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2014 高英语学案编写要求和模版 { 总的思路和出发点: 整合教材,精简学案;课堂引导预习,探究和巩固; 课型明确,一课一得; 循序渐进, 逐步提升;听说读写译,模块跟进和加深. 学练分开,先学后练。} Learning plan for Module __5____ Book _____4___ 单元课时划分: 1st: words and expressions ( 词汇课) 2 st : Introduction and reading (导入和阅读第一课时) 3rd : Reading (language points)+ reading and speaking(语言点+阅读与说) 4th: Grammar 1and Grammar 2 (两课时) (过去分词;过去时间和一般过去时态的表达) 5th: Listening + Pronunciation +Everyday English+ Function ( 听力,发音和日常英语+交际功能) 6th: Cultural corner + Writing 7th: Module file + Revision 一: (文化角和写作) ( 单元总结和复习)模块整合和课时划分 1 : 词汇: words and expressions …… 2nd: 阅读(一) Introduction and reading (一) 3rd: 阅读 (二) language points th 4 : 语法 Grammar 1 and 2 (2课时) 5th : 听力 & 交际用语 Listening & Everyday English th 6 : 写作 &语言功能 writing & Function th 7 : 文化广角 Cultural cornerstPeriod 1: 词汇课: Words and Expressions Learning content: ( 学习内容): …… Teaching goals: 拼读、认读基本词汇,理解词义和词汇变形,重点词汇的 拓展与运用,能根据语境填空和翻译句子。 知识目标: 词汇。。。。 。。。 短语。。。 。。 句型。。。 。。 能力目标:通过本节课学习,学生可以掌握。。。 。。。 课前预习案 (10 min’) (训练学生自我梳理和拓展延伸的能力.) 预习 1: Read the words and expressions correctly in this module , pay attention to1 the stressed syllable parts. (学生根据音标能正确拼读,分清重读,能根 据音节初步记忆词汇。) 5 min’ ( 教师指导学生拼读,跟读录音带,形成语音记忆的第一印象) 预习 2:掌握词性,进行基本词汇的词形变换。教师写出要求. 5 min’ ( 选 1--2 位学生将词汇变形板书在黑板上, 师生一起补充或更正, 教师就 某些规律性的变化点拨, 加深印象,促成记忆,理解和运用) 课堂探究案 (25 min’) 探究 1:师生一起就板书的词形变化部分再次理解和记忆. (5min’) 探究 2: 重点单词及短语的拓展理解。 (4DD5个单词,2-3个短语)单词 1…. 单词 2 ….. 短语 1:… 短语 2: ( 教师编写时留适当的空白,给学生留思考的余地, 学生就学案上列出的单词 和短语进行独学,形成知识第一印象,查字典或资料进行补充扩展,为对学 和组内学做准备,加深理解和运用, 学生 10 min’ ------ 教师点拨 10 min’ ) 课堂展示案 ( 要求: 就探究案中的重要内容进行探究和展示,写出需展示的内容 形式。 ) 展示 1: 。。。 。。 展示 2: ……. 展示 3: 。。。 。。 课堂巩固案: (5 min’) 巩固练习 1 :基础单词,重点单词和短语的语境运用。进行单词、短语和 巩固练习2: 型的填空,句型转换和翻译的练习。--- (知识巩固运用, 课堂 落实.做此部分时,选 2---3 名学生边做边板书答案在黑板上,以备 统一评讲时发现学生的思维错误点和评讲).2 课型 2: 阅读课: Introduction and reading (1st ) 教学目标:了解阅读的主题,学会在阅读中抓住主体信息和回答问题或正误 判断等细节信息。 知识目标:在阅读中抓与问题和句子相关的句子信息并能对信息进行理解和 判断。 能力目标: 。在读课文和听课文朗读中学会对长难句断句和初步理解。 (可根 据课文列出2-3个长难句) 课前预习案 (10 min’) 预习 1: 学生对 introduction 部分进行阅读前的了解和巩固练习, 为阅读话题 做热身。(学案上写出对学生要求) 预习 2: 根据课文标题或图片猜测课文内容。 DD阅读技能之一: 读前猜测 课堂探究案 (20 min’) 探究 1: Fast reading : --- 重在读段落首末句,或根据主要线索如时间、地点、 事件顺序了解课文主要大意及段落大意。 (培养学生略读 的能力,读后学生互相交流或课堂展示每段的中心意思) ( 5min’) 探究 2: careful reading----重在获取和整合细节信息,读完后, 完成课文后的 T or F 判断,或信息填空或选择等相关练习。----重在培养学生的 在阅读中获取细节信息的能力. ( 8 min’) 探究 3: Listening ---- 重在根据课文朗读,正确读课文,进行长难句的断句, 边听边划出疑难句和长难句, 加深对文意的理解。 (5 min’ ) ---时间允许还可以听后让学生小组自由读, 进行小组间的朗读 PK. 课堂巩固案 (10 min’) (课堂学习效果的验收. 学生在规定的时间内完成相应的检测练习. 选 2---3 名学生将答案板书在黑板上) 巩固 1: 重点短语的英汉互译 --巩固 2: 句型和长难句的翻译。3 阅读课二: 语言点讲解 language points 教学目标:深化阅读,理解长难句和运用重点短语、句型,以学促考。 知识目标:词组。。。 。。 句型。。。 。。。长难句理解,重点短语句型和理解。 能力目标: 通过本节课的学习,学生可以掌握以下句型的运用 。 课前预习案 (10 min’) 预习 1: 学案上,老师列出课堂要讲得重要短语和长难句,学生自学理解短语 和长难句,然后讨论质疑,提出问题,以备课堂师生探究。 课堂探究案 (25 min’) ----- 培养学生自己总结归纳和拓展以及发现问题,质疑和答疑的能力.) 探究 1: (短语四个左右,句型2个,长难句2DD3个) ---(学生独学思考查阅 10 分钟后, 每组选一个同学将其中一项板书在黑板上, 以备课堂师生统一探究和拓展.) 短语1: 。。 。。 短语2... ... 短语3…… 句型1.。。 。 句型2.。。 。 