When is Shen everyting is love's Birthday ?在是什么意思😳

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Last edited 05/03/2016
<div class="reaction_count_value reaction_count_position0" id="reaction_hug_total_
Posted 05/03/2016
How many times are you planning on posting this, just so I can keep track.
Posted 05/03/2016
We already answered you and suggested that you go to the trying to conceive board. This is the May birth board for mama's having babies in May. We're not the experts on ovulation tests and it's been nearly 9 months since any of us have seen them.
Posted 05/03/2016
Posted 05/03/2016
Pro Choice| Pro Vax| Cloth Diapering|&Wannabe Hippie Mom toBonnie Joy: 10.21.12Elsie Diane: 5.18.16
Posted 05/03/2016
Omg congratulations they are ALL positive!!! You're ready to make a baby--good luck! ?
Seriously though, this makes no sense to post on the May birth board.
Posted 05/03/2016
Thank you for your help
In Reply to FunMoonMoon
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Keep me logged in.bbc英国问答The Queen&#39;s Birthday 女王的生日
Queen Elizabeth II
Why does the Queen have two birthdays?
Helen:& Hello, welcome to Ask About Britain from BBC Learning English. I&mHelen.
Zo&:&&& And I&m Zo&.&
Helen:& This is the programme where you can ask us questions about Britain and we&ll try our best to answer them.
Zo&:& 是啊,大家对英国有什么问题,或者是更想了解的话,可以告诉我们,如果我们会尽量解答。
Helen:& Well, It&s not every day that we get a question about the UK, that even most British people might not the answer to.
Zo&:& 连英国人自己可能都不知道答案的问题, 那这个问题到底是什么呢?
This year the Queen celebrated her 80th&birthday. The question that I have in mind is why does the Queen have two birthdays?
Zo&:& 这个问题可实在是太特别了。英国女王伊丽莎白二世每年过两次生日? 她怎么这么幸福啊。
Helen:& I know. She&s so lucky. The Queen really does celebrate two birthdays every year.&&
Zo&:& 那这两个生日到底是什么时候呢?&
Helen:&& Every year, the Queen celebrates her first birthday on the 21st&of April.&
Zo&:&&&& 4月 21 号是英国女王的第一个生日。那第二个生日呢?
Helen:& This year, the Queen&s second birthday is on the 17th&of June.
Zo&: 6月 17号是英国女王再过第二个生日。这两个生日有什么区别呢?
Helen:&& There is a difference between the two. Let&s listen to what the Royal Family press office has to say about the dates.&&&&
Insert press release
The Queen celebrates her actual birthday on 21st&of April. She also celebrates her official birthday on either the first or the second, and sometimes the third, Saturday in June. This year&s official birthday will be celebrated on 17June 2006.
Zo&:&& 哦,原来是这么回事儿。一个是真正的生日。
Helen:&&& Her actual birthday is on the 21st&&of April. She was born on the 21st
of April 1926.&&
Zo&:&& 英女王是 1926年 4 月 21 号出生的。
Helen:& And she also has an official birthday.
Zo&:&& 官方正式的生日, official birthday。 这个生日还比较复杂一点,因为每年的日期不定。
Helen:& That& the Queen&s official birthday could be on either the first or the second and sometimes the third Saturday in June.
Zo&:& 不过都是定在每年 6 月的一个星期六。It&s always in June.
Zo&:& 可是这没有回答为什么英国女王要有两个生日?是不是以前传下来的什么规矩之类的?
Helen:& I think you are probably right. It has got something to do with royal traditions. But answer the question in more detail, let&s ask BBC&s royal correspondent, June Kelly.
Zo&:& 好啊,June对英国皇室可算得上是非常了解。她说这可是和差不多两百年前登基的爱德华七世有关。
Now, this was brought in by Edward VII. He brought it in because his birthday was in the winter. He thought it wasn&t a terribly good time to have Trooping the Colour, so therefore the decision was made for to have an official birthday. And basically, it was done for that reason, simply because the weather and parades that we see on Trooping the Colour.
Zo&:&& 原来是这么回事儿,一切都是从爱德华七世开始的,因为他是在冬天出生的。
Helen:& And he thought it wasn&t a particularly good time to have trooping the colour.
Zo&:&& 刚才你提到的这个 Trooping the Colour 就是行军旗敬礼分列式,是皇家的巡视活动。爱德华七世觉得如果是冬天的时候举行这种壮观的生日庆祝活动不个好时间。
Helen:& So the decision was made to have an official birthday in the more pleasant summer.&
Zo&:&& 这么说就是因为国王想每年都有一次盛大的生日派对,所以他就有两个生日。
Helen:& Or if you just feel incredibly happy with whatever you&ve received.&
Zo&:&& 或者你觉得什么都很好,那就留点小费吧。
Helen:& Well.&& I guess that&s true. You can have far nicer birthday celebrations in the summer than in the cold winter.
Zo&:&& 不过并不是所有的国王都有两个生日。这个决定是看登基的国王到底是哪个季节出生的。
Helen:& Here is June again with more information on the Queen&s two birthdays celebration.
Then it fell into abeyance, because his successors had birthdays in the summer, so it was alright to have Trooping the Colour then. But the Queen&s father, George VI& reinstated it, because he too was a winter baby, and the Queen has followed that tradition.&
Zo&:&& June说爱德华七世后来的几个皇室继承人是夏天出生的,所以他们就只有一
生日。直到后来伊丽莎白二世的爸爸乔治六世继位后,因为他是 12月出生的,所以这个传统又恢复了。
Helen:& George VI reinstated the tradition because he was a winter baby. And the Queen has followed her father.
Zo&:& 那英国女王也继承了这个传统,每年过两次生日。真幸福!
Helen:& Well that&s it. I hope we&ve answered your question about why the Queen has two birthday celebrations every year. Until next time, it&s goodbye from me and Zo& at BBC Learning English.&
&Zo&:&&&& Take care. Bye.
official birthday&& 官方正式生日
abeyance& 中断,搁置
reinstate& 恢复原状
parade& 游行
Trooping the Colour& 行军旗敬礼分列式
successor& 继承人&
内容来自 听力课堂网:用手机学英语,请加听力课堂微信公众号:tingclass123
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