Dear,karma is a bitchh can ya fuck off,please,thanks

/ Dear Youth Damp Jeans and the wave of your life Dear Youth European Photo Diary of Quinn Matthews
You broke my heart. The damage is done.
I think I still love you though and I’ll most probably be back in your grasp again.
Where were the dreamy beachbreaks? Modern Collective-esque, the air wind, sunshine, lone girl in black bikini?
Have I squeezed the best out of you?
The last few weeks we have been your slave: 15 feet one day, flat the next. And to rub salt in my wounds Jeremy Flores just released a clip called “The best France has ever been.” And we were there, you bitch!
Shitty winds, your curvaceous sand banks blown out — even the hidden nooks we frequent were a slap in the face. A crazed man carrying a log chased us back to our car. Fuck me. I get it. It’s over.
Chip nearly stomped a huge backside slob. Almost. Noa came so close I vomited on the beach. Dion lost his credit card, got a new one, and lost it again.
Filming for this project has been the toughest of all the films. Locations are easy to document, individual parts are tricky. We’re going for gold.
The boyz should be able to remember their parts years from now.
There are moments. Those moments make the film. Let’s pop a bottle to those moments, with less than a couple months of filming left, we will wrap. Toast to that.
France you were a bit of a son of a bitch, but I always come back to you.
See you again soon x —KaiAccess denied | used Cloudflare to restrict access
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