假如我想英语表达时间不会安排时间 应为carelessly disposal of time还是careless disposal of time?

David Rand,Question everything
我上正式的中文课时间真的不多。一开始 2008 年在我家的社区学院学了一个学期,两门课,每周三次。老师有两位,一位陕西人,一位台湾人。她们事先教了我们我拼音的写法和读音。不久就开始学汉字。我从开始对汉字特别感兴趣,觉得汉字很好看,很好学,很有逻辑。
我们用的课本是 ,还可以,语法,从句结构介绍得很清楚,只不过里面的对话有点假的。每周都学了新生词,我的同学们很混杂,有中年来消磨时间的,有青少年 ABC 被父母逼着学沐浴的,我算是课里面最认真的。老师让我们每周背的汉字和词汇我都背好了。我当时也开始和我几个以前在中国旅游时认识的朋友交换邮件。我当时的中文太简单了,还好他们对我好,很耐心地读勒我的邮件由回复来了。为了写更精彩的邮件,我经常查词典找更多的词汇。
一个学期过地很快,2009 年头我就飞到上海,在一个中文培训学校继续学中文。每周五天上四个小时的课。学校把我放在一个“中级”的课程里,共只有三个学生,一个红发苏格兰男人,一个法籍华人美女。上这门课我通常感觉很烦躁,因为我的同学不怎么认真。下课以后同学都聚在一起去吃吃饭都用英文交流我觉得很不爽。
到了那个公园或者校园就找个地方坐坐,拿出来我的作业认真做。如果附近有可爱的女生就和她搭讪,“美女请问这个字怎么读?”。我这样在上海找到了很多语言交换朋友。哦,还有,我经常去按摩,当时在上海按摩一个小时 25 元,可以边按摩边练习中文。
我当时想到了我 2006 年第一次到中国旅游的时候对昆明那个城市的印象很不错,觉得很易居,就决定搬到昆明继续学中文。我当时做了一点研究,发现昆明的地方语言其实很靠近北京,东方的标准普通话,不像上海,浙江,福建,广东那一带方言(甚至语言)完全不同。
我在昆明的朋友圈几乎都是中国人,而且是不会说英语的中国人(这时,我的中文已经可以基本沟通,和朋友交流没有太大的障碍)。我中文水平提高最快就是这两年,2009 和 2010 年。后面水平提高的速度越来越慢。
我这段时间兼职教英语,不上课的时间大部分都花在学中文。我这时已经不上正式的课,因为觉得同学没有我认真上课是浪费时间。我的教师是我的朋友,是我的环境。我每次看到不认识的字,我都会在我的小笔记本记下来,然后查词典,把字系统性地列入一个 Excel 表格里面(这样更易于整理,排列)。
我每次到餐厅认真学习菜单,把所有的菜记下来学习。这是我翻译的一个菜单。我把英文版给了老板娘,她为了感谢我让我免费吃饭。里面有些 Chinglish,那是我当时不好翻译的 (文章还没有结束,菜单翻译下面还有更多)
鸡类 Chicken Dishes
干锅辣子鸡 Dry pot chili pepper chicken
干锅手撕 鸡 Dry pot hand-torn chicken
洋芋鸡 Potato chicken
黔香鸡 Fresh Guizhou chicken
清汤鸡锅仔 Clear both chicken soup in a pot
酸汤鸡锅仔 Sour chicken soup in a pot
菜名 Famous Dishes
香辣鸡 Fresh spicy chicken
辣子鸡 Chili pepper chicken
黄焖鸡 Yellow simmered chicken
饵块煎鸡 Rice cakes and pan-fried chicken
宫爆鸡丁 Kungpao diced chicken
香辣鸡丁 Fresh spicy diced chicken
糖醋鸡片 Sweet and sour sliced chicken
豉汁油鸡 Salted fermented bean juice oily chicken
鱼类 Fish Dishes
炝锅鱼 Boiled then stir-fried fish
哥乐山辣子鱼 Brother's Leshan mountain chili pepper fish
回锅鱼 Twice-cooked fish
豆花鱼 Tofu fish
酸辣脆皮鱼 Hot and sour crispy skin fish
酸菜鱼 Pickled vegetable fish
豆腐鱼 Tofu fish
红烧鱼 Red-cooked fish
清汤鱼 Clear broth fish soup
麻辣沸腾鱼 Hot and spicy boiled fish
酸菜鱼锅仔 Pickled vegetable fish in a pot
两吃鱼 Two-eats fish
松鼠鱼 Squirrel fish
香辣锅仔鱼片 Fresh spicy sliced fish in a pot
铁板类 Iron plate dishes
铁板牛肉 Iron plate beef
铁板鳝鱼 Iron plate eel
铁板鸡条 Iron plate shredded chicken
铁板里脊 Iron plate tenderloin
铁板腰花 Iron plate lamb kidneys
铁板肚条 Iron plate shredded tripe
铁板粉肠 Iron plate intestines
铁板藕条 Iron plate lotus root
铁板日本豆腐 Iron plate Japanese tofu
铁板茄子 Iron plate eggplant
炸菜类 Deep-fried dishes
炸排骨 Deep fried pork cutlet
炸酱肉 Deep fried soy sauce meat
芝麻酱肉 Sesame paste pork
炸粉肠 Deep fried intestines
炸带鱼 Deep fried beltfish
炸小白鱼 Deep fried whitefish
炸小虾 Deep fried tiny shrimp
炸脆皮肉 Deep fried crispy fish skin
炸香芋饼 Deep fried fresh taro cakes
炸麻辣洋芋条 Deep fried hot and spicy shredded potato
炸花生 Deep fried peanuts
怪噜花生 Strange conversations peanuts
凉菜类 Cold dishes
凉白鱼 Cold whitefish
红油肚丝 Cold red oily tripe
凉灰蛋 Cold hundred year old egg
凉三丝 Cold julienne vegetables
凉黄瓜 Cold cucumber
凉折耳根 Cold bent ear root
凉糖番茄 Cold sugared tomato
凉苦瓜 Cold bittermelon
凉藕片 Cold sliced lotus
凉豆腐 Cold tofu
炒菜类 Stir-fried dishes
红三剁 Three red cuts of meat
黑三剁 Three black cuts of meat
灰三剁 Three gray cuts of meat
爱尼三剁 Three lovely nun cuts of meat
糖醋里脊 Sweet and sour pork
豆豉回锅肉 Black bean twice-cooked pork
酱爆回锅肉 Soy sauce exploding twice-cooked pork
饵块回锅肉 Rice cake twice-cooked pork
宫爆脆肚 Kung pao crispy tripe
宫爆肚片 Kung pao sliced tripe
蒜籽烧肚条 Garlic stewed shredded tripe
麻辣肚片 Hot and spicy sliced tripe
泡椒肚片 Pepper tripe slices
宫爆鸡肫 Kung pao chicken gizzards
小米辣炒鸡 Spiy stir-fried chili pepper and chicken
泡椒炒鸡肫 Stir-fried pepper and chicken gizzards
韭菜炒虾 Stir-fried leeks and shrimp
小米辣炒虾 Spicy stir-fried pepper and shrimp
油淑干巴 Oily Taiwan style dried meat
炒干巴 Stir-fried dried meat
红烧排骨 Red-cooked pork chop
糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour pork chop
红烧带鱼 Red-cooked hairtail fish
椒炒火腿 Stir-fried pepper ham
宫爆腰花 Kung pao flower-shaped pork loin
黔园香肠 Guizhou garden style sausage
黔园小腊肉 Guizhou garden style bacon
酸辣毛肚 Hot and sour hairy tripe
酸菜毛肚 Hairy tripe with pickled vegetables
三鲜毛肚 Three delicacies hairy tripe
水煮毛肚 Boiled hairy tripe
宫爆猪肝 Kung pao pig liver
小炒猪肝 Stir-fried pig livers
干巴煸猪肉丝 Stir-fried dried shredded pork
茄子鲜炒肉丝 Stir-fried eggplant and shredded pork
黄焖小白鱼 Yellow stewed whitefish
纸包带鱼 Paper-wrapped hairtail fish
孜然牛肉片 Cumin sliced beef
泡椒牛肉片 Pepper sliced beef
尖椒牛肉片 Chili pepper (jiānjiāo) sliced beef
青椒牛肉片 Green pepper sliced beef
水煮牛肉片 Boiled sliced beef
干煸牛肉丝 Stir fried, then boiled, dried shredded beef
芹菜牛肉 Celery beef
小米辣牛肉片 Spicy chili pepper and sliced beef
腌菜牛肉末 Pickled ground beef
宫爆肉片 Kung pao sliced pork
豆花里脊 Tofu spine
青椒炒肉片 Green pepper stir-fried sliced pork
腌菜炒肉 Stir-fried pork with pickled vegetables
泡椒炒肉 Stir-fried pepper and pork
腐乳炒肉片 Stir-fried sliced pork and fermented tofu
水煮肉片 Boiled sliced pork
鱼香肉丝 Sweet and spicy shredded pork
农家小炒肉 Peasant style stir-fried pork
宣威小炒肉 Xuānwēi style stir-fried pork
宫爆肉丁 Kung pao diced pork
折耳根炒腊肉 Stir-fried bent ear root and bacon
茶树菇炒腊肉 Stir-fried tea tree mushrooms and bacon
麻辣香豆腐 Hot and spicy savory tofu
三鲜香豆腐 Three delicacies savory tofus
三鲜日本豆腐 Three delicacies Japanese tofus
红烧日本豆腐 Red-cooked Japanese tofu
素炒苦瓜 Stir-fried bittermelon
板扎小毛驴 Tied donkey meat
臭豆腐炒回锅肉 Stir-fried stinky tofu and twice-cooked pork
锅巴竹荪 Rice crust and young bamboo shoots
瓦片香瓜 Cantaloupe cubes
满口香牛肉 Pure savory beef
云南小炒鸡 Yunnan style stir-fried chicken
黔香风肉丁 Guizhou local style savory diced pork
水豆豉炒荔荪蒿 Stir-fried lychee with bean sauce, fragrant grass, and Chinese chrysanthemum
时鲜蔬菜类 Fresh and seasonal vegetable dishes
蒜粉菠菜 Spinach with garlic
炒空心菜 Stir-fried water spinach
炒小苦菜 Stir-fried chickory
炒生菜 Stir-fried lettuce
白灼菜心 Brilliant heart chinese cabbage
牛肉粉丝 Beef vermicelli
钵臭豆腐 Stinky tofu on an earthenware plate
炒南瓜尖 Stir-fried pumpkin greens
鱼香茄子 Fish-flavored eggplant
鱼香风味豆腐 Fish-flavored local style tofu
三鲜风味豆腐 Three delicacies local style tofus
家带豆腐 Family bringing tofu
麻婆豆腐 Mapo tofu
小炒豆腐 Stir-fried tofu
酱爆茄子 Soy paste fried eggplant
小炒茄子 Stir-fried eggplant
干煸茄子 Dry stir-fried eggplant
小炒青花菜 Stir-fried broccoli
炒苘蒿 Stir-fried Chinese chrysanthemum
炒荔蒿 Stir-fried lychee and wormwood
宫爆白菜 Kung pao Chinese cabbage
炒金白菜 Stir-fried golden Chinese cabbage
炒小白菜 Stir-fried bok choy
干焙洋芋丝 Dry-baked shredded potatoes
干椒洋芋丝 Dry pepper shredded potatoes
茄子金白菜 Eggplant and golden Chinese cabbage
茄子鲜洋芋丝 Eggplant and fresh shredded potatoe
老奶洋芋 Old grandma's potatoes
回锅洋芋 Twice-cooked potatoes
鸭蛋黄洋芋丝 Duck egg yolk shredded potatoes
白火鸟莲花白 White fire bird cabbage
莲花白炒粉丝 Stir-fried cabbage vermicelli
菠菜炒粉丝 Stir-fried spinach vermicelli
炒青笋片 Stir-fried sliced young bamboo shoots
炒青笋尖 Stir-fried young bamboo shoot tips
糟辣子炒竹笋 Stir-fried bamboo shoots with spoiled chili pepper
腌菜炒豆尖 Stir-fried bean sprouts with picked vegetables
炒丝瓜尖 Stir-fried towel gourd tips
黄焖臭豆腐 Yellow-stewed stinky tofu
番茄炒蛋 Stir-fried eggs and tomatoes
炒芥兰花 Stir-fried mustard orchid
韭菜炒黄豆腐 Stir-fried leeks and yellow tofu
金沙洋芋丝 Jinsha style shredded potatoes
蜂窝玉米 Honeycomb fried corn
蚂蚁上树 Ants climbing on the tree
苦菜酥红豆 Chickory and flaky red bean
腌菜酥红豆 Pickled vegetables and flaky red bean
干煸藕丝 Dry-satuéed shredded lotus root
盐局豆花 Salty narrow bean curd
豆豉雪里清 Black bean clear snow
素炒雪里清 Stir-fried plain clear snow
