
观音街道办政务网创办于2008年,始终把群众利益作为工作的出发点和落脚点,积极为群众办实事、办好事,创造性地实施民生工程建设任务。包括时政快递、市井新闻、民生动态、地方经济、政务要闻、县市传真、社会新闻、国内新闻、发展规划、人事信息、财政信息、社会管理、市民办事等栏目。Android Geofence的学习二继续翻译官方文档
Geofencing combines awareness of the user's current location with awareness of nearby features, defined as the user's proximity to locations that may be of interest. 为了创建一个兴趣点,你需要指定它的经纬度。为了调整Geofence的范围,你需要增加半径。经纬度和半径定义了一个地理围栏。&你可以同时拥有多个活跃的地理围栏。
&uses-permission android:name=&android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION&/&
检查Google Play Services
位置服务使&Google Play services APK的一部分。&由于用户设备的状态很难预测,你应该总是在试图使用位置服务前检查该app是否已经安装。为了检查APK是否安装,可调用GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable()方法,它返回API参考文档中给出整形结果中的一个。如果发生错误,
Play services可能会发送一个结果返回给你的Activity。要处理这样的结果,重写该方法onActivityResult()。
既然你通常需要在代码中的多个地方检察Google Play services,最好定义一个封装这个检查的方法,然后再在每次尝试连接之前调用它。下面的代码片段包含了检查Google Play services需要的所有代码:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
& & // 全局常量
& & &* 定义发送到Google Play services的请求码
& & &* 这个代码是在Activity.onActivityResult返回的
& & private final static int
& & // 定义一个 DialogFragment 用于显示 error dialog
& & public static class ErrorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {
& & & & // 包含error dialog的全局字段
& & & & private Dialog mDialog;
& & & & ...
& & & & // 默认构造函数。 设置对话框字段为 null
& & & & public ErrorDialogFragment() {
& & & & & & super();
& & & & & & mDialog = null;
& & & & ...
& & & & // Set the dialog to display
& & & & public void setDialog(Dialog dialog) {
& & & & & & mDialog = dialog;
& & & & ...
& & & & // 向DialogFragment返回一个Dialog.
& & & & @Override
& & & & public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
& & & & & & return mDialog;
& & & & ...
& & &* 处理由Google Play services 返回给 FragmentActivity的结果
& & &@Override
& & protected void onActivityResult(
& & & & & & int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
& & & & // 根据原始请求代码确定做什么
& & & & switch (requestCode) {
& & & & & & ...
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* If the result code is Activity.RESULT_OK, try
& & & & & & &* to connect again
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & & & switch (resultCode) {
& & & & & & & & & & ...
& & & & & & & & & & case Activity.RESULT_OK :
& & & & & & & & & & /*
& & & & & & & & & & &* Try the request again
& & & & & & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & & & & & ...
& & & & & & & & & & break;
& & & & & & & & }
& & & & & & ...
& & & & ...
& & private boolean servicesConnected() {
& & & & // 检查 Google Play services 是否可用
& & & & int resultCode =
& & & & & & & & GooglePlayServicesUtil.
& & & & & & & & & & & & isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);
& & & & // 如果 Google Play services 可用
& & & & if (ConnectionResult.SUCCESS == resultCode) {
& & & & & & // 在debug模式下, log 这个状态
& & & & & & Log.d(&Geofence Detection&,
& & & & & & & & & & &Google Play services is available.&);
& & & & & & // 继续
& & & & & & return true;
& & & & // 由于某些原因Google Play services不可用
& & & & } else {
& & & & & & // 获取错误代码
& & & & & & int errorCode = connectionResult.getErrorCode();
& & & & & & // 从 Google Play services 获取error dialog
& & & & & & Dialog errorDialog = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(
& & & & & & & & & & errorCode,
& & & & & & & & & & this,
& & & & & & // 如果 Google Play services 能提供一个error dialog
& & & & & & if (errorDialog != null) {
& & & & & & & & // 给这个error dialog创建一个新的 DialogFragment
& & & & & & & & ErrorDialogFragment errorFragment =
& & & & & & & & & & & & new ErrorDialogFragment();
& & & & & & & & // Set the dialog in the DialogFragment
& & & & & & & & errorFragment.setDialog(errorDialog);
& & & & & & & & // 在 DialogFragment 中显示这个error dialog
& & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & getSupportFragmentManager(),
& & & & & & & & & & & & &Geofence Detection&);
& & & & & & }
下面的章节调用该方法来验证Google Play services 是否可用。
Latitude(维度), longitude(经度), 和&radius(半径)为Geofence定义一个圆形区域。&使用经纬度标记一个感兴趣的位置,然后使用radius(半径)调整在geofence探测到之前用户需要多么靠近那个点。半径越大,用户越可能通过接近geofence触发geofence taansition alert(过度警报)。例如,在geofencing app中使用大的半径来控制当用户回家时打开用户家的灯,也许会造成即使用户只是匆匆而过也会打开灯。Expiration time(过期时间)geofence 持续活动的时间。一旦到达过期时间,&Location Services 会删除这个geofence。大多数时候,你应该制定一个过期时间,但是你也许会希望在用户家或者工作的地方弄一个永久的geofence。Transition type(过渡类型)Location Services 可以探测当用户在geofence半径范围内(视为进入)或者在半径外(视为离开),或者两者都探测。Geofence ID(Geofence 编号)一个同geofence一起储存的字符串。你应该让它是唯一的-,因而你可以用它来从&Location Services tracking(位置服务追踪)中删除geofence。
一个 geofencing app (地理围栏app?)需要从永久储存中读写geofence数据。你不应该是用Geofence对象来做这项工作,而应该使用诸如数据库技术的可以储存一组相关数据的方法来储存。
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
& & &* 由其中心和半径定义的一个geofence对象
& & public class SimpleGeofence {
& & & & & & // 实例变量
& & & & & & private final String mId;
& & & & & & private final double mLatitude;
& & & & & & private final double mLongitude;
& & & & & & private final float mRadius;
& & & & & & private long mExpirationDuration;
& & & & & & private int mTransitionType;
& & & & &* @param geofenceId Geofence的请求ID
& & & & &* @param latitude Geofence中心的纬度.
& & & & &* @param longitude Geofence中心的经度
& & & & &* @param radius Geofence的半径
& & & & &* @param expiration Geofence到期的时间
& & & & &* @param transition Geofence过度类型
& & & & &*/
& & & & public SimpleGeofence(
& & & & & & & & String geofenceId,
& & & & & & & & double latitude,
& & & & & & & & double longitude,
& & & & & & & & float radius,
& & & & & & & & long expiration,
& & & & & & & & int transition) {
& & & & & & // 在构造函数中设定实例变量的值
& & & & & & this.mId = geofenceId;
& & & & & & this.mLatitude = latitude;
& & & & & & this.mLongitude = longitude;
& & & & & & this.mRadius = radius;
& & & & & & this.mExpirationDuration = expiration;
& & & & & & this.mTransitionType = transition;
& & & & // getter们
& & & & public String getId() {
& & & & & & return mId;
& & & & public double getLatitude() {
& & & & & & return mLatitude;
& & & & public double getLongitude() {
& & & & & & return mLongitude;
& & & & public float getRadius() {
& & & & & & return mRadius;
& & & & public long getExpirationDuration() {
& & & & & & return mExpirationDuration;
& & & & public int getTransitionType() {
& & & & & & return mTransitionType;
& & & & &* 使用SimpleGeofence创建一个Location Services Geofence 对象
& & & & &*
& & & & &* @return Geofence对象
& & & & &*/
& & & & public Geofence toGeofence() {
& & & & & & // Build a new Geofence object
& & & & & & return new Geofence.Builder()
& & & & & & & & & & .setRequestId(getId())
& & & & & & & & & & .setTransitionTypes(mTransitionType)
& & & & & & & & & & .setCircularRegion(
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & getLatitude(), getLongitude(), getRadius())
& & & & & & & & & & .setExpirationDuration(mExpirationDuration)
& & & & & & & & & & .build();
& & &* 使用SharedPreferences实现储存Geofence的数据
& & public class SimpleGeofenceStore {
& & & & // Keys for flattened geofences stored in SharedPreferences
& & & & public static final String KEY_LATITUDE =
& & & & & & & & &;
& & & & public static final String KEY_LONGITUDE =
& & & & & & & & &;
& & & & public static final String KEY_RADIUS =
& & & & & & & & &;
& & & & public static final String KEY_EXPIRATION_DURATION =
& & & & & & & & &;
& & & & public static final String KEY_TRANSITION_TYPE =
& & & & & & & & &;
& & & & // The prefix for flattened geofence keys
& & & & public static final String KEY_PREFIX =
& & & & & & & & &;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Invalid values, used to test geofence storage when
& & & & &* retrieving geofences
& & & & &*/
& & & & public static final long INVALID_LONG_VALUE = -999l;
& & & & public static final float INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE = -999.0f;
& & & & public static final int INVALID_INT_VALUE = -999;
& & & & // The SharedPreferences object in which geofences are stored
& & & & private final SharedPreferences mPrefs;
& & & & // The name of the SharedPreferences
& & & & private static final String SHARED_PREFERENCES =
& & & & & & & & &SharedPreferences&;
& & & & // 创建私有访问的SharedPreferences储存
& & & & public SimpleGeofenceStore(Context context) {
& & & & & & mPrefs =
& & & & & & & & & & context.getSharedPreferences(
