My classmate who is from Hainan is better than herme

What did Jim probably (可能) see during his holiday?
What is David good at playing?
How did Andy go to the Palace Museum?
What does the sign say?
What does Jack’s Maths teacher look like?
A. Tall and handsome.
B. Tall and slim.
C. Pretty and slim.
What colour does Andrew want to paint his bedroom?
A. Yellow.
Who are the two speakers?
A. Teacher and student.
B. Son and mother.
C. Classmates.
How many places of interest are there in the World Park?
A. Less than 100.
B. About 100.
C. Over 100.
What happened to the woman?
A. She forgot to put her wallet in her bag.
B. She couldn’t find her wallet.
C. She didn’t know where to put her wallet.
When did the early bus leave?
A. At 6:25.
B. At 6:30.
C. At 6:35.
听第11段材料, 回答第11至12题。
11. Why does the boy telephone English-help Centre?
A. He wants to join the English club.
B. He has some problems with English.
C. He wants to help others with their English.
12. What does the woman tell the boy to do?
A. Try to speak English as much as possible.
B. Keep an English diary and listen to English songs.
C. Join a language club, listen to the tape and learn English songs.
The student activity report
Most students exercise three or four times a
Do homework
students do homework once or twice a week.
Watch TV Most students watch TV
13. A. day
15. A. once or twice a week
B. three or four times a week
C. every day
16. Where does Mike work ?
A. He works in a shop near his home.
B. He works in an office far from his home.
C. He works in a company a little far from his home.
17. How does he go to work and back home every day?
A. On foot.
B. On his bike.
C. By bus.
18. How did he feel when he came back home late one day?
A. He felt happy because he met an old friend on his way home.
B. He felt very hungry and wanted to have supper at once.
C. He didn’t feel happy with the price of the bus ticket.
19. How much did Mike have to pay if he took a bus to work and back home that day?
A. two yuan
B. four yuan
C. six yuan
20. Which of the following sentences is true?
A. Mike walks to work every day because he likes walking.
B. At first, Mike’s wife was unhappy to hear the news about the ticket.
C. Mike thinks he will save less money from now on.
一、单项填空 在A、B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
– Andy is really _______ honest boy.
– Yes. That’s why he is my _______ best friend in the class.
– Look, this iPad mini is really cheap.
– The ________, the better. I’m short of money, you see.
A. expensive
B. more expensive
D. cheaper
Finally, he won the Award for the Best Singer because of his nice _______.
Our English teacher is humorous. She often _______ us funny jokes.
– How much is the ticket to the Central park?
– A one-way ticket _______ $40, and you can _______ another $20 for a round-trip.
When the train arrived in Beijing, we all _______ excitedly.
A. get it off
B. got it off
C. get off it
D. got off it
The box is full
eggs. Who filled it
– Don’t forget to ________ your geography book here tomorrow.
– No, I _______ .
Peter’s main _______ is music. He likes watching Beijing Opera in the teahouse.
A. interest
B. interests
C. interested
D. interesting
Most students have _______ off in winter in China.
A. three-weeks B. three-week C. three weeks’ D. three weeks
He was unhappy again! What his parents said made him _______.
A. feels boring
B. feel boring
C. feels bored
D. feel bored
If you want to know more information about the coming party, please _______ the website: .
A. look into
B. look through C. look after D. look out
Some Chinese singers sing English songs just as _______ as native speakers do.
– Yesterday, my father bought me a new mobile phone, but I don’t know how to use it.
– Why not read the ________ first before using it?
A. advertisements
B. instructions C. sentences
– I heard that your brother got full marks (满分) in the English exam.
– Oh, ________. You know that can’t be true. He doesn’t study hard.
A. come on
C. that’s good
D. no problem
A woman saw three old men sitting outside the door. She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you must be very hungry. Please come in and have something
.” “We don’t go into a house
”, they replied. “Why is that?” she asked. One of the old men answered, “His name is Wealth (财富). This is Success (成功). And I am Love.” Then he said, “Now go in and
with your family. Tell us who you want in your house.”