番茄炒菠菜 Stir-fried tomato and spinach
巧手空心菜 Skillful hands' water spinach
青椒炒蛋 Stir-fried green pepper with egg
怪味皮蛋 Strange smelling thousand year old egg
苦瓜炒蛋 Stir-fried bitter melon with egg
苦瓜前蛋 Bitter melon and egg
水晶瓜条 Crystal melon strips
葱花前蛋 Chopped onion and egg
金瓜炒干咸鸭蛋 Stir-fried golden melon with dry salted duck egg
青椒炒灰蛋 Stir fried green pepper with ashen egg
虎皮青椒 Tiger skin green pepper
两亩地 Two acres of land
炒盐豆 Stir-fried salty beans
炒金针菇 Stir-fried enoki mushrooms
青椒白蘑菇 Green pepper and white mushrooms
炒芦笋 Stir-fried asparagus
韭黄炒豆腐皮 Yellow-fried leeks and tofu skin
素炒黄瓜 Vegetarian stir-fried cucumber
腌菜炒藕 Stir-fried lotus root and pickled vegetables
豆鼓水蕨菜 Bean drum and water fern
炒相思菜 Stir-fried mutual consideration vegetable
腌菜炒红豆 Stir-fried red beans and salted vegetables
金钩白菜 Gold-hooked Chinese cabbage
汤类 Soups
番茄鸡蛋汤 Tomato and egg soup
黄瓜鸡蛋汤 Cucumbuer and egg soup
紫菜鸡蛋汤 Seaweed and egg soup
三鲜汤 Three delicacies soup
豆尖榨菜肉丝汤 Bean sprouts, hot picked mustard tuber, and shredded pork soup
白蘑菇肉片汤 White mushroom and sliced meat soup
芫荽松花蛋汤 Thousand year egg and coriander soup
沙锅豆腐 Tofu casserole
小白菜豆腐汤 Bok choy and tofu soup
小苦菜豆腐汤 Chickory and tofu soup
荠菜豆腐汤 Water chestnut and tofu soup
豆尖豆腐汤 Bean sprouts and tofu soup
腌菜洋芋片汤 Salted vegetable and sliced potato soup
老奶洋芋煮丝瓜尖汤 Old grandma's potato and towel gourd tips soup
腌菜红豆汤 Salted vegetable and red bean soup
哈哈, 看到我 2010 年翻译的这个菜单好怀念那个时光。
我的那些表格打印出的印件来随身随时携带,有空就拿出来学习(当时还没有职能手机,tablet 什么地)。我经常自考,中英考法都有(看英文词写中文字,看中文字写英文翻译)。我也学词汇的用处,就是如何造句子。知道一个词,但不知道怎么去用它是完全没用的。我在这儿遇到了一些困难,因为发现我表格里的一些词汇不是很常用的。我那时经常会用错词,或者把很书面的词用在口语上。因此我一直以来很关注[书面 vs 口语]这个区划。
我 2010 年到 2012 年一直坚持弄表格,学新词。2013 年我开始懒些不怎么复习我以前学的东西。反正,大部分现在已经很自然落在我脑海里。有些想不到的还可以查查辞典。 前两年是我中文进步最慢的时间。还好,今年发现知乎,又学到了很多新的语言。我觉得知乎对在学中文的老外用处很大,不知道为什么现在那么多外国人在学中文,但用知乎的这么少。我现在告诉大家我一个美国朋友也在用知乎:。她目前没有我积极,你们可以鼓励她多参加知乎!
一下 a little while 一会儿 a little while 一偏之见 one-sided view 一共 altogether 一切 everything 一向 all along/constantly/the whole time 一块儿 together 一定 surely/must 一律 without exception 一旦 if in case/in case 一样 the same/alike 一次性 disposable goods/one-time-use products 一点 a little 一直 continuously 一眼 a glimpse/glance/quick look 一系列 a series of / a string of 一般 general/ordinary 一见倾心 love at first sight 一起 together 一路平安 have a pleasant journey 一辈子 lifetime/all one's life 一边 at the same time/simultaneously 万 ten thousand 万一 just in case/if by any chance 万事如意 May all your wishes come true 丈夫 husband 三峡 Three Gorges 三明治 sandwich (个) 三级片 film with sex or violence 三角形 triangle 上下文 (textual) context 上下文 context 上传 to upload 上午 morning 上海 Shanghai 上涨 to rise/go up 上演 to stage a show/perform 上班 to go to work 上瘾 to be addicted to…(毒品..) 上等 top notch/top quality 上课 to start class 上边 above/over 下午 afternoon 下咽 to swallow 下垂 to droop/sag/hang down 下棋 to play chess 下课 to get out of class 下载 to download 下边 below/underneath 下降 to decline/drop/fall/go down/decrease) 下雨 to rain 下雪 to snow 不 no/not 不久 not long after 不但 not only 不值一提 not worth mentioning 不到 less than/insufficient 不可思议 inconceivable/unimaginable 不同 different 不和 to not get along/be at odds/be on bad terms 不好意思 to feel embarrassed 不如 to be not as good as 不幸 unfortunate/unfortunately 不得不 can't help but/have no choice but to 不必 not necessarily 不忙 there's no hurry/to take one's time 不怎么样 not so good 不悦 unpleasant/displease 不敢当 I really don't deserve this 不断 unceasing/uninterrupted/continuous/constant 不满 dissatisfied/uncontent/resentful 不现实 unrealistic 不理 to refuse to acknowledge/pay no attention to/ignore 不用 need not 不管 regardless of/no matter 不耐烦 impatient 不自在 to feel uncomfortable/uneasy 不良反应 side effects 不行 not ok/not allowed 不见不散 wait for me, don't leave 不规范 not standard / abnormal / irregular 不负责任 irresponsible 不足 insufficient/lacking/deficiency/not enough 不过 however/but 不远的将来 not-too-distant future 不错 not bad 不顾 in spite of/regardless of 与日俱增 to grow steadily 丑闻 scandal 专一 single-minded 专业 major/specialty 专家 expert/specialist 专心 concentration 专辑 album/record 专门 specialist / specialized / customized 世故 experienced like a fox (贬义) 世界 world 世界各地 all over the world 丘陵 hills 业余 amateur 东 east 东海 East China Sea 东西 things/objects 丝绸 silk 丢 to lose 丢弃 to abandon/discard/throw away 丢脸 loss of face / humiliation 两性平等 equality between the sexes 严肃 solemn/solemnity 严谨 rigorous/strict/careful (writing style, etc) 严重 severe/grave/serious/critical 个 meas. for many things 个人 individual (person) 个人主义 individualism 个性 individuality/personality 中产阶级 middle class 中介 intermediary/agent 中午 noon 中国 China 中国画 traditional Chinese painting 中国通 Old China Hand 中央 center/central 中学 middle school 中式 Chinese style 中性 neutral 中文 Chinese 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中药 Chinese medicine 中餐 Chinese food 丰富 rich 丰满 buxom/voluptuous 丰田 Toyota 临时 spur of the moment/impromptu 为 for 为了 in order to 为什么 why 为止 until/up to 为难 to feel embarrassed or awkward 主人 master/owner 主任 director/head 主动 take the initiative/voluntary/one's own accord 主张 to advocate/a view/position/viewpoint 主意 plan 主要 main 主观 subjective 主角 leading actor/actress 主词 particle 举 to lift 举办 to conduct/hold 举止 behavior/manner/bearing/demeanor 义务 obligation/duty/mandatory 义和团运动 Boxer Rebellion 之一 …one of 之前 before 之后 afterwards/following/later/after 之间 between/among/inter- 乌鲁木齐 Urumqi 乌龙茶 oolong tea 乌龟 turtle 乐于 to be happy to/take delight in 乐器 musical instrument 乐曲 musical composition 乐观 optimistic/hopeful 乐趣 pleasure 乒乓球 table tennis/ping pong 乖 obedient/well-behaved/clever 乘 to ride 乘客 passenger 乞讨 to beg/begging 也 also 也就是说 in other words/that is to say 也许 perhaps 习俗 local custom/tradition 习惯 to be accustomed to/habit 习近平 Xi Jinping, next President of China 习题 exercise/problem (schoolwork) 乡镇 village / township 书 book 书店 bookstore 书房 study (room) 书架 bookshelf 书法 calligraphy/handwriting 买 to buy 乱 messy/disorderly 乱说 gossip/speak carelessly/irresponsibly 乳罩 bra 了不起 amazing/terrific/extraordinary 了事 to be done with/dispose of a matter 了解 to understand/realize 争夺 to fight for/contend for/vie for (politics) 争议 controversy 争议性 controversial 争论 to argue/debate/contend/argument 事 matter/affair/thing 事件 event/incident/happening 事先 in advance/beforehand 事实 fact (个) 事情 affair 事故 accident 二奶 mistress/second wife/lover 二胡 erhu 二重奏 duet (instrumental) 云 cloud 互相 mutually/one another 互联网 the internet 五金 hardware 亚洲 Asia 些 some 交 to pay/hand in/deliver 交往 dating/to associate 交换 to exchange / to swap / to switch 交易 transaction/business deal 交流 to exchange 交游 field trip 交际 communication/social interaction 享受 to enjoy 京剧 Beijing opera 亭 pavilion 亮 light 亲吻 kiss 亲密 intimate/close 亲戚 relative 亲朋好友 friends and family 亲眼 with one's own eyes/personally 人 person 人们 people 人口 population 人品素质 moral character 人均 per capita 人妖 ladyboy 人文 humanities 人权 human rights 人民 people 人民币 RMB 人流 an abortion 人类 humanity/human race/mankind 人类本性 human nature 人群 crowd 人行道 sidewalk 人间 the human world 亿 hundred million 亿 one hundred million 什么 what 仁慈 benevolet/charitable/kind 仅 just/barely/merely/only 今天 today 今年 this year 介绍 to introduce 介词 preposition 仍然 still 从 from 从...起.. starting from ... 从前 previously 从来 all along/always/never 从此 henceforth/from now on 仓促 hurried 仓库 warehouse/storehouse 仔细 detailed 他们 them 付 to pay 仙女 fairy/female immortal 代替..