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费时86毫秒,缓存: 14:53:48美味热带水果——龙贡果----中国科学院
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  龙贡果Lansium&domesticum&Correa 又叫椰色果,是一种热带水果,原产于泰国、马来西亚和印尼,是盛产于东南亚地区的一种优良水果。外形像龙眼,但仔细看果实比龙眼大,外皮薄,橙黄色。剥开后内部色泽与龙眼、荔枝类似,但和山竹一样分成几瓣,果肉细嫩多汁,味道鲜美(大瓣中有籽,苦涩不能食用),兼具葡萄和山竹的味道。&&  龙贡果含有丰富的糖分、碳水化合物、蛋白质、钙、磷、铁等,此外还含有硫胺素、核黄素和烟酸,维生素C的含量也特别高。龙贡果有利尿的功能,它的树皮可用来治疗肠道疾病。&&  龙贡果是楝科植物,西双版纳热带植物园1982年从马来西亚引种,现已开花结果。&  龙贡果为常绿小乔木或灌木。羽状复叶,小叶全缘。花小,近球形;杂性异株;雄花序圆锥状,雌花序总状或穗状,腋生。肉质浆果。&    龙贡果    龙贡果
中国科学院 版权所有 &&京公网安备号&&
地址:北京市三里河路52号 邮编:10086410种你可能没吃过的美味水果;其实几种在我们国家可以吃到,我们的杨梅竟被老外排在了第一名,小小骄傲一下。
原文作者:from top lists
发布: 15:38:36
10 Delicious Fruits You Probably Never Tasted
Fruits make our world taste much better. These gifts of nature are fascinating because they are not only tasty, but also juicy, esthetical and diverse. Each region has its own ‘little secrets’ in terms of fruits and discovering all of them might be a life’s task. Imagine that a whole world of new tastes waits beyond your ordinary daily meals. Would you accept the challenge?&&Some smell amazing, some look weird and some seem to whisper ‘taste me’ from the plate.&&Take a look at this list of 10 delicious fruits you probably never tasted and tell me if I’m wrong!
&&& 水果是大自然恩赐的礼物,它让我们的世界更加有滋有味。水果不但美味可口、鲜美多汁,而且富有美感、品类众多。每个地方都有自己的“神奇”之果,想要探索全部,你可能要花一生精力。想象一下,在你平常的一日三餐之外,全世界新奇美味的水果正等你品尝,你愿意接受挑战吗?有些闻起来香味四射、有些看上去形状奇特、而有些似乎在盘中低语,“咬我一口”吧。下面这10种可口水果,你可能从来没有品尝过,要是我错了就告诉我一下。
1. The Yangmei or Chinese Bayberries
1. 杨梅又称“中国红莓”
The Yangmei is an evergreen plant which produces delicious round fruits of a purple color. If you never went to Asia, than most probably you didn’t taste this great looking fruit, because it is specific to this continent, and especially to China. In case you were wondering, the Chinese bayberry, as it is commonly named, is sweet, very tart and it hides a single seed in the middle. The juice of Yangmei , known by the name of ‘Yumberry’ ,is&&being commercialized not only in Asia but in Eu as well.
&&&& 杨梅树是一种常绿植物,它的果实圆润可口,呈紫红色。如果你从来没有到过亚洲,那有很大的可能从未品尝过这种外观非常漂亮的水果,因为它是这片大陆的特产,特别是中国。你可能会好奇,所以顺便提一下:杨梅正如它的名字一样普通贴切,既甜又酸,唯一的一颗籽核藏在果实中间。“杨百利”——作为中国一个知名的杨梅汁品牌,不仅亚洲畅销,在欧洲也很受欢迎。
2.The Marula nut or Jelly Plum
2. 漆树坚果或“胶李”
The marula nut grows in South Africa in a medium-sized, large-crowned tree. The fruit is very appreciated in the area for its tart, flavored taste, but also as main ingredient in alcoholic drinks.&&It is used in the African died as an important nutritive element since thousands years, for its nutritive properties as well as its enjoyable taste.& While the fresh fruit is very rich in Vitamin C (8 times more than the orange), the nut contains minerals and oleic acid. The marula oil can be a tasty option if ever cooking in Africa. 漆树长于南非,尺寸中等,树冠却大,因风味独特的酸味倍受当地人喜爱,其果实还是酒精饮品的主要成分。漆树坚果富有营养的特性和另人愉快的口味,使它数千年以来一直是非洲人饮食中一种非常重要的营养要素。当它新鲜时维生素C含量非常丰富(是橙子的8倍还多),当它变成坚果时则含有许多矿物质和油酸。假如要在非洲做菜,漆树果油可是一种不可或缺的美味佐料。3. The Sea Buckthorn or Sea Berries
3. 沙棘果或称“海莓”
Even though you have the greatest chances to find this plant in China, where 90 % of all world plantations are found, the sea buckthorn may be encountered on the sea coasts of Western Europe as well. The name of the plant tells a lot about it: this is a tree which grows around the seas because the salt in the air and in the soil has no effect on the sea berry but it stops other plants from growing around it. Furthermore, it possesses thorns which make harvesting difficult. The fruits are really acid and they can hardly be consumed as such. They are very tasty in jams, jellies, pies and juices.