The woman went in and told her family what happened. She said, “Let’s invite Wealth. We are so
.” Her husband didn’t agree, “My dear, why don’t we invite Success? Don’t you want me to be a successful man? ” Then her daughter asked, “Would it be
to invite Love? Our life will then be full of love!”
In the end the family decided to take the
advice. The woman went out and asked, “
one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest (客人).” Love got up and started walking to the house. The other two also got up and
him. The lady felt surprised and asked Wealth and Success, “I
invite Love. Why are you coming along? ” The two old men answered, “If you invite Wealth or Success, the other two have to stay out. But because you invite Love, wherever (无论何处) he goes, we go
him. Where there is Love, there is Wealth and Success.”
D. to drink
A. together
C. quickly
B. exercise
D. discuss
A. father’s
B. mother’s
C. daughter’s
D. parents’
B. followed
C. stopped
C. sometimes
I really enjoyed this movie. It’s a fun movie and I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there. — James
I would recommend this movie to everyone. I honestly think this movie has something you will really enjoy. — Sam
I saw a lot of movies of this kind before, but this one is the best. It is so-well made and I especially (尤其) love the music! — John
I went to see this movie with my eight-year-old daughter this Tuesday, really without knowing much about it. My daughter and I were surprised at how funny it was. We just couldn’t help laughing. I would recommend this movie to my friends. — Mary
From the poster (海报), we can know that _______ is spoken (说) in the movie.
A. Chinese
B. English
C. Japanese
The poster shows that the movie lasts (持续) _______.
A. 20 minutes
B. 120 minutes C. 220 minutes D. 140 minutes
John likes the movie because of _______.
A. the funny actors
B. the wonderful music
C. the sweet voices
D. the beautiful scenes (场景)
Mary and her daughter spent _______ watching the movie.
A. 30 yuan
B. 45 yuan C. 60 yuan D. 80 yuan
From the text we can know the movie most probably tells us a _______ story.
A. funny B. sad C. terrible D. true
Our village carpenter (木匠), John, came one day and made a dining table for my wifeHe made it just the right size for the space (空间) between the two windows. When I got home that evening, John was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill (账单for the job.
My wife said to me quietly, “That’s his ninth cup of tea today.” But she said, in a loud (响亮的) voice, “It’s a beautiful table, dear, isn’t it?”
“I’ll decide about that when I see the bill.” I said.
John laughed and gave me his bill for the work. I read:
One dining table
10 November, 2014
Cost of wood
Work, 8 hours ( $1 an hour )
When I was looking at the bill, John said, “It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Quite sunny.”
“Yes.” I said.“ I’m glad it’s only the tenth of November.”
“Me, too.” said John. “You wait - it’ll be a lot colder by the end of the month.”
“Yes, colder - and more expensive! A dining table will be $20 more expensive on November 30, won’t it, John?”
John looked hard at me for half a minute. Was there a little smile in his two blue eyes? I gave his bill back to him.
“If there isn’t too much trouble, John,” I said,“ please add it up again. You can forget the date.”
I paid him $26.50 and he was happy to get it.
What was the weather like that day? It was _______.
A. a hot day B. a fine day C. a rainy day D. a windy day
The writer thought John would ask for _______ if he made a dining table on the last day of November.
A. $20.00 B. $46.50 C.$56.50 D. $26.50
When the writer gave John the money, John was happy because _______.
A. he got what he should get for his work
B. he got much more money for his work
C. he got the money easily
D. he didn’t have to add up the cost again
From the story we know that _______.
A. John made a mistake in the bill
B. John helped the write check the bill
C. John wrote the bill correctly
D. John still wanted to get $36.5 for his work in the end
What do you think of the writer? He is ________.
A. careless B. careful C. foolish (愚蠢的) D. afraid
四、单词拼写 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
(A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
Which is _______ (far) away from the Earth, the Moon or the Mars (火星)?