而是 instead of…rather 代沟 generation gap 代理服务器 proxy server 代表 to represent 代词 pronoun 代课 substitute 令人 to make smn/cause sb (feel/to do smth) 以上 more than/above/over 以下 less than/below/under 以为 to have thought that 以便 in order to/so as to/so that 以内 within/less than 以前 before/formerly/previously 以及 as well as/too/and 以后 after/afterwards 以外 apart from/other than/except for 以此 thus 件 meas. 价值 value/worth (literal and figurative) 价值观 system of values 任何 any 任何时候 anytime 任性 headstrong/willful/stubborn 任意 at will/randomly/arbitrarily 份 for gifts, media, papers, reports, contracts 份 meas. for newspapers 仿制品 fake/immiation object 企业 business/enterprise 伊斯兰教 Islam 休息 to take a rest 休闲 to take recreation 众议院 House of Representatives 优先 priority 优惠 preferential/favorable 优柔寡断 indecisive 优点 merit/benefit/strong point 优秀 outstanding/excellent 优美 graceful/fine/exquisite/elegant 优雅 graceful 会 to be able to/know how to 会计 accountant 会议 meeting/conference (场, 届) 会话 dialog 伟大 great 传单 flier 传授 to impart/pass on/teach 传播 to spread/propagate/disseminate 传统 traditional 传说 legend 伤 to hurt/wound 伤口 wound 伤痛 pain/sorrow 伦敦 London 伪君子 hypocrite 伯克利 Berkeley 估计 to reckon/estimate 伸懒腰 to stretch (one's body) 但愿 if only (sth were possible) / I wish (that) 但是 but 位 measure for for people (polite) 位置 position 低 low 低保 financial assistance for the poor 低脂奶 lowfat milk 低调 low-key/low-profile 住 to live/reside 住宅 residence/tenement 住院 to be in the hospital 体会 to realize/come to know/learn from experience 体积 volume (solids) 体育馆 athletics facility/stadium 体谅 to emphathize/show empathy 体贴 considerate (of other peoples' needs) 体重 body weight 何不 why not 何妨 why not/might as well/what's the harm in 余额 balance (account) 作品 work of literature of art 作家 writer 作弊 to cheat/plagiarize (on an exam, etc) 作息时间表 work schedule/daily schedule 作料 condiments/seasonings 作物 crop 作用 function/purpose 你 you 佣金 commission (broker) 佤族 Wa ethnicity 佩服 to admire 使用 to use 例如 for example 侍 poem/poetry 供求 supply and demand 依赖 to depend on / to be dependent on 侵害 to tresspass 侵犯 to violate/encroach on 便宜 cheap 便携式 portable 便饭 a simple meal 促使 to induce/encourage (可能导致) 促进 to promote 俄罗斯 Russia 俊杰 elite/outstanding talent/genius 俗气 tacky/in poor taste 俗语 saying/proverb 俚语 slang 保健 health care 保养 to maintain/keep good care of 保存 to save (a file) 保守 conservative (politically, culturally) 保护 to protect 保持联系 to keep in touch 保暖 to stay warm 保留 to retain/continue to have/preserve 保证 to guarantee/ensure/pledge 保险 insurance 信 letter 信仰 to believe in 信任 to trust/have confidence in 信封 envelope 信息技术 information technology 信用卡 credit card 俩 two (us too, those two) 修建 to build/construct 修改 amend/alter 修整 to repair/maintain/prune 修理 to repair/fix 修造 to build 修饰 to polish (writing)/modify (grammar) 倍 fold, as in two-fold or three-fold 倒 to fall 倒映 reflection in water 倒是 actually/contrary to what one might expect 倒霉 unlucky 倔强 stubborn / obstinate / unbending 借 to borrow 借书证 library card 借债 to borrow money/take out a loan 借口 to use as an excuse / on the pretext 债务 debt 值得 to be worth/deserve 值得信任 to be worthy of trust 值得信赖 trustworthy 倾倒 to dump/pour out/empty out 倾向 trend/tendency 倾向于 to be prone to 假 holiday/vacation 假如 if 假定 to presume/assume/suppose 假山 rock formation 假若 if/supposing/in case 假装 to feign/pretend 偎 to cuddle 偏偏 contrary to expectation 偏旁 radical (character) 偏激 extreme (thoughts, circumstances…) 偏离 to deviate/diverge/wander 偏见 prejudice 做 to do/make 做作 artificial/affected 做操 to do gymnastics 做生意 to do business 停 to stop/cease 停止 to stop/halt/cease 停车场 parking lot 健康 healthy 偶像 role model/idol 偶然 accidental/fortuitous/by chance 偷 to steal 偷工减料 to skimp on the job/sloppy work 偿还 to repay (a debt, etc) 傍大款 to be a golddigger 傍晚 in the evening/at night fall/at dusk 傣族 Dai 储藏 to contain/store 傲慢 haughty/arrogant 傻 foolish 傻傻的我 silly me/foolish me 儿子 son 儿童 children 允许 to allow/permit 元 yuan 元旦 New Year's Day 充值卡 recharge card (phone) 充分 full / abundant 充满 full of 先生 mister 光滑 glossy/sleek/smooth 光盘 CD 克 gram 克林顿 Bill Clinton 免得 so as not to / so as to avoid 免费 free (of charge) 兔子 rabbit 兜圈子 to beat around the bush/to be indirect 入 to enter 入乡随俗 When in Rome, do as the Romans do 全 whole 全身 all over the body 全部 entirely 全麦面包 whole wheat bread 八卦 to gossip 公共 public/common/communal 公共汽车 bus 公分 centimeter 公务员 bureaucrat 公司 company 公园 park 公寓 apartment building 公斤 kilogram 公民 citizen 公益 public welfare/public good/civic-minded 公里 kilometer 共产主义 communism 共产党 Communist party 共同 common/shared (e.g. interests) 共识 consensus 关于 concerning/regarding/about 关心 to care for/be concerned with 关注 to pay attention to/follow smth closely 关键词 key word 关闭 to close/shut 兴奋 excited 兴盛 to flourish/thrive 兴趣 interest 兵马俑 Terracotta soliders 其中 among/in/included among these 其余 the rest/the other 具体 concrete/definite/specific 具有 to have/possess 典型 model/archetype/typical/representative 典礼 ceremony/celebration (graduation, etc) 典雅 refined/elegant 养 to grow/raise 养老院 old folks home 兼职 part-time job/concurrent jobs 内向 introverted 内在 intrinsic/innate 内地 inland/interior 内容 content 内涵意义 intended meaning/implied meaning 内疚 guilty/to feel guilty 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia (A.R.) 再 again 再加热 to reheat 再见 goodbye 再说 what's more 冒充 to feign/pass oneself off as/pretend to be 冒犯 to offend 冒险家 adventurer 写 to write 写作 writing / written works 军训 military practice/drills 农业 agricultural 农历 Lunar (Chinese traditional) calendar 农民 farmer/peasant 农药 pesticides 农贸市场 produce market 冠军 champion/championship 冤枉 wronged/unjust treatment/to wrong 冬天 winter 冰川 glacier 冰柜 freezer 冰淇淋 ice cream 冰箱 refrigerator (台, 个) 冲动 impetus/impulse 冲突 conflict/contention/to be in conflict with 冷 cold 冷冻 to freeze (food, etc) 冷清 cold and cheerless 冷漠 cold and detached/indifferent 冻 to freeze 准备 to prepare/get ready 准时 on time 凉快 cool 凌晨 very early in the morning 减少 to decrease/lower/lessen/reduce 减肥 to be on a diet 凑合 to make do/be passable/be not too bad 几 how many 几乎 almost/nearly/practically 凤凰 The Phoenix 凶 vicious/fierce/terrible 凹凸不平 bumpy 出 to go or come out 出乎 to go beyond/go against (expectations) 出事 to have an accident 出发 to set out/start off 出差 to go on a business trip 出汗 to sweat 出现 to appear 出生 to be born 出租 to hire/rent 出租车 taxi 出纳 cashier 出色 outstanding 刀 knife 刀豆 string beans 分 minute/0.01 yuan 分为 to divide something/subdivide 分之 portions of 分享 to share 分布 distribution 分开 to separate 分手 to split up / to break up 分手 to break up/split up 分散 scatter/disperse/distribute 分析 to analyze/analysis 分类 to classify/sort/classification 切 to cut 刊 to print/publish (magazine) 刑 penalty/sentence 划下来 to mark/highlight part of a text 刚 just/a short while ago 刚才 just now 创口贴 band-aid 创意 creative/creativity/innovation 创新 innovation/to innovate 创造 to create/produce 删除 to delete 判决 to make/a judgment (by a court of law) 判刑 to pass a sentence on/sentence smn to 利息 interest (on a loan) 利用 to use 利益 benefit/interest (个) 别 don't 别人 others/other people 别墅 villa 别扭 awkward 别的 other 刮 to shave 刮胡刀 razor 刮脸 to shave one's face 到 to arrive 到......