济南那个医院看消化内科好?She has long hair, heri got a ponytail tail oft

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以下是精品学习网为您推荐的 牛津英语初三上册期末试卷,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。
1. What&s the weather like today?
2. Where are they talking?
3. What did Andy do at the weekend?
4. What are they going to do?
5. How often does the No.3 bus come?
A. Every three minutes. B. Every ten minutes. C. Every seven minutes.
6. How did people go to Hong Kong in the old days?
A. By ferry. B. By plane. C. By bus.
7. When will the woman come back?
A. At two. B. At about four. C. At about six.
8. What&s David&s new pet now?
A. A pet pig. B. A pet cat. C. A pet dog.
9. What does Mother ask Bruce to put on?
A. A T-shirt. B. A coat. C. A jumper.
10. What will the woman do?
A. She will take a rest. B. She will see the film. C. She will go to
11. What&s the man&s trouble?
A. He can&t fall asleep at night.
B. He doesn&t get enough exercise.
C. He reads too much at night.
12. What did the doctor tell the man to do?
A. To visit the doctor often.
B. To go to bed at the same time.
C. To drink more coffee at night.
School Information Form
School name: West Hill Dog School School headmaster: 13
Number of teachers: nine Training subjects: 14
School days : Monday to 15
13. A. Stephen Green B. John Gates C. Stephen Gates
14. A. How to get food B. How to make friends C. How to protect the
15. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday
16. Whose house did the hole lead to(通向)?
A. A mouse&s. B. The little mouse&s. C. The snake&s.
17. What were the snakes doing?
A. They were sleeping. B. They were catching mice. C. They were eating.
18. How did the little mouse&s mother feel?
A. She felt happy.
B. She felt afraid of the snakes.
C. She wasn&t afraid of the snakes.
19. When did the story take place?
A. On a winter afternoon. B. On an autumn morning. C. On a winter
20. What can we learn from the story?
A. Snakes never eat mice.
B. Snakes usually sleep in winter.
C. Mice like to live next to snakes.
21. Browns were happy to see policeman who saved their cat.
A. The, the B. A, the C. The, a D. /, a
22. A woman was found in her house this morning. The police said she was
attacked with
a knife and bled to .
A. dead, death B. death, dead C. dead, dead D. death, death
23. My sister and I often argue what TV programmes .
A. about, watching B. with, to watch C. about, to watch D. with ,watching
24. The robber said that who moved would be killed.
A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody
25. The women&s volleyball match will be covered tomorrow.
A. living B. live C. alive D. lively
26. Most men at home to watch TV shopping with their wives.
A. prefer staying, to going B. prefer to stay, to go
C. would rather to stay, than go D. would rather staying, than going
27. No one knows Mr. Li will come to our school tomorrow to give us a talk or
A. when B. whether C. where D. if
28. a wonderful time they in the park at this time yesterday afternoon.
A. What, had B. What, were having
C. How, had D. How, were having
29. One of the suspects down Zhongshan Road at 9:00 last night.
A. was seen to run B. was seen running C. were seen to run D. were seen
30. The man devoted most of his time he had others.
A. to help B. helping C. helped D. to helping
31. &John Adams didn&t play the lead role very well, right?
&Well, . I think he is a very good actor.
A. that&s true B. I don&t like it C. I agree D. I don&t think so
32. The teacher found him and gave him difficult homework to do every
A. was clever B. was a clever boy C. clever boy D. a clever boy
33. Whose CD player is this? It looks nice. How much is it ?
A. cost B. worth C. spend D. pay
34. The teachers the office for a few minutes when we arrived. We didn&t meet
A. had been away from B. had left
C. have been away from D. have left
35. She asked Tom with his car?
A. what the matter was B. what the matter is
C. what is the matter D. what was the matter
The sun was shining quite brightly as Mrs Grant left her house, so she
decided not to 36
an umbrella with her. She got on the bus to town and before long it began to
rain. The rain had not stopped 37 the bus arrived at the market half an hour
later. Mrs Grant stood up and absent-mindedly(心不在焉地) picked up the umbrella that
was 38 on the seat in front of her.
A cold voice said loudly, &That is mine, Madam!&
Suddenly remembering that she had come out without her umbrella, Mrs Grant
felt 39 for what she had done, trying at the same time to take no notice of the
unpleasant 40 the owner of the umbrella was giving her.
