
【解说词】《风范――老一辈革命家的故事》第二集 求知若渴
【字号 】&&&&&&
  【画面:北京图书馆旧址】  1958年,北京图书馆为读者换发新借书证,也为中央领导人办理了一批借书证。  【画面:北京图书馆为毛泽东等中央领导办理借书证的登记表】  在这张借书证登记表上,可以清晰地看到毛泽东、刘少奇、周恩来、朱德、陈云、邓小平等人的名字。毛泽东的借书证编号是“1号”。  【画面:中南海和老北图之间的马路】  当年中南海北门与北图只隔着一条马路,毛泽东等人的秘书经常来往于中南海和北图之间,为他们借书。  【画面:毛泽东看书】  毛泽东一生,酷爱读书。他曾经说:我如果再过10年死了,那末就要学9年零359天。  【同期声:逢先知&毛泽东图书管理员&中共中央文献研究室原主任82岁】  我给他管书管了16年多,我看确实像他这样子酷爱读书、那样喜欢读书的人真是不多见。  【同期声:吴连登&毛泽东生活管理员】  主席说了,我一天不读书我难受,他指着我说,你要一天不给我吃饭,他拍拍肚子,他说这里头还有存货,没事,要一天不读书,我就活在这个世界上很难受。  【同期声:逢先知&毛泽东图书管理员&中共中央文献研究室原主任82岁】  有一次发现《二十四史》线装本,叫老鼠咬了,他赶紧告诉田家英,说注意老鼠咬书,后来就养了个猫,专门捉耗子的,他很爱惜他的书。  【画面:晚年毛泽东】  毛泽东晚年的时候患上了严重的眼疾,有两年的时间,看书、阅读都有困难。  【同期声:唐由之&毛泽东眼科医生&85岁】  他跟我谈过,他说眼睛不好,我最大的一个问题,没有书看。  【同期声:吴连登&毛泽东生活管理员】  看不见主席特别着急,后来芦荻怎么去了呢,就是因为身边的人给他读也不行,他提出来要讲历史不行,读书也不行,所以从北大找了一个芦荻来。  【同期声:芦荻&时为北京大学中文系讲师&81岁】  没办法,只好借助他人的眼睛,借助他人的口,给他诵读。  【画面:毛泽东书房】  经诊断,毛泽东双眼患了白内障,几近失明。后来中央决定为他做眼部手术,在毛泽东的书房里,唐由之主刀为他做了手术治疗。  【同期声:唐由之&毛泽东眼科医生&85岁】  后来眼睛好了,他真高兴。所以医生给他戴一下眼镜,他来不及就看书了,看了连续四个钟头不行了,他来叫我们了。实际上不能给看书的,眼睛手术后要休息的。  【画面:毛泽东看文件】  毛泽东的读书精神,一直坚持到他生命的最后时刻。  【画面:毛泽东的最后一份医疗记录】  这张毛泽东生前的最后一份医疗记录,见证了他去世前的阅读情况,时间长达一小时四十四分钟。  【画面:毛泽东与蔡和森&毛泽东给蔡和森的信】  喜欢读历史是毛泽东的一个重要特点。  1920年,青年毛泽东在给好友蔡和森的一封信中说:“读历史是智慧的事,求遂所欲是冲动的事,智慧指导冲动。”这一年,毛泽东27岁。那时的他已经认识到读史可以启迪人的智慧。  【同期声:芦荻&时为北京大学中文系讲师&81岁】  他从许多过去古人的处事、行事,他们的待人,他们的接物,他们对待人生的态度,对待仕途的态度等等,从这里不断地汇总着一些有用的一些有益的这些东西,变成他自己的思想,或者作为处理各种问题的一种参考值。  【画面:郭沫若照片&《甲申三百年祭》】  1944年,历史学家郭沫若写了一篇文章--《甲申三百年祭》,文章总结了明朝李自成所领导的农民起义从胜利走向失败的历史教训。  【同期声:郭平英&郭沫若之女】  郭老在3月10日把《甲申三百年祭》这篇文章写好之后,就把它送给当时在重庆主持《新华日报》工作的董必武同志。董老看过文章之后,马上就决定全文发表。这篇文章是在4月19号到21号,在重庆的《新华日报》全文连载的。  【画面:毛泽东在延安《解放日报》刊登的《甲申三百年祭》】  毛泽东看后特别赞赏这篇文章,认为文章的内容对已经取得很大胜利的中国共产党有着特殊的意义。他指示延安《解放日报》全文转载,并在《学习和时局》的报告中进一步指出:“我党历史上曾经有过几次表现了大的骄傲,都是吃了亏的。”“全党同志对于这几次骄傲,几次错误,都要引为鉴戒。近日我们印了郭沫若论李自成的文章,也是叫同志们引为鉴戒,不要重犯胜利时骄傲的错误。”  【画面:毛泽东给郭沫若的信】  这年11月21日,毛泽东写给郭沫若一封信。