去 to go to 到处 everywhere 到底 finally/in the end 到目前为止 thus far/up till now/to date 制作 to make/manufacture 制动 brakes 制图 cartography/to make maps 制度 institution/system 制服 uniform 制造 to manufacture/manufacturing 刷牙 to brush one's teeth 券 coupon/ticket 刺激 to provoke/stimulate/excite 刺眼 dazzling, harmful to the eyes 刻 quarter 刻板 stiff/inflexible/stubborn/engraving blocks 刻板印象 stereotype 刻苦 hardworking/assiduous/painstaking 刻薄 harsh/mean/unkind 前卫 avant-garde 前台 reception desk/front of stage 前年 year before last 前往 to go to/leave for/proceed towards 前边 front/in front 前途 future prospects/outlook 剑 sword 剥 to peel 剥削 to exploit/exploitation 剧 opera/play 剧团 opera troupe 剧情 story line/plot 剧情片 drama (film, etc) 剩 to have as a remainder 剩余 remainder / surplus 剪纸 paper cutting 副词 adverb 割 to cut 割伤 cut (injury) 力气 strength 劝 to urge/exhort/advise 办 to do/make 办公室 office 办法 way/means/measure/method 办理 to handle/transact/conduct 功夫 kung fu/effort/labor 功能 function/capability 加 to add/increase 加入 to become a member/join/add into 加利福尼亚 California 加强 to reinforce/strengthen 加快 to accelerate / to speed up 加拿大 Canada 加油 to cheer someone on 动 to move 动作 movement/action 助手 assistant 助教 teaching assistant 助理 assistant 努力 to make a great effort/endeavor 劳动 to labor 劳动力 labor/labor force/manpower 劳驾 excuse me 势利 snobbish 势利小人 snob 势力关系 power relations 势力范围 sphere of influence 勇敢 brave 勇气 courage 勤俭 hardworking and thrifty/frugal 勤奋 diligent/hardworking 勺子 spoon 勾引 to seduce/tempt 包 to wrap 包价旅游 package tour 包办婚姻 arranged marriage/forced marriage 包含 to contain/include/embody 包容 tolerant/forgiving 包括 to include 包裹 parcel/package 化 to change 化妆 to put on makeup 化学 chemistry 化肥 / 肥料 fertilizer 化验 to have a medical test 北 north 北京 Beijing 北冰洋 Arctic Ocean 北朝鲜 North Korea 北极 north pole 北极 north pole 匹 meas. for horses 区域 region/regional 医学院 medical school 医生 doctor 医药费 medical expenses 医院 hospital 十分 fully/completely/utterly/extremely 十字绣 cross-stitch 千 thousand 千万 by all means 半 half 半天 a long time (coll.) 半岛 peninsula 华丽 gorgeous 华侨 overseas Chinese 华尔街 Wall Street 华盛顿 Washington (D.C.) 协会 association/society 单 sheet/paper 单位 work unit 单独 alone/by oneself/on one's own 单程 one way (ticket, etc) 卖 to sell 卖淫 prostitution 南 south 南京大屠杀 Nanjing Massacre 南方 the south 南极 south pole 南极 south pole 南水北调 divert water from south to north 博士 Ph.D. student 博客 blog/blogger 博物馆 museum 占 to occupy 卡车 truck 卤 braised/soaked in brine 卧室 bedroom 卧铺 berth 卫生 hygiene 卫生间 bathroom 印刷 print 印度 India 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 印章 seal (chop) 印第安 Indian (native American) 印象深刻 to impress/impressive/impressively 危害 to harm/endanger 危险 dangerous 即使 even if/even though/given that 即将 to be about it/on the verge of 却 but/yet/however/nevertheless/even though 卷 to roll up 历史 history 历史上 historically/in history… 历程 course/process 厉害 awesome/terrible 压力 stress/pressure 压迫 to oppress/contrict/oppression 厌烦 to be sick with/fed up with/bored with 厕所 toilet 厚 thick/deep/substantial 原产 made in… 原则 principle/doctrine 原始 first/original/primitive/original 原子弹 atomic bomb 原料 raw materials 原来 formerly/originally 原谅 to excuse 厦门 Xiamen 厨具 kitchenware 厨房 kitchen 去 to go 去世 to pass away/die 去年 last year 参军 to join the army 参加 to participate/attend 参考 to consult/refer 参观 to visit (a place) 参议院 Senate 又 again 叉子 fork 叉子 fork 友谊 friendship 双 pair 双眼皮 double eyelids 双胞胎 twins 反义词 antonym 反之 on the other hand/conversely 反倒 on the contrary 反叛 to rebel/revolt/a rebel 反复 repeatedly/over and over 反对 to oppose 反常 unusual/abnormal 反抗 to resist/rebel 反映 reflection/to reflect 反正 in any event/anyway 反讽 sarcasm/irony 反馈 feedback 发动机 motor 发呆 to daydream/lost in thought 发展中国家 developing country 发帖 to post (on a discussion forum) 发抖 to shake/tremble/shiver 发明 invention 发炎 to become inflamed 发烧 to have a fever 发现 to discover/find 发生 to happen 发财 to get rich 发达国家 developed nation 叔叔 uncle 取 to take/get/fetch 取决于 to hinge upon 取得 to acquire 取暖 to heat 取款 to withdraw money 取消 to cancel 取笑 to tease/make fun of someone 受害者 victim 受益 to benefit from/profit 变化 to change 变态 abnormal/perverse 变迁 changes/viscissitudes 口头禅 catchphrase/cliché 口气 tone of voice/manner of expression 口语 spoken language 古书 ancient book 古代 ancient times 古典 classical 古板 old-fashioned/out-moded/inflexible 古老 ancient/age-old 古董 antique 古迹 historical sites 句子 sentence 另外 in addition/besides/moreover/furthermore 另类 alternative/offbeat/weird/unconventional 只 only 只好 to have to 只要 as long as 叫 to be called 叫做 to be called 叫好 to applaud/cheer 可乐 cola 可以 may 可口 tasty 可怕 awful/dreadful/horrible/terrible 可恶 repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable 可持续发展 sustainable development 可是 but 可有可无 maybe, maybe not/not essential 可爱 lovely/cute 可能 maybe 可行 feasible 可靠 reliable 台 machines, computers, TV sets programs 台湾 Taiwan 台风 hurricane/typhoon 史瓦辛格 Schwarzenegger 右 right 右派 right wing/rightist 叶子 leaf 号 number 司机 driver 叹气 to sigh / to heave a sigh 叹词 interjection 吃 to eat 吃惊 to be starlted/shocked/amazed/taken aback 吃醋 jealousy 吃饭 to eat a meal 各 each 各种 every kind of 合同 contract 合成面料 synthetic material 合照 to pose for a photo 合理 rational/reasonable/fair 合群 sociable/to fit in/to get on well with others 合资 joint venture 合适 suitable/appropriate/right 吉他 guitar (把) 吉尔吉斯坦 Kyrgyzstan 吉林 Jilin 同义词 synonym 同学 classmate 同居 to live together 同志 comrade 同胞 fellow countryman 名声 reputation/character/repute 名字 name 名牌 famous brand 名胜 scenic spots 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 后悔 to regret / to repent 后来 afterwards/later 后果 consequences/aftermath 后裔 descendants 后边 back/behind 吐痰 to spit 向 towards/to 向往 to yearn for / to look forward to 吓 to scare/frighten 吓唬 to threaten 吗 question particle 君子兰 kaffir lily 吞服 to swallow/take medicine 否则 if not/otherwise/or else 否定 to negate/negative (answer) 含义 implied meaning/implicit meaning/connotation 听 to hear 听众 listener/audience 听写 to take dictation 听见 to hear 听觉 sense of hearing 听话 obedient 听说 to hear/be told 启动 to start (a machine)/launch (an operation) 启用 to enable/start using 吵架 to quarrel 吸尘器 vacuum cleaner 吸引 to attract (investment, attention, love, etc) 吸收 to absorb/assimilate/ingest 吸烟 to smoke 吹 to blow 呀 a final particle 呆 to stay 呈贡 Chenggong 告诉 to tell 告诫 to warn/admonish 呐 battle cry 呜呜 boo hoo 周围 surroundings 周年纪念 anniversary 周润发 Chow Yun-Fat 味觉 sense of taste 味道 flavor 呵呵 laughing 呼吸 to breathe 和 and 和尚 Buddhist monk 和平 peace 咖啡 coffee 咖啡馆 coffee shop 咖喱 curry 咧 crying sound 咨询 to consult/seek advice/consultation 咬 to bite 咱们 we/us (inclusive) 咳嗽 to cough 咸 salty 品 article/product 品味 to appreciate/taste (in music, etc)/good taste 品种 breed/variety 品质 quality 哇 wow, holy cow! 哇塞 express amazement 哈佛 Harvard University 哈哈 ha ha 哈尔滨 Harbin 哈欠 yawn 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 哈萨克族 Kazakh 哈蜜瓜 Hami melon 响 to make a sound 哎 surprise/hey!/look out!/How dare you! 哥哥 older brother 哦 oh!/aha! 