习,未来的自己,我要让你变得更优秀,让你变得更伟大。此致祝你学习进步!心想事成!二零XX年十二月十四岁的荃三:写给未来的自己亲爱的我:你好吗?写给未来的自己作文8篇写给未来的自己作文8篇当你在某一天,在里看到这封信,想必你也是一个青春阳光的大男孩了。你是否还记得,儿时的你曾有个梦想——当个作家。你完成这个梦想了吗?儿时的你觉得,作家真的好伟大。一堆一堆的书,从何而来,就是从一个个默默付出的作家手中来的。作家们用自己的一生写出一本本的书,让一朵朵祖国的花儿从中收益,学到知识,将来为祖国的强大做出贡献。他们其实也是在默默奉献,把自己的知识通过一本本的书传递给更多的人。自己的一生可能不富裕,可是他们却把更多精神上的富裕奉献给了无数的人,换来了更多人的富裕,为祖国换来了人才。那叫一个伟大。如果你还没完成这个伟大的梦想的话,那我恳求你,尽快完成吧!你不要在乎大人们说的“作家很难赚钱的,你想饿死吗?”之类的话,做自己想做的,那才是最重要的。对吗?未来的我,加油吧!祝你身体健康从前的你20XX年8月30日四:写给未来的自己未来的我:你好!当你看到的这封信的时候,你是否会想起,在过去因突发奇想写下这一封信的自己。我现在很困惑,更迷茫。我在害怕,未来的我是什么样子?胖?矮?平凡无奇?内在闷骚?外表纯良?爱耍小脾气?动不动就生气?没有考上高中?没有升入大学?对未来不抱希望?自己一个人生活?邋遢?天天不整理房间?家里乱糟糟一片?不会做饭?天天与方便面为伍?还和弟弟打架?受伤了自己默默流泪?沉浸在小说里?每天一回家就坐在电脑旁?父母每日为我担忧?从不去同学聚会?永远不知道给自己买衣服?是这样的生活吗?我不敢再想象了,那一定是世界上最糟糕的未来,但是现在改变来得及吗?我会认真学习,努力学好讨厌的数学,吃最讨厌的蔬菜,咬牙戒掉小说,展现最真实的自己,改掉自己的坏习惯,学会控制自己的情绪,学习做饭,争取不让自己把糖当成盐,会每天打扫房间,叠被子,衣服自己洗,永远不与弟弟发生争执,受伤我会大声发泄,再也不憋在心里,每次同学聚会都会笑着去,让父母为我骄傲自豪!我不会成为你,我会成为一个全新的自己,为自己活,珍惜每一分每一秒,未来的我请为我微笑,我将改变;未来的我请为我兴奋,我将给你一个新未来。此致微笑!过去但全新的自己日写给未来的自己作文8篇文章写给未来的自己作文8篇出自写封信给未来的自己。 纪念幻想中的飞扬岁月。珊呵,你已经长大了么。不再孩子气,不再固执得像个傻瓜。我知道的,你一定会做到的。时间,就这么淡淡地过去,没有痕迹。你只是还有点小倔强,会懂得,自己曾经的样子。 现在的我,只是个平凡的小人。淹没在无边的天空下,偶尔会忧伤,偶尔又会傻傻笑。喜欢看些碎碎的文字,有时不说话,尽管自己是个爱热闹的人。是的,有点小矛盾。 你呢?或许,你已经变了太多。成熟,知足。又也许,还是现在的我。不过,时间总是神奇的,成长,就这么轰轰烈烈地,改变了我,成就了你。那时的你,也许会浅笑,那在泛黄的照片上的,遗留下的,只是在记忆中的,我。 18岁的你,应该是个自信的女生; 28岁的你,要做个风采的人哦; 38岁的你,也许都是妈妈了; ...... 我幻想着你的模样,还是我这么黑黑的样子么?脸上还是那两个浅浅的酒窝,笑起来,阳光闪烁的,有点不平的牙齿。不是很漂亮,但,好暖。眼睛里,有更多的故事,那是一路上踏过的一步步。我说过: “我一定要一辈子快乐。” 希望,这不只是希望。 总之,我要祝福你,幸福。 68岁的你,已经退休了呢; 78岁的你,在家享受儿孙满堂哦; 88岁的你,牙齿都掉光; ...... 你成了老太婆,好丑呢。你喜欢的不再是朝阳,是夕阳。在黄昏时,你会在天台守望那绚烂的金色,手里的拐杖被抓得紧紧。却依旧是那个爱想太多的人啊。等待,这时显得好伤感。 你老了。 没有力气再去追寻什么,只能让回忆装满头,不留空隙,不愿遗憾。 总之,我要祝福你,你要安康。 因为太会胡思乱想,我写这封信给你,寄给未来。祝:写给未来的自己作文8篇小学作文-初中作文-高中作文-中考作文-高考作文-节日作文及各类中小学生作文“一天一天一天推翻一天坚持的信仰我会记住自己今天的模样” 现在15岁的我 号八:写给未来的自己未来的我:你好!亲爱的,你还记得你儿时的梦想吗?那时的你多么渴望当一名出色的飞行员呀!像雄鹰在辽阔无边的蓝天里自由自在的飞翔。飞过碧绿的森林;飞过蓝蓝的湖泊;飞过宽广的草原;飞过高高的冰山和人迹罕见的沙漠;翱游四海,飞遍世界的每一个角落。你的梦想实现了吗?如果实现了,我热烈的祝贺你!如果没有,那现在的你在干什么工作呢?做一个大老板?做一名警察?对了,你儿时绘画非常的棒,现在是否成为一名大画家了?亲爱的,你还记得你儿时是多么迷恋电脑游戏吗?妈妈不让你玩电脑游戏你就发脾气,还一直哭呢!我想你现在已经戴上了一副厚厚的眼镜了吧!这种滋味不好受吧?忘记了告诉你,如果眼睛近视了,你的飞行员梦想就泡汤了!亲爱的,你还记得你儿时许下的诺言吗?你说长大以后要孝顺父母,给父母买一套别墅,一辆豪华汽车,现在你做到了吗?已经买了?或是正准备买?记得提醒爸爸少喝点酒,天气冷了提醒妈妈多穿件毛衣。父母已经年迈了,你一定要好好的照顾他们呀!亲爱的,你还记得你儿时的小伙伴吗?有快乐你们一起分享,有悲伤你们一起分担,现在你们经常有联络吗?如果有我真替你高兴!如果没有联系,赶快与他们联系吧,我想他们一定会很想念你的,有了他们的陪伴,你的人生一定会更精彩的!亲爱的,你是否感到压力很大?如果是,就和朋友喝喝茶,聊聊天吧!亲爱的,你一定要做一个正直善良的人哦!最后,祝愿你身体健康,万事如意!现在的我:某某某×年×月×日
篇一:未来生活nobody can tell what would be the life like after one hundred years or, at least the ordinary people like us can not do that. however from level of development of today's technology and science, one thing that everyone can be sure about is that life of future will definitely be much more easy and convenient than the life of today(provided only if the environmental issues do not get worse). moreover, many new stuff will be created or rather i should use the word invented in order to satisfy the needs of people of our future generations. with these new creations ,inventions and technologies, things like travelling on the moon or some other planets for vacation with our families, which would only happen in our dreams at present age will possibly become true in one hundred years time. what is more, those new creations may also allow the scientist of that time to not only carry out their researches on land but in the deep blue occean as well, what i mean is that they could live under the sea and do their study just like how they did it on the land for as long as they want. people could almost do anything they like without leaving their houses, they could just simply make some click on the keyboard to satisify their every needs like shopping and body check-up. and parents of the time do not need to worry about the education problems of their children because internet could provide everything they need and want to learn about. by that time, maids or servants will no longer be needed as robot would have replaced them to be the 'mechanical housework expert' of the new era.