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moringa seed
moringa seed
&在印度,有一种被称为“神奇之树”的植物——辣木树,又称为鼓槌树,是多年生热带落叶乔木,全世界约有14个品种,较常食用的品种有以下三种:印度传统辣木(Moringa oleifera Lam.)、印度改良种辣木(印度 T.N.农业大学的改良种,早生且具高豆荚产量)和非洲辣木(原只产于肯亚图尔卡纳湖附近及埃塞俄比亚西南部)。辣木树龄约可达20年,树高可达7~12公尺(但可修剪成1至1.5公尺,以利家用式盆栽的栽种),树干直径可达20~40公分,树皮为软木质,根有辛辣味,枝梢顶部交织形成2~3排羽状复叶。& & 古印度传统医学认为:辣木叶可以预防多种疾病,更被广泛应用在多种慢性疾病上。辣木在国际上已经有十四项药品专利,根据多项研究,辣木树皮及树根等部位可以降低血压及血糖、缓和发炎肿大、肠胃不适、风湿关节疼痛等,也可以舒缓神经系统,对于歇斯底里及止痛有良好的作用。辣木籽的长相很怪异,它的果荚像豇豆,但它的籽实却一点也不规矩,长得有菱有角的,还穿着白色的象纸一样的衣服。你别看它长得很另类,其实它很好伺候的,表现在在种植的时候,你只要随便挖个坑,丢一粒种子进去,然后浇上几瓢水让土壤湿润,过不几天它就能长出苗了,而且长得很茁壮,一个月就可长到二、三十公分的高度!& & 由于辣木籽保水的本领很厉害,致使它能在极限干旱地区的恶劣环境中生长,因为它含有能抓住水分的活性成分,因此,辣木籽除少量用于种植之外,大量的用途是用来做生产原料,在食品、医药、保健、化妆品等领域都有着良好的应用价值,如可用于液体净化、提取制造保水、防晒等高档化妆品的活性物质等。& & 辣木的种子和叶子中含有丰富的营养成分。晴林孙(L.S. Ching)等人于2001年发表,100克印度传统辣木的新鲜叶片中的维他命E含量约为9毫克,干燥叶片中的含量约为16.2毫克。根据计算,只要三汤匙(约25克)的辣木叶干粉就含有幼儿每日所需270%的维生素A,42%的蛋白质,125%的钙,70%的铁及22%的维生素C。对怀孕和哺乳中的女性而言,辣木叶片和豆荚亦可帮助本人及胎儿或婴儿维持健康,供给大量的铁质、蛋白质、铜、硫和维他命B。不过,由于有些不法商家为了牟取暴利,在原本纯正的辣木籽中掺有人工培植辣木籽,使辣木本身的营养成分根据环境变化而变异,导致有些患者误食后出现过敏现象,所以,患者在食用辣木籽时最好经医师指示后酌量食用,避免中毒。&  印度当地人民在日常生活中食用辣木,鲜叶可作为蔬菜食用,嫩叶类似菠菜,可以作汤或沙拉。嫩果荚也可以食用,干种子可以打成粉末作为调味料,幼苗的根干燥后也可以打成粉末作为调味料,有辣味。辣木的花在略微变白之后也可以加入沙拉中食用。一九九七年,美国基督教世界救济会开始与塞内加尔组织合作推动一项计划,他们将辣木加入当地人民的饮食中,用以对抗营养失调及预防疾病,有显著的成果。这种耐干旱且成长快速的树木也因此被称为「奇迹之树」,而渐为人所熟知。& & 辣木籽广泛用于化妆美容行业。其功效主要有,软化表皮细胞,使皮肤平滑、柔润、营养皮肤、补充人体氨基酸、却除黑色素、抑制酪氨酸霉生成,有杀菌,清洁皮肤功效,可祛痘,祛斑,改善皮肤暗黄,滋润,保湿,瘦身等功效,可广泛用于膏霜,乳液,面膜,洗发护发,眼部。还可用于液体净化、提取制造保水、防晒等高档化妆品的活性物质等。作为卸妆用品时,可以释放植物活性肽和抗氧化物,温和净化肌肤内的有害浊物。
三禾田公司立足四川本地特色资源,整合国际稀缺资源,以生物技术发展资源和提高质量为主导,以天然产物开发和应用为目标,打造专业化的管理团队,建设先进的技术研发平台,公司秉承“好产品来自好原料”,为绿色健康行业提供原料解决方案。 公司建有千平米的生物技术研发中心,配置先进的仪器设备,公司已与美国、日本、马来西亚、中国大连和广州等多地的高校、科研院所、知名企业建立了长期战略合作关系,已经拥有12项专利技术,长期致力于珍稀濒危药用植物资源和天然产物的开发,力争将公司建设成为一流的国际化企业,为中国乃至全世界提供绿色、健康的天然产物产品。 公司经过12年的发展,根据专业化业务的需要,分别成立了四川三禾田生物技术有限公司在世界多个地方进行各类植物原药的大规模种植和销售,成都三禾田生物技术有限公司负责多种植物品种优化繁育和植物提取物工艺研究,美国三禾田生物技术有限公司面向世界推广和销售三禾田的各种优势产品,并且在非洲加纳和亚洲马来西亚设立了办事处。
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版权声 明&2016英文说明辣木籽的功效_百度知道From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the genus Moringa. Moringa is also the common name of a particular species, .
Not to be confused with .
Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the
Moringaceae. The name is derived from murungai/munakkai/muringa, the // word for . It contains 13
climates that range in size from tiny
to massive .
The most widely cultivated species is , a
native to the foothills of the
in northwestern