信中说:“你的《甲申三百年祭》,我们把它当作整风文件看待,小胜即骄傲,大胜更骄傲,一次又一次吃亏,如何避免此种毛病,实在值得注意。”  【同期声:逢先知&毛泽东图书管理员&中共中央文献研究室原主任82岁】  他读历史一些典故也好,一些历史故事也好,他随手拈来,可以讲得非常好。他就可以用这些历史故事来启发人、来教育人。  【画面:毛泽东读书】  毛泽东不仅喜欢读中国的历史,也喜欢读外国的历史。  读书,是他了解世界、认识世界的重要渠道。  【同期声:陈长江&毛泽东警卫队队长&80岁】  他原来出国不多,他没有到英国、法国,开始连苏联都没去过。了解世界,怎么了解的,是从看书当中。&
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3秒自动关闭窗口拼音: qiú zhī ruò kě 简拼: qzrk
解释: 知:知识。探求知识像口喝水一样迫切。形容求知愿望十分迫切。
最近更新时间: 17:35:16
huān y&ng h&o w& bǎo li& chu&n sh&u
( ) ( ) ( )
n& m&n fēng ch&n pǔ pǔ w&n m&ng
( ) ( ) ( )
日夜( )( ) 风尘( )( )
学( )( )博 ( )无保( )
远近( )( ) ( )餐( )宿
这句话中表明路途之遥远的词语是 ;表明路途中生活艰苦的词语是 ;表明孔子求知若渴的迫切心理的词语是 ;写出了孔子最终还是历尽艰辛来到洛阳的词语是 。从这句话,我感受到了 。
4)通过讨论,我明白了课文讲了我国古代著名的思想家、教育家 拜 为师的故事,体现了孔子 的精神和老子 的品行,课文还渗透了 的精神。
通过本节课的学习,我懂得了 。
(2) 不亦悦乎?
(1)孔子,名 ,字 ,生活在两千多年前的 。他是我国伟大的 和 。
(2)孔子年轻的时候,就已经是 的老师了,他总觉得自己的知识还 ,三十岁的时候,他离开家乡, ,去洛阳拜大思想家 为师。
41.&It seems somewhat
________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute
A) eccentric (abnormal, irregular,
odd)(ant. normal)
B) impossible
( rational, sensible)
42.&This area of the park
has been specially ________ for children, but accompanying adults are also
A) inaugurated (initiate,
designated (appoint, allocate, name,
C) entitled ( deprive)
&be entitled
D) delegated (delegation)
43.&The girl’s face
________ with embarrassment during the interview when she couldn’t
answer the tough question.
A) beamed (glow)
B) dazzled (flash, glare)
C) radiated(emit) radiant
D) flushed(blush, redden)
44. Slavery was ________ in Canada in 1833, and
Canadian authorities
encouraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its
vast virgin
A) diluted
B) dissipateddispel, disperse, scatter,
C) abolished(abolitionist )
D) resigned
45.Unfortunately, the new edition of
dictionary is ________ in all major bookshops.
