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&&& Do this and you’ll be welcome anywhere.Why read this book to find out how to win friends? Why not study the technique of the greatest winner of friends the word has ever known? Who is he? You may meet him coming down the street.When you get within ten feet of him,he will begin to wag its tail.If you stop and pat him,he’ll jump out of his skin to show you how much he likes you.And you know this show of love.There is no secret motives:he doesn’t want to sell you any real estate,and he doesn’t want to be your husband or wife.Did you ever stop to think that a dog is the only animal that doesn’t have to work for a living? A hen has to lay eggs;a cow has to give milk;and a canary has to sing.But a dog makes a living by giving you nothing but love.When I was five years old,my father bought a little yellow—haired young dog for fifty cents.He was the light and joy of my childhood.Every afternoon around four thirty,he would sit in the front yard with his beautiful eyes staring at the road, and as soon as he heard my voice or saw me through the brush, he was off like a shot, racing breathlessly up the hill to greet me with leaps of joy and barks of cheer.Tippy was my good companion for five years.Then one night — I shall never forget it—he was killed within ten feet of my head, killed by lightning .Tippy’ s death was the tragedy event of my childhood.You never read a book on psychology, Tippy.You didn’t need to.You knew that one can make more friends in months by& being really interested in other people than one can in two years by trying to get other people interested in him.Let me repeat that .you can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.1.When the writer writes “the greatest winner of friends the world has ever known”, he refers to&.& &&& A.himself &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Tippy &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& C.a pet dog &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.a psychology book2.The writer takes Tippy as a good example to &.& &&& A.explain how to win love from others& &&& how he liked his friend& &&& C.tell the readers why they should read the book& &&& us how a pet dog should behave3.According to the writer,to be welcome anywhere,you must &.& &&& A.know much about others’ feelings&&& & everything without secret motives& &&& C.satisfy the needs of different people &&&& care and love for others4.Generally speaking,in what tone is the passage written?& &&& A.Light&&& &&&&&&&&&&& B.Serious&&& &&&&&&&& C.Sad &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.Disappointed&
习题“ Do this and you’ll be welcome anywhere.Why read this book to find out how to win friends? Why not study ...”的分析与解答如下所示:
Do this and you’ll be welcome anywhere.Why read this book to find out how to win friends? Why not s...
经过分析,习题“ Do this and you’ll be welcome anywhere.Why read this book to find out how to win friends? Why not study ...”主要考察你对“Unit”
“ Do this and you’ll ...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“ Do this and you’ll be welcome anywhere.Why read this book to find out how to win friends? Why not study the technique of the greatest winner of friends the word has ever known? Who is he? You may meet him coming down the street.When you get within ten feet of him,he will begin to wag its tail.If you stop and pat him,he’ll jump out of his skin to show you how much he likes you.And you know this show of love.There is no secret motives:he doesn’t want to sell you any real estate,and he doesn’t want to be your husband or wife.Did you ever stop to think that a dog is the only animal that doesn’t have to work for a living? A hen has to lay eggs;a cow has to give milk;and a canary has to sing.But a dog makes a living by giving you nothing but love.When I was five years old,my father bought a little yellow—haired young dog for fifty cents.He was the light and joy of my childhood.Every afternoon around four thirty,he would sit in the front yard with his beautiful eyes staring at the road, and as soon as he heard my voice or saw me through the brush, he was off like a shot, racing breathlessly up the hill to greet me with leaps of joy and barks of cheer.Tippy was my good companion for five years.Then one night — I shall never forget it—he was killed within ten feet of my head, killed by lightning .Tippy’ s death was the tragedy event of my childhood.You never read a book on psychology, Tippy.You didn’t need to.You knew that one can make more friends in months by being really interested in other people than one can in two years by trying to get other people interested in him.Let me repeat that .you can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.1.When the writer writes “the greatest winner of friends the world has ever known”, he refers to____.
C.a pet dog
D.a psychology book2.The writer takes Tippy as a good example to____.
A.explain how to win love from others how he liked his friend
C.tell the readers why they should read the book us how a pet dog should behave3.According to the writer,to be welcome anywhere,you must____.
A.know much about others’ feelings everything without secret motives
C.satisfy the needs of different people care and love for others4.Generally speaking,in what tone is the passage written?
D.Disappointed”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“ Do this and you’ll be welcome anywhere.Why read this book to find out how to win friends? Why not study the technique of the greatest winner of friends the word has ever known? Who is he? You may meet him coming down the street.When you get within ten feet of him,he will begin to wag its tail.If you stop and pat him,he’ll jump out of his skin to show you how much he likes you.And you know this show of love.There is no secret motives:he doesn’t want to sell you any real estate,and he doesn’t want to be your husband or wife.Did you ever stop to think that a dog is the only animal that doesn’t have to work for a living? A hen has to lay eggs;a cow has to give milk;and a canary has to sing.But a dog makes a living by giving you nothing but love.When I was five years old,my father bought a little yellow—haired young dog for fifty cents.He was the light and joy of my childhood.Every afternoon around four thirty,he would sit in the front yard with his beautiful eyes staring at the road, and as soon as he heard my voice or saw me through the brush, he was off like a shot, racing breathlessly up the hill to greet me with leaps of joy and barks of cheer.Tippy was my good companion for five years.Then one night — I shall never forget it—he was killed within ten feet of my head, killed by lightning .Tippy’ s death was the tragedy event of my childhood.You never read a book on psychology, Tippy.You didn’t need to.You knew that one can make more friends in months by being really interested in other people than one can in two years by trying to get other people interested in him.Let me repeat that .you can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.1.When the writer writes “the greatest winner of friends the world has ever known”, he refers to____.
C.a pet dog
D.a psychology book2.The writer takes Tippy as a good example to____.
A.explain how to win love from others how he liked his friend
C.tell the readers why they should read the book us how a pet dog should behave3.According to the writer,to be welcome anywhere,you must____.
A.know much about others’ feelings everything without secret motives
C.satisfy the needs of different people care and love for others4.Generally speaking,in what tone is the passage written?
D.Disappointed”相似的习题。安全海淘国际支付平台_安全收款外贸平台-PayPal中国官网加入全球 2.19 亿用户,足不出户淘遍全球。支持25种货币收款,享受PayPal卖家保障。注册时需提供:企业所有者信息(需与营业执照上的法定代表人信息一致)营业执照扫描件法定代表人身份证明PayPal的买家保障可为每个符合条件的顾客购物订单提供保护。如果商品与卖家的商品不符,或物品未送达,我们将予以赔偿。在卖家保障之外,如果您临时改变了主意,或者对购买物品不满意,您只需向卖家退回所购商品,便能通过 PayPal的退货运费赔付服务获得最高可达 20 美元的退货运费。PayPal不会泄露您的信用卡和借记卡信息,让您悦享安心购物体验。银行卡信息将受到尖端安全加密措施的保护,同时我们还会监控每笔交易以杜绝欺诈。曹蓓蓓海量库存,奥莱价格,安心海淘专注于母婴幼童产品的德国品牌德国综合电器类在线网站澳洲保健品网站PayPal还可提供商业解决方案,让您安全收款。}


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