There therebe句型的用法微课属于五大基本句型吗?

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There be句型结构及其用法
&  There be句型是一种应用十分广泛和频繁的句型。但是对there be句型的多变的特点及其特殊结构的复杂性,并不是每个考生都熟悉了解。在大学英语四级考试题中也常常遇到这一句型结构的试题。
  例如: Ann never dreams of _________ for her to be sent abroad very soon.(CET-4,)
  A)there to be a chance
  B)there being a chance
  C)there be a chance
  D)being a chance 该题的答案为B)。
  动词 dream of 要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,更准确地讲是介词of后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being a chance意为&有一个机会&;A)和C)两项均不符合句子结构的要求,所以不是答案选项,而D)项 being a chance 虽然是 V-ing 分词结构,但语义不通,故不能雪?
  又如: No one had told Smith about ____ a lecture the following day.(CET-4,)
  A)there be?B)there would be C)there was?D)there being
  该题的答案为D)。介词 about 后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being(a lecture)意为&有(一个讲座)&,而A)、B)和C)项内容均不符合结构要求,故不能雪?再如:
  It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an
of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping,singing,or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound.(CET-4,1995.1)
  该句子中出现了for there to be 的结构,如果按照上一题的解题思路去理解:介词后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,那么,这一结构似乎是错的;但是,实际上此结构没有错,此处只能够用 for there to be,而不能用 there being。为什么呢?这就是本文想要解答的问题:there be 句型的特殊结构及其用法。笔者将 there be 句型的几种特殊结构及其用法进行归纳、总结如下,供读者参考。
  一、there be句型与各种情态动词连用。
  例如: There must be something wrong here.
  There might still be some
seats in the .
  There ought to be something with which to fill your stocking.
  二、there be句型中的谓语动词be被be likely to be,happen to be,seem(to be), occur等代替,用来描写事物。例如:
  There are likely to be more difficulties than they have been prepared for.
  There happened to be nobody in the room.
  There doesn't seem to be much hope of our beating that team .
  There seems no doubt that the general character of the landscape,the relative length of day and night,and the climate must all play a big part in determining what kind of people we are.
  There have occurred many great changes since we met last.
  三、there be 句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如 live,stand,exist,remain等,用来表示&静止、存在、有&。例如:
  There lives a family of five in the village.
nothing more to be done.
  There stands the Monument to the People's Heroes at the center of the Tian'anmen Square.
  There exist different opinions on this question.
  四、there be 句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如 come,spring up,appear,emerge,arrive,enter,follow, 等,用来表示&突然出现&。例如:
  There appears to be no
  There came a company of actors and actresses.
  There followed a spirited
after class.
  五、there be句型中be用不定式,形成&(for)there to be +宾格词&结构,表示&有&或&存在(某种情况)&,在&(for)there to be +宾格词&的结构中,主语是宾格词。这种不定式结构在句中作逻辑宾语、状语和主语。
  1.&there to be +宾格词&在句中作宾语。例如:
  The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.
  &there to be +宾格词&结构在句中作动词expect的宾语,句中的宾格词m
review- ing classes作&there to be&不定式结构的逻辑主语。特别应该注意的是there后的不定式只能用&to be&的形式,因为这种不定式结构是从&there be&结构转化而来的。又如:
  People don't want there to be anotherwar.
  Members like there to be plenty of choice.
  Perhaps transportation and the means of comm unication have really made it possible for there to be an end to the big cities.
  It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping,singing,or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound.
  &there to be +宾格词&结构在句中作介词for的宾语,句中的宾格词an ensemble of expert musicians 作&there to be&不定式结构的逻辑主语。
  2.&for there to be +宾格词&在句中作状语。例如:
  It isn't cold enough for there to be a frost tonight,so I can leave Jim 's car out quite safely.(&for there to be +宾格词&作结果状语)
  特别应该注意的是,&for there to be +宾格词&在句中作状语时必须用介词 for引出 there be 后面的宾格词。又如:
  For there to be successful communication, there must be
and involvement in the discussing itself by all present.(&for there to be +宾格词&作目的状语)
  They planned for there to be another meeting.(&for there to be +宾格词&作目的状语)
  3.&there to be +宾格词&在句中作主语。例如:
  It's a great pity for there to be much trouble in the company. 特别应该注意的是,
  &for there to be +宾格词&在句中作主语时必须用介词for引出 there be后面的宾格词。又如:
  It is impossible for there to be any more apples.
