
IT-Service | it.comIT-Service:Software that learns to solve your company&s support problem.Addressing the Three Support Problems: 1 Improve customer experience while reducing operational costs.Recommenderfor customers.Resolve customers& problems as they describe them. Render service requests&unnecessary.2 Maintain an adaptive knowledge base in real&time. Agent Accessfor support agents.When Agents solve customers& problems using Agent Access, they create a comprehensive and adaptive knowledge&base.3 Learn what problems your customers have and proactively resolve&them.ServiceIQfor analysts.By data mining information in support, you generate invaluable feedback to engineering, R&D, and product management. Reactive becomes&proactive.RecommenderResolution on demand.Solve Customer ProblemsProvide proven solutions based on historical effectiveness as your customers describe problems.Visualize and Quantify DeflectionGain insight into how your knowledge is helping customers.Flexible ImplementationIntegrate with support portals, case submission forms, and even follow up with suggestions via e-mail.Agent AccessCollaboration on demand.Workflow IntegratedIntegrated with Salesforce and ZenDesk customer support systems, providing immediate benefits without significant workflow changes.Reuse KnowledgeAgents can create, save, and curate resolving knowledge in a way that encourages reuse for similar problems.Measure Agent ContributionCompare and visualize the value of knowledge agents create across groups, products, and individuals.Agent Access Case StudyVMware Airwatch& used Agent Access to reinvent its customer support&process.ServiceIQData intelligence on demand.Know What Your Problems AreCategorize and model all of your support cases by product to understand trends and ways to improve support.Find Ways to Improve Your ProductRootless faceting allows you to explore models by filtering on any attributes of your data.Discover Opportunities for SupportBy comparing the time it takes to close cases within a topic to the number of KB articles linked to those cases, agents can quickly see gaps in their knowledge base.Is your knowledge base always up to&date?
Get our datasheet to learn how to create an adaptive KB while solving customers&&problems.Our Customers Include:家里装修买了ITTO品牌的瓷砖想要试试看质量怎么样有什么方法? - 知乎有问题,上知乎。知乎作为中文互联网最大的知识分享平台,以「知识连接一切」为愿景,致力于构建一个人人都可以便捷接入的知识分享网络,让人们便捷地与世界分享知识、经验和见解,发现更大的世界。2被浏览9分享邀请回答赞同 添加评论分享收藏感谢收起1添加评论分享收藏感谢收起赞同 1添加评论分享收藏感谢收起以下试题来自:
单项选择题As our product has all the features you need and is 10% cheaper than that of the German product, I strongly recommend it to you.A.我们决定购买德国产品,因为德国产品具有我们所需要的一切性能,比你们的产品便宜10%。B.我们有你们所需要的所有产品,性能良好,物美价廉,价格比德国产品便宜10%,建议试用。C.因为我们的产品具备你们所需要的各种特性,且比德国产品便宜10%,所以我极力向你们推荐。D.我们的产品特色鲜明,能满足所有需要,比德国的产品便宜10%,所以强烈建议您购买我们的产品。
1A.on B.since
C.with D.before2A.leaves
C.has been leaving D.has left3A.这些学生一心读书,是因为他们缺少实际动手经验,只希望从书本中了解世界。B.这些学生辍学,部分原因是渴望获得实际经验,部分原因是渴望见识现实世界。C.这些学生经常旷课,所以他们既没有实际的动手能力,而且严重脱离现实世界。D.这些学生休学,有的是渴求实际的动手经验,还有的是希望看一看真实的世界。4A.我想去你们工厂参观,看看你们厂是否有可能进口汽车零部件。B.我想访问你们的工厂,看看是否有可能从你厂进口汽车零配件。C.要进口我们的产品,我建议你们到我厂参观,了解是否有这个必要。D.你们到我厂参观访问之后,就能够知道是否有可能进口汽车配件了。5A.我们在寻找愿意做这类工作的人,他们善子积累经验,决心为单位前途和个人成功做出贡献。B.我们追求的目标是卓有成效的工作,光辉灿烂的职业生涯,同时可以为个人的进步做出贡献。C.我们在寻找有经验的人士,他们愿为我们高绩效的组织做出贡献,并能为他们职业生涯的成功而奋斗。D.我们要找的人是有工作经验的,他们不仅工作效率高,而且能为本机构绩效和个人职业发展努力工作。


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