throughout the tropics. , an
species, is also widely grown, but to a much lesser extent than M. oleifera.
Moringa species grow quickly in many types of environments.
(indigenous to )
(indigenous to )
Nimmo (indigenous to northern )
– bottle tree (indigenous to southwestern )
– Hildebrandt's moringa (indigenous to southwestern Madagascar)
Engl. (indigenous to
and Somalia)
(syn. M. pterygosperma) – horseradish tree (indigenous to northwestern )
(indigenous to
(indigenous to )
Verdc. (indigenous to Somalia)
(indigenous to Kenya and Ethiopia)
Engl. (indigenous to Ethiopia)
(indigenous to Kenya and Ethiopia)
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2009).
(PDF). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 161 (2): 105–121. :.
. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. .
. TROPICOS. Missouri Botanical Garden.
Olson, Mark (2010).
(PDF). Flora of North America. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 7: 167–169.
Janick, J Robert E. Paull (2008). . CABI. pp. 509–510.  .
Leone A, Spada A, Battezzati A, Schiraldi A, Aristil J, Bertoli S (2015). "Cultivation, Genetic, Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Moringa oleifera Leaves: An Overview". International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 16: 1. :.
Dadamouny, M.A. (2009). . M.Sc. Suez Canal University, Faculty of Science, Botany Department.
Dadamouny, M.A., Unterseher, M., K?nig, P., & Schnittler, M. (2016). . Journal for nature conservation. :.
. TROPICOS. Missouri Botanical Garden.
Dadamouny, M.A., Zaghloul, M.S., & Moustafa, A.A. (2012). . Case Study. Egyptian Journal of Botany, NIDOC.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
has information related to:
, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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Moringa nutrition facts
Moringa oleifera, known popularly as drumstick tree, is
a tropical plant grown for its nutritious leafy-greens, flower buds,
and mineral-rich green fruit pods. It is a well-recognized member in the Moringaceae family
of trees, and thought to be originated in the sub-Himalayan forests of the
Indian subcontinent. It possesses -like
root and, hence, known to the western world as horseradish tree. Their
young, tender seed pods are popular as murnga
in Tamil, and malunggay in Philippines.
Scientific name: Moringa oleifera.
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Moringa oliefera. Note for foliage, flowers and pods.