When she got off the bus, Mrs Grant made straight for a shop where she could
buy an umbrella. She found a pretty one and bought it. Then she 41 to buy
another as a present for her daughter. Afterwards she did the rest of her 42 and
had lunch in a restaurant.
In the afternoon she got on the bus with the two umbrellas under her arm and
sat down. Then she 43 that, by a curious coincidence (巧合), she was sitting next
to the woman who had made her feel 44 that morning.
That woman now looked at her, and then at the umbrellas. &You&ve had quite a
good 45 ,& she said.
36. A. keep B. bring C. take D. leave
37. A. before B. until C. though D. when
38. A. hanging B. appearing C. dropping D. losing
39. A. angry B. sorry C. lucky D. glad
40. A. reply B. call C. suggestion D. look
41. A. promised B. decided C. agreed D. remembered
42. A. hiking B. shopping C. trying D. searching
43. A. meant B. explained C. saw D. forgot
44. A. jealous B. bored C. satisfied D. uncomfortable
45. A. day B. meal C. umbrella D. present
阅读下面内容, 然后从41&50各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
There once was a girl with beautiful, thick hair. She was always happy and
everyone thought she was very beautiful. She woke up one morning, looked in the
mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. Her mother was shocked
when she walked into her daughter&s room. She was worried and thought the girl
might cry, but she didn&t want to say anything. But the girl said with a smile,
&Well, I think I&ll braid(编辫子) my hair today.& So she did and she had a
wonderful day.
The next day the girl woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only
two hairs on her head. &Hmmm&,& she said, &I think I&ll part my hair down the
middle today.& So she did and she had a grand day.
The next day the girl woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had
only one hair on her head. & Well,& she said, &Today I&m going to wear my hair
in a ponytail(马尾辫).& So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.
The next day the girl woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there
wasn&t a single hair on her head. &I don&t have to think about my hair today!&
A bad-hair day is inside, not outside your head. Attitude(态度) is
46. The girl was when she found she had only three hairs on her head.
A. shocked B. excited C. worried D. calm
47. The correct order of the following events is .
a. The girl wore her hair in a ponytail.
b. The girl parted her hair down the middle.
c. The girl braided her hair.
d. The girl didn&t need to think about her hair.
A. a b c d B. a c b d C. c b a d D. d c b a
48. Why was the girl always happy?
A. Because everyone thought she was beautiful.
B. Because everyone liked her thick and long hair.
C. Because she always looked on the bright side of things.
D. Because she didn&t like any hair on her head at all.
The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern
communication means. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years
ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. To
pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it,
smell it, drink it and even hear it.
Man has been polluting the earth. The more people, the more pollution. Many
years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people.
When the land was used up or the river was dirty in a place, men moved to
another place. But this is no longer true. Man is now slowly polluting the whole
Air pollution is still the most serious. It&s bad to all living things in the
world, but it is not only one kind of pollution. Water pollution kills our fish
and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us become angry more
Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop the people from
burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from blowing dirty smoke
into the air.
The pollution of CO2 is now the most dangerous problem of air pollution. It
is caused by heavy traffic. It is sure that if there are few people driving,
there will be less air pollution.
The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means keeping the land,
water and air clean. And we must keep careful of the rise in pollution at the
same time.
49. Pollution comes in many ways. We can even hear it. Here &it& means .
A. water pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. rubbish
50. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because .
A. it&s bad to all living things in the world
B. it makes us become angry more easily
C. it has made our rivers and lakes dirty
D. it makes much noise
51. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many
B. From now on, people should try to go to work by bus or bike instead of car
or motorbike.
C. The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world&s population
D. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.
An 8-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother
Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a
very expensive operation could save him.
One morning, the girl heard her father say to her mother, & Only a miracle
can save Andrew now.& The girl went to her bedroom, collected all of her money
and counted all of her money and counted it carefully. She hurried to a
&How can I help you?& asked the salesman.
&I want to buy a miracle,& the girl answered. &My brother has something bad
growing inside his head. My daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much
does a miracle cost?&
&We don&t sell miracles here, my dear. I&m sorry,& the salesman said,
&What kind of a miracle does your brother need?& asked a well-dressed man
standing nearby.
&I don&t know,& she answered. &He&s really sick and needs an operation in his
head. So I brought all my money.&
&How much do you have?& asked the man.