篇二:未来生活What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing methods might be realized.Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.It is hard to detail visions on people&s beautiful life.Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress.篇三:我的未来What do I want to do when I'm older ? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to become a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.I play the piano when I'm ten years old. Now I'm in grand five. I hope when I'm sixteen years old , I can become grand eight. I&ll be harder and harder to practise.写有关未来的英语作文8篇写有关未来的英语作文8篇Become a piano player is a hard job. But I believe I can do it.An Outlook on My FutureI earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth.If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now.To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a highly competitive society in which everyone is eager to come out on top. That is not only a competition of physical strength and mental power, but a marathon of patience, faith, and perseverance.写有关未来的英语作文8篇文章写有关未来的英语作文8篇出自not all roses, but with what I am being equipped with by the top teachers in this elite school, I surely deserve a promising prospect.篇四:未来的工作Nowadays ,more and more people prefer to work abroad rather than work at home According to statistics.since 1980, nearly two-thirds of the 1 million people who study overseas did not return home..Because they hold that there may have more possibilities to find a better job and earn more money overseas .But others still believed that at home is better than overseas ,because there have many relationships for you ,which may make it easier for you to find a cozy job .However ,I have another reason for working at hom 写有关未来的英语作文8篇来自,I think that it is also convenient for us to look after our family numbers ,because the reason why we want to find a better job is not only making a great living condition for our own but also bring comfort to our family numbers ,and with the rapid development of international trade ,more and more ideal jobs are waiting for us ,so I prefer to work at home.篇五:未来打算My dream is to beome a doctor and I will help the patients who have few trained doctors and very little medicine.China is a developing country, which needs good doctors,especially in countryside.Many patients are suffering the ill pain and struggling in dying,and how they wish to get the good and trained doctors' help.So I am determined to become a doctor to try my best to help the poor sick people.Now I am a student studying in a school,but I must do my best to get good grades.Now I am working hard to close to my dream step by step. I know that it is not fantasy,I beilieve that I will certainlly succeed in the future and I will help the patients out of the pain and let them live a happy篇六:未来生活Time off really fast,a dazzling,six years of Yunyan the same time we should,as the past,I will be graduated.Primary life is and how is infatuated with Yiyibushe,Now we will have a Gebenqiancheng.I want to graduate,in this more than 2,000 days,we like a seedling beads,the