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & SHARED_PREFERENCES,
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
& & & & &* 根据储存的geofence的id返回geofence, 如果id不存在返回空
& & & & &*
& & & & &* @param id 储存的geofence的id
& & & & &* @return 由其中心和半径定义的geofence
& & & & &*/
& & & & public SimpleGeofence getGeofence(String id) {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Get the latitude for the geofence identified by id, or
& & & & & & &* INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE if it doesn't exist
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & double lat = mPrefs.getFloat(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_LATITUDE),
& & & & & & & & & & INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE);
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Get the longitude for the geofence identified by id, or
& & & & & & &* INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE if it doesn't exist
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & double lng = mPrefs.getFloat(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_LONGITUDE),
& & & & & & & & & & INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE);
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Get the radius for the geofence identified by id, or
& & & & & & &* INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE if it doesn't exist
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & float radius = mPrefs.getFloat(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_RADIUS),
& & & & & & & & & & INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE);
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Get the expiration duration for the geofence identified
& & & & & & &* by id, or INVALID_LONG_VALUE if it doesn't exist
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & long expirationDuration = mPrefs.getLong(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_EXPIRATION_DURATION),
& & & & & & & & & & INVALID_LONG_VALUE);
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Get the transition type for the geofence identified by
& & & & & & &* id, or INVALID_INT_VALUE if it doesn't exist
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & int transitionType = mPrefs.getInt(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_TRANSITION_TYPE),
& & & & & & & & & & INVALID_INT_VALUE);
& & & & & & // If none of the values is incorrect, return the object
& & & & & & if (
& & & & & & & & lat != GeofenceUtils.INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE &&
& & & & & & & & lng != GeofenceUtils.INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE &&
& & & & & & & & radius != GeofenceUtils.INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE &&
& & & & & & & & expirationDuration !=
& & & & & & & & & & & & GeofenceUtils.INVALID_LONG_VALUE &&
& & & & & & & & transitionType != GeofenceUtils.INVALID_INT_VALUE) {
& & & & & & & & // Return a true Geofence object
& & & & & & & & return new SimpleGeofence(
& & & & & & & & & & & & id, lat, lng, radius, expirationDuration,
& & & & & & & & & & & & transitionType);
& & & & & & // Otherwise, return null.
& & & & & & } else {
& & & & & & & & return null;
& & & & & & }
& & & & &* Save a geofence.
& & & & &* @param geofence The SimpleGeofence containing the
& & & & &* values you want to save in SharedPreferences
& & & & &*/
& & & & public void setGeofence(String id, SimpleGeofence geofence) {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Get a SharedPreferences editor instance. Among other
& & & & & & &* things, SharedPreferences ensures that updates are atomic
& & & & & & &* and non-concurrent
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & Editor editor = mPrefs.edit();
& & & & & & // Write the Geofence values to SharedPreferences
& & & & & & editor.putFloat(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_LATITUDE),
& & & & & & & & & & (float) geofence.getLatitude());
& & & & & & editor.putFloat(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_LONGITUDE),
& & & & & & & & & & (float) geofence.getLongitude());
& & & & & & editor.putFloat(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_RADIUS),
& & & & & & & & & & geofence.getRadius());
& & & & & & editor.putLong(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_EXPIRATION_DURATION),
& & & & & & & & & & geofence.getExpirationDuration());
& & & & & & editor.putInt(
& & & & & & & & & & getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_TRANSITION_TYPE),
& & & & & & & & & & geofence.getTransitionType());
& & & & & & // Commit the changes
& & & & & & editor.commit();
& & & & public void clearGeofence(String id) {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Remove a flattened geofence object from storage by
& & & & & & &* removing all of its keys
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & Editor editor = mPrefs.edit();
& & & & & & editor.remove(getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_LATITUDE));
& & & & & & editor.remove(getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_LONGITUDE));
& & & & & & editor.remove(getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_RADIUS));
& & & & & & editor.remove(getGeofenceFieldKey(id,
& & & & & & & & & & KEY_EXPIRATION_DURATION));
& & & & & & editor.remove(getGeofenceFieldKey(id, KEY_TRANSITION_TYPE));
& & & & & & editor.commit();
& & & & &* Given a Geofence object's ID and the name of a field
& & & & &* (for example, KEY_LATITUDE), return the key name of the
& & & & &* object's values in SharedPreferences.