课堂巩固案 (10min’) ---(要求: 重点单词、短语、句型的填空,完成句子、翻译或选择填空的练习。 学生在规定的时间内完成相应的检测练习. 选 2---3 名学生边做边将答案板 在黑板上,以备评讲时使用。 ) 巩固1练习: …. 巩固2练习: …..4 语法课课型(三) : Grammar 1 and grammar 2 : 教学目标: 准确理解相关语法的基本概念,结构,运用。 重点:相关语法的基本概念和结构 难点:以学促考,灵活运用。 知识目标: 能力目标: 课前预习案 (10 min’) 预习 1: 通过读课本语法部分列出的句子, 在语境中理解所包含的语法现象。 预习 2: 完成相关练习,体会具体的语境运用。 预习 3: 列出自己的问题,对子间和小组讨论,不能解决的问题小组长在 黑板上。 课堂探究案 (25 min’) 探究 1: 学生讲解对此语法的理解, 探究 2: 师生共同解答预习中通过小组谈论仍不能解决的疑问,老师点拨学生 不能解答的问题。 疑难1: 。。。。 。。。 疑难2: 。。。。 。。。 课堂巩固案 (5 min’) 近三年高考真题和模拟题演练,10个选择题或5个选择题+5个填空 题。DD-以学促考,当堂验收。听力课课型(四) :Listening 教学目标:通过听力练习,训练同学们的语言获取能力,通过对听力材料的 理解,掌握和提升对本模块相关的话题的理解,学会对 everyday English 的理解和 function & pronunciation 部分的运用。 教学重点:引导学生听懂听力内容,理解日常交际用语。 难点:新的交际用语和语音技能。 知识目标: 。。。 。。。 能力目标:。。。 。。 。。。 。5 课前预习案: (10 min’) 预习 1: 教师就听力材料中出现的新的词汇和句型句子表达,列在此部分 学生听前预习理解为听力做准备。 预习 2:学生理解听力部分的填空题或问答题, 初步根据所读内容推测听力内 容。 课堂探究案 (25 min’) 要求: 按听力步骤进行三遍式听并获取信息。个别重要信息部分可暂停。有 条件的班级老师可以准备附听力原材料的 ppt.以备听后读原材料。 探究1 :完成课本练习 1: ….. 探究 2: 完成课本练习2: …… 课后巩固案 (5 min’) 完成 everyday English 部分或 function 部分, 体会在语境中所表达的具体意思。6 Writing 写作课课型 教学目标:跟进每个模块相应话题的写作,循序渐进训练学生的写作能力。 从模块话题中积累写作素材,从简单句着手提升学生的句意表达。 教学重点:指导学生审题,抓要点和关键字,巧用正确的句型表达句意。 教学难点:句子谓语动词的正确的使用,正确的句子表达。 知识目标: 。。。 。。 能力目标: 课前预习案: (10min’) 预习 1: 完成课本写作部分,掌握相关话题的有用表达。列出相关表达在此 部分。 课堂探究案 (30 min’) (要求:呈现写作话题,按写作的步骤引导学生完成对作文话题的理解和 完善。 (5min’审题,熟悉话题; 8min 列出关键字、词和句型; 12 min’学生写作,5min’ 师生评板书的内容。 ) 探究 一: 学生审题、列关键字词、短语和句子表达 ( 7 min’) 时态:_______________________ 人称:_________________________ 要点: (1) : (2) : (3) : ... .. 列出各要点的关键词,短语:___________ ….. 列出会用到的句子表达: 。。 。 探究二:学生动手写作: ( 15 min’ ) 连词成句,连句成篇,句段之间用上相应的连接词,以使全文流畅: (在 学生准备写在时,可选1DD2位学生将作文板书在黑板上,以备师生共同 评讲,评出优劣) __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ …………… 探究三: 师生评学生作品,完善学生习作。 ( 8 min’) (时间允许, 。有练堂课上更好,更完善,就可以在评讲了板书的作文后展开 生生互评。)7 必修1Learning guide for Module 3Adventure in literature and the cinema (文学和电影中的冒险)导学案示范 单元课时划分: 1st: words and expressions ( 词汇课) 2 st : Introduction and reading (导入和阅读第一课时) 3rd : Reading (language points)+ reading and speaking (语言点+阅读与说) 4 : Grammar 1and Grammar 2th(两课时)(过去分词;过去时间和一般过去时态的表达) 5th: Listening + Pronunciation +Everyday English+ Function ( 听力,发音和日常英语+交际功能) 6th: Cultural corner + Writing 7th: Module file + Revision (文化角和写作) ( 单元总结和复习) …… Period 2: 学习目标: 1. 部分通过于三本书的封面介绍了三种不同的文学作品类型并列出了 有关文学作品的一些单词, 2. 让学生说出自己喜欢的类型并且利用新单词给出理由,能激发学生的 好奇心。 3. 阅读 《哈克贝利? 费恩历险记》 的故事使学生了解如何描写冒险小说, 并 通过设计的练习让学生熟悉课文内容和学会使用一些相关词汇。 知识目标: 文学类型词汇: 能力目标: 表达喜欢的句型: literature adventure biography I like ?; because it is ?.. Introduction & Reading and vocabulary 1st学习内容: Introduction & Reading and vocabulary on P21---- on P23课前预习案 ( 10min’) 【预习一】: 了解不同的文学分类词汇:---- 熟读词汇,能用于表达文学爱好. 