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gear ratio是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释齿轮比率齿轮齿数比齿轮传动速比齿轮速比传动比资本充足率:&&&&n. 1.【机械工程】齿轮,(齿轮)传动装置,齿链;排挡 ...:&&&&n. (pl. ratios) 1.比,比率,比值;比例 ...:&&&&变速齿轮; 变速轮:&&&&变速比; 齿轮比; 齿轮传动比; 齿轮速比:&&&&倒挡转速比:&&&&增压器传动比:&&&&变速齿轮速比; 传动齿轮变速比; 交换齿轮速比:&&&&操纵系统传动比详细百科解释
例句与用法Constantly watching their gear ratio , it is hell自行车齿轮比维持不变,这太折磨人了Gear ratio , gearing , leverage ratio资本充足率Final reduction gear ratio主降速齿轮减速比Transmission gear ratio变速齿轮比变速比Inverse gear ratio反齿数比Gear ratio : 3 . 33 : 1 , 4 . 5 : 1 suit for : 130 180 motor different hole diameter for sun gear适用电机: 130 180电机只是太阳轴孔不同,配后盖C dimensions , correlation of shaft centre distances and gear ratios of worm gear drives圆柱形蜗杆.尺寸轴心距和蜗轮传动传动比之间的关系This depends on the revs in current gear , gear ratios and the rate at which the car can reduce speed这取决于当前档位的发动机转速,齿轮比和赛车减速的最大速率。 The gearing ratio as measured by total bank borrowings to capitalization was 9 . 75 % during the period under review回顾期间,以总银行借贷对股本计算之负债比率为9 The engagement quality is mainly influenced by throttle angle , engine state , gear ratio and load经分析,油门开度、发动机状况、档位、载荷等是影响接合品质的主要因素。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
gear ratio的中文翻译,gear ratio是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译gear ratio,gear ratio的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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All rights reservedgear-ratio - 必应 词典美 英 un.传动比;齿轮比率;齿轮速比;齿轮齿数比网络变速箱速比un.1.传动比2.齿轮比率3.齿轮速比4.齿轮齿数比1.传动比2.齿轮比率3.齿轮速比4.齿轮齿数比变速箱速比什么意思_英语gear_ratio在线翻译... ... gear drive ratio 蜗杆传动比 gear-ratio 变速箱速比 gear contact ratio 齿轮接触比 ... |2.齿轮速比千亿词霸-gear什么意思 ... (gear-ratio) 齿轮速比,齿数比 (scroll gear) 变型齿轮,蜗形齿轮[直径逐渐变化的] ... |例句释义:全部,传动比,齿轮比率,齿轮速比,齿轮齿数比,变速箱速比类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.
6.Gears of
the 必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典&这里,就写个物理车的!
& && && & 首先,资料的来源!在这个链接的底部有下载的链接,如果下载不
到,& &我可以共享出来!
& &&&第二部,开始一些翻译和讲解!
& && && && & 1.物理车的碰撞!
& && && && &&&
& && && && & 其中草绿色线条是车的两个包围盒!四个轮子加了四个车轮碰撞器(WheelCollider);
& && && && & 2.物理车的层次结构关系
& && && && &&&
& && && && &根节点是PlayerCar,Colliders,就是第一张图中的两个包围盒
& && && && &WheelColliders的子物体就是四个车轮碰撞器!
& && && && &Wheels的子物体就是四个车轮!
& & 第三部份,代码注解:
& && && &&&代码使用JS写的!
& && && &&&首先是:PlayerCar_Script.js
& && && &&&
// ----------- CAR TUTORIAL SAMPLE PROJECT, ? Andrew Gotow 2009 -----------------
// Here's the basic car script described in my tutorial at [url][/url]
// A Complete explaination of how this script works can be found at the link above, along
// with detailed instructions on how to write one of your own, and tips on what values to&
// assign to the script variables for it to work well for your application.
// Contact me at [email][/email] for more information.