&$1.1,& she answered.
&Well, what luck,& said man. &$1.1 is the price of a miracle. Let&s go to see
your brother.&
That man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a famous brain doctor. The operation was
successful and it wasn&t long before Andrew was well again. Sometimes miracles
do happen.
52. The girl hurried to the drugstore .
A. to buy some medicine for her parents
B. to ask the salesman to buy a miracle for her
C. to ask someone to help her brother
D. to buy something called a &miracle& for her brother
53. Why did the man say &$1.1 is the price of a miracle&?
A. Because a miracle just cost $1.1.
B. Because he wanted to sell more miracles.
C. Because he was moved by the girl.
D. Because he didn&t know the real price.
54. Andrew was well again because .
A. his parents made enough money
B. his sister bought some medicine for him
C. a famous brain doctor helped him
D. his sister did an operation on him
55. From the passage, we learn that .
A. miracles may happen when there is love
B.$1.1 is the right amount(数目)of money to buy a miracle
C. We can buy miracles in drugstore
D. Miracles can be found everywhere
56. When I see the sun, I have the feeling of ▲ (warm)
57. Yuan Longping&s great ▲ (achieve) in science go beyond what I have
58. Not only the students but also the teacher ▲ (enjoy) travelling.
59. I&ll have my computer ▲ (repair) tomorrow.
60. He ▲ ( study) English for five years before he came here.
61. The student is showing great ▲ (进步) in his studies.
62. He has done something ▲ (违反) the law.
63. Walking on the beach makes you feel ▲ (放松).
64. Murder in a Country House is a horror film ▲ (导演) by Cindy Clark.
65. We can take a deep ▲ (呼吸) when we are nervous.
根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词写在下面对应题号后的横线上。
When I was walking down the street one day, I s 66 a small bag on the ground.
I picked it up and opened it to see w 67 I could find out the owner&s name.
There was n 68 inside it except some dollars and a picture of a woman and a
young girl about twelve years old. I put the photo back and took the bag to the
police station. Before I left, the policeman wrote down my name and my a 69 . He
thought the owner might want to thank me.
That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also
asked a young woman to have dinner with us. Her face was familiar, but I
couldn&t r 70 where I had seen her. D 71 our talk, the young woman happened to
say that she had l 72 her bag that afternoon. All at once I remembered w 73 I
had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, though she looked now much o
74 than the girl in the picture. She was very s 75 , of course, when I told her
about the bag. After dinner we went to the police station and got back her bag.
The policeman said to me, &It&s a wonderful thing. You found not only the bag,
but also the owner of the bag. &
The summer holiday is coming, which can be a relaxing time for sleeping,
eating good meals and seeing old friends. Try to take some time off from school
and spend a few weeks of fun. Here are some ideas for planning your summer
First of all, joining a club is a good choice! You can join a music club, a
sports club or an art club. It&s good for your future development and the
teachers in the club can give you good advice.
Doing something good for society is also great. There are many volunteer(志愿的)
programmes for you to choose from, such as looking after the old or the young,
cleaning the streets, planting trees or keeping the traffic in order. You know
that teens can also make the world better.
Have you ever lived with another family? You can join in a programme called
&Meeting a New Family&. Two families exchange their children for some time so
that they can learn how to get on well with others.
Summer camp is still popular today. An English summer camp may be a good
choice. You can not only make friends but also practise your English.
根据短文内容,将信息补充完整, 每空一词。
76. The writer gives some ideas for your summer holiday.
77. To learn drawing, you can join an (a) club.
78. Teens can make the world better by as volunteers.
79. In an English summer camp you can your English.
80. If you are one of the children in the programme &Meeting a New Family&,
you live with your own parents for some time.
You might be surprised to learn that India produces about 800 movies a year,
and that number continues to grow. Just as the movie Capital of the United
States is Hollywood, the movie capital of India is Bombay (孟买), but it is
usually called &Bollywood&, a combination(结合) of the words Bombay and
No Bollywood movie is thought complete without a few songs and dances. In
fact, music is an important part of Bollywood movies. Even a bad movie can still
do well if the music is good. Music directors are sometimes more popular than
the film stars. A Bollywood movie has five to six songs with at least three
songs to show what the dances mean.