& & & & &*
& & & & &* @param id The ID of a Geofence object
& & & & &* @param fieldName The field represented by the key
& & & & &* @return The full key name of a value in SharedPreferences
& & & & &*/
& & & & private String getGeofenceFieldKey(String id,
& & & & & & & & String fieldName) {
& & & & & & return KEY_PREFIX + &_& + id + &_& + fieldName;
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
& & &* Use to set an expiration time for a geofence. After this amount
& & &* of time Location Services will stop tracking the geofence.
& & private static final long SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 60;
& & private static final long MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
& & private static final long GEOFENCE_EXPIRATION_IN_HOURS = 12;
& & private static final long GEOFENCE_EXPIRATION_TIME =
& & & & & & SECONDS_PER_HOUR *
& & &* Handles to UI views containing geofence data
& & // Handle to geofence 1 latitude in the UI
& & private EditText mLatitude1;
& & // Handle to geofence 1 longitude in the UI
& & private EditText mLongitude1;
& & // Handle to geofence 1 radius in the UI
& & private EditText mRadius1;
& & // Handle to geofence 2 latitude in the UI
& & private EditText mLatitude2;
& & // Handle to geofence 2 longitude in the UI
& & private EditText mLongitude2;
& & // Handle to geofence 2 radius in the UI
& & private EditText mRadius2;
& & &* Internal geofence objects for geofence 1 and 2
& & private SimpleGeofence mUIGeofence1;
& & private SimpleGeofence mUIGeofence2;
& & // Internal List of Geofence objects
& & List&Geofence& mGeofenceList;
& & // Persistent storage for geofences
& & private SimpleGeofenceStore mGeofenceStorage;
& & @Override
& & protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
& & & & super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
& & & & ...
& & & & // Instantiate a new geofence storage area
& & & & mGeofenceStorage = new SimpleGeofenceStore(this);
& & & & // Instantiate the current List of geofences
& & & & mCurrentGeofences = new ArrayList&Geofence&();
& & &* Get the geofence parameters for each geofence from the UI
& & &* and add them to a List.
& & public void createGeofences() {
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Create an internal object to store the data. Set its
& & & & &* ID to &1&. This is a &flattened& object that contains
& & & & &* a set of strings
& & & & &*/
& & & & mUIGeofence1 = new SimpleGeofence(
& & & & & & & & &1&,
& & & & & & & & Double.valueOf(mLatitude1.getText().toString()),
& & & & & & & & Double.valueOf(mLongitude1.getText().toString()),
& & & & & & & & Float.valueOf(mRadius1.getText().toString()),
& & & & & & & & // This geofence records only entry transitions
& & & & & & & & Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER);
& & & & // Store this flat version
& & & & mGeofenceStorage.setGeofence(&1&, mUIGeofence1);
& & & & // Create another internal object. Set its ID to &2&
& & & & mUIGeofence2 = new SimpleGeofence(
& & & & & & & & &2&,
& & & & & & & & Double.valueOf(mLatitude2.getText().toString()),
& & & & & & & & Double.valueOf(mLongitude2.getText().toString()),
& & & & & & & & Float.valueOf(mRadius2.getText().toString()),
& & & & & & & & // This geofence records both entry and exit transitions
& & & & & & & & Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER |
& & & & & & & & Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_EXIT);
& & & & // Store this flat version
& & & & mGeofenceStorage.setGeofence(2, mUIGeofence2);
& & & & mGeofenceList.add(mUIGeofence1.toGeofence());
& & & & mGeofenceList.add(mUIGeofence2.toGeofence());
services提供Intent,当Location services探测到geofence过渡的时候会把它发送给你的app。
从Location Services传递过来的Intent&可以触发你的app中的各种活动,但你不应该有它开始的Activity或fragment,因为组件应该只在响应用户操作变得可见。在许多情况下,IntentService
可以发布通知,做长时间运行的后台工作,将intent发送到其他services,或发送broadcast intent。下面的代码片段显示了如何如何定义PendingIntent&来启动&IntentService
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
& & &* Create a PendingIntent that triggers an IntentService in your
& & &* app when a geofence transition occurs.