// These variables allow the script to power the wheels of the car.
var FrontLeftWheel : WheelC
var FrontRightWheel : WheelC
// These variables are for the gears, the array is the list of ratios. The script
// uses the defined gear ratios to determine how much torque to apply to the wheels.
var GearRatio : float[];
var CurrentGear : int = 0;
// These variables are just for applying torque to the wheels and shifting gears.
// using the defined Max and Min Engine RPM, the script can determine what gear the
// car needs to be in.
var EngineTorque : float = 600.0;
var MaxEngineRPM : float = 3000.0;
var MinEngineRPM : float = 1000.0;
private var EngineRPM : float = 0.0;
function Start () {
& & // I usually alter the center of mass to make the car more stable. I'ts less likely to flip this way.
& & //设置车的中心点,一般在车的底盘下,这样车行驶起来稳定,不会轻易翻车!
& & rigidbody.centerOfMass.y = -1.5;
function Update () {
& & // This is to limith the maximum speed of the car, adjusting the drag probably isn't the best way of doing it,
& & // but it's easy, and it doesn't interfere with the physics processing.
& & //设置车的阻力为 车的向前的速度的长度除以250
& & rigidbody.drag = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / 250;
& & // Compute the engine RPM based on the average RPM of the two wheels, then call the shift gear function
& & //档位的转速值车
& & EngineRPM = (FrontLeftWheel.rpm + FrontRightWheel.rpm)/2 * GearRatio[CurrentGear];
& & ShiftGears();
& & // set the audio pitch to the percentage of RPM to the maximum RPM plus one, this makes the sound play
& & // up to twice it's pitch, where it will suddenly drop when it switches gears.
& & //音频源的音调 发动机的引擎转速越快,则音调越高!
& & audio.pitch = Mathf.Abs(EngineRPM / MaxEngineRPM) + 1.0 ;
& & // this line is just to ensure that the pitch does not reach a value higher than is desired.
& & //超过2.0则归位到2.0
& & if ( audio.pitch & 2.0 ) {
& && &&&audio.pitch = 2.0;
& & // finally, apply the values to the wheels.& & The torque applied is divided by the current gear, and
& & // multiplied by the user input variable.
& & //前面的两个轮子的力矩
& & FrontLeftWheel.motorTorque = EngineTorque / GearRatio[CurrentGear] * Input.GetAxis(&Vertical&);
& & FrontRightWheel.motorTorque = EngineTorque / GearRatio[CurrentGear] * Input.GetAxis(&Vertical&);& &&
& & Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis(&Vertical&));
& & // the steer angle is an arbitrary value multiplied by the user input.
& & FrontLeftWheel.steerAngle = 10 * Input.GetAxis(&Horizontal&);
& & FrontRightWheel.steerAngle = 10 * Input.GetAxis(&Horizontal&);
function ShiftGears() {
& & // this funciton shifts the gears of the vehcile, it loops through all the gears, checking which will make
& & // the engine RPM fall within the desired range. The gear is then set to this &appropriate& value.
& & //如果当前引擎的值大于最大引擎
& & if ( EngineRPM &= MaxEngineRPM ) {
& && &&&var AppropriateGear : int = CurrentG
& && &&&//则从0开始,往上查,如果左轮的rpm乘以齿轮数小于
& && &&&for ( var i = 0; i & GearRatio. i ++ ) {
& && && && &if ( FrontLeftWheel.rpm * GearRatio[i] & MaxEngineRPM ) {
& && && && && & AppropriateGear =
& && && && && &
& && && && &}
& && &&&CurrentGear = AppropriateG
& & if ( EngineRPM &= MinEngineRPM ) {
& && &&&AppropriateGear = CurrentG
& && &&&for ( var j = GearRatio.length-1; j &= 0; j -- ) {
& && && && &if ( FrontLeftWheel.rpm * GearRatio[j] & MinEngineRPM ) {
& && && && && & AppropriateGear =
& && && && && &
& && && && &}
& && &&&CurrentGear = AppropriateG
& &FrontLeftWheel.motorTorque = EngineTorque / GearRatio[CurrentGear] * Input.GetAxis(&Vertical&);
& &FrontRightWheel.motorTorque = EngineTorque / GearRatio[CurrentGear] * Input.GetAxis(&Vertical&);&
& &设置车轮的motorTorque可以使车轮滚动!