A) out of reach
C) out of business
D) out of season
46.&The hands on my alarm
clock are ________, so I can see what time it is in the
A) exotic (indigenous, native)
B) gorgeous (dazzling)
C)luminous(radiant, beaming,
shining) illuminate v.
D) spectacular
47. Psychologists have done extensive
studies on how well patients ________ with doctors’
B) correspond
C) interfere (interrupt, intervene, intrude,
D) interact (interactive)
48.&In today’s class, the
students were asked to ________ their mistakes on the exam paper
and put in their possible corrections.
C) extinguish (quench, kindle, light)
(wipe out)
49. The Government’s policies will come under
close ________ in the weeks before the election.
A) appreciation
C) scrutiny
(surveillance) scrutinize
D) apprehension()
50. Police and villagers unanimously
________ the forest fire to thunder and
B) approached
C) confirmed
D) confined
51.&In some remote places
there are still very poor people who can’t afford to live in
________ conditions.
A) gracious
B) decentadequate, correct, fit, proper,
respectable, coarse, indecent, vulgardecency (pl.)
C) honorable
D) positive
52. Since our knowledge is ________ none of us
can exclude the
possibility of being wrong.
A) controlled
B) restrained (confine, inhibit,
D) delicate
53.&You shouldn’t ________
your father’s instructions. Anyway he is an experienced
B) deliberate
D) denounce
54.&The company management
attempted to ________ information that was not favorable to them,
but it was all in
B) supplement
C) concentrate
55.&It is my hope that
everyone in this class should ________ their errors before it is
A) refutecontradict
B) exclude
boy’s foolish question ________ his mother who was busy with
housework and had no interest in talking.
A) intrigued
B) fascinated (attract, captivate, charm,
C) irritated
(annoy, infuriate, provoke)
D) stimulated (activate, motivate, spur,
Millions of people around the world have some type of physical,
mental, or emotional ________ that severely limits their abilities
to manage their daily activities.
A) scandal (humiliation, shame)
B) misfortune (calamity, catastrophe);
C) deficit
D) handicaphindrance
is believed that the feeding patterns parents ________ on their
children can determine their adolescent and
adult eating habits.
D) necessitate
the value-added tax
away with, it would act as a ________ to
A) progression
C) stability
D) stimulus
bride and groom promised to ________ each other through sickness
and health.
A) nourish
B) nominate
D) cherish
(adore, treasure, worship)
They’re going to build a big office block on that ________ piece of
D) shallow
Without any hesitation, she took off her shoes, ________ up her
skirt and splashed across
the stream.
B) revolved
C) twisted
63.&& Very
few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very
D) indefinite
64. Professor Smith explained the movement of
light ________ that of water.
analogy with
B) by virtue of()
C) in line with
D) in terms of
is bankrupt now. He is desperate because all his efforts ________
A) tumbled to
B) hinged upon…
C) inflicted on
While fashion is thought of usually ________ clothing, it is
important to realize that it covers a much wider domain.
relation to
B) in proportion to
C) by means of
D) on behalf of
meaning of the sentence is ________; you can interpret it in
several ways.
A) skeptical
B) intelligible (AI)
D) exclusive
Cancer is a group of diseases in which there is uncontrolled and
disordered growth of ________ cells.
A) irrelevant
B) inferior
C) controversial
that time, the economy was still undergoing a ________, and job
offers were hard to get.
A) concession
B) supervision
D) deviation
could hear nothing but the roar of the airplane engines which
________ all other sounds.
A) overturned
C) deafened
D) smoothed
Because of the ________ of its ideas, the book was in wide
circulation both at home and
originality (origin,
originate, original)
B) subjectivity() subject n
C) generality
general, generalize,
D) ambiguity
42.&& With
its own parliament and currency and
a common ________ for peace, the European Union declared itself—in
11 official languages—open for business.