& & private PendingIntent getTransitionPendingIntent() {
& & & & // Create an explicit Intent
& & & & Intent intent = new Intent(this,
& & & & & & & & ReceiveTransitionsIntentService.class);
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Return the PendingIntent
& & & & &*/
& & & & return PendingIntent.getService(
& & & & & & & & this,
& & & & & & & & 0,
& & & & & & & & intent,
& & & & & & & & PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
发送监控请求需要两个异步操作。第一个操作获取这个请求需要的location client,第二个操作使用这个client创建请求。在这两种情况下,Location Services都在完成该操作的时候调用一个回调方法。处理这些操作的最好方法是&chain together the method calls(不明白)。下面的代码片段演示了如何设置一个Activity,定义方法,并以正确的顺序调用它们。
ConnectionCallbacks指定当location client连接或断开时Location Services调用的方法。(当location clent 连接或断开时Location services会调用该方法)OnConnectionFailedListener指定如果在试图连接location client时发生错误Location Services回调的方法。OnAddGeofencesResultListener指定当Location Services 添加了一个geofence时它回调的方法。
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
接下来,定义一个通过连接Location Services开始请求过程的方法。通过设置一个全局变量,将其作为一个添加geofence的请求。这使您可以通过回调ConnectionCallbacks.onConnected()&来添加和移除geofence,这些将在后面的章节描述。
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & // Holds the location client
& & private LocationClient mLocationClient;
& & // Stores the PendingIntent used to request geofence monitoring
& & private PendingIntent mGeofenceRequestIntent;
& & // Defines the allowable request types.
& & public enum REQUEST_TYPE = {ADD}
& & private REQUEST_TYPE mRequestType;
& & // Flag that indicates if a request is underway.
& & private boolean mInProgress;
& & @Override
& & protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
& & & & ...
& & & & // Start with the request flag set to false
& & & & mInProgress = false;
& & & & ...
& & &* Start a request for geofence monitoring by calling
& & &* LocationClient.connect().
& & public void addGeofences() {
& & & & // Start a request to add geofences
& & & & mRequestType = ADD;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Test for Google Play services after setting the request type.
& & & & &* If Google Play services isn't present, the proper request
& & & & &* can be restarted.
& & & & &*/
& & & & if (!servicesConnected()) {
& & & & & & return;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Create a new location client object. Since the current
& & & & &* activity class implements ConnectionCallbacks and
& & & & &* OnConnectionFailedListener, pass the current activity object
& & & & &* as the listener for both parameters
& & & & &*/
& & & & mLocationClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this)
& & & & // If a request is not already underway
& & & & if (!mInProgress) {
& & & & & & // Indicate that a request is underway
& & & & & & mInProgress = true;
& & & & & & // Request a connection from the client to Location Services
& & & & & & mLocationClient.connect();
& & & & } else {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* A request is already underway. You can handle
& & & & & & &* this situation by disconnecting the client,
& & & & & & &* re-setting the flag, and then re-trying the
& & & & & & &* request.
& & & & & & &*/
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & &* Provide the implementation of ConnectionCallbacks.onConnected()
& & &* Once the connection is available, send a request to add the
& & &* Geofences
& & @Override
& & private void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) {
& & & & ...
& & & & switch (mRequestType) {
& & & & & & case ADD :
& & & & & & & & // Get the PendingIntent for the request
& & & & & & & & mTransitionPendingIntent =
& & & & & & & & & & & & getTransitionPendingIntent();
& & & & & & & & // Send a request to add the current geofences
& & & & & & & & mLocationClient.addGeofences(
& & & & & & & & & & & & mCurrentGeofences, pendingIntent, this);
& & & & & & ...