Photo courtesy:
Moringa is a drought tolerant, medium-sized,
evergreen tree that prefers warm, frost-free climates to flourish. Its
tender leaves and twigs can be harvested at any time from a
well-established, 1.5 to 2 meters tall plant. Taller plants bear
cream-white, small size flowers in clusters throughout the season,
which subsequently develop into long slender dark-green, three-sided, edible seedpods
with tapering ends. Each pod measures about 6-18 inches in length with
constrictions at the seed nodes giving them a typical drumstick-like
appearance. Inside, each pod features fleshy pulp and round pea-sized
seed encased inide a wing-shaped coat (hull).
Fresh tender leaves, flowers, tender pods, and seed-kernels of moringa are edible.
Health benefits of moringa
Moringa plant possesses unique nutritional
qualities that hold promise to millions of impoverished communities
around the world who in need of nutritional supplements like
protein, minerals, and vitamins.
Moringa greens (leaves) are an excellent source of protein
which is a unique feature for any herbs and leafy-greens in
the entire plant kingdom. 100 g of fresh raw leaves carry 9.8 g of protein
or about 17.5% of daily-required levels. Dry, powdered leaves indeed are a
much-concentrated source of several quality amino acids.
Fresh pods and seeds are a good source of oleic acid, a
health-benefiting monounsaturated fat. Moringa, as a high-quality oilseed
crop, can be grown alternatively to improve nutrition levels of
populations in many drought-prone regions of Africa and Asia.
Fresh leaves and growing tips of moringa are
the richest source of vitamin A. 100 g of fresh leaves carry 7564 IU or 252% of daily-required levels of vitamin A!
Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble anti-oxidant offering several
benefits, including mucus membrane repair, maintenance of skin integrity, vision, and immunity.
Fresh moringa (drumstick) pods and leaves are an excellent
sources of vitamin-C. 100 g of pods contain 145 ug or 235% of daily-required levels of
vitamin-C. 100 g of greens provide 51.7 ug or 86% of daily-recommended
intake values of this vitamin. Research studies have shown that
consumption of fruits/vegetables rich in vitamin C helps the body
develop immunity against infectious agents, and scavenge harmful
oxygen-free radicals from the body.
The greens as well as pods also contain good
amounts of many vital B-complex vitamins such as folates, vitamin-B6
(pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin B-1), riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin. Much of these
vitamin functions as co-enzymes in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism.
Furthermore, its greens (leaves) are one of the finest
sources of minerals like calcium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, and magnesium.
Iron alleviates anemia. Calcium is required for bone mineralisation.
Zinc plays a vital role in hair-growth, spermatogenesis, and skin health.
Selection and storage
Moringa pods in a market.
Fresh moringa pods and greens can be readily available in the markets all around the
season in the tropical and sub-tropical countries of South-East Asia,
Philippines, Middle-Eastern, Africa, Caribbean, and in some Central
American region. In the USA, the tree grows easily in the Southern
however, only few owners grow them in their backyard. Its
consumption in the USA is mainly driven by several thousand expatriated
communities of Asian and African background who prefer M.oleifera in their diet.
Fresh leaves, pods, seed-kernels can be found in the farmers markets. Dry moringa leaf powder in bins, packs can be found in
some specialized stores. At their nativity, moringa leaves are one of
the inexpensive greens available in the markets. However, fresh pods
and seeds command good price even in the native Asian and African markets.
Whi look for just tender, uniform, evenly full,
green color pods. Avoid dry, shriveled, bent, twisted, or broken pods.
Do not by over-mature big size pods as they feature tougher skin,
bitter pulp and hard seeds and thus unappetizing.
At home, moringa leaf should be stored as any other greens. Pods can keep well for 1-2
days at room temperature, however, should be kept inside the refrigerator
for extended shelf life.
Dried moringa leaf powder and capsules are also sold in the stores for their
advocated health-benefits across Europe and North Americas.
Preparation and serving methods
Fresh greens and tender seedpods are used extensively in the cooking in Asia, Africa
and Caribbean cuisine. Only tender growing tips and young leaves are
generally used as greens in the cooking. However, mature leaves, dried,
powdered and can be stored for extended periods to be used in the
recipes (akin to dried fenugreek leaves-kasoori methi, in
India and Pakistan).