There was a car accident (事故) yesterday. ________ (luck), nobody was hurt.
The song I believe I can fly tells us that believing in _______ (us) is very important..
Don’t tell me about it again. It is _______ (help).
Can you show me the _______ (climb) names? I want to see if (是否) I know any of them.
(B) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。
Women teachers are usually more careful and more ________ (耐心的) with the students.
If you need more colours, you can get them by _________ (混合) these colours together.
It is _______ (确定的) that the meeting will begin at 3 this afternoon.
This term we have a new subject – _________ (物理) and we find it a little difficult.
Tom often _______ (主动提出) to help me when I had problems with my study last term.
Tom, _______ (not be) afraid of speaking in front of the class. You should believe you can.
People in this mountain area can’t wait _______ (live) in the new flats.
– Don’t smoke here. Can’t you see the sign?
– Oh, sorry. I _______ (not see) it.
I would like to recommend Daniel as the chairperson of the Students’ Union (学生会主席) because he is willing _______ (share) everything with others.
When something _______ (worry) me, I always go to my best friend Kitty.
Look! Not only the houses but also the train _________ (be) made of paper.
With the support of all the students, our team finally ________ (win) the basketball match.
It’s good for our health _________ (not eat) anything before going to bed at night.
– What’s the noise?
– Oh, the students _________ (plan) their autumn trip excitedly.
I am crazy about ________ (play) the piano and I practise it every day.
1. 为什么不为我保守这个秘密?我一直都很信任你。
Why not _______ _______ _______ _______ me? I trust you all the time.
2. 世界杯每四年举办一次。
The World Cup _______ _______ every four years.
3. 你最好不要犯相同的错误。
You’d _______ _______ _______ _______ the same mistake.
4. 现在,越来越多的人选择步行上班,而不是开车上班。
Now more and more people choose to go to work on foot ________ _______ by car.
5. 当我们在海南度假时,时间似乎过得更快了。
Time ______ ______ _______ _______ when we were on holiday in Hainan.
6. 当他们最终到达时,他们不能相信自己的眼睛。
They _______ _______ ________ _________ when they finally arrived.
七、阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后的表格内填入一个最恰当的单词。每个
Do you know about “Survival (生存) Holidays”? “Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely places for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies take children into the great outdoors without their parents.
Why do people like “Survival Holidays”? They think it’s good for children to get close to (亲近) nature. Many children in big cities spend all the time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change.
Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to do things on their own, without anyone disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children busy with , but many children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge (挑战) for them.
Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they learn. Some learn to stay brave in difficult times. Some learn how to keep safe. Others learn how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.
Survival Holidays
What is “Survival Holidays”?
It is an exciting activity. Children can get into the lonely places
their parents.
Why do people like it? Because it’s good for children to be close to nature and it gives them a/an
What do children in big cities usually do in their free time? They spend all the time
TV and computer games.
Why do people think “Survival Holidays” is a good idea? Parents should leave their children
4 . Children need to learn how to face (面对) danger by themselves.
What can children learn in the survival activities? “Survival Holidays” is a meaningful experience (经历) for children. They can learn many
from these activities.
假如你是Millie, 你的朋友Jane发邮件向你询问有关家乡无锡的情况。请你根据下面的提示,写一封80字左右的英文回信。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
我希望...... (请用1-2句适当发挥)
注意:1. 语法正确,意思连贯,书写规范,要点齐全;
2. 词数80字左右。
Dear Jane,
Thanks for your email. I am very glad to tell you something about my hometown Wuxi.
W: Jim, did you go to Washington last month?
M: No. I just went to Paris for a holiday. I visited some places of interest there.
W: Who’s the boy over there? He plays soccer really well.
M: Oh, he’s David, our new classmate.
W: Kitty went to the Great Wall by bus last Sunday. What about you, Andy?
M: I went to the Palace Museum by underground.
W: Can we take a photo here?
M: No. Look at the sign over there.
