英语set off too什么意思?

“ON”的意思是:(放,穿,连接)上,向前,(继续)下去;使用着的;“OFF”的意思是:从…落下;离开;被取消;下班;不新鲜的。“ON”的读音是[ ɒn ]。“ON”造句:Eventually, you'll learn to cry that on the inside.终有一天,你会学会让泪往心里流。“ON”造句:A fellow doesn't last long on what he has done. He's got to keep on delivering as he goes along.--Carl Hubbell, Baseball Player。靠过去完成的无法让人保有成功,必须在路上持续交出成绩。“ON”造句:She went directly to Simon's apartment and knocked on the door.她直奔西蒙的房间,敲了敲门。“ON”造句:It will be shown on BBC One this autumn.“ON”造句:He has collaborated on many tracks and two soundtracks.“OFF”的读音是 [ ɒf ]。“OFF”造句:I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest. &我感觉吐吐苦水对我有好处。“OFF”造句:Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16.他们的第一辆车于12月16日下线。“OFF”造句:French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开架势,准备迎战一名持枪者。“OFF”造句:urn off the heat and set the pan aside.“OFF”造句:TIn reality, that's not far off expectations.
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go off to中文是什么意思
中文翻译走开&&&& go off with 拿走,抢走,拐走。 ... &&&&&&开始, 爆发出... &&&&&&拿去, 抢走; 拿去……,抡去; 拿去;抢走;拐走... &&&&&&n. 〔口语〕出发;着手,开始。 at one go-off 一次,一举,一气。 succeed (at) the first go-off 一举成功。 ... &&&&&&动身去... &&&&&&投入深水, 冒险, 发脾气... &&&&&&突然扯到题外, 突然背离原来的途径, 突然改变行径/思想; 沿切线方向飞出... &&&&&&全速起跑, 失去自制, 兴高采烈地大谈喜受的问题... &&&&&&操之过急, 仓卒行事... &&&&&&高价出让... &&&&&&倒胃... &&&&&&废除金本位... &&&&&&不了解情况,不分青红皂白地莽撞行事... &&&&&&昏过去... &&&&&&愤然走开... &&&&&&神魂飞越... &&&&&&哄然起笑... &&&&&&突然扯到题外; 突然改变行径; 突然离开话题... &&&&&&外出旅行... &&&&&&失去兴趣... &&&&&&停止广播; 停止搜索空中敌人... &&&&&&停止沸腾... &&&&&&出弯道... &&&&&&入深水... &&&&&&铃声响起来... &&&&&&划不着水... &&
例句与用法He cheerfully went off to school .他高高兴兴地上学去了。He went off to the wars, too and was a great militia general .他也打仗去了,后来成为民军的大将。The fisherman did not want to cross his wife, so he went off to the sea .渔夫他又不愿违背妻子的意思,所以就到海边去了。Since they lost miss diana he's gone off to a shadow. poor man, he's had a world of trouble .自从他们失去了黛安娜小姐后,他深居简出。可怜哪,他灾难重重。He went off to endeavour to banish the thoughts which occupied him, whatever those thoughts might be .不论他的头脑里有些什么想法,他希望把它们统统排除干净。Why should you give up our life here and go off to work for her on the strength of a promise given in a letter ?为什么你要放弃这里的生活,为着一封信里几句许诺的话就去为她工作?They go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it .他们到另一个所在去梦想,他们由于有了音乐而梦想,关于音乐的梦想,但却从来不真正在听音乐。At the end of the indenture, the laborer was given a rifle, an axe and a bag of corn, and went off to make his own farm in the wilderness .契约期满后工人只得到一只枪,一把斧头和一袋粮食,然后离开,到荒原中去建立自己的农场。She wouldn't hear of it, denied that she was putting louis in any greater danger than he already faced, turned decidedly snappish, and went off to bed .这话她不肯听,她不承认她正在使路易斯陷入比他已经面临到的更大的危险,后来她变得十分急躁,于是走去睡了。Dad grabbed some breakfast and went off to work爸爸匆匆吃了点早饭就去上班了。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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get off toget off to 双语例句1. If I break off this unfulfilling relationship, it could take years to get back on my feet again.&&&&如果我半途而废,也要花费几年的时间恢复元气。2. Now I use the EEE PC on and off all day, it is constantly switched on and connected to my wireless LAN in my house, every time I leave the house it gets thrown into my bag along with my mobile phone, if I find myself with a few minutes to spare during the day, maybe drinking coffee in a cafe or waiting for a doctor in the hospital then I can whip it out and get some work done.&&&&现在我用电器和电子设备的PC和关闭所有一天,它是不断开著的,并连接到我的无线局域网在我的房子,每一次我离开家,它得到扔进我的袋子连同我的手机,如果我发现自己与几分钟备件在白天,也许喝咖啡,在一间咖啡厅或等待医生在医院里的话,我可以鞭出来,并得到了一些工作,做了。