检查Location Services返回的结果
一旦Location Services调用你实现的回调方法&onAddGeofencesResult(),就表明请求完成,此时应检查传来的状态码。如果请求成功,那么你请求的geofence就处于活动状态。如果请求不成功,那么显然你的geofence就处于非活动状态,你应该重试请求或者报告错误。例如:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & & & ...
& & &* Provide the implementation of
& & &* OnAddGeofencesResultListener.onAddGeofencesResult.
& & &* Handle the result of adding the geofences
& & @Override
& & public void onAddGeofencesResult(
& & & & & & int statusCode, String[] geofenceRequestIds) {
& & & & // If adding the geofences was successful
& & & & if (LocationStatusCodes.SUCCESS == statusCode) {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Handle successful addition of geofences here.
& & & & & & &* You can send out a broadcast intent or update the UI.
& & & & & & &* geofences into the Intent's extended data.
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & } else {
& & & & // If adding the geofences failed
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Report errors here.
& & & & & & &* You can log the error using Log.e() or update
& & & & & & &* the UI.
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & // Turn off the in progress flag and disconnect the client
& & & & mInProgress = false;
& & & & mLocationClient.disconnect();
由于某些原因,Location Services会在你调用disconnect()之前断开链接。为了处理这种情况,导入onDisconnected()接口。在这个方法里,设置请求标记来表示请求没有处于运行状态,并删除这个client:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & &* Implement ConnectionCallbacks.onDisconnected()
& & &* Called by Location Services once the location client is
& & &* disconnected.
& & @Override
& & public void onDisconnected() {
& & & & // Turn off the request flag
& & & & mInProgress = false;
& & & & // Destroy the current location client
& & & & mLocationClient = null;
除了正常的回调之外,你也应该为Location Services提供一个当发生错误时调用的回调方法。这个回调方法可以重用你为了检查Google Play services定义的DialogFragment类。同样的它也可以重用你复写的用于接收Google
Play services返回结果的onActivityResult()。&下面的片段向你展示了这个回调方法的一个简单实现:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & // Implementation of OnConnectionFailedListener.onConnectionFailed
& & @Override
& & public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
& & & & // Turn off the request flag
& & & & mInProgress = false;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* If the error has a resolution, start a Google Play services
& & & & &* activity to resolve it.
& & & & &*/
& & & & if (connectionResult.hasResolution()) {
& & & & & & try {
& & & & & & & & connectionResult.startResolutionForResult(
& & & & & & & & & & & & this,
& & & & & & } catch (SendIntentException e) {
& & & & & & & & // Log the error
& & & & & & & & e.printStackTrace();
& & & & & & }
& & & & // If no resolution is available, display an error dialog
& & & & } else {
& & & & & & // Get the error code
& & & & & & int errorCode = connectionResult.getErrorCode();
& & & & & & // Get the error dialog from Google Play services
& & & & & & Dialog errorDialog = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(
& & & & & & & & & & errorCode,
& & & & & & & & & & this,
& & & & & & // If Google Play services can provide an error dialog
& & & & & & if (errorDialog != null) {
& & & & & & & & // Create a new DialogFragment for the error dialog
& & & & & & & & ErrorDialogFragment errorFragment =
& & & & & & & & & & & & new ErrorDialogFragment();
& & & & & & & & // Set the dialog in the DialogFragment
& & & & & & & & errorFragment.setDialog(errorDialog);
& & & & & & & & // Show the error dialog in the DialogFragment
& & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & getSupportFragmentManager(),
& & & & & & & & & & & & &Geofence Detection&);
& & & & & & }
当Location Services探测到用户进入或离开geofence,将发用一个包含在你请求添加geofences是置入的PendingIntent中的&Intent。这个Intent&是。
定义一个 IntentService
public class ReceiveTransitionsIntentService extends IntentService {
& & &* Sets an identifier for the service
& & public ReceiveTransitionsIntentService() {
& & & & super(&ReceiveTransitionsIntentService&);
& & &* Handles incoming intents
& & & intent The Intent sent by Location Services. This
& & &* Intent is provided
& & &* to Location Services (inside a PendingIntent) when you call
& & &* addGeofences()
& & @Override
& & protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
& & & & // First check for errors
& & & & if (LocationClient.hasError(intent)) {
& & & & & & // Get the error code with a static method
& & & & & & int errorCode = LocationClient.getErrorCode(intent);
& & & & & & // Log the error
& & & & & & Log.e(&ReceiveTransitionsIntentService&,
& & & & & & & & & & &Location Services error: & +
& & & & & & & & & & Integer.toString(errorCode));
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* You can also send the error code to an Activity or
