捷进英语综合教程1a shaky start的课文翻译

Phase two of the federal HMO development program: new directions after a shaky start.
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):209-43.Phase two of the federal HMO development program: new directions after a shaky start..PMID:
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中文翻译英英解释adj.1.震动的;摇动的。2.(手等)发抖的;震撼的;战栗的。3.有裂口的;龟裂的。4.(房子、椅子等)摇摇晃晃的。5.(地位、信用等)动摇的;不稳的;不可靠的;靠不住的。6.(投票人等)三心二意的。7.(老人等)衰弱的;有病的。短语和例子adv.-ily ,-iness n.:&&&&摇摇晃晃的椅子:&&&&摇晃的桌子:&&&&他不能拿定主意; 他不太可靠:&&&&在摇动的大地上:&&&&动荡不稳:&&&&粹弱的信心:&&&&基 康泽勒:&&&&猪颤抖病
例句与用法The shaky signature was in green ink .颤巍巍的签名是用绿墨水写的。Their marriage has been on shaky ground .他们的婚姻一直不牢固。Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start .他们的婚姻一开始就有些不稳固。I thought he would cry, he sounded so shaky .我以为他要哭了,他的声音颤颤抖抖的。The mining technique is shaky .这项采矿工艺不可靠。Everyone forgets how shaky de gaulle's position is .大家都忘记了戴高乐的地位是多么不稳。Otherwise, his "intuition" rests on a shaky foundation .否则,他的“直观”就没有可靠的基础。My french is a bit shaky .我的法语不太好。Olive felt shaky .欧莉芙心里很不舒服。His logic is shaky .他的推理站不住脚。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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