  For there to be so few people in the streets was unusual.
  六、there be句型中be用V -ing分词,形成&(of)there being +宾格词&结构,表示&有&或&存在(某种情况)&,在&(of)there be- ing +宾格词&的结构中,主语是宾格词。
  1.&there being +宾格词&在句中作宾语。例如:
  Have you ever thought of there being so many work units for you to choose on the talent's meeting?(&there being +宾格词&作宾语)
  &there being +宾格词&结构在句中作介词of的宾语,句中的宾格词so m any work u- nits作&there being&V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如:
  No one had told him anything about there being a beautiful story about the lake. John was relying on there being another opportunity.
  2.&there being +宾格词&在句中作状语。例如:
  There being no cause for alarm ,she went back to her bedroom.(&there being +宾格词&作原因状语)
  &there being +宾格词&结构在句中作状语,句中的宾格词no cause作&there being& V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如:
  There having been a strong
against the ability of the director,the department asked him to resign.(&there being +宾格词&作原因状语)
  There being nothing to be done,they have to go back home.(&there being +宾格词&作原因状语)
  There being no further business,the chairm an closed the meeting.(&there being +宾格词&作原因状语)
  3.&there being +宾格词&在句中作主 语。例如:
  There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.
  &there being +宾格词&结构在句中作主语,句中的宾格词a bus stop作&there being& V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。There be句型结构及其用法
  七、there be 句型中 be 用 be +V-ed 分词,形成&there be +V-ed分词+宾格词&结构,表示&有&或&存在(某种情况)&,在&there be +V-ed 分词+宾格词&的结构中,主语是宾格词。例如:
  There was found a lot of food in the kitchen cupboard.
  There are now published millions of books every year in China.
  There was shown at the exhibition an electronic computer made in Shanghai.
  八、&there be no +主语名词&的习惯用法。
  1.V-ing分词在&there be no&结构中作主语,表示&不可能&、&无法&。例如:
  There is no denying the fact that China is still a developing country.
  There is no joking about such matters.
  There is no telling what will happen to him next.
  2.there is no point +V-ing分词,表示&没有必要&,&无用&,&没有意义&,&没有用处&。例如:
  We are disappointed with the new officer elected in our bridge club,but thereis no point worrying about it.
  3.there is no use +V-ing分词,表示&无用&,&没有意义&,&没有用处&。例如:
  There is no use advising him to give up smoking.
  4.there is no good +V-ing分词,表示&无用&,&没有意义&,&没有用处&,&没有益处&。例如:
  There is no good discussing the matter with such a fool.
  九、在由&there be +主语名词&引起的句子中,修饰主语的情况。
  1.在由&there be +主语名词&引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的不定式可以用被动形式,也可以用主动形式。例如:
  There is no time to lose /to be lost.
  There are still many things to take care of /to be taken care of. 在口语中多用主动形式。但是有时候两种形式可能表示不同的意思。试比较:
  There is nothing to do now.(We have nothing to do now.)
  There is nothing to be done now.(We can do nothing now.)
  There is nothing to see(nothing worth seeing).
  There is nothing to be seen(nothing there at all).
  2.在由&there be +主语名词&引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的分词或分词短语在意思上相当于一个定语从句。例如:
  There were 200children studying(=who were studying)music,dancing,or dram atics.
  Is there anything planned(=that has been planned)for tonight?