Bollywood may be different from Hollywood in music, but it is very like
Hollywood in several ways. If Tom Cruise can hold a gun, so can the Bollywood
hero Sharukh Khan. Bollywood stars are followed by news reporters just as often
as Hollywood stars. The personal lives of actors and actresses catch the
headlines(头版头条), just as they do in the United States.
The Oscars are a very exciting time of the year for actors and actresses in
America. Bollywood has its own form of the Oscars, and they are also very
81. The name Bollywood comes from the words ▲ .
82. Bollywood is a place where many ▲ are made each year.
83. In India, the film stars are sometimes ▲ popular than music
84. Every complete Bollywood movie has a few ▲ in them.
85. The Oscars in India are as ▲ as those in America though they are
A) 翻译句子(10分)
86. 你能告诉我如何在我的学业和业余爱好上获得平衡吗?
Could you please tell me how to ▲ ?
87. 它们对人们,尤其是青少年们,有不良影响。
They ▲ people, especially teenagers.
88. 他把大部分的精力投入驾驶训练并通过了考试。
He put ▲ and passed the exam.
89. 他和疾病进行了顽强的斗争。
He ▲ against his illness.
90. 他被指控在去年一年里闯入数个电脑系统。
He ▲ computer systems over the last year.
B) 书面表达(15分)
1. Mary和新来的邻居相处的都不好。她说他看起来不友好。
2. 他不和人说话,没人知道他做什么事情来谋生。
3. 一天,Mary发现她的新项链(necklace)不见了,决定立刻报警。
4. 报警后发生的一些事。(发挥想象)
5. Mary十分感激,愿意和他成为朋友。
Mary has a new neighbor. ▲君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~
Lisa Mondello - [Fate with a Helping Hand 02] - The Marriage Contract
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3秒自动关闭窗口The Vintage Barbie Photo Gallery
Vintage Gallery
of Dolls that were in my Private Collection
Family DOLLS
MISC Links
to &My Barbie
- NONE of the dolls pictured below are for sale. They are for
reference purposes only..
the dolls pictured below were part of my private collection, I've
had many many wonderful and exquisite dolls over the past 19
years and I only collected dolls in original factory condition. I
did not collect restyles or repaints, with the exception of one
doll that had a slight paint touch-up to her lips and 1 ponytail
that was reset....Can you tell which ones they are?
see that some of the dolls pictured here still have the original
cellophane bags over there heads. I really did not want remove
them for the photos, if you know what I mean, so they really do
not give a good indication of the hairstyle. Also several of the
NRFB dolls did not photograph as nicely as the MIB ones....again,
not a good idea to remove a NRFB doll just to get a good photo!!
These were
just some of the treasures that I have managed to obtain over the
last 21 years. Many have now found new homes but they thoroughly
enjoyed their stay in &My&Barbie&Room&.
#1 Braid wearing Nighty Negligee
#1 wearing Resort Set
Brunette #3 wearing Evening Splendor
Ash Blonde #6 wearing Swinging Easy
Blonde Swirl wearing Knitting Pretty
1961 Barbie Mix 'N Match Giftset
1961 Barbie and Ken Tennis Giftset
1962 Barbie, Ken & Midge On Parade
1966 Francie Swinging Separates Giftset
1971 Francie Rise And Shine Giftset
Barbie Dolls
Brunette #1 Ponytail Barbie. This doll is the most
sought-after doll. She is considered to be the ICON of
the 1950's pop culture and commands a hefty price if in
MINT condition. She comes on a body marked Barbie T.M.
The torso is solid and the legs have copper tubes inside
them. There is a hole in the bottom of each foot that
allows her to be positioned on her two-pronged round
pedestal stand. Click Here to see a picture of
the feet. Due to a defect in the vinyl, these early dolls
have faded to varying shades of white....ghostly white,
yellowish or greenish or with a pink hue. She has soft curly
bangs, lip color is red and irises are white. Note the
peaked eyebrows! She comes in a Barbie TM box, with a
round pedestal 2-pronged stand.
Blonde #1 Ponytail Barbie. This doll is the most
sought-after doll. She is considered to be the ICON of
the 1950's pop culture and commands a hefty price if in
MINT condition. She comes on a body marked Barbie T.M.
