No one can stand my smelly cattemper, But, I only ha

你可能喜欢<: Die Die Both Ways
This entry is getting too long but its 4am now and I need my sleep, so I just snipped it in half. I'll post up Part 1 today and Part 2 tomorrow. Keep in mind that I'm on semi-hiatus now and I'm not gonna put a lot of effort on my entries till my project is over. There won't be much lameass jokes or photoshopped pictures to spice
so apologies in advance.
Until then, please bear with me. :)
There's been a commotion going on in the blogosphere lately involving some of my friends.
It all started when F (a Malaysian living in Singapore) posted a harsh-but-true entry on why she thinks Singapore is a better country to live in compared to Malaysia. Around the same time, X (a Singaporean living in Singapore) posted an entry after her unpleasant trip to Kuala Lumpur. This in turn resulted in a barrage of equally harsh counterattacks on both F and X by some irate KL residents, including M (a Malaysian living in Malaysia), V (a Malaysian living in the UK) and S (a UK tiger living in Malaysia).
Coincidentally, a few days later, two of the above people had their period. While all these is happening, I (a Malaysian with an Australian permanent residency living in Malaysia who likes Singapore but wants to live in Perth until he's ready to settle down in Kuching when he's older) wisely chose not say anything because when it was so close to National Day tensions ran high. And besides, hell hath no fury like female bloggers with PMS.
As a result, a lot of people were left wondering which side of the fence I'm sitting on. For the record, I'd spoken to X before she posted that entry and I know what exactly she's trying to say. I'm not offended. I know for a fact she means no malice, though I have to admit the way she wrote it left the door wide open for misintepretation. But when M, V, S and many others took that piece of misinterpreted information as an insult to the city they resided in, I don't know whose side it is to blame.
And frankly, I don't care anymore because this whole thing is degenerating into a kindergarten mudslinging match quicker than I can say "Stop fighting, children!"
Attempts on my part at trying to reconcile the two usually resulted in inspirational conversations like this over MSN.
(note: not actual conversations and words are grossly exagerrated.)
M: your friend X is a bitch.
K: oh come on. she was just writing about her trip.
M: how can you say that? don't tell me you weren't offended by what she wrote!
K: i'm not. it's a fact she was molested, she got cheated and she had an overall bad experience.
M: well YOU TELL HER there are other ways to approach the situation than to ridicule the whole of KL. she could have written in a more polite manner than to dish out insults against the whole KL! do u think that's ok? i live in KL and i'm offended!
K: but but but...!
Later in the day.
X: your friend S is dumb.
K: I think if you changed the title of that entry from "KL pretty much sucked" to "My KL trip pretty much sucked" you could've saved yourself from a lotta trouble.
X: that is not the point Kenny! I did not even insult the WHOLE of Malaysia! I merely said the KL people I SAW were rude and these ppl took it so personally when they attacked me like i murdered their mothers! your friend M even called me a dog. do u think that's ok? screw u kenny, i am so disappointed in you.
K: but but but...!
In Chinese, we call this situation "die die both ways."
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wow, really good gift for your birthday! i will buy an issue of today star to read your interview...
"So we ringed up a very well-known security company - ADT." Ringed? Rang....
well done kenny. what goes ard comes ard... I am sure you will have good karma. send my regards to ur friend's mum. hope she gets well soon....
Good job finding a new girlfriend!...
Got Dust Liaw...
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