We should consider the buildings as an ensemble.我们应把那些建筑物视作一个整体。
It is ensemble music for up to about ten players,with one player to a part.它是最多十人演奏的合奏音乐,每人担任一部分。
A job fell vacant in the accounting department.财会部出现了一个空缺。
He stared into space with a vacant expression.他茫然地凝视着天空。
We had to rear it in a nursery and plant it out.我们不得不在苗棚里培育它,然后再把它移植出来。
The hall is in the rear of the building.礼堂在大楼的后部。
How many tons of ore can this machine crush in an hour?这机器每小时可以破碎多少吨矿石?
They refined gold out of the ore.他们从矿石中提炼出黄金。
He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
Can you substitute for the singer who is ill?你能替一下那位得了病的歌手吗?
Yogurt is a perfectly acceptable substitute for cream in cooking.酸奶是烹饪用的特别受欢迎的奶油替代品。
We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
It is certain he will come to the discussion.他肯定会来参加讨论。
After months of discussion,a peace agreement is gradually taking shape.经过几个月的商讨,和平协议渐渐有了眉目。
They all helped one another with humourous attentiveness. 他们带着近于滑稽的殷勤互相周旋。 来自辞典例句
Is not attentiveness the nature of, even the function of, Conscious? 专注不正是大我意识的本质甚或活动吗? 来自互联网
There was just a suspicion of light in the east. 东方刚刚泛白。
I confess to some suspicion of your honesty.我承认对你的诚实有所怀疑。
------分隔线----------------------------there be 句型 精讲 - 简书
there be 句型 精讲
There be结构
第一部分:There be动词的就近原则
be动词是个近视眼,只能看到离他最近的那个名词语法解释:there be结构的主语是be动词后面的名词,当主语是并列的几个名词时,be的单复数应当和它最近的名词的数保持一致。例如:(对比一下这两个句子)There is a ship and two sea-gulls(海鸥)There are two sea-gulls and a ship.这两个句子就很明显的反映出be动词是个近视眼,只看后面紧挨着的名词A ship是个单数,所以要用is,而第二句two sea-gulls是一个复数,所以用are,不管后面的名词
第二部分:There be与have has的区别
(关于他们的区别,我们只需注意两个词)There be句型强调某地存在某物Have/ has句型强调某人拥有某物需要注意:there be句型是可以颠倒过来说的,可以说某物存在某地,某物在某地,某人在某地。可以这样说。而have/has就不可以说某物拥有某人了。我们再用一个例子理解下例如:There is a new bike, but Ihave no enough to buy it.前半句说的是某地存在某物,这里有一辆自行车,但是我没有足够的钱去买它。
第三部分:There be的各种时态结构
1.There is/are …….+地点2.There was/were ….+地点这种是一般过去时3.There is going to/will be …+地点一般将来时4.There +强态动词+be…+地点情态动词表示说话人的一种语气5.There used to be…+地点used to be表示过去常常做某事例如there used to be a shop in the street.在大街上过去有一家商店。意思是现在已经没有了。
第四部分:There be结构的句型转换
There be句型变否定句
特别注意5第三个,be going to是一个短语,短语当中有一个系动词be,所以在be动词后面加not,情态动词直接在后面加not。第五个是最麻烦的,也是最不容易理解的地方,记住就可以了。把use当做实意动词来理解,再前面加上助动词didn`t,didn`t本身表示过去,它后面的动词应该恢复原形(打回原形)是有规律的,前四个,念一遍,6.There isn`t/aren`t…….+地点7.There wasn`t/weren`t….+地点8.There isn`tgoing to /will be …+地点9.There +强态动词+not+be…+地点10.Theredidn`tuseto be…+地点
There be变一般疑问句
Is/willtheregoing to be…. +地点4
情态动词+ therebe…+地点5
Didthereuse to be+地点
There be变特殊疑问句
1.there be就数量提问
There is a cat in front of the house.How many cat sare there in front of the house?There issome water in the bottle.How much water is there in the bottle?公式:How many +名词复数+ are there+介词短语?How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?