W: Jack, my Maths teacher is tall, cool and handsome. What about yours?
M: Oh. My Maths teacher is very beautiful. She has long hair. She is also slim.
W: Andrew, your white bedroom is a little boring. Do you want to paint it yellow?
M: No. I want to paint it blue. The colour blue makes me feel comfortable.
W: Thanks a lot for helping me with my English.
M: You’re welcome. If you have any problem, please come to my office.
W: What do you know about the World Park?
M: It’s an amazing place. There are one hundred and ten places of interest in it.
W: Oh, no!
M: What happened?
W: I lost my wallet! I remembered I put it into my bag. But now, it isn’t there.
W: Why were you late for school this morning?
M: I went to the bus stop at 6:30, but the early bus left five minutes earlier.
听第11段材料, 回答第11至12题。
W: Hello! This is English-help Centre. Can I help you?
M: Yes. I have some problems with English.
W: What are your problems?
M: First, I can’t speak English well.
W: Don’t worry. Why not join a language club to practise English?
M: OK, I’ll try it. Also, I can’t understand the teacher when she talks to the class.
W: Listening to more tapes will help a lot. Remembering the words of English songs will also
give you much help.
M: Thank you very much. I’ll do that as much as possible.
W: You’re welcome. I hope your English will be better soon.
Here are the student activity report at Sunshine Middle school. Most students exercise three or four times a week. Some students exercise once or twice a week. Some students are very active and exercise every day. As for homework, most students do homework every day. Some students do homework three or four times a week. No students do homework once or twice a week. The results for "watch TV" are interesting. Some students watch TV once or twice a week, some students watch TV three or four times a week, but most students watch TV every day.
Mike works in a company. It is a little far from his home. Every day he walks to work in the morning and back home in the evening.
One day he came home late. He was not very happy. His wife saw his unhappy face, so she asked him, “Why are you looking so sad, Mike? Are you not feeling well?”
“No, no. I am quite well. I’m just very angry. The bus ticket was three yuan last week. But today it is two yuan.”
His wife said, “That’s good news. The bus ticket is cheaper now. You can save two yuan every day.”
But Mike said, “No, you are a fool. I walk to work and back home every day. Last week I saved six yuan every day. But now I saved only four yuan instead. I have two yuan less. ”
II 笔试部分
四、单词拼写 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
1. farther
2. Luckily
3. ourselves
5. climbers’
6. patient
8. certain
9. Physics
10. offered
五、动词填空 (本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)
1. don’t be
2. to live
3. didn’t see
4. to share
8. not to eat
9. are planning
10. playing
1. keep the secret for
2. takes place
3.better not keep making
4. instead of
5. seemed to go faster
6.couldn’t believe their eyes
1. without
2. important
One possible version:
Dear Jane,
Thanks for your email. I am very glad to tell you something about my hometown Wuxi.
Wuxi is one of the oldest cities in China. There are many places of interest here. There are also museums, gardens and shopping centres. They make the life in Wuxi more comfortable and more colourful. I invited my friend Simon to visit Wuxi last month, and we had a great time. Simon learnt more about Chinese culture. We also took a lot of photos. Simon put them on his home page. I hope you can go and see for yourself. (I hope you can come to visit Wuxi some day).
(80 words)
Goodbye Mr. Loser
Actors: Shen Teng, Ma Li
Language: Chinese
Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Price: Weekdays - 30 yuan
15 yuan (children under 7)
Weekends - 40 yuan
20 yuan (children under 7)
该会员上传的其它文档:41 p.24 p.25 p.40 p.20 p.13 p.15 p.13 p.18 p.20 p.29 p.13 p.41 p.19 p.16 p.30 p.11 p.11 p.31 p.40 p.38 p.84 p.2015年秋学期期中考试试卷初二英语2015.11I
(20分)第一节(共10小题,每小题1分)听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。What did Jim probably (可能) see 相关文档mp3docdocdocdoc关于我们常见问题关注我们官方公共微信}


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