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2274是什么意思 2274在线翻译 2274什么意思 2274的意思 2274的翻译 2274的解释 2274的发音 2274的同义词 2274的反义词 2274的例句 2274的相关词组
22742274 基本解释 two thousand two hundred and seventy four2274 网络例句1. 2274 Shanghai Ruosull Technology Co., Ltd. & &上海罗素科技有限公司P.R.C。2. Methods According to the physical examination results of 2274 cases in 2004,people with chronic diseases were given health education and medical treatment. & &方法根据干部体检结果,对该人群采取了健康教育干预,尤其对其中确诊的812例高血压、753例心电图异常、691例高脂血症、289例糖尿病、218例糖耐量异常及143例高尿酸血症患者进行了规范化管理和治疗,2年后复检,并对有关项目的检查进行对比。3. Spatial frequencies of red light ranged from
lp/mm, and the best response spatial frequency is 2274 lp/mm and the corresponding diffraction efficiency is 27.72%. & &该材料对红光的最大响应空间频率为2274 lp/mm,相应的衍射效率为27.73%,响应范围为 lp/mm;对绿光的最大响应空间频率为2350 lp/mm,相应的衍射效率为25.72%,响应范围为 lp/mm。4. Abstract] Objective To investigate value of health intervention in the prevention in cadres chronic diseases.Methods According to the physical examination results of 2274 cases in 2004,people with chronic diseases were given health education and medical treatment.All of them had been given physical examination athe examination results had been contrasted. & &根据干部体检结果,对该人群采取了健康教育干预,尤其对其中确诊的812例高血压、753例心电图异常、691例高脂血症、289例糖尿病、218例糖耐量异常及143例高尿酸血症患者进行了规范化管理和治疗,2年后复检,并对有关项目的检查进行对比。5. Millimeters annual average rainfall, 2274 hours of sunshine, relative humidity 69%, year-round multi-north-easterly winds, the annual evaporation is 1339.6 millimeters. & &年平均降雨555毫米,日照2274小时,相对湿度69%,常年多东北风,年蒸发量1339.6毫米。6. 8D;z2I.i5w
2274 He must have iron nails that scratches a bear. & &搔熊者必具铁爪。/要干危险事,先得有本事。7. 8V3B 2274 He must have iron nails that scratches a bear. & &搔熊者必具铁爪。/要干危险事,先得有本事。2274是什么意思,2274在线翻译,2274什么意思,2274的意思,2274的翻译,2274的解释,2274的发音,2274的同义词,2274的反义词,2274的例句,2274的相关词组,2274意思是什么,2274怎么翻译,单词2274是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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