接受正常教育对残疾人正常人的影响 英文篇

如何对待残疾人(How To Treat Disabled People)  living in the world, everyone dreams of being great and wise. have some of us ever dreamt of being a normal person? i’m sure that all students will answer “no”, and you’ll question me, “why do you ask such a silly question?” as a matter of fact, people who are disabled just wish that they themselves would one day be a healthy and normal person as us. then how should we treat disabled people?  the majority of us will claim to show respect for them and not to look down upon them. it is true. most people have got a shock at their diligence. at present, a large quantity of the blind is learning the traditional chinese treatment, such as massage and acupuncture. and after opening a shop, they can usually get well paid. some people without arms have learned writing with their feet. what’s more, people with a moving handicap can do work very well, even if they can only move their head and mouth. not to mention hawking for example. so far as i know, not long before it is reported such two persons. both of them do very well in computer. one is a girl, who is just round twenty years. with a pen in her mouth, she makes flash. in spite of her disability, she still gets tens of thousands yuan per month. the other is a forty-year-old man. he manages the computer as well as the girl. anyway he has succeeded in making a programme, which recorded his own language.  never is the way for disabled people to success easy. apart from hard work, they need special patience and will, which are the key to success. often we’re moved by their experiences. then we will respect them and help them.  as the god seems as if not equal to disabled people, we should help them. some day when you meet a blind person in the street, go to help him/ her cross the street or show him/ some day when you meet a disabled person in a bus, give your seat to him/ some day you meet a disabled beggar,
some day when you talk with a disabled person, encourage him/ her and let him/ her know the world is still beautiful. not only should we treat disabled people equally, but even more well!  12月预测作文:  新题型测试:  历年真题:
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你可能喜欢  范文:  How To Treat Disabled People  living in the world, everyone dreams of being great and wise. have some of us ever dreamt of being a normal person? i&m sure that all students will answer &no&, and you&ll question me, &why do you ask such a silly question?& as a matter of fact, people who are disabled just wish that they themselves would one day be a healthy and normal person as us. then how should we treat disabled people?  the majority of us will claim to show respect for them and not to look down upon them. it is true. most people have got a shock at their diligence. at present, a large quantity of the blind is learning the traditional chinese treatment, such as massage and acupuncture. and after opening a shop, they can usually get well paid. some people without arms have learned writing with their feet. what&s more, people with a moving handicap can do work very well, even if they can only move their head and mouth. not to mention hawking for example. so far as i know, not long before it is reported such two persons. both of them do very well in computer. one is a girl, who is just round twenty years. with a pen in her mouth, she makes flash. in spite of her disability, she still gets tens of thousands yuan per month. the other is a forty-year-old man. he manages the computer as well as the girl. anyway he has succeeded in making a programme, which recorded his own language.  never is the way for disabled people to success easy. apart from hard work, they need special patience and will, which are the key to success. often we&re moved by their experiences. then we will respect them and help them.  as the god seems as if not equal to disabled people, we should help them. some day when you meet a blind person in the street, go to help him/ her cross the street or show him/ some day when you meet a disabled person in a bus, give your seat to him/ some day you meet a disabled beggar,