A) inspiration
B) assimilation
C) intuition
America has now adopted more ________ European-style inspection
systems, and the incidence of food poisoning is
A) discrete
D) autonomous
pro-market economists all agree that competition is an
________ spur to efficiency and innovation.
A) extravagant
B) exquisite (appealing, charming, attractive,
C) intermittent (discontinuous)
the late 19th century, Jules Verne, the master of science fiction,
foresaw many of
the technological wonders that are ________
A) transient
C) implicit (implication)
D) elementary
arm was ________ from the shark’s mouth and reattached, but the
boy, who nearly died, remained in a delicate
B) retained
C) repelled
D) restored
48.&& Bill
Gates and Walt Disney are two people America has ________ to be the
Greatest American.
A) appointed
B) appeased
D) nominated
________ majority of citizens tend to believe that the death
penalty will help decrease the crime rate.
A) overflowing
C) prevalent
D) premium
will also see a ________ increase in the number of televisions per
household, as small TV displays are added to clocks, coffee makers
and smoke detectors.
B) surpassing
C) suppressing
D) stacking
advance of globalization is challenging some of our most ________
values and ideas, including our idea of what constitutes
A) enriched
B) enlightened
D) chartered
Researchers have discovered that ________ with animals in an active
way may lower a person’s blood pressure.
B) integrating
C) migrating
D) merging
Beatles, the most famous British band of the 1960s, traveled
worldwide for many years, ________ cultural
A) transporting
B) transplanting
C) transferring
his last years, Henry suffered from a disease that slowly ________
him of much of his sight.
A) relieved
B) jeopardized
D) eliminated
Weight lifting, or any other sport that builds up your muscles, can
make bones become denser and less ________ to
A) attached (be attached to )
D) reconciled (be reconciled to)
has ________ to museums hundreds of his paintings as well as his
entire personal collection of modern art.
A) ascribed
B) attributed
C) designated
Erik’s website contains ________ photographs and hundreds of
articles and short videos from his trip around the
A) prosperous
C) spacious
D) simultaneous
Optimism is a ________ shown to be associated with good physical
health, less depression and longer life.
institution has a highly effective program which helps first-year
students make a successful ________ into college
A) transformation
B) transmission
D) transaction
Philosophers believe that desire, hatred and envy are “negative
emotions” which ________ the mind and lead it into a pursuit of
power and possessions.
B) reinforce
D) scramble
term “glass ceiling” was first used by the Wall Street Journal to
describe the apparent barriers that prevent women from reaching the
top of the corporate ________.
A) seniority
B) superiority
Various efforts have been made over the centuries to predict
earthquakes, including observing lights in the sky and ________
animal behavior.
D) erroneous
Around 80 percent of the ________ characteristics of most white
Britons have been passed down from a few thousand Ice Age
A) intelligible
C) spontaneous
Picasso gained popularity in the mid-20th century, which was
________ of a new attitude towards
modern art.
A) informative
C) exclusive
D) expressive
country was an island that enjoyed civilized living for a thousand
years or more with little ________ from the outside
B) discriminationdiscriminating
C) irritation
D) irregularity
Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like
warmth, comfort and ________.
A) stability
B) capability
D) availability
67.&& Back
in the days when people traveled by horse and carriage, Karl Benz
________ the world with his extraordinary three-wheeled motor
A) inhibited
B) extinguished
C) quenched
we continue to ignore the issue of global warming, we will almost
certainly suffer the ________ effects of climatic changes
A) dubious
According to the theory of evolution, all living species are the
modified ________ of earlier species.
B) dependants
C) defendants
D) developments
panda is an endangered species, which means that it is very likely
to become ________ without adequate protection.
41.&& Grey
whales have long been ________ in the north Atlantic and hunting
was an important cause for that.