按文学范畴分: classical literature 古典文学 contemporary literature 现代文学 popular literature 大众文学 folklore 民间文学 按主题分: love story 爱情小说 detective story 侦破小说 mystery story 怪诞小说 science fiction 科幻小说 whodunit 推理小说 historical novel 历史小说8light literature 通俗文学 按文体分: essay 散文,小品文 travelogue 游记 novel 小说 reportage 报告文学 criticism 评论 autobiography 自 allegory 寓言 biography 传记【预习二】: 完成课本 P21Activity 2 , 判断 Activity 1 中三本书属于哪一类. Wolves of the Calla (卡拉之狼) _________ The year China discovered America (中国发现美洲之年) __________ Singular Mark Twain ( ) _______________ 写出一本你了解或读过的属于下列类型的一本书. adventure : _________ ; biography : _________ ; crime: _________; fantasy : _______; history: _________ ; thriller: ___________ 【预习三】: 读 P21 的简介和课文, 完成 P23 Activity 4 and 5. 课堂探究案 【探究一】a: 架上把握文章). (5min’) Part 1: Paragraph __________ : Huck and Jim found a sinking steamboat. Part 2: Paragraph ___________ : Huck and Jim climbed on to the steamboat. Part 3: Paragraph ____________: Huck and Jim left the steamboat. b :Careful reading (细读文章)----读前先理解问题,学会在阅读时抓住一些重 要信息,完成选择。 (8 min’) 1. The steamboat was sinking because _________. A. the engine broke down B. it had hit a rock C. it had hit another boat D. the fuel was running 2. How did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat? A. They took a ship B. They swam C. They paddled. D. They jumped 3. How did Huck and Jim leave the sinking steamboat? A. By swimming B. By a raft. C. By a boat D. By a ship 4. What probably happened to the three men on the sinking steamboat ? A. They were perhaps saved by Huck and Jim. B. They perhaps left by a boat. C. They perhaps sank to the bottom of the river. D. They perhaps left on a raft. 【探究二】 Listening ----- 听后根据文章的三大部分, 填写各环节的具体信息, 了解如何描写冒险小说。 ( 10 min’) Part1: Finding the steamboat: The steamboat looks like a __1____ and it had hit a ____2____, halt ____3___ and halt out of the water. We ____4____ over and climbed on to the steamboat, keeping as quiet as ___5____.9(25 min’)Fast reading : 根据课文内容匹配段落大意。(学会从整体框 Part 2: On the steamboat :I saw a man lying on the floor , ___6____ up with rope . There were two men standing over him. One was short, with a ____7_____ , and the other was tall , with a____8___ in his hand. They planned to let him ____9____ .Part 3: Leaving the steamboat:I found Jim and ___10_____ him to help me. We found the men’s boat tied to the other side of the steamboat and ___11_____ it away. After that I felt __12____ about what we had done.2. Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1). He sounds as if he’s going to die of fright. __________________________________________________ . 2). Suddenly , by the light of the lightning , we saw something in the middle of the river. _______________________________________________________________ 3). It was quite dark, but I could see a man lying on the floor , tied up with rope. ______________________________________________________________ . 4). So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat , keeping as quite as mice. ____________________________________________________________ . 课后巩固案 【巩固一】 翻译下列短语 1.倾盆而下 ____________ 5. a couple of minutes ___________ 7. keep as quite as a mice ________ 9. 对…好奇 _____________ 去式, 过去分词, 现在分词) 2. 顺河而下 ______________ 6. board a sinking ship ____________ 8. 