哪 which 哪里 where 哭 to cry/weep 哲学 philosophy 哲理 a philosophy 唇 lip 唉 alas oh dear 唉 alas/oh dear 唐代 Tang Dynasty 唐明黄 Emperor Tang Minghuang 唐朝 Tang Dynasty 唐突 to be rude/offend 唐老鸭 Donald Duck 售票员 ticket seller/conductor 售货员 salesperson 唯一 only/sole 唱歌 to sing a song 啃老族 20-somethings who depend on their parents 商 trade/commerce 商品 commodity 商场 market/bazaar/shopping mall 商店 shop/store 商标 logo/trademark 啤酒 beer 啦 la 喀拉昆仑山 Karakorum Mountains 喀斯特 karst 喂 hello/hey 善变 flicke/prone to changing ones mind 善良 kind-hearted/honest 喇叭 horn (car, musical, etc) 喉咙 throat 喊 to shout 喔 I see/Oh! (surprise, realization) 喜剧 comedy 喜欢 to like/prefer 喝 to drink 喷 to spray 喷嚏 to sneeze 喷泉 fountain 嗅觉 sense of smell 嗓子 throat 嗨 hey!/hi! 嗨 hey!/hi! 嗬 hey! (exclamation) / I say! 嗯 oh/mm/mhm 嘎嘎 funny sound (quack/honk) 嘲讽 to sneer at/ridicule/taunt 嘴巴 mouth 嘻哈 hip hop 嘻嘻 hee hee / happy 嘿 hey 噢 sudden realization 器 utensil/instrument 器械 instrument/apparatus/equipment 回 to return 回信 reply/to reply 回复 to reply/re: 回忆 to reminisce/recollect/recall 回想 to recall/think back/recollect 回扣 commission to middleman 回收 to recycle 回答 to answer 因为 because 因此 thus/consequently/as a result 因素 factor/element 团体 group/organization/team 团结 to unite/united/unity 团聚 to reuinte/gather together 园林 garden/park 园艺 gardening 困 sleepy / doze off 困扰 perplex / cause complications 困难 difficult 围 to surround 围巾 scarf 固体 solid 固定 fixed/set/regular 国会 Congress 国共内战 Chinese Civil War 国内 domestic (trade, tourism, GDP, etc) 国外 abroad/overseas/foreign 国家 country 国有 nationalized/state-owned/public 国籍 nationality 国防 defense 国际 international 图书馆 library 图标 icon (computer/smiley) 图片 picture/photograph 圆 to justify 圆形 circle 圈子 circle (of friends, etc) 土地 soil/land/territory 土木工程 civil engineering 土著 aboriginal 圣经 The Bible 圣诞 Christmas 在 at 在于 to lie in/rest with/depend on ("the key to…lies in…") 在这之前 before then/up until that point 地上 ground/floor 地中海 Mediterranean Sea 地图 map 地址 address 地平线 horizon 地形 topography/terrain 地方 place/location 地方戏 regional opera 地理 geography 地瓜 sweet potato 地貌 relief / landform (geol.) 地道 authentic/genuine/pure 地铁 subway 地震 earthquake 场 meas. for games/sports/performances 场合 situation/occasion 场所 place 场景 scene, scenerio, setting 坏 bad/broken 坏事 to ruin sth/spoil/make things bad 坏处 downside/drawbacks/cons 坐 to sit 坐位 seat 块 1 yuan (informal)/chunk/lump 坚持 firmly 坚果 nut 坚硬 hard/sold 坝 dam 垃圾 trash 垃圾箱 trash can 垃圾食品 junk food 垄断 to monopolize/enjoy market dominance 型号 model/type 垮台 to collapse/fall from power 城市 city 培养 to nurture/foster 基本 basically 基督教 Christianity 基础 fundamental 基础设施 infrastructure 堂弟 cousins (father's side) 堆 pile/stack/bunch (at the market) 堕落 to morally degenerate/become depraved 堵车 traffic jam 塑像 statue 塑料 plastic (种) 塔 pagoda/tower 塔克拉玛干 Taklimakan Desert 填 to fill in 填鸭式 force-feeding method (of education) 墓地 cemetery/graveyard 墙 wall 增加 to rise 增强 to strengthen 增长 to grow / to increase 墨 Chinese ink 墨西哥 Mexico 墨镜 sunglasses 士兵 soldier 声 sound/voice 声调 tone (pronunciation) 声音 sound/voice 壶 kettle/pot 处事 to deal with/handle affairs 处于 to be (in some state, condition, position, etc) 处理 to handle/deal with/process 处罚 to penalize/punish 备用 reserve/backup/spare/alternate 复习 to review 复制 to duplicate/copy/reproduce 复杂 complex 夏令营 summer camp 夏天 summer 夏威夷 Hawaii 外公 grandfather (mother's side) 外力 external force/pressure from outside 外国 foreign country 外婆 grandmother (mother's side) 外形 figure/shape/external form/contour 外科 surgery 外语 foreign language 外资 foreign capital (investment) 外边 outside 外遇 extramarital affair 外部因素 outside factors 多 many/much 多么 how (wonderful, etc); no matter how 多余 superfluous/uncalled for/surplus 多姿多彩 diversity 多少 how much 多疑 skeptical 夜 night 夜宵 late night snack 夜总会 nightclub 够 be enough 大 big 大众 Volkswagen 大使馆 embassy 大便 stool 大夫 doctor 大家 everybody/all 大权 power/authority 大材小用 to waste one's talents 大概 roughly 大约 about/approximately 大胆 brazen/audacious/bold/daring 大自然 nature/the outdoors 大蒜 garlic 大西洋 Atlantic Ocean 大跃进 the Great Leap Forward 大连 Dalian 大陆 the Mainland (China) 大雾 fog 天 day 天堂 paradise/heaven 天才 talent/gift/talented/gifted 天气 weather 天气预报 weather forecast 天津 Tianjin 天真 na?ve/innocent 天赋 gift/innate skill 太 too 太太 wife/Mrs. 太平洋 Pacific Ocean 太极剑 taijijian (traditional swordplay) 太极拳 Taiji Boxing 失业 unemployment 失去 to lose/loss 失手 slip/miscalculation/unwise move/lose control 失败 to fail/be defeated/failure/defeat 失踪 missing/lost/unaccounted for 失身 to lose one's virginity 头 head 头发 hair 头等舱 first class 头饰 headdress (ornamental, ethnic) 夸奖 to praise/compliment 夸张 to exaggerate 奇妙 fantastic/wonderful 奇幻 fantasy 奇怪 strange/surprising/odd 奉承 to flatter/flattery 奋斗 to struggle/fight (abstract) 奏 to play a musical instrument 契机 opportunity/turning point 奔驰 Mercedes Benz 奖励 a reward/to reward 奖金 bonus (money award) 套 set/suite 奢侈 extravagance/luxury 奢侈品 luxuries (i.e. creature comforts) 奥巴马 Barack Obama 奥林匹克 Olympics 女 female 女儿 daughter 女权主义 feminism 女权主义 feminism 奴隶 slave/slavery 奶奶 grandmother (father's side) 奸商 crooked businessman 好 good 好久不见 long time no see 好事 good deed 好像 to seem/be like 好处 benefit/advantage 好奇 curious/inquisitive 好好先生 yes man/goody goody two shoes 好感 favorable impression/good opinion 好看 good-looking 好莱坞 Hollywood 如何 how/what way/what 如果 if 妆 makeup 妈妈 mom 妒忌 jealous/jealousy 妖艳 pretty and flirtatious/coquettish 妥协 to compromise/a compromise 妹妹 younger sister 妻子 wife 始终 all along/throughout/from beginning to end 姐姐 older sister 姑娘 young lady (antiquated) 姓名 name 委员 committee member 委员会 committee 委屈 wronged (unfairly) 姜 ginger 姿势 posture/position 娘娘腔 sissy/effeminate man 娱乐 entertainment 婴孩 baby 媒人 matchmaker 媒体 media (i.e. news media) 嫦娥 Goddess of the Moon 嫦娥奔月 Chang'e flying to the Moon 子宫 uterus/womb 子弹 bullet 孔子 Confucius 孔雀 peacock 孕妇 pregnant woman 字体 calligraphic style/typeface/font 字幕 subtitles/captions 字形 typeface/font (for Chinese characters) 字画 calligraphy and painting 字面 literal 存 to store/keep/deposit/ 存款 bank deposit 孙中山 Sun Yat-sen 孙女儿 granddaughter (son's side) 孙子 grandson 孙悟空 The Monkey King 孜孜 diligent / hardworking 孝顺 filial piety/to show filial piety 季节 season 孤僻 antisocial/reclusive/eccentric 孤儿 orphan 孤独 lonely 学习 to study/learn 学位 academic degree, 学刊 academic journal 学校 school 学生 student 学院 school 孩子 child 宁夏 Ningxia (Huí A.R.) 宁愿 would rather 它 it 它们 them 宅女 girl who stays indoors all day 宇宙 universe/cosmos 守法 to abide by the law 安家 settle down / set up a home 安徽 Anhui 安慰 to comfort/console 安排 to arrange 安静 quiet 宋代 Song Dynasty 完 to finish 完全 completely 完成 to total 完美 perfect / perfection / perfectly 宏伟 grand/imposing/magnificent 宗教 religion 官员 official (govt.) 