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College Essay
> College Essay
College Essay & & & &College days cannot be compared with any other span of life. The most difficult, the most hectic, the most hazardous yet the most exciting days are the college days. It is the difficult because this is the time when you are assimilating knowledge and expertise to carve a better future for yourself. It is hectic since you have to do so many things in such a short period of time. You have a personal, family and a social life at their full blossom. It is also one of the most hazardous periods as you tend to become adventurous and taking life for granted. Yet, it is the most exciting. Should I elaborate on this too? & & & &Several college students feel that the world is not doing justice with them. Every week or every semester, students are required to write college essays on different topics. Most of the topics for the college essay are from the prescribed courses of study. Many a times, teacher resort to setting up topics for college essays that are off beat and have only a cursory linkage to the course. Such college essays worry students, the most. Such essays require lot of reading and research. This translates into much time and effort. Life becomes too taxing.
& & & &The age between teen and adulthood is characterized by a carefree living style. Can we expect a student loaded with complex college essay writing assignments &every weekend and number of essays, term papers, research papers at the end of semesters to be enjoying the youthful aspect of life?
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写给新手的一点Accounting Master申请总结
介绍一下Master of Accounting
会计硕士,在不同的学校会有不同的名称,实际上没有区别。一般在商学院下面。但是Top20的商学院下大多只有MBA一个硕士项目,所以对于会计硕士而言能申请的比较好的学校也就那么几所:UTA,UIUC,USC,U Mich,UND,UNC等等(这个在之前Bright的那个帖子里有讨论,我就不赘述了)
因为美国会计的从业要考的AICPA(注册会计师)有学分的要求,所以Master of Accounting还是很受追捧的,且普遍认为出来很好找工作,工作比较稳定,年薪也还不错。也因此学费比较昂贵,一般很少有奖学金。
学费各个学校相差比较大,上面提到的几所好学校相当贵,一般都要3.5-5万刀一年不等,UTA,U Mich更达到6万刀以上。名气小的学校相对便宜一些,2-3万刀一年。
1. GPA,GMAT: 至少在给奖学金的时候是很看重的。
2. 经历、经验
虽然会计硕士申请不需要工作经验,但是有是比没有要好的。一方面你对这个行业会有更深刻的了解,另一方面你思考的成熟度会提高。这些都不仅仅是让简历更好看,更重要的是体现在你的PS或者essay中,是否有可操作的career plan,是否有明确的目标,对这个专业的理解程度和热爱程度等等。如果对业界完全没有了解,写出来也会显得幼稚。如果一毕业就申请或者转专业申请,最好有一些相关的实习经验,会比较好一点。
3. PS、Essay 这个和前面谈到的相关
还有就是要尽量早申请。Master的ad不受4.15限制,很多学校都是rolling base的录取,先录完了后面的都没戏了(比如UND)。另外不要跟风,网上信息多,但也特别容易出现撞车现象,保底的学校可能成了热门,底都保不住(今年就出现过这种情况)
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