& &FrontLeftWheel.steerAngle = 10 * Input.GetAxis(&Horizontal&);
& &FrontRightWheel.steerAngle = 10 * Input.GetAxis(&Horizontal&);
& &设置车轮的steerAngle可以控制车轮围绕自身Y轴的转向角度!这里的旋转角度是-10度到10度之间!
& &作者疑问:
& &第57,58,60,61行代码,
& &FrontLeftWheel.motorTorque = EngineTorque / GearRatio[CurrentGear] * Input.GetAxis(&Vertical&);
& &Input.GetAxis(&Vertical&)会返回-1,也就是说motorTorque是负值!
& & 但是官方文档却说,
& & 在轮轴上的电机力矩。根据方向正或负。
& & To simulate brakes, do not use negative motor torque - use&&instead.
& & 模拟刹车,不要使用电机力矩负值,使用代替。
& & 这两种说法之间可有冲突,请高手指点!
& & 下篇是车轮与其他物体的碰撞,待续……!
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(12)(28)(9)总传动比,total gear ratio,在线英语词典,英文翻译,专业英语
1)&&total gear ratio
2)&&total drive work
3)&&overall heat transmission
4)&&overall mass transfer coefficient
Adopting one kind new silicone rubber flat composite membrane to treat containing phenol wastewater, the influences of the feeding and stripping flow, temperature and salt ion strength on overall mass transfer coefficient (Kov) were investigated.
The calculation result of overall mass transfer coefficients shows that the process of activated semi-cokes absorbing SO2 is controlled by inner diffusion or external diffusion separately at different stages,and belongs to.
5)&&overall heat transfer coefficient
An improved algorithm is proposed to overcome the disadvantages of conventional algorithm for overall heat transfer coefficient.
For the sake of holding the overall heat transfer coefficient change of Wei-Jing Oil Pipeline,optimizing the run program of the pipeline,economizing on energy for the pipeline run, the method of the soil thermal conductivity is applied for measuring the overall heat transfer coefficient of the pipeline.
This paper determined the overall heat transfer coefficient in the Weigang-Jingmen oil pipeline with a heat balance method,analyzed the mensuration theory of the pipe overall heat transfer coefficient,brought forward a program to determine the overall heat transfer coefficent,and explained the spot mensuration method and process in the Weigang-Jingmen oil pipe overall heat transfer coefficient.
6)&&volume transfer coefficient
The transformation rate and volume transfer coefficient of D and T were determined at various temperature,gas and liquid flow rates.
In the same temperature,the volume transfer coefficient.
由外齿轮齿廓为变态摆线﹑内齿轮轮齿为圆销的一对内嚙合齿轮和输出机构所组成的行星齿轮传动。除齿轮的齿廓外﹐其他结构与少齿差行星齿轮传动相同。摆线针轮行星减速器的传动比约为6~87﹐效率一般为0.9~0.94。图 轮齿曲线的形成 为轮齿曲线的形成原理。发生圆在基圆上滚动﹐若大於r1﹐M'点画出的是长幅外摆线﹔若小於r1﹐M''点画出的是短幅外摆线﹔用这些摆线中一根曲线上的任意点作为圆心﹐以针齿半径rz为半径画一系列圆﹐而后作一根与这一系列圆相切的曲线﹐得到的就是相应的长幅外摆线齿廓或短幅外摆线齿廓﹐其中短幅外摆线齿廓应用最广。用整条短幅外摆线作齿廓时﹐针轮和摆线轮的齿数差仅为1﹐而且理论上针轮有一半的齿数都与摆线轮齿同时嚙合传动。但如果用部分曲线为齿廓就可得到两齿差和三齿差的摆线针轮传动。用长幅外摆线的一部分作轮齿曲线时﹐其齿廓与圆近似﹐并与针齿半径相差不大﹐因此可用它的密切圆弧代替。摆线针轮传动的优点是传动比大﹑结构紧凑﹑效率高﹑运转平稳和寿命长。


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