3. When you keep up an Internet cafe, or simply want your users to get access that is limited in time, a perfect way is to issue a time locking code that is valid for a certain period and will automatically log off user and close all his or her programs.&&&&当你保持了一个网吧,或者乾脆希望您的用户获取,就是在有限的时间内,是一个完美的方法是问题的时间锁定代码的有效期为一定期限内,并会自动注销用户,并关闭所有他或她的节目。4. Some people try to get in extra exercise by toting a couple of light dumbbells, but fitness-walking experts say that's risky: The weights can pull you off balance and strain muscles in your back or legs.&&&&不持重物。有些人通过手持哑铃以便做额外的锻炼,但是步行专家认为那是危险的:重量可能会让你失去平衡或者造成腿和背的拉伤。5. It's about a journey, it's about a trip, Jayson has been assigned to go get the Golden Fleece, so he gets together a team of guys and off they go on these many adventures.&&&&这是关于旅程的故事,贾森被指派去夺得金色羊毛,因此他聚集了一个团队,他们的旅程遇到了许多危险。6. Last night Bessi had bent his rim so the air got out, making a flat. After taking off the tire Dagur is able to use a sledge hammer to get it back into proper shape, stopping the leak.&&&&昨晚Bessi不知怎的将轮毂有点弄变形了,造成轮胎漏气变平,拆下来后Dagur用榔头将轮毂敲敲打打,基本回复原来的样子,阻止了漏气。7. I just hope to notch up a bunch of goals this season and hopefully get off my mark in Europe.&&&&我只希望这个赛季能进更多的球,以及能在国际赛场上好好表现。8. Best trip in Bangkok was a river boat trip on the public boats - from central pier adjacent to Saphan Taksin BRT station - Bt13 for any length - great to travel with locals and monks and just get on/off as you please.&&&&在曼谷游玩的最好方式是从中央码头坐船,不管多远都是13泰铢,能和当地人和僧侣一起感觉很好,只要你愿意,就能上下船。9. SHAOYAOJU is a transfer station. Pessengers for line 13.Please prepare to get off.&&&&芍药居站是换乘车站,去往光熙门,望京西的乘客请您换乘地铁13号线列车。10. 10. Because if he knows you are gay and is cool with it and epts you as you are then your friendship with him is so much more important than a relationship. I think that if he is the kind of person that feels things like you say he does then maybe you should tell him how you feel jsut so you can get it off of your chest and if he doesn''t have any feelings then so be it, bu this doesn''t seem like the kind of person that would just push you away like that, althoug there are many like that. I think maybe instead of looking to him as a potential lover you should look to him as a friend because that is what he is. If you keep doing that then eventually you will jsut think of him as a friend.&&&&因为如果他懂患上你是又能很冷静的接受你,那你们的玉清就是很很很很珍贵的了我想他真是你说的那种好人也许你可以试着告诉他你的感受这样你就能减轻你的包袱前提是他不会抵触G只管不喜欢G不是所有人都会避开你的,我想与其你把它看做是有希望的lover不比现在连结好朋友的瓜葛,因为那是你们现在真正的瓜葛若你能连结下去,最终你们还是很好的朋友11. His daily schedule for more than 4 years come frequently are this: 6oclock get up, is meeting in the dwelling reception patient, 8oclock 30 minute go to the clinic to go to work, afternoon when l 30minute get off work hurry back the apartment, 2 to 6 oclock work, evening 7 oclock make a house call to 12 oclock return to theapartment, before dawn 1 oclock sleeps, 1 day works a l7 hour.&&&&&&他的作息时间4年多来常常是这样:6时起来,接着在住处接待病人,8时30分前往诊所上班,下午l时30分下班赶回公寓,2点至6点工作,晚上7点出诊至12点钟回到公寓,凌晨1时睡觉,1天工作l7个小时。12. Zuo Gongjiao 4, 308 Road, travel 5 Jiuxi get off the road, walking back to the scenic areas on the exit up.&&&&&&坐公交4路,308路,游5路在九溪下车,往回步行到风景区出口处就到了。13. 13. Taida, then go from the station to sit out 30 Zhongshan Road to the door and get off, and then sit light on it.&&&&&&去泰达的话从出站口出来坐30路到中山门下车,然后坐轻轨就可以了。14. White rice cooks for less time, but most of that nutritious inner layer has been polished off to get that light and fluffy texture.&&&&&&为更短的时间白米厨师,但最内层的营养已被打磨过轻,让蓬松的质地。15. And as you get off center, those light rays won't be focused to the center of the eye.&&&&&&呈像偏离晶状体中心后,光线就不会集中到眼睛中心。