Clean and wash the greens in cold water as you do in case of other greens. To prepare
fresh pods, clean them in cold water and mop dry using an absorbent
paper towel. Trim the ends. Cut the pod at one to two inches intervals and
use in soups, curries, etc. Clean the leaves as you do for other greens
like fenugreek, ,
, etc. Sift the leaves from the twig and discard the stem. Chop the leaves if
you wish, otherwise, its whole leaves can be used in the recipes.
Here are some serving tips:
Moringa pods curry served with steamed
rice, a special South-Indian recipe.
Cake prepared with moringa leaf powder.
Photo courtesy: .
Moringa pods and greens are used on regular basis in
many Asian traditions. In the Philippines (malunggay), where they
marketed all around the season, its leaves are used liberally in soups,
stews with fish, prawns, and poultry.
In traditional Senegalese recipe, moringa greens are used to prepare sauce
called Mboum. Fresh leaves are sautéed with ,
butter, vegetable
oil, smoked/dried fish, and seasoned with salt and
In India and Pakistan, tender moringa pods
known as sahajan, used in sahajan ki sabzi.
In South Indian states, both pods (murunga in
Tamil) and greens are used in curries (sambar), soups, and
In Philippines, fresh leaves are cooked in
coconut milk to prepare ginattang malunggay.
Dry and powdered moringa leaves can be added
to diet in order to improve the nutritional quality in Africa and Asia.
Bread, muffins, pastry, rolls, cakes can be prepared with mixing
M.oleifera powder with wheat, maize, and rice flours.
Safety profile
Although moringa plant parts confer many
health-benefiting qualities, it is advised to use them as a vegetable
and not as medicine. Some traditional medicines and pharmaceuticals
broadcast various healing properties of M.oleifera, which are yet to be approved
by scientific and research medical fraternity around the world.
Moringa root contains alkaloid spirochin,
which is a potential neuro-paralytic toxin. Its leaves when eaten
in large quantities may cause stomach upset, gaseous distension and
loose-stools due to their laxative properties.
&&-Back to . Please visit
here for an impressive list of vegetables with complete illustrations of their nutrition facts and
health benefits.
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Click this link to visit very informative pages on:-
on nutrition.
reading & references:
1. - Tree of life.
- Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference: Drumstick pods.
- Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference: Drumstick leaves.
4. Gopalan, C., B.V. Rama Sastri, and S.C.
Balasubramanian. Nutritive value of Indian foods. Hyderabad, India:
(National Institute of Nutrition), 1971 (revised and updated by B.S.
Narasinga Rao, Y.G. Deosthale, and K.C. Pant, 1989).
Custom Search
See the table below for in depth analysis
of nutrients:
Moringa (drumstick) pods and leaves, raw,
Nutritive value per 100 g.
Percentages of daily-recommended values are marked in brackets.
(Source: USDA National
Nutrient data base)
37 Kcal (2%)
64 Kcal (3%)
8.53 g (6.5%)
8.28% (6%)
2.10 g (4%)
9.40 g (17%)
0.20 g (1%)
1.40% (7%)
3.2 g (8%)
2.0 g (5%)
44 ug (11%)
40 ug (10%)
0.680 mg (4%)
2.220 mg (14%)
0.120 mg (9%)
1.200 mg (92%)
0.074 mg (6%)
0.660 mg (51%)
0.053 mg (4.5%)
74 IU (2.5%)
7564 IU (252%)
141mg (235%)
51.7 mg (86%)
42 mg (3%)
9 mg (0.5%)
461 mg (10%)
337 mg (7%)
30 mg (3%)
185 mg (18.5%)
0.36 mg (4.5%)
4.00 mg (50%)
45 mg (11%)
147 mg (37%)
50 mg (9%)
112 mg (20%)
8.2 ug (15%)
0.9 ug (1.5%)
0.45 mg (4%)
0.60 mg (5%)}


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