The torso is solid and the legs have copper tubes inside
them. There is a hole in the bottom of each foot that
allows her to be positioned on her two-pronged round
pedestal stand. Due to a defect in the vinyl, these early
dolls have faded to varying shades of white....ghostly
white, yellowish or greenish or with a pink hue. She has soft curly
bangs, lip color is red and irises are white. Note the
peaked eyebrows! She comes in a Barbie TM box, with a
round pedestal 2-pronged stand. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Brunette #2 Ponytail Barbie. This doll is another
sought-after doll. She too commands a hefty price if in
MINT condition. She comes on a body marked Barbie T.M.
The torso is solid and the legs no longer have the copper
tubes inside them. They are now solid, with the bottom of
the feet marked &Japan&. Due to a defect in the
vinyl, these early dolls have faded to varying shades of
white....ghostly white, yellowish or greenish or with a
pink hue. She has soft curly
bangs, lip color is red and irises are white. Note the
peaked eyebrows! She comes in a Barbie TM box, with a
round pedestal stand with separate wire attachment. The
hole for the wire attachment is in the center of the
pedestal base. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Blonde #2 Ponytail Barbie. This doll is another
sought-after doll. She too commands a hefty price if in
MINT condition. She comes on a body marked Barbie T.M.
The torso is solid and the legs no longer have the copper
tubes inside them. They are now solid, with the bottom of
the feet marked &Japan&. Due to a defect in the
vinyl, these early dolls have faded to varying shades of
white....ghostly white, yellowish or greenish or with a
pink hue. She has soft curly
bangs, lip color is red and irises are white. Note the
peaked eyebrows! She comes in a Barbie TM box, with a
round pedestal stand with separate wire attachment. The
hole for the wire attachment is in the center of the
pedestal base.
Blonde #3 Ponytail Barbie with BLUE eyeliner. This doll
is quickly rising in value. She is one of the most
popular dolls with vintage collectors and her vinyl has
also turned to varying shades of white. The torso is
solid and she also comes on a Barbie TM body. She has the
same soft curly bangs and red lips but has the added blue
coloring to her irises. Eyebrows are now more rounded.
She comes in a Barbie TM or Barbie R box, with a round
pedestal stand with separate wire attachment. The hole
for the wire attachment is now at the back of the
pedestal base. ClickHere to see this doll in
her original packaging.
Blonde #3 Ponytail Barbie with BROWN eyeliner. This doll
is quickly rising in value. She is one of the most
popular dolls with vintage collectors and her vinyl has
also turned to varying shades of white. The torso is
solid and she also comes on a Barbie TM body. She has the
same soft curly bangs and red lips but has the added blue
coloring to her irises. Eyebrows are now more rounded.
She comes in a Barbie TM or Barbie R box, with a round
pedestal stand with separate wire attachment. The hole
for the wire attachment is now at the back of the
pedestal base.
Brunette #3 Ponytail Barbie with BLUE eyeliner. This doll
is quickly rising in value. She is one of the most
popular dolls with vintage collectors and her vinyl has
also turned to varying shades of white. The torso is
solid and she also comes on a Barbie TM or Barbie R body.
She has the same soft curly bangs and red lips but has
the added blue coloring to her irises. Eyebrows are now
more rounded. She comes in a Barbie TM or Barbie R box,
with a round pedestal stand with separate wire
attachment. This particular #3 is a rare and unique doll
as she came in a pink silhouette dress box. ClickHere to see a picture of
her in this very special box.
Brunette #3 Ponytail Barbie with BROWN eyeliner. This
doll is quickly rising in value. She is one of the most
popular dolls with vintage collectors and her vinyl has
also turned to varying shades of white. The torso is
solid and she also comes on a Barbie TM body. She has the
same soft curly bangs and red lips but has the added blue
coloring to her irises. Eyebrows are now more rounded.
She comes in a Barbie TM or Barbie R box, with a round
pedestal stand with separate wire attachment. The hole
for the wire attachment is now at the back of the
pedestal base. ClickHere to see this doll in
her original packaging.
Blonde #4 Ponytail Barbie. This doll is actaully the same
as the #3 except for the fact that she is unfaded. Mattel
changed their vinyl process during the last half of 1960
and the dolls produced during the second half ofthe year
retain their original coloring. The torso is solid and
she comes on a Barbie TM or Barbie R body. She has the
same soft curly bangs as the earlier dolls. She comes in
a Barbie R box, with a round pedestal stand with separate
wire attachment. The hole for the wire attachment is at
the back of the pedestal base. ClickHere to see this doll in
her original packaging.