定义 definition 定居 to settle / to fix a place to live 定期 regularly/at regular intervals 定菜 to order food 定金 down payment/advance payment 宜人 nice/pleasant/charming/hospitable 宜居 livable 宝 treasure 宝贵 precious/valuable 宝马 BMW 实在 honest/truly/really 实施 to implement/carry out/practice 实现 to achieve 实用 practical 实行 to put in place/take effect/put into practice 实践 to practice 实际上 in fact/as a matter of fact 宠物 pet 审核 to audit/investigate something thoroughly 审美 aesthetics/taste 客串 guest appearance/guest performer 客人 guest/visitor 客厅 living room 客套话 conventional greeting/polite formula 客气 polite/courteous 客观 objective/impartial 宣传 to spread/dissimenate/propaganda 宣布 to announce/declare/proclaim 宣布 to declare/announce/proclaim 宣言 to declare/declaration 室 room 室内 indoors 宪法 constitution 宫殿 palace 宫爆鸡丁 kunpao chicken 宰 to cheat/swindle customers 害怕 to be afraid 害羞 shy 宴会 banquet 家 family/home 家具 furniture 家常菜 home cooking 家庭 family 家教 upbringing 容易 easy 容颜 appearance/looks/countenance (face) 宽 wide/width 宽大 spacious/wide/roomy/baggy (clothing) 宽容 lenient/tolerant/charitable 宿舍 dormitory 寂寞 lonely 寄 to mail 寄存处 temporary storage/left-luggage office 密码 password/pin number 密集 dense/concentrated (e.g. urban density) 富二代 children of nouveau riches 富有 wealthy/rich (money or experience) 富豪 millionaire 富饶 fertile/rich 寒假 winter vacation 寒带 the arctic/frigid zone 对 correct 对不起 I'm sorry 对手 opponent/adversary 对象 target/object/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend 对面 opposite side 寺庙 temple 寻找 to seek/look for 导 to guide/lead 导师 tutor/teacher/academic advisor 导游 tour guide 导演 director (film) 导致 to lead to/create/cause/bring about 寿司 sushi 封 meas. for letters 封建 feudal 射 to shoot/ejaculate 将军 general (military) 将就 to do something reluctantly/put up with 将来 in the future 尊敬 honor/esteem 尊重 to respect/value 小 small/little 小三 mistress 小伙子 young man 小便 urine 小偷 thief 小区 neighborhood/district 小姐 miss 小学 primary school 小孩 kid/child 小意思 just a small token/piece of cake 小提琴 violin 小时 hour 小气 stingy/petty/narrow-minded 小瓜 zucchini 小看 to look down on 小笼包 Shanghai dumplings 小说 novel/fiction 小道消息 word of mouth/gossip/grapevine 少 few/less 尖 points/tips/pointed 尘土 dust 尝 to taste 尝试 to attempt/try 尤其 especially 就 exactly/precisely… 就算 even though/even if 尴尬 awkward/embarrassed 尸体 corpse 尼泊尔 Nepal 尽力 to try one's best 尽心 with all one's heart 尽管 even though/despite/although 尿布 diaper 屁股 butt 层 story/floor 居然 unexpectedly/to one's surprise 届 for events, meetings, sporting events etc 屋子 room 屏幕 screen 屏蔽 to screen/block/a shield (i.e. censorship) 展览 exhibition/show 属于 classified as/belong to/be a part of 山 hill/mountain 山峰 mountain peak 山水 landscape/mountain and water 山沟 valley/mountain region 山脉 mountain range 岁 years of age 岔路 a fork in the road 岗位 post/position 岩 cliff 岳父 / 母 in-laws (wife's parents) 峡谷 canyon/ravine 崇拜 to worship 工业 industry 工作 to work/work 工作人员 personnel/staff 工厂 factory 工程 engineering project 工程师 engineer 工资 wages/pay 左 left 左派 left wing/leftist 巧 coincidental 巧 coincidental/opportune/skillful 巧克力 chocolate 巧合 coincidence 巨大 huge/enormous/very large 巨星 megastar 巩固 to consolidate/strengthen 差 to be short of/poor/bad 差不多 about the same/almost 差异 difference/divergence 差距 disparity/gap 已经 already 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 巷 lane/alley 市民 city resident 市长 mayor 布 cloth/fabric 布告栏 notice board 布局 arrangement/layout (website, etc) 布置 to decorate/fix up/arrange 帅 handsome/smart 师傅 master worker 师范大学 Normal University 希望 to hope/hope 希腊 Greece 帐篷 tent 帝国主义 imperialism 带 to bring 带有 to have/involve 带来 to bring about 席位 seat (congressional, theater..formal) 帮倒忙 to be more hindrance than help 帮助 to help 帮忙 to help 常常 often 常见 commonly seen/common 帽子 hat 幅 meas. for paintings 幌子 veneer/pretense 幡 prayer flag 干 dry 干净 clean 干杯 Cheers!/to drink a toast 干涉 to interfere/intervene/meddle 干燥 dry/arid 干脆 straightforward/direct/frank 干部 cadre 平分 to divide equally 平地 plains (geog.) 平均 average/mean/normal 平常 ordinarily/commonly/usually 平房 single-story house/bungalow 平方 square 平方公里 square kilometer 平方米 square meter 平稳 smooth/steady 平衡 balance/equilibrium 年 year 年代 decade/period/age 年夜饭 Chinese New Year eve dinner 年级 grade (in school) 年纪 age 年轻 young 年龄 age 并 and/also/together with 并不 not at all / emphatically not 并且 besides/moreover/furthermore/in addition 幸亏 fortunately/luckily 幸好 fortunately/luckily 幸福 happy 幸运 fortune/luck/good luck 幻灭 to disillusion/disillusioned 幼儿园 kindergarten 幼稚 childish/na?ve 幽默 humorous 广义上讲 generally speaking… 广大 vast/extensive/widespread/large-scale 广播 to broadcast 广泛 extensive/wide range 广角 wide-angle/panorama 庆祝 to celebrate 床 bed 床垫 mattress 应付 to deal with / to cope 应届毕业生 recent/soon-to-be college graduates 应该 should/ought to 底 bottom 废旧 worn out/old fashioned and dilapidated 废气 exhaust/emissions 废话 Duh/nonsense/rubbish 度 temperature 度假 to go on vacation 度量大 broad minded 度量小 narrow minded 座 meas. for immovable objects 座右铭 motto/maxim (句) 康复 to get well/recover (health) 廉价 cheaply-priced 延伸 to extend 延误 to be delayed (plane, etc) 延长 to extend/extension 建立 to build/establish/set up 建筑师 architect 建议 to make suggestions/suggestion 建设 to build/construct (abstract) 建设性批评 constructive criticism 开 to open/start 开刀 to have an operation 开发 to develop (agent-based) 开口 to open one's mouth/cause embarrassment 开国元勋 founding fathers 开始 to start/begin 开学 to start school 开拓 to open up/develop 开朗 carefree/easy-going/open 开玩笑 to crack a joke/make fun of 开花 to bloom 开车 to drive a car 开通 to open up 开门 to open the door/open (for business) 开门见山 to get right to the point/to be direct 异国 exotic/foreign 异性 of the opposite sex/heterosexual 弊端 corruption/malpractice/abuse 式 style/type 引 to divert/lead 引入 to lead to/draw into/pull into 引发 to initiate/spark 引起 to give rise to/lead to/cause/arouse 弟子 disciples 弟弟 younger brother 弯 to bend 弱势群体 disadvantaged/marginalized/dispossed people 弹 to play (guitar, piano, etc) 强力 powerful 强大 large/formidable/powerful/strong 强度 intensity/strength 强求 to force (sb to do smth)/insist 强烈 intense/strong (feeling, etc) 强调 to emphasize/stress 强迫 to force/compel 强迫 to compel / to force 当 to serve as/become 当成 to regard as/treat as/take for 当然 of course/as it should be/only natural that 当真 to take seriously 当选 to be elected 当面 in one's presence/in someone's face 录像 video 录取 to be admitted by/at 录用 to hire (an employee) 录音 record 彝族 Yi 形容词 adjective 形状 shape/form 彩排 dress rehearsal 彩色 colorful 彩虹 rainbow 彩铃 ringback tone 影响 to effect 影子 shadow 彻底 thorough / thoroughly / complete 往 towards/to 往往 often/frequently 往返 round trip 征服 to conquer/subdue/vanquish 待遇 treatment/wages/pay/benefits 很 very 律师 lawyer 徒步旅行 hiking/trekking 得 particle/must/to get 得到 to get 得很 very much 得知 to find out/know/learn about 循环 circulate/circle/loop/cycle 微妙 subtle/delicate 微波炉 microwave 微笑 to smile 微软 Microsoft 微风 breeze/light wind 德国 Germany 心急 hurried/impatient/short-tempered 心情 mood/state of mind 心灵 soul 心理 psyche/mind/mentality 心理学 psychology 心理学 psychology 心脏 heart (organ) 心静 calm 必然 inevitable 必胜客 Pizza Hut 必要性 necessity 必须 must 忌妒 to be jealous of/envy 忌讳 taboo 忍 to endure/tolerate 志愿者 to/volunteer/voluntary/voluntarily 忘 to forget 忙 busy 忙碌 busy/bustling 忠告 advice/to advise 忠实 faithful 忧患 suffering/misery/hardship 忧愁 worried/depressed 忧虑 worry/anxiety/apprehension 快 fast/quick 快乐 happy 快慢 speed 快速 high-speed 念 to read (out loud) 忽悠 to dupe/con 忽然 suddenly 忽略 to neglect/overlook/ingnore 怀念 to cherish the memory of/think of 怀疑 to doubt/suspect/doubt/suspicion/skeptical 态度 attitude 怎么 how/why 怎么回事 what's the matter?/what's going on? 怎么样 how is it/what about that? 怎样 how 思念 to miss/long for/think of 思想 thought 思索 to ponder/think deeply 思维 thinking 思考 to think deeply/reflect on/ponder over 急 worried 急忙 hastily/hurriedly 急救箱 first aid kit 性价比 quality-price ratio 性别 gender 性别歧视 sex discrimination / sexism 性情 nature / temperament 性格 nature/disposition/character 怨恨 to hate 怪 to blame 怪不得 no wonder!/so that's why! 