teacher of irrigation.Seems to be in the classroom and our school Lang Lang's sound,there are wind around on the parade ground in our play sound,in-school circular,we have seen the laughter.In each foot down,we have left unforgettable memories.Now we will have graduated,the teacher's teaching,we Lang Lang's reading voice,the students have the laughter sound,are also around the ears,and I stayed the last few days,take a look at the lovely campus,take a look at teach us The division commander,to take a look at our students,and treasure the last few days with the days.The world not to leave the banquet,time gone forever,we will always remember the commander of education,for there are as a people.篇七:未来交通状况写有关未来的英语作文8篇小学作文-初中作文-高中作文-中考作文-高考作文-节日作文及各类中小学生作文With the development of economy ,traffic is becoming one of the greatest problems of a modern city. One problem is pollution .The waste gases from the exhaust pipes are great enemies to the air. And there are so many cars and buses in the city that the harm they cause to the environment is considerable. Another problem is crowdedness .City inhabitants are so familiar with traffic jams that they are part of their lives. Time wasted on traffic and people are made impatient by the awful traffic. Worse than that ,traffic accidents are real-life disasters of blood and death .Traffic has become one of the nightmares of people living in cities. To build highways and bridges only works out part of the problem .Cars and buses should be improved to give less waste gases. Government should encourage citizens to take buses so that there is less traffic on road. People should obey traffic rules and try not to make trouble on road. City area should be expanded so that there is more space for wide roads. Maybe low-pollution high-efficiency means of traffic should be invented .Only after we pay enough attention to the problem will it be possible for us to solve it .篇八:未来要做什么As soon as I get my driver's license I would like to work at Del Taco. I believe this would be a good job for me because I like making food and I really like Del Taco. There is a store near my house and I would not have to drive too far. The salary is good enough for my needs, as a new driver. With the money I make I will be fixing up my car. I will also use this job for spending money for my activities with friends. Del Taco offers a minimum wage salary with extensive food benefits. It is only a part time job so I will not have to devote an entire day to my work, and this allows time for school and home. I believe that this job at Del Taco meets all my needs and expectations for an avid teenage life.After graduating form high school I will be attending a four-year college. I will be majoring in Computer science and minoring in Software engineering. I would prefer a job in the computer field perhaps in hardware or software engineering. Working as a software engineer for the EDR company would suit me quite well. It would require little change in location since it is located right here in the central valley. I would be designing and developing software under direction. I would be working with others as a team, and the software applications we develop could be used in the real world. I would get all the requirements that I needed from college and other schools. The yearly salary is very flexible and starts at $65,000, with extensive benefits. With this amount of money I could earn enough to start my own dependent life.
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