B) extinguished
C) detained
D) deprived
was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator
to ________ the newly launched satellite.
A) retreat
D) embrace
Foreign students are facing unprecedented delays, as visa
applications receive closer ________ than ever.
A) appraisal
B) scanning
C) retention
you are late for the appointment, you might ________ the
interviewer and lose your chance of being
A) irrigate
B) intrigue
D) intimidate
Children’s idea of a magic kingdom is often dancers in animal
________ as they have often seen in Disneyland.
A) cushions
C) skeletons
D) ornaments
46.&& Ever
since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have
________ about their safety.
A) preserved
B) survived
C) suspended
47.&& This
clearly shows that crops and weeds have quite a number of ________
in common.
48.&& From
science to Shakespeare, excellent television and video programs are
available ________ to teacher.
A) in stock
B) in store
C) in operation
49.&& When
the Italian poet Dante was ________ from his home in Florence, he
decided to walk from Italy to Paris to search for the real meaning
A) exerted
B) expired
D) exempted
Habits acquired in youth-notably smoking and drinking-may increase
the risk of ________ diseases in a person’s later
A) consecutive
C) critical
D) cyclical
W. Woolworth was the first businessman to erect a true skyscraper
to ________ himself, and in 1929, A1 Smith, a former governor of
New York, sought to outreach him.
A) portray
B) proclaim
C) exaggerate
label their produce as organic, farmers have to obtain a
certificate showing that no ________ chemicals have been used to
kill pests on the farm for two years.
C) nominal
D) notorious
Ancient Greek gymnastics training programs were considered to be an
________ part of the children’s education.
C) inclusive
D) infinite
Researchers have found that happiness doesn’t appear to be
; the capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for
A) disposal
D) hostage
want out children to have
we want their lives
to be ________ and their perspectives to be
A) envisaged
B) excelled
C) exceeded
Online schools, which ________ the needs of different people, have
emerged as an increasingly popular education
A) stir up
B) switch on
D) consent to
57.&& This
kind of songbird sleeps much less during its annual ________, but
that doesn’t seem to affect its flying.
B) emigration
C) conveyance
D) transference
developing nations want rich countries to help shoulder the cost of
________ forests.
A) updating
B) upgrading
D) constructing
the study, researchers succeeded in determining how coffee ________
different areas of the brain in 15 volunteers.
A) integrated
B) motivated
C) illuminated
60.&& They
are trying to ________ the risk as much as they can by making a
more thorough investigation of the market.
B) harmonize
C) summarize
D) jeopardize
cycles of the sun and moon are simple, but forces which have shaped
human lives since the beginning.
A) frantic
C) sensational
D) maximum
effort was launched recently to create the first computer ________
of the entire human brain.
A) repetition
B) repression
C) saturation
the face of the disaster, the world has united to aid millions of
________ people trying to piece their lives back
A) fragile
B) primitive
D) susceptible
64.&& AIDS
is a global problem that demands a unified, worldwide solution,
which is not only the responsibility of nations in which AIDS is
most ________.
A) relevant
C) vigorous
D) rigorous
After the earthquake, a world divided by ________ and religious
disputes suddenly faced its common humanity in this shocking
B) engaged
D) prospective
Psychologists suggest that children who are shy are more ________
to develop depression and anxiety later in life.
A) eligible
B) engaged
D) prospective
Initially, the scientists and engineers seemed ________ by the
variety of responses people can make to a poem.
A) reinforced
B) embarrassed
C) depressed
it possible to stop drug ________ in the country within a very
short time?
A) adoption
C) contemplation
D) compulsion
parents of Lindsay, 13, an ________ tennis player who spends eight
hours a day on the court, admit that a regular school is not an
option for their daughter.
B) equivalent
D) aesthetic
research confirmed the ________ that when children have many
different caregivers important aspects of their development are
liable to be overlooked.
B) hierarchy
C) synthesis
D) syndrome&


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