总体 completely/total/entire/overall 总体规划 master plan 总是 always 总站 terminal (railroad) 总统 president (of a country) 总而言之 In short/to sum up/altogether 恐怕 to be afraid that/perhaps 恐怖 terrible/frightening/terror 恢复 to restore/rehabilitate 恭喜 congratulations 恶心 nausea/nauseating/gross 恶意 malice/evil intention 恼火 angry 悉尼 Sydney 悉心 careful/attentive 患有 to suffer from/be afflicted with (an illness) 您 you (polite) 悲伤 sad/sorrow 悲剧 tragedy/tragic 悲观 pessimistic 情侣 sweethearts/lovers 情况 situation 情意 sentiment/affection 情报 spy 情绪 mood 惊 surprise 惊喜 pleasant surprise 惊奇 to be amazed/surprised 惊讶 amazed/astonished 惩罚 punishment 惬意 satisfied/pleased/contented 惭愧 ashamed 想 to think/miss/want to do something 想像 to imagine 想像力 imagination 想必 probably/presumably 想法 idea/train of thought 惹 to provoke/irritate/vex/stir up trouble/anger 愉快 cheerful 意义 meaning 意外 unexpectedly/accident/mishap 意大利 Italy 意志 will/willpower/determination 意思 meaning/idea 意指 to mean / to imply 意料 expectations 意见 idea/suggestion 意识(到) consicousness/to be aware of/realize 意识(到) consicousness/to be aware of/realize 愚 stupid 愚弄 to make a fool out of/dupe 愚民政策 policies to keep the people ignorant 感 to feel/sense 感人 touching/moving 感伤 sad/down-hearted/melancholy 感兴趣 to be interested in sth 感冒 to have a cold/cold 感到 to feel 感受 to sense/perceive/feel/impression 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 感染 infection / to infect 感觉 feeling 感觉 to feel 感触 one's thoughts and feelings/emotions 感谢 to thank/deep thanks 愤怒 angry/indignant 愤青 angry youth 愿意 to be willing to do something 愿望 wish (个) 慈善 charity/philanthropy/philanthropic 慈善家 philanthropist 慢 slow 懂 to understand 懂事 sensible/thoughtful/intelligent 懒 lazy 懒惰 lazy(书面) 戈壁 Gobi Desert 戏 drama/play/show 戏剧 drama 戏院 theatre 成 to become 成功 success 成就 accomplishment/achievement 成熟 mature/ripe 成绩 achievement/performance/grades 成龙 Jackie Chan 我 I 戒 to give up (smoking, etc) 戒指 ring (jewellery) 或者 or 或许 perhaps 战争 War 战略 strategy 截图 screenshot 戴 to wear/put on (accessories) 户口 population/registered residence 房东 landlord 房地产 real estate 房子 house 房租 rent (n) 房间 room 所 houses, small buildings, institutions 所以 so/therefore 所想 one's thoughts/what's on one's mind 所谓 so-called 所需 required/necessary 扁豆 string bean 扇贝 scallop 手 hand 手套 gloves 手工 handwork/manual 手指 finger 手术 operation/a surgery 手机 cell phone 手段 method/strategy/way/trick 手电筒 flashlight 手续 formalities/procedures 手表 wristwatch 手镯 bracelet 扎啤 draft beer 打 to play/hit 打印 to print 打字 to type 打工 to work part time 打扫 to clean 打扮 to dress (onesself, style, etc) 打扰 to disturb 打折 to give a discount 打断 to interrupt/break off/break (a bone) 打架 to fight/get in a fight (physical) 打球 to play ball 打的 to take a taxi 打破 to break/smash 打碎 to break/shatter 打算 to plan/intend/plan 打胎 to have an abortion 打针 to have an injection 扔 to throw/throw away 执法 to enforce (a law) 扬州 Yangzhou 扭 to twist 扭秧歌 to do the yangge dance 扮演 to play (a part in a movie) 批准 to pass/ratify/approve (legislations, etc) 批判 critique/criticism 批判性思维 critical thinking 批发 wholesale 批评 to criticize 批量生产 mass produced 找 to look for/give change 承认 to admit/concede/recognize/acknowledge 承诺 to make a commitment to.../commitment 技工 mechanic 技巧 skill/technique 技术 technology/skill 技能 skill 抄写 to copy / to transcribe 把 hand-held things (toothbrush, umbrella, key) 把握 to grasp/hold/seize 抑制 to inhibit/keep down/suppress 抓 to catch/arrest/clutch 抓紧 to make the most of 抓紧时间 to make the most of precious time 投票 to vote / vote 投资 investment 抗生素 antibiotics 折扣 discount 抛 to throw/toss/fling/cast aside 抛媚眼 to throw flirtacious glances 抢 to try to be the first/fight for/snatch 护士 nurse 护照 passport 报 newspaper 报名 to apply / to register / to enroll 报告 lecture/talk/report (n, v) 报答 to repay 报警器 alarm (burglar, fire) 抬 to lift 抱 to hold 抱怨 to complain 抱歉 to feel sorry/sorry 抱负 ambition/aspiration 押金 deposit 抽 to take out 抽象 abstract 担心 to worry/worry about 拆除 to remove/demolish/dismantle 拉 to pull 拉丁字母 Latin alphabet 拉斯维加斯 Las Vegas 拉链 zipper 拍 to pat/beat/take (a picture) 拐 to turn 拒绝 to refuse/reject 拖拉机 tractor (台) 拖鞋 slippers/sandals 招 to recruit/beckon/enlist 招待 to receive (guests)/entertain 招牌 shop sign/signboard 招聘 to recruit/adverise job positions 招贴 poster 拜托 please don't/request smn not to do smth 拜拜 bye-bye 拜访 to pay a visit/call on 拜金主义 money worship 拟 to draft 拥挤 crowded 拥有 to own/possess/have 拨款 to allocate funds/appropriation 拼 to piece together/spell 拼音 pinyin 拿 to take/hold/get 挂 to hang 挂号 to register 挂失 to report the loss of something 挂念 to be concerned about/anxious about 指出 to point out/indicate 指出 to point out/indicate 指南 guidebook 指南针 compass 指定 to appoint/designate 指教 to give advice 指甲 fingernails 按 according to 按摩 massage 按照 according to/in the light of 按钮 button/push the button (n, v) 挑剔 picky/fussy/to nitpick 挑战 challenge 挑逗 to provoke/incite/lure/tantalize 挑食 picky (about food) 挖 to dig 挖苦 speak sarcastically 挠 to scratch 挣 to earn 挣 to earn 挣扎 to struggle 挤 to squeeze 挤压 to squeeze/press 挤满 crowded/overcrowded/jam-packed 挨着 close to/adjacent to/near 挫折 setback/defeat/frustration/disappointment 挺 sticking out 捏 to knead 捐 to donate 损坏 to damage/injure 换 to change/exchange 换算 to convert/conversion/translation 据说 it is said that/reportedly 捷径 shortcut 授课 to teach/give lessons 掉 to drop/fall 掌握 to hold 排 to arrange/put in order 排列 array/arrangement 排外 xenophobic/anti-foreigner 排序 to sort/arrange in order 排放 to emit/emission/discharge 排斥 to reject/exclude/eliminate/remove 排球 volleyball 排队 to queue up/form a line 掠夺 to plunder/steal (resources, colonialism) 探寻 to explore (a region, city, etc) 探幽访胜 to explore hidden scenic places 探测 to explore 探索 to explore/probe (idea) 接下来 next/following 接人 to pick up (smn) 接受 to accept/receive 接着 then 接着 following after 接触 to touch/contact/access / in touch with 控制 to control 推 to push 推动 to promote/push 推广 to spread/popularize/extend 推荐 to recommend/recommendation 推迟 to postpone/defer 推销 to market/promote/sell 措施 meaures/steps to be taken 描写 to describe 提 to lift/put forth 提交 to submit 提供 to supply / to provide / to furnish 提成 to take a cut/percentage 提款机 ATM 提示 hint/cue/prompt/to draw attention to 提醒 to remind 提高 to improve/increase 插座 socket 插队 to cut in queue/to cut in line 握手 to shake hands 搜索 to search (the internet) 搞 to do 搞 to get/get hold of/do 搞恶作剧 make mischief 搞笑 funny (positive meaning) 搬 to move 搭配 to arrange/pair (i.e. word collocations) 摄影 photography/to take a photo 摆 to put/place/set/display 摇滚 rock n' roll 摇篮 cradle (literal, as well as civilization) 摊位 vendor's booth 摘要 summary/abstract 摧毁 to destroy/wreck 摩托车 motorcycle 撒娇 throw a tantrum (child)/act whiny in a cute way (girls) 撒谎 to tell lies 撞 to knock/collide 擅长 to be expert in/adept at/good at 操场 playground 操心 to worry about 操纵 to manipulate 擦 to wipe 擦掉 to wipe 攀岩 mountain climbing 支 bands, songs, rod-like things like pens 支 meas. for pens/to support 支付 to pay (money) 支持 to support/be in favor of/back 收 to receive/accept 收入 income/earnings 收到 to receive (letter, email) 收拾 to put in order 收据 receipt (张) 收获 harvest/crop/profit/gain 收藏 to collect/store/keep 收音机 radio 改 to change 改动 to alter/revise/modify 改变 to change 改善 to improve/make better 改期 to reschedule/postpone 改造 to transform/reform/remodel 改革开放 "reform and opening" 放 to put/place 放假 to have a holiday/vacation 放大 to enlarge/magnify 放学 to get out of class 放屁 to break wind 放心 to set one's mind at east/feel relieved 放松 to relax 放纵 to indulge/pamper/self-indulgent 放缓 to slow down 放荡 licentious/debuachery 政客 politician 政府 government 政治 political 政策 policy 政绩 political accomplishments/track record 故乡 hometown 故事 story/tale 故弄玄虚 to make smth unnecessarily complicated 故意 deliberately/on purpose 故障 malfunction/bug/defect/shortcoming/fault 效应 effect (e.g. greenhouse effect) 效率 efficiency 敌人 enemy 敏感 sensitive (as in politically sensitive) 救助 aid 救命 help! 