& & & & & & &* Fragment with a broadcast Intent
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & /*
& & & & &* If there's no error, get the transition type and the IDs
& & & & &* of the geofence or geofences that triggered the transition
& & & & &*/
& & & & } else {
& & & & & & // Get the type of transition (entry or exit)
& & & & & & int transitionType =
& & & & & & & & & & LocationClient.getGeofenceTransition(intent);
& & & & & & // Test that a valid transition was reported
& & & & & & if (
& & & & & & & & (transitionType == Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER)
& & & & & & & & &||
& & & & & & & & (transitionType == Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_EXIT)
& & & & & & & &) {
& & & & & & & & List &Geofence& triggerList =
& & & & & & & & & & & & getTriggeringGeofences(intent);
& & & & & & & & String[] triggerIds = new String[geofenceList.size()];
& & & & & & & & for (int i = 0; i & triggerIds.length; i++) {
& & & & & & & & & & // Store the Id of each geofence
& & & & & & & & & & triggerIds[i] = triggerList.get(i).getRequestId();
& & & & & & & & }
& & & & & & & & /*
& & & & & & & & &* At this point, you can store the IDs for further use
& & & & & & & & &* display them, or display the details associated with
& & & & & & & & &* them.
& & & & & & & & &*/
& & & & & & }
& & & & // An invalid transition was reported
& & & & } else {
& & & & & & Log.e(&ReceiveTransitionsIntentService&,
& & & & & & & & & & &Geofence transition error: & +
& & & & & & & & & & Integer.toString()transitionType));
& & android:name=&
& & android:label=&@string/app_name&
& & android:exported=&false&&
注意,你不必为service制定intent filters ,因为它只接收特定的intents。传来的geofence过度intents是怎样创建的在章节Send
the monitoring request中。
onRemoveGeofencesByPendingIntentResult()当Location Services完成可能由removeGeofences(PendingIntent,
LocationClient.OnRemoveGeofencesResultListener)当Location Services完成可能由removeGeofences(List&String&,
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & // Enum type for controlling the type of removal requested
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & &* Start a request to remove geofences by calling
& & &* LocationClient.connect()
& & public void removeGeofences(PendingIntent requestIntent) {
& & & & // Record the type of removal request
& & & & mRequestType = REMOVE_INTENT;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Test for Google Play services after setting the request type.
& & & & &* If Google Play services isn't present, the request can be
& & & & &* restarted.
& & & & &*/
& & & & if (!servicesConnected()) {
& & & & & & return;
& & & & // Store the PendingIntent
& & & & mGeofenceRequestIntent = requestIntent;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Create a new location client object. Since the current
& & & & &* activity class implements ConnectionCallbacks and
& & & & &* OnConnectionFailedListener, pass the current activity object
& & & & &* as the listener for both parameters
& & & & &*/
& & & & mLocationClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this);
& & & & // If a request is not already underway
& & & & if (!mInProgress) {
& & & & & & // Indicate that a request is underway
& & & & & & mInProgress = true;
& & & & & & // Request a connection from the client to Location Services
& & & & & & mLocationClient.connect();
& & & & } else {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* A request is already underway. You can handle
& & & & & & &* this situation by disconnecting the client,
& & & & & & &* re-setting the flag, and then re-trying the
& & & & & & &* request.
& & & & & & &*/
当Location Services 调用回调方法时表明连接已经打开,此时可发起请求来移除所有的geofences。在请求完成后断开client连接。就像:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & &* Once the connection is available, send a request to remove the
& & &* Geofences. The method signature used depends on which type of
& & &* remove request was originally received.
& & private void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) {
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Choose what to do based on the request type set in
& & & & &* removeGeofences
& & & & &*/
& & & & switch (mRequestType) {
& & & & & & ...
& & & & & & case REMOVE_INTENT :
& & & & & & & & mLocationClient.removeGeofences(
& & & & & & & & & & & & mGeofenceRequestIntent, this);
& & & & & & & & break;
& & & & & & ...
LocationClient.OnRemoveGeofencesResultListener)&立即返回,但是请求结果需要等到Location Services调用&onRemoveGeofencesByPendingIntentResult()才会明确。下面的片段展示了如何定义这个方法:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & &* When the request to remove geofences by PendingIntent returns,
& & &* handle the result.