some day when you talk with a disabled person, encourage him/ her and let him/ her know the world is still beautiful. not only should we treat disabled people equally, but even more well!文章出自,转载请保留此链接!  译文:  生活在世界上,每个人都梦想的伟大和聪明。我们中的一些人曾经梦想成为一个正常的人吗?我相信所有的学生要回答&不&,你会问我,&你为什么问这么愚蠢的问题吗?&事实上,残疾的人只是希望自己有一天会成为一个健康、正常的人。那么我们应该如何对待残疾人?  我们中的大部分都将要求尊重他们,不要小看他们。这是真的。大多数人都吓了一跳,他们的勤奋。目前,大量的盲人是学习中国传统的治疗,如按摩和针灸。打开一个商店之后,他们通常可以得到高薪。有些人就没有胳膊已经学会了用脚写。更重要的是,一个移动的障碍的人能做的工作很好,即使他们只能移动头部和嘴。更不用说霍金为例。据我所知,不久之前,据报道这样的两个人。他们两人在计算机做的很好。一个是女孩,只是一轮二十年。用钢笔在她的嘴,她使flash。尽管她的残疾,她还是会在每月成千上万元。另一个是一个四十岁的人。他管理的计算机以及女孩。反正他已经成功地做出计划,记录自己的语言。  永远是成功的残疾人容易。除了努力工作之外,他们需要特殊的耐心和意志,这是成功的关键。通常我们感动他们的经验。然后我们将尊重他们,帮助他们。  随着神似乎不等于残疾人,我们应该帮助他们。有一天当你遇到一个盲人在街上,去帮助他/她过马路或显示他/她,有一天当你遇到一个残疾人在公共汽车,你的座位给他/她,有一天你遇到一个残疾的乞丐,给他一些钱,有一天当你跟一个残疾的人,鼓励他/她,让他/她知道世界依然美丽。不仅我们应该平等对待残疾人,而且更加好!最近更新:看完本文,记得打分哦:很好下载Doc格式文档马上分享给朋友:?知道苹果代表什么吗实用文章,深受网友追捧比较有用,值得网友借鉴没有价值,写作仍需努力相关英语题库:
> 文章内容
 如何对待残疾人(How To Treat Disabled People)
  living in the world, everyone dreams of being great and wise. have some of us ever dreamt of being a normal person? i&m sure that all students will answer &no&, and you&ll question me, &why do you ask such a silly question?& as a matter of fact, people who are disabled just wish that they themselves would one day be a healthy and normal person as us. then how should we treat disabled people?
  the majority of us will claim to show respect for them and not to look down upon them. it is true. most people have got a shock at their diligence. at present, a large quantity of the blind is learning the traditional chinese treatment, such as massage and acupuncture. and after opening a shop, they can usually get well paid. some people without arms have learned writing with their feet. what&s more, people with a moving handicap can do work very well, even if they can only move their head and mouth. not to mention hawking for example. so far as i know, not long before it is reported such two persons. both of them do very well in computer. one is a girl, who is just round twenty years. with a pen in her mouth, she makes flash. in spite of her disability, she still gets tens of thousands yuan per month. the other is a forty-year-old man. he manages the computer as well as the girl. anyway he has succeeded in making a programme, which recorded his own language.
  never is the way for disabled people to success easy. apart from hard work, they need special patience and will, which are the key to success. often we&re moved by their experiences. then we will respect them and help them.
  as the god seems as if not equal to disabled people, we should help them. some day when you meet a blind person in the street, go to help him/ her cross the street or show him/ some day when you meet a disabled person in a bus, give your seat to him/ some day you meet a disabled beggar,
some day when you talk with a disabled person, encourage him/ her and let him/ her know the world is still beautiful. not only should we treat disabled people equally, but even more well!
n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌
联想记忆 X 联想记忆:par[=pass]=felling感情+ience&感情,有感情就有耐心&耐心;忍受
n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害
联想记忆 X 联想记忆:我对你有spite就会bite你。Spit(v 吐吐沫)使你spite
n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派
n. 量,数量,大量
n. 无力,无能,残疾
联想记忆 X 联想记忆:想考出好分数不仅要diligence还要intelligence
vt. 鼓励,促进,支持
联想记忆 X 联想记忆:courage(n 勇气)
n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物
adj. 传统的查普通人对残疾人的看法英文作文
这个很难查,我给你写个提纲,只表示个人看法啊In the past,some people look down upon those disables,but nowadays,this has changed a lot.1 Disabled people are not chosed to be disable,which means they are not willing to become the burden of this society,but it is misery for them to have such a fate.What a pity that god took a snap when he made those people.2 Physically disable does not mean mentally disable.Many disabled people have strong will,and finally sucess.For example:stephen edwin king,Zhang Haidi3 Although they are disabled,they are still part of the family.Part of other people's love,children or parents.They have normal life and family and live in peace.They do not hurt others.


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