16. I'm sure Aunt March is a regular Old Man of the Sea to me, but I suppose when I've learned to carry her without complaining, she will tumble off, or get so light that I shan't mind her.&&&&&&我肯定马奇婶婶就是我的冤家对头,但我想只要我学会忍受,不去埋怨,她就会被丢到脑后,或者变得微不足道。17. This is great a spell to use when you are moving and can't cast anything else, or the tank took a huge burst and they will likely die before you can get a Holy Light off.&&&&&&这个技能的出现,使骑士获得了在移动中加血的能力。18. Injured when trying to get the ball, that footballer limped off the football field.&&&&&&争球的时候受了伤,那个足球队员一瘸一拐地走出足球场。19. 19. N.跛行 Injured when trying to get the ball, that footballer limped off the football field.&&&&&&争球的时候受了伤,那个足球队员一瘸一拐地走出足球场。20. Where am I supposed to get off for Ogikubo?&&&&&&我要到荻洼在哪儿下车?get off to 单语例句1. My gut reaction upon hearing of garlic's rise was to get off my butt and go buy as much as I could.2. Shipping the coal by sea is expected to get some of trucks off the road.3. He said he may call off efforts to get on Motorola's board if it does a huge buyback.4. Nearby a crowd mobbed a man on a pay phone, screaming at him to get off the phone so that they could call relatives.5. Just remember that you want to avoid breaking the skin and get as much meat off the carcass as possible.6. We have to check it from spreading further, if we cannot get rid off totally.7. Some passengers already aboard planes were asked to get off and go through security check a second time.8. Blake recently vowed to do " whatever it takes " to get Amy off drugs because he feels responsible for her addiction.9. The two guards used their own bodies to fend off her fans, demanding them not to get too close.10. Police blocked off roads and warned those without tickets to stay away because they would not be able to get close to the Staples Center.get off to在线翻译get off to是什么意思,get off to在线翻译,get off to什么意思,get off to的意思,get off to的翻译,get off to的解释,get off to的发音,get off to的同义词,get off to的反义词,get off to的例句,get off to的相关词组,get off to意思是什么,get off to怎么翻译,单词get off to是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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head off to中文是什么意思
中文翻译朝某个方向前进&&&&n. 1.头,头部,首。 2.头脑,才能;智力,想像力, ...... &&&&&&adv. 1.〔运动〕向那边,隔开。 be off 走, ...... &&&&&&开头; 离开,转移方向; 绕到前面去;拦住; 阻止, 拦截; 阻止,拦住... &&&&&&首级... &&&&&&砍脑袋... &&&&&&悬首... &&&&&&脱落插头... &&&&&&防止冲突发生... &&&&&&防止争吵... &&&&&&使转移方向... &&&&&&易割冒口... &&&&&&易割冒口... &&&&&&笑掉了牙... &&&&&&一时记不起来... &&&&&&落布 左机头... &&&&&&落布 右机头... &&&&&&关井压头... &&&&&&断流压头... &&&&&&他们割下了他的头... &&&&&&越端放线拉线... &&&&&&落布 机头4... &&&&&&双头开卷机... &&&&&&笑掉大牙... &&&&&&想都不要想,我会说... &&&&&&不再喜欢; 离开, 取消; 离开,走开; 走吧; 走开... &&
例句与用法In three months , i ' m heading off to university三个月以后,我就要去上大学了。 About to head off to the u . s . to work on more music差不多要去美国去进一步制作音乐。 Head off to block the progre intercept拦截阻挡的进程或完成拦截This chuck wagon is heading off to a cattle drive这车是去养牛场的This chuck wagon is heading off to a cattle drive这车是去养牛场的As we headed off to vegas for the decathlon nationals ,当我们去拉斯维加斯参加全国理论全能时Faust , " those eyes , that ambition . . . you are headed off to battle , are you not ?那眼神和气势. . .你现在是要去战斗对吧? By pure chance we hang together to work head off to achieve the our common goal一次偶然的机会把我们结合在一起为这心中同一个目标去努力。 Even if you are not a big fan , why not head off to the driving range and have a go即使你不是头号球迷,为什么不前往高尔夫球练习场挥一挥杆,尝试一下? Fellow initiates enthusiastically purchased gifts and headed off to two places where many homeless live同修们热心地采购礼物后,即前往许多游民聚集的两个地方。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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