& & & statusCode the code returned by Location Services
& & & requestIntent The Intent used to request the removal.
& & @Override
& & public void onRemoveGeofencesByPendingIntentResult(int statusCode,
& & & & & & PendingIntent requestIntent) {
& & & & // If removing the geofences was successful
& & & & if (statusCode == LocationStatusCodes.SUCCESS) {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Handle successful removal of geofences here.
& & & & & & &* You can send out a broadcast intent or update the UI.
& & & & & & &* geofences into the Intent's extended data.
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & } else {
& & & & // If adding the geocodes failed
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Report errors here.
& & & & & & &* You can log the error using Log.e() or update
& & & & & & &* the UI.
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Disconnect the location client regardless of the
& & & & &* request status, and indicate that a request is no
& & & & &* longer in progress
& & & & &*/
& & & & mInProgress = false;
& & & & mLocationClient.disconnect();
signature。 然后这个方法就开始了移除进程。
also add a global variable for storing the list of geofences):
& & // 控制移除请求类型的枚举
& & // Store the list of geofence Ids to remove
& & String&List& mGeofencesToRemove;
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & & & List&String& listOfGeofences =
& & & & & & & & Collections.singletonList(&1&);
& & & & removeGeofences(listOfGeofences);
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & &* Start a request to remove monitoring by
& & &* calling LocationClient.connect()
& & public void removeGeofences(List&String& geofenceIds) {
& & & & // If Google Play services is unavailable, exit
& & & & // Record the type of removal request
& & & & mRequestType = REMOVE_LIST;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Test for Google Play services after setting the request type.
& & & & &* If Google Play services isn't present, the request can be
& & & & &* restarted.
& & & & &*/
& & & & if (!servicesConnected()) {
& & & & & & return;
& & & & // Store the list of geofences to remove
& & & & mGeofencesToRemove = geofenceIds;
& & & & /*
& & & & &* Create a new location client object. Since the current
& & & & &* activity class implements ConnectionCallbacks and
& & & & &* OnConnectionFailedListener, pass the current activity object
& & & & &* as the listener for both parameters
& & & & &*/
& & & & mLocationClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this);
& & & & // If a request is not already underway
& & & & if (!mInProgress) {
& & & & & & // Indicate that a request is underway
& & & & & & mInProgress = true;
& & & & & & // Request a connection from the client to Location Services
& & & & & & mLocationClient.connect();
& & & & } else {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* A request is already underway. You can handle
& & & & & & &* this situation by disconnecting the client,
& & & & & & &* re-setting the flag, and then re-trying the
& & & & & & &* request.
& & & & & & &*/
当Location Services调用这个回调方法就表明conntction已经打开,可以发起请求来移除list中的geofences。当完成请求时关闭这个client连接。就像:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & private void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) {
& & & & ...
& & & & switch (mRequestType) {
& & & & ...
& & & & // If removeGeofencesById was called
& & & & & & case REMOVE_LIST :
& & & & & & & & mLocationClient.removeGeofences(
& & & & & & & & & & & & mGeofencesToRemove, this);
& & & & & & & & break;
& & & & ...
& & & & ...
Services 调用这个回调方法来表示移除list中的geofences的操作已经完成。在这个方法中,根据传递来的状态码采取相应的动作:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
& & & & ConnectionCallbacks,
& & & & OnConnectionFailedListener,
& & & & OnAddGeofencesResultListener {
& & &* When the request to remove geofences by IDs returns, handle the
& & &* result.
& & &* @param statusCode The code returned by Location Services
& & &* @param geofenceRequestIds The IDs removed
& & @Override
& & public void onRemoveGeofencesByRequestIdsResult(
& & & & & & int statusCode, String[] geofenceRequestIds) {
& & & & // If removing the geocodes was successful
& & & & if (LocationStatusCodes.SUCCESS == statusCode) {
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Handle successful removal of geofences here.
& & & & & & &* You can send out a broadcast intent or update the UI.
& & & & & & &* geofences into the Intent's extended data.
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & } else {
& & & & // If removing the geofences failed
& & & & & & /*
& & & & & & &* Report errors here.
& & & & & & &* You can log the error using Log.e() or update
& & & & & & &* the UI.
& & & & & & &*/
& & & & // Indicate that a request is no longer in progress
& & & & mInProgress = false;
& & & & // Disconnect the location client
& & & & mLocationClient.disconnect();
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