2 there be就名词提问
There is a book on the desk.(我们就可以问在桌子上有什么)What`s on the desk?There are two trees beside the house.What`s beside the house?公式:what`s+介词短语?(不管是单数还是复数)
第五部分:There be的特殊情况(替代词)
替代词是什么意思?就是在there be句型中,我们有时候可以不用be动词而用live,come,go,stand,lie(存在),seem to be,happen to be.(碰巧有)等动词。(用这些短语或单词代替动词)我们看这三个句子:1there stands a big tree in front of my house.在我房子前面有一棵大树2There seems to be something wrong with mycomputer.我的电脑似乎除了毛病3There lies an old building between them.在他们之间友谊个老的建筑本课总结五个部分:第一部分:第二部分:十三部分:第四部分:第五部分:典型例题:(2014重庆)there _____ lts of sheep and pigs on my uncle`s farmnow.Awas/BwereC isDare讲解:这个小题主要考察there be句型的主谓一致和时态。这句话有之歌明显的时间标志词now是现在时,所以可以排除A、B。再根据there be句型的就近原则,也就是说be动词的单复数要和它后面紧跟的名词保持一致,在本剧中紧跟的名词是ssheep,我们知道sheep单复数是同形的,也就是说它的复数形式还是原形,在这个名词之前有一个lots of这个短语来修饰,我们知道lots of等于a lot of,既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。选D(2014重庆B) There ____more and more foreigners learningChinese now.AisB areC wasD were讲解:这个小题主要考察there be句型的主谓一致和时态。这个题也有一个时间状语now,there be句型的中心名词是foreigners是复数形式很明显选B(2014济宁)Across from my home,____a shop which sells thingsfrom foreign countries.A it isB it hasCthere isD thatis讲解:cross from my home,意思是在我家对面,你不知道cross from my home,也没关系,我们能很明显看到这是一个地点,在什么地方,在我家对面有一个商店,什么样的商店呢?which sells things from foreign countries.是卖一些进口商品的商店。某地存在某物应该是there be句型,a shop ,所以应该用there is单数形式。(2014东营)There _____more visitors in Dongying this yearbecause CityLandscaping ExpositionofShandong Province (山东省城市园林绿化博览会) will be heldhere on September1st.AisB areC will beDis going to have讲解:不要看到这么长的句子就吓蒙了,越长的句子,命题点越简单。首先认清句子结构,句首为there可以判断是there be结构。D is going tohave没有这种形式!there be句型不能变换be动词,只能是be,不能是have,排除D。there后面是more修饰的visiters,是复数形式。所以应该用复数,那是不是就选are了?我们应该浏览一下句子结构。Will后面既可以跟单数也可以跟复数,will是一个情态动词,表示将来
In Dongying地点状语,because原因状语because CityLandscaping Exposition ofShandong Province (山东省城市园林绿化博览会) will be heldhere on September1st.注意will be hold,将要在这里举行,在九月一号,还没有举行,所以游客还没有来,将会有那么多游客。这道题选C,而不是
B(2014黔西南州)there ___a basketball match between Class OneandClass Three this afternoon.A is going to beB will haveC are going to beD willgoing to have讲解:解释句意。This afternoon是时间状语,说明这场比赛还没有进行,看四个选项,A表示将来Cwill have不能表示某地存.在某物,是错误的。B和D都是错误的。判断A和B。A B的区别在于is和are空后面有个a,答案就出来了。选A(2014鄂州)—I hope here ____less pressure on us today---If so, we____enjoy a more plesant life.AcanB canCshouldDshould讲解:通读句子,翻译句子,less表示否定的意思,是little的比较级,时间状语today,是不是希望现在没有压力呢?不能是希望现在,只能希望今天的后半时段,今后的每一天,所以可以判断是will,是将来的排除AD,都是现在,剩下、吧B和C,第一个空一样,看第二个空。如果那样的话,我们是应该享受那样的生活还是能够享受那样的生活?很显然,如果我们没有压力的话,我们能够享受更好的生活。所以答案B(2014铜仁)there ___a sports meet in our school next week.AisB will haveC areD will be讲解:通读。和刚才那道题比较,注意a sports meet地点:我们学校,时间:next week下周。一场运动见面会用单数。下周我们应该用将来时。将来will have是错误的,应该选D(2014甘肃白银)there ____great changes in such kind ofPDA(掌上电脑)in the last fewyearsAhas