让我们惊讶的是 ___________ 10. lie (撒谎) ____ ; ____;____ (过 lie (躺, 位于…) _______; ____; _____(同上) 3.一半在…里,一半在…外 __________ 4. sail straight to it _____________ ( 5 min’)lay (产蛋,放置) _______; _________; _______ (同上) 11. have enough of sth./ sb. ___________________12. sound as if ___________ 13. die of fright _______________14. a safe distance away ______________ 15. pour into ___________ 16. The man wearing a black tie was tied by the kidnapper with a thick tie and tied to a huge tree. _______________________________________ 17.be curious to do sth. ____________ be curious about sth. ___________ Period 3 : Language points 2).以学促考,理解重要词汇的考点。10( 语言点)学习目标:1). 学会在文章的语境中理解重要词汇和结构。 ( 要求: 在本单元,老师想检测同学们的归纳整理能力,我们只列出需 要理解的重要单词要点,同学们通过查资料或字典完善理解运用部分。) 知识目标: 词汇: persuade 短语:ke to one’ 能力目标: 以学促考,能对短语句型灵活运用和理解。 课前预习案: ( 5 预习 1: 句子1: min’ ) 理解下列几个句子, 体会重要单词和短语在语境中的使用. (原文再现) a true account of the past ( P21 ) (高频词)句子2: (原文再现) So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat , keeping as quiet as mice. 句子3: (原文再现)To our astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins. 句子4: (原文再现 When he heard these words , Jim panicked and ran to the raft. 句子5: ----- He sounds as if he’s going to die of fright. 句子6: (原文再现) But I persuaded him to help me, and we found the men’s boat tied to the other side of the steamboat. 课堂探究案 ( 30 min’)【探究】------重点词汇、短语、句型的掌握。 (15 min’ 学生完成六个知识 点的全盘理解,不需写出答案,15 分钟后,根据小组抽签找6人把 对应知识点的答案和理解写在黑板上, 供师生讲评, 15 min’ ) 。 【词汇一】 (原文再现) a true account of the past ( P21 ) (高频词) 理解 5 点: 【理解1】 描述; 叙述;报道 give an account of sth. _______________ 1) He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened. 2) This gives a first- hand account of the car. 【理解2】 take sth. into account = take account of 意思: _____________ Leave sth. out of account = take no account of 【理解3】 理由,原因 on account of 因为 on this / that account _____________ on no account 绝不 翻译:1). 你绝不要打扰我。 ___________________________ = On no account ______ you disturb me.11意思: ____________The company takes account of environment issues wherever possible. 【理解4】 账户,账目 【理解5】 account for 是….的原因;对…做出(满意)的解释; 占….的比例 【单词积累】 __________ (负有责任的); _________ (会计师,会计员)【词汇二】 (原文再现) So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat , keeping as quiet as mice. 1. 【句法分析】 现在分词短语 keeping as quiet as mice 做伴随状语。 【试一试】-----根据提示或句意,填空。 1). The little boy stood by the door, ________ ( not dare) to say a word. 2). He sat under the tree, _________ ( read) . 3). __________ ( 达到) at school, he met his former English teacher. 4). ______ (live ) in Paris for years , she almost knew every place quite well. 5). Tom didn’ t pass the final exam, _________ (使得) his father very angry. 6). ____________ ( patient), you can finish this job well. 2. 【短语表达】 as quiet as mice == as quiet as a mouse 安静地,静悄悄地 翻译:1). 那个小女孩静悄悄地进了教室。 _____________________________________________________ . 2). 我们最后保持安静,否则会把婴儿吵醒的。 ____________________________________________________ . 