Brunette #4 Ponytail Barbie. This doll is actaully the
same as the #3 except for the fact that she is unfaded.
Mattel changed their vinyl process during the last half
of 1960 and the dolls produced during the second half of
the year retain their original coloring. The torso is
solid and she comes on a Barbie TM or Barbie R body. She
has the same soft curly bangs as the earlier dolls. She
comes in a Barbie R box, with a round pedestal stand with
separate wire attachment. The hole for the wire
attachment is at the back of the pedestal base. ClickHere to see this doll in
her original packaging.
Blonde #5 Ponytail Barbie. This doll has new stiff curly
bangs. Her torso is now hollow and has only the Barbie R
markings. Lip color is still red. Most of these 1961
dolls have an oily appearance to their
complexion...another vinyl problem...however some #5's
can be found with a matte finish. She comes in a Barbie R
box with new 1-piece black wire stand...the pedestal base
was omitted. Also added this year was a &Genuine
Mattel& wrist tag. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Brunette #5 Ponytail Barbie. This doll has new stiff
curly bangs. Her torso is now hollow and has only the
Barbie R markings. Lip color is still red. Most of these
1961 dolls have an oily appearance to their
complexion...another vinyl problem...however some #5's
can be found with a matte finish. She comes in a Barbie R
box with new 1-piece black wire stand...the pedestal base
was omitted. Also added this year was a &Genuine
Mattel& wrist tag. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Titian #5 Ponytail Barbie. An extremely hard-to-find and
very popular doll with vintage collectors. This is the
first Barbie to have RED hair. This doll has new stiff
curly bangs. Her torso is now hollow and has only the
Barbie R markings. Lip color is still red. Most of these
1961 dolls have an oily appearance to their
complexion...another vinyl problem...however some #5's
can be found with a matte finish. She comes in a Barbie R
box with new 1-piece black wire stand...the pedestal base
was omitted. Also added this year was a &Genuine
Mattel& wrist tag. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Blonde #6 Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Ash Blonde #6 Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Redhead #6 Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Blonde Swirl Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Ash Blonde Swirl Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Platinum Swirl Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Redhead Swirl Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Brunette Swirl Ponytail Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
Barbie Dolls
1961 - Blonde
Bubble-Cut Barbie. Barbie has a new hair-style. Although
the ponytail dolls were still being produced, Mattel
introduced this new bubble-cut hairstyle into the market.
She still retained the red lip color and the same oily
vinyl, although there are examples still found today that
are of the matte finish. At the same time of introducing
the bubble-cut style, 2 new hair colors were added...a
brownette and white ginger. The white ginger was the only
doll to deviate from the red lip coloring by offering
PINK lips, that have sometimes faded to white. She comes
on the same hollow Barbie R body and comes in the Barbie
R box, now marked bubble-cut. Also included was the same
1-piece wire stand.
1961 - Jet
Black Bubble-Cut Barbie. Barbie has a new hair-style.
Although the ponytail dolls were still being produced,
Mattel introduced this new bubble-cut hairstyle into the
market. She still retained the red lip color and thesame
oily vinyl, although there are examples still found today
that are of the matte finish. At the same time of
introducing the bubble-cut style, 2 new hair colors were
added...a brownette and white ginger. The white ginger
was the only doll to deviate from the red lip coloring by
offering PINK lips, that have sometimes faded to white.
She comes on the same hollow Barbie R body and comes in
the Barbie R box, now marked bubble-cut. Also included
was the same 1-piece wire stand. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1961 - Rare
Brownette Bubble-Cut Barbie. Barbie has a new hair-style.
Although the ponytail dolls were still being produced,
Mattel introduced this new bubble-cut hairstyle into the
market. She still retained the red lip color and the same
oily vinyl, although there are examples still found today
that are of the matte finish. At the same time of
introducing the bubble-cut style, 2 new hair colors were
added...a brownette and white ginger. The brownette hair
coloring pictured here is extremely rare and difficult to
find. The white ginger was the only doll to deviate from
the red lip coloring by offering PINK lips, that have
sometimes faded to white. She comes on the same hollow
Barbie R body and comes in the Barbie R box, now marked
bubble-cut. Also included was the same 1-piece wire
stand. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1961 - Titian
Bubble-Cut Barbie. Barbie has a new hair-style. Although
the ponytail dolls were still being produced, Mattel
introduced this new bubble-cut hairstyle into the market.