had讲解:通读,翻译。Great changes是复数,位于动词应该是复数。时间状语in last few years.在最近几年,在过去的几年,从现在往前看这几年时间,应该用现在完成时,现在完成的基本结构是have done.A项是现在完成时单三形式,是错误的。Bbeen是be的过去分词,B符合意思。所以选B(2014泰安)---why are you in such a hurry ?---there ___an NBAbasketball game in ten minutes.A will beB will haveC hasD is going to have讲解:通读,翻译。An NBA …in ten minutes ,in表示时间段的状语。In加时间段表将来。在十分钟后,用一般将来时。选A(2014威海)there_____a greatconcert in the theater next /Saturday evening.A will be
B will have
D is going to have.讲解:时间状语,地点状语。下一个周六晚上,用将来时。看四个选项。Is going to have是标准错误答案。选A首先There be后的名词是单数还是复数。。。总结:一般情况下。There后面会挖空,选项有have、has直接排除,不对。然后判断时态和数,数要用就近原则。时态常考将来时。
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今天与往日一样,只不过它多个身份“世界艾滋病日”。关艾他人,从自我做起。 随着社会的发展,更多的年轻人对于性事,越来越多持开放性态度。不管是异性恋,还是同性恋,拥有超过一位固定性伴侣的人比比皆是。 由于我们国家的传统观念根深蒂固,性也常常被理解难登大雅之事。很多人认为性爱是...
这是一个经典的互联网问题,涉及面非常广泛。为了整理思路,在此记录拙见。 1.浏览器接收URL URL包含的信息:协议、网络地址:端口号、资源路径、查询字符串?、片段标识符# 2.将URL与缓存进行比对如果请求的页面在缓存中且未过期,则直接进行第8步 缓存分为彻底缓存和缓存协...
原文首发于波士顿管事儿微信公众号 今天管事来带大家鉴赏一个位于Newton, MA的豪宅。 此房建于2006年,位于南牛顿顶级学区。门前的这条路距离9号路只有一个街区,但因为有两排房子阻挡,在前院也仅可隐隐约约听到一些车流噪音。另外此房距离公交车站非常近,...温馨提示!由于新浪微博认证机制调整,您的新浪微博帐号绑定已过期,请重新绑定!&&|&&
blogTitle:'There be 句型的一般疑问句用法',
blogAbstract:'一、There be 结构主要用来表达“某处有某人或某物”,其基本句型为“There be+某人或某物+某地”。如:There are a lot of beautiful flowers in the garden.在花园里有许多漂亮的花。\r\n& There is a camera& on the fridge.冰箱上面有一部照相机。\r\n二、There be 句型变为一般疑问句,把be动词放在there的前面,be的首字母大写,句末用问号。如There is a /an/ some...\r\n改成Is there a /an/any...?肯定答语:Yes, there is.否定答语是No,there isn\'t.\r\n如:1. --Is there a reading room in the building? 在这座大楼里有一间阅览室吗?',
{list a as x}
{if x.moveFrom=='wap'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='iphone'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='android'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='mobile'}
${a.selfIntro|escape}{if great260}${suplement}{/if}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{if !!b&&b.length>0}
{list b as y}
{list d as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{if x_index>4}{break}{/if}
${fn2(x.publishTime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')}
{list a as x}
{if !!(blogDetail.preBlogPermalink)}
{if !!(blogDetail.nextBlogPermalink)}
{list a as x}
{if defined('newslist')&&newslist.length>0}
{list newslist as x}
{if x_index>7}{break}{/if}
{list a as x}
{var first_option =}
{list x.voteDetailList as voteToOption}
{if voteToOption==1}
{if first_option==false},{/if}&&“${b[voteToOption_index]}”&&
{if (x.role!="-1") },“我是${c[x.role]}”&&{/if}
{if x.userName==''}{/if}
{list x.l as y}
{if defined('wl')}
{list wl as x}{/list}}


更多关于 therebe句型讲解初中 的文章