救灾举动 disaster relief efforts 教 to teach 教书 to teach 教堂 church/cathedral 教授 professor 教条 dogma/religious doctrine/creed 教练 coach 教育 education/to educate 敢 to dare 散心 to relieve boredom 散步 to walk/take a walk 敬 to offer politely 敬业 to be dedicated to one's work 数 number/to count 数学 mathematics 数据 data / numbers / digital 数码 digital/number/digit 数量 amount/quantity 敲 to beat/knock on 敲锣打鼓 to beat drums and gongs 整体 whole/entire/holistic/integral/synthesis 整天 all day long 整形外科 plastic surgery 整理 to put in order/arrange/sort out 整齐 neat/tidy 文件夹 binder 文具 stationery 文凭 diploma 文化 culture 文化 culture/education/literacy 文化大革命 Cultural Revolution () 文字 writing/writing style/phraseology 文学 literature 文学家 writer 文房四宝 the four treasures of the study 文盲 illiterate 文科 liberal arts/humanities 文章 essay/article 文艺 literature and art 文采 literary grace/eloquent 料子 material for making clothes 料理 cuisine/to cook/the art of cooking 断线 to get disconnected/cut off 新 new 新加坡 Singapore 新娘 bride 新年 new year 新疆 Xinjiang (A.R.) 新西兰 New Zealand 新郎 groom 新闻 news 新鲜 fresh 方便 convenient 方向 direction 方式 way/style 方案 plan/program/proposal/proposed bill 方法 method 方针 policy / guidelines 方面 side 旁边 next to/beside 旅游 to travel/tour 旅行 to travel 旅途 journey/trip 旋转 to rotate/revolve/spin 旗子 flag/banner 旗袍 cheongsam 无业游民 unemployed 无动于衷 indifferent/unconcerned/aloof 无奈 grudgingly/for lack of better option 无情 heartless/merciless/ruthless 无故 without cause or reason 无济于事 of no use/to no avail 无疑 undoubtedly/without a doubt 无知 ignorant 无礼 rude 无耻 shameless 无聊 bored/boring 无论 no matter what/no matter how 无论如何 anyway/anyhow…. 无论如何 anyway/anyhow…. 无趣 uninteresting 无限 boundless/limitless 既...又 both…and… 既然 since/as/this being the case 日出 sunrise 日历 calendar 日渐 day by day/gradually 日落 sunset 日记 diary 旧 old/past 旧货市场 flea market/secondhand market 早 early 早上 (early) morning 早晨 early morning 早知如此 if I had forseen/known earlier 早知如此 if I had forseen/known earlier 时代 times/era/age 时候 time/moment 时光 time/era/period of time 时讯 current events 时间 time 时间内 within (a period of time) 时髦 trendy 时鲜 in season (fruits and vegetables) 旷工 to skip work 旺季 busy season/peak period 昂贵 expensive 明亮 brightness 明信片 postcard 明天 tomorrow 明年 next year 明星 star (film) 明显 obvious/clear 明智 sensible/wise 明确 clear-cut/definite/explicit/to clarify/specify 星巴克 Starbucks 星期 week 春 spring 春节 Spring Festival 春运 increased traffic at spring festival 昨天 yesterday 是 to be 是否 whether/whether or not/if 显 conspicuous/prominent 显然 clear / evident / obvious(ly) 显示 to show/illustrate/demonstrate 晒 to sunbathe 晓得 to know 晕 to feel dizzy 晚 late 晚上 evening 晚会 party 晚霞 sunset glow/sunset clouds 普通话 Mandarin 普遍 universal/general/widespread/common 景色 scene/scenery/landscape 景象 scene/sight (to behold…) 晴 sunny 晴天 sunny sky 智力 wisdom/intellect 智慧 wisdom/intelligence/knowledge/intellect 智能手机 smartphone 暂时 temporary/for the time being 暑假 summer vacation 暖和 warm 暖气 heating 暗喻 metaphor 暗淡 dim/faint/dismal/gloomy 暗示 hint/suggestion/innuendo/to hint/suggest 暧昧 vague/ambiguous/dubious 暴力 violence 暴发户 noveau riches/upstart 暴风雨 rainstorm/storm 曝光 to expose (a scandal,etc) 曲 tune/melody 曲折 winding/complicated (road) 更 more 更加 more 更谈不上 let alone 曾经 once/ever/formerly/previously 最 most 最佳 best/optimal/peak 最初 initially 最近 recently 月亮 moon 月台 railway platform 月宫 the lunar palace 月球 the moon as a planet 月饼 moon cake 有 to have 有主见 opinionated 有名 famous 有害 destructive/harmful/damaging 有弹力 springy/bouncy/elastic 有弹性 flexible 有意思 interesting 有效 effective/in effect/valid 有活力 energetic / vital 有点 somewhat 有的 some 有礼貌 courteous/polite 有道理 to make sense/reasonable 有限 limited / finite 朋友 friend 服刑 to serve a prison sentence 服务员 waiter/waitress/server 期刊 periodical 期待 to look forward to/await 期望 expectations/high hopes/to expect 期盼 to look forward to 未必 not necessarily/maybe not 未来 future/tomorrow/coming/pending 未知 unknown 本 meas. for books 本义 original meaning / literal sense 本子 notebook 本来 originally/at first 本科生 undergraduate student 本质 essence/intrinsic quality 本身 itself/in and of itself 朴素 simple/plain 机 machine 机会 opportunity 机器 mechanical 机场 airport 机智 resourceful/quick-witted 杀 to kill 杂志 magazine 杂牌 inferior brand 权威 power/authority (abstract) 材料 material 村 village 村庄 village/hamlet 束 meas. for flowers/bunch 条 meas. for long, narrow objects 条件 condition 条款 clause (项) 来 to come 来回 round trip 来源 source 来自 to come from (a place) 杭州 Hangzhou 杯 cup/glass 松树 pine tree 极了 extremely 构成 to constitute/form/compose/make up 构造 structure/composition 枕头 pillow 果断 decisive/firm 果然 sure enough/as expected 果酱 jam 枪 gun 枯燥 dull/boring/tedious/uninteresting 某个时候 a certain time 某处 somewhere 柔和 gentle/soft 柔软 soft 柜 cupboard/cabinet 柠檬 lemon 查 to check/look up 查看 to look over/examine/check up 柬埔寨 Cambodia 柳树 willow 标志 sign/mark/symbol/logo 标志性建筑 landmark building 标点符号 punctuation 标记 to/label/mark 标语 slogan/poster 标题 title/heading/headline/subject 栋 for buildings and houses 栏目 column (newspaper, website, etc) 树 tree 栖所 habitat 样子 appearance/manner/aspect/pattern 核心 core/nucleus 核武器 nuclear weapon 核能 nuclear energy 根 base 根 facial hair, cigarettes, guitar strings 根基 foundation 根据 according to / based on 格局 structure/pattern/layout 栽培 to cultivate/nurture/foster 桃子 peach 框架 frame/framework/outline 案例 case 桌子 table/desk 桥 bridge 梅 plum 梦 dream 梦想 to dream of/to hope in vain 梨 pear 梯子 ladder 梳子 comb (把) 检查 to examine 检索 to retrieve (data)/look up/search 棉花 cotton 棒 good/fine (coll.) 棒球 baseball 棕 brown 森林 forest 棵 meas. for plants, trees 椅子 chair 植物 plant 椰子 coconut 楼 building/floor 概况 general situation/summary 概念 concept/idea 概括 to summarize / to generalize 榜 list of best students 榜样 example/model (role model) 模仿 to imitate/copy/emulate (culture, etc) 模型 model/mould 模式 mode/method 模特 fashion model 模糊 blurry/vague/hazy 樱桃 cherry 橄榄球 American football 橘子 orange 橙 orange 橙子 orange 橡胶 rubber 欠 to owe 次 meas. for number of times 次数 frequency/number of times 欢迎 to welcome 欣赏 to appreciate/enjoy 欧洲 Europe 欺负 to bully 款式 pattern/style/design 止 to stop/prohibit/suspend 正义 justice/righteousness 正好 happen to/chance to/is it happens 正如 to be just like 正宗 authentic/genuine/"old school" 正常 normal/regular 正式 formal 正方形 square 正确 accurate 此路不通 this road is blocked/method doesn't work 步子 step/pace 武器 weapon 武断 arbitrary/subjective/dogmatic 武术 martial arts 歧义 ambiguity/several possible meanings 歪曲 to distort/misrepresent 死 to die 死刑 death penalty 死记硬背 to learn by rote / to mechanically memorize 残忍 cruel/mean 残疾 disabled/handicapped 殖民主义 colonialism 殖民地 colony 段 section 段 section/part }


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