She still retained the red lip color and thesame oily
vinyl, although there are examples still found today that
are of the matte finish. At the same time of introducing
the bubble-cut style, 2 new hair colors were added...a
brownette and white ginger. The white ginger was the only
doll to deviate from the red lip coloring by offering
PINK lips, that have sometimes faded to white. She comes
on the same hollow Barbie R body and comes in the Barbie
R box, now marked bubble-cut. Also included was the same
1-piece wire stand. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1961 - White
Ginger Bubble-Cut Barbie. Barbie has a new hair-style.
Although the ponytail dolls were still being produced,
Mattel introduced this new bubble-cut hairstyle into the
market. The white ginger was the only doll to deviate
from the red lip coloring by offering PINK lips, that
have sometimes faded to white. She has the same oily
vinyl, although there are examples still found today that
are of the matte finish. She comes on the same hollow
Barbie R body and comes in the Barbie R box, now marked
bubble-cut. Also included was the same 1-piece wire
stand. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Brassy Blonde Bubble-Cut Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Platinum Blonde Bubble-Cut Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1962/65 - Ash
Blonde Bubble-Cut Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Brunette Bubble-Cut Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Redhead Bubble-Cut Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
FashionQueen Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Girl and Color Magic Barbie Dolls
1965 - Blonde
American Girl Barbie. First doll to have bendable legs.
Lips are coral or pinak and are usually found faded to a
peach or butter color.
Honey/Ash Blonde American Girl Barbie. First doll to have
bendable legs. Lips are coral or pinak and are usually
found faded to a peach or butter color.
1965 - Brunette
American Girl Barbie. First doll to have bendable legs.
Lips are coral or pinak and are usually found faded to a
peach or butter color.
1965 - Redhead
American Girl Barbie. First doll to have bendable legs.
Lips are coral or pinak and are usually found faded to a
peach or butter color.
1966 - Blonde
Long-Hair, Low Color, American Girl Barbie. This doll has
an extra row of hair plugs in the back of her head and
her hair is much longer than the 1965 version. Lips are
coral and are usually found unfaded.
1966 - Blonde
SidePart American Girl Barbie. SUPER RARE. Doll has part
on the side and comes with blue hair ribbon.
1966 - Brunette
SidePart American Girl Barbie. SUPER RARE. Doll has part
on the side and comes with blue hair ribbon.
1966 - Blonde
Long-Hair High-Color American Girl Barbie. This
doll has an extra row of hair plugs in the back of her
head and her hair is much longer than the 1965 version.
Lips are raspberry and are usually found unfaded.
1966 - Ash
Blonde Long-Hair High-Color American Girl Barbie. This
doll has an extra row of hair plugs in the back of her
head and her hair is much longer than the 1965 version.
Lips are raspberry and are usually found unfaded.
Brownette Long-Hair High-Color American Girl Barbie. This
doll has an extra row of hair plugs in the back of her
head and her hair is much longer than the 1965 version.
Lips are raspberry and are usually found unfaded.
1966 - Brunette
Long-Hair High-Color American Girl Barbie. This doll has
an extra row of hair plugs in the back of her head and
her hair is much longer than the 1965 version. Lips are
raspberry and are usually found unfaded.
1966 - Blonde
Color Magic Barbie. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1966 - Scarlet
Flame Color Magic Barbie.
Midnight/Ruby Red Color Magic Barbie.
and Turn Mod Era Barbie Dolls
1967 - Blonde
Twist and Turn Barbie. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Brownette Twist and Turn Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1967 - Brunette
Twist and Turn Barbie. Click Here to see a full-length
picture of this doll.
1967 - Rare
Black Cherry Twist and Turn Barbie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll.
1967 - Rare
Near-Redhead Twist and Turn Barbie. Click Here to see a full-length
picture of this doll.
1967 - Rare
Redhead Twist and Turn Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1969 - Brunette
Flip Twist and Turn Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Brownette Flip Twist and Turn Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Blonde
Flip Twist and Turn Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Era Standard Barbie Dolls
1967 - Brunette
Standard Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Rare Titian Standard Barbie. Click Here to see a picture of
this doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Blonde
Standard Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Ash
Blonde Standard Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Era Talking Barbie Dolls
1968 - Blonde
Talking Barbie.