4.The Duku Fruits
The duku is a tropical fruit which can be found in the South-Eastern Asia and, especially in Malaysia. It cannot be exported because it doesn’t remain fresh for a long while and it starts blackening after a day from being collected. The fruit is small in size and it is covered by a thick skin. Once removed, you may enjoy the sweet-soured taste of this Exotic fruit. That is, if you just have the chance to get your hands on one!
5. The Cashew apple
5.& 酪梨苹果
The cashew apple grows in Brazil and it cannot be transported due to its fragility. The cashew (or caju) apple is actually a ‘fake fruit’, while the real one is at the base of the apple. Inside the cashew fruit there is a nut which, together with the cashew apple, is the reason for which this tree is planted. The sweet taste of the cashew fruit has a very specific, tropical flavor and its juice is considered very refreshing. The cashew nuts contain a toxin which is eliminated through frying.
酪梨苹果生长在巴西,因其果实易碎而不能运输。酪梨苹果(或腰果)实际上是一种“假果”,真正的果实其实长在苹果的尾部,与酪梨苹果长在一起的腰果果实内有一个坚果,这才是果树种植的原因。 酪梨苹果口味甜美,有种非常特殊热带风味,果汁非常新鲜。腰果坚果含有毒素,油炸后便会除掉。
6. The Yuzu
6. 日本蜜柚
This is a citrus from Japan, China Tibet and Korea. It is an orange –greenish fruit with some interesting particularities. For example this one of a kind citrus may be planted in cold places where temperatures descend many degrees under 0. Another aspects is that Yuzu&&is not usually ate as it is, but rather used(itself or the juice) in order to aromatize certain dishes, in the same way as lemons.
7. The Babaco
The Babaco has been planted in Ecuador a long time before the Europeans had discovered these lands. Nowadays, the plant can be found in New Zeeland and in The Middle East as well. It cannot bare extreme temperatures but it is though pretty tolerant. The fruits have an awesome aspect and the slice of the babaco is in the shape of a pentagon, which makes it very presentable. The fruits have no seeds whatsoever.
8. The Medlar
This fruit is characteristic mainly to the temperate parts of Europe. This is a strange kind of fruit because it is open at top showing its seeds and because it has to rotten before becoming eatable. The fully-grown fruit (to use a more delicate expression) should be soft, brown and with a specific aroma which it acquires only by ripening for a few weeks. This fruit was popular in the past when it was consumed by members of the high society at banquets.
9. The Quince
This Caucasian fruit is pear shaped, sour and astringent and too hard as to be eaten fresh. It has to be left to ripe for a few days. It can also be used in preparing sweets or drinks, because of the refined unique aroma they spread. In the Middle East, where this fruit may be encountered as well, quinces are used for preparing main dishes. These fruits are known in Europe since 900 years, and they are used in combination with apples for an explosion of flavors.
10. The Cassabanana
10. 香蕉瓜
The Cassabanana can be found in South America only. It is a fast-growing plant which requires a large space as it can reach 15 the fruits are also pretty big. While the green fruit may be used as a vegetable, once the Cassabanana is fully grown, it gets a reddish tone on the skin and a beautiful light orange color in the interior. Its taste is sweet and similar to that of&&a…well… banana!
香蕉瓜你只能在南美洲才能找到。它是一种快速生长的植物,所需成长空间很大,茎干高度达15米,果实也相当大。果实绿的时候可以做为蔬菜,一旦香蕉瓜完全成熟,果皮色调变红,果肉是漂亮的淡黄色,味道甜美,很像... ... 告诉你吧... ...香蕉!
发表于: 23:53:51
发表于: 07:05:46


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