Brownette Talking Barbie.
1968 - Brunette
Talking Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Brunette Spanish Talking Barbie. This doll has the 1969
hair-style and came in the 1968 box. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1969 - Blonde
Talking Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Brownette Talking Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1969 - Brunette
Talking Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1969 - Titian
Talking Barbie. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her unusual original packaging.
and Live Action Mod Era Barbie Dolls
1970 - Blonde
Living Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Brunette
Living Barbie. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Redhead
Living Barbie. HA! - This doll is NRFB with unbroken seal
and since there is no window in the box, I'm not going to
take it out for a photo!!! You'll just have to take my
word that she's inside :-)
Mod Era Barbie Dolls
1971 - Sears
Exclusive - Hair Happenins Barbie. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1971 - Growing
Pretty Hair Barbie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll.
1972 - Talking
Busy Barbie.
1975 - Free
Moving Barbie.
1976 - Sweet 16
Barbie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll in her box.
Sunsational Malibu Barbie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll in her box.
1980 - Pretty
Changes Barbie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll.
Blonde Straight-Leg Midge. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Brunette Straight-Leg Midge. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Titian Straight-Leg Midge. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Titian Straight-Leg Midge With Teeth. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
Titian Bend-Leg Midge. This doll is a rare oddity as she
was produced with the bend-leg face makeup and body, but
has the old 63/64 hair style. She is NRFB and truly a
unique specimen. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
PJ and Christie Dolls
1968 - Titian
Twist and Turn Stacey. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1969 - Blonde
Flip Twist and Turn Stacey. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll in her original swimsuit. This doll
is one of the only few remaining dolls from my
1969 - Titian
Flip Twist and Turn Stacey. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll in her original swimsuit.
1970 - Blonde
Short Flip Twist and Turn Stacey. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Titian
Talking Stacey. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Talking
PJ. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1972 - Malibu
1966 - Blonde
Straight-Leg Francie. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll with her original packaging.
1966 - Brunette
Straight-Leg Francie.
1966 - Blonde
Bend-Leg Francie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll in her original swimsuit.
1966 - Brunette
Bend-Leg Francie. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1967 - Blonde
Twist and Turn Francie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll in her original swimsuit.
1967 - Brunette
Twist and Turn Francie. Click Here to see a full length
picture of this doll in her original swimsuit.
1969 - Blonde
Short Flip Twist and Turn Francie. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1970 - Hair
Happenin's Francie.
1970 - Francie
with Growing Pretty Hair. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1973 - Busy
Skooter and Ricky Dolls
1964 - Redhead
Straight-Leg Skipper. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her box.
1964 - Rare
2-Toned Jet Black/Copper Penny Straight-Leg Skipper.
1964 - Rare
Salt and Pepper Straight-Leg Skipper. Click Here to see a full-length
picture of this doll. Click Here to see a picture of the
back of her hair.
1965 - Blonde
Straight-Leg Skooter. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1965 - Titian
Straight-Leg Skooter. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1965 - Unusual
Flocked-Hair Ricky. The normal version of Ricky came with
a red painted scalp. The head on this doll is sculpted
and painted like the normal Ricky but there is an
additional flocking on top of it. To view pictures of the
flocking Click Here and Here. I bought this doll from
an original owner and it has not been tampered with in
any way. It is truly a one-of-a-kind and quite the
conversation piece! Click Here to see a picture of of
this doll in his original packaging.
1972 - Malibu
Skipper. Click Here for a picture of her in
her original packaging.
1980 - Malibu
Skipper. Click Here for a picture of her in
her original packaging.
Chris, Todd and Buffy Dolls
1965 - Brunette
Tutti. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1965 Blonde
Tutti. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1966 - Brunette
Tutti. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
1966 - Buffy
and Mrs. Beasley. Click Here to see a picture of this
doll in her original packaging.
and Allan Dolls
1961 - Blonde
Flocked-Hair Ken. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in his original packaging.
1961 - Brunette
Flocked-Hair Ken. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in his original packaging.
Blonde Painted-Hair Ken. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in his original packaging.
1963 - Brunette
Painted-Hair Ken. ClickHere to see a picture of this
doll in his original packaging.
2 Different box
variations for the painted-hair Ken dolls. One is green
and the other blue.
I hope you've enjoyed your visit to
&My Barbie Room&.
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