【链接】 翻译下列类似结构的表达,形容词就是描述后面名词特性的 要动脑筋咯! as busy as a bee _______________ as clear as crystal ______________ as cold as ice __________________ as light as a feather ______________ as easy as ABC _____________ as firm as a rock ____________【词汇三】 (原文再现) To our astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins. to one’s astonishment 使/ 让某人…..的 === to the + n. + of sb. “ to one’s + 表示情绪、情感的名词”意为 “使/ 令某人…..的” , “使/令某人感到惊奇/ 失望/ 高兴/ 遗憾/ 愉悦/ 激动的是: 【点拨】 (1). “令人非常….的是” ,用 much 或 greatly 修饰整个短语,也可用 great 修饰短语中的名词。 1) Much to everyone’s astonishment ( _= _____________________ ) , he won the game. 2). Greatly to the old woman’s surprise , (= __________________) the little12to one’s________ / __________ / _________/ ___________ / _________/ girl bought so many books. (2) “to one’s + 名词” 这类短语后常用逗号 = 相应的副词 To my surprise, I was given the chance to go abroad. = _____________________________________________________ . 【词汇四】 (原文再现)When he heard these words , Jim panicked and ran to the raft. 【点拨】panic C -- panicking ( 过去式/过去分词/现在分词) (v.) 1). panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人慌忙做某事 ==(被动结构)___________________________________ 2). get into a panic 陷入恐慌状态 be in a panic 惊慌失措,在惊慌中 panic button 紧急呼救按钮 例句展示:------- 熟读句子,理解意思并体会语境的运用。 1. The protests became more violent and many people were panicked into leaving the country. 2. Don’t panic ! We’ll soon get you out of there. 3. The children fled in panic. 4. She got into a panic when she couldn’t find the tickets. 【考一考】查字典写出下列单词的过去式,过去分词和现在分词。 picnic--- ____; _____; ______ ; picnicker (意思)________ traffic---______; ______; _____ ; trafficker (意思)________ 【提示】规则:c 前有 e 或 i , c 发音[k], 为保持读音不变而加 k, 【词汇五】die 系列 ------ He sounds as if he’s going to die of fright.1. 理解下列短语意思上得不同,并列出系列短语。 1). die of starvation / old age/ sorrow/ heart disease / hunger/ grief / an illness / a disease _________________________________ _______________________ 2) die from an accident / a wound ____________________________ 3) die for one’s country / love / 4)The noise die away. The breeze died away . _________________ 5)The excitement of the children died down at last. ______________. 6)The leaves of the plant are dying off. ________________________ 7). Many old customs are gradually dying out. _________________ . 【词汇六】(原文再现) But I persuaded him to help me, and we found the men’s boat tied to the other side of the steamboat. 【点拨】1). persuade sb. to do sth./ into doing sth13 = succeed in advising sb. to do sth. / manage to advise sb. to do st 成功劝说某人做某事 若劝而不一定劝服, 则用: advise sb. to do sth. / try to persuade sb. to do sth. 2). Persuade sb. out of doing sth. 劝说某人不要做某事 3). Persuade sb. of sth. 劝说使某人相信某事 ------ 区别: convince sb. of sth. 用理论等使某人信服。。 。 1) . Tom tried to persuade Lucy to go out for a walk , but she wouldn’t. (同义句) ==== ___________________________________________________ 2). 翻译句子:I’ve persuaded him to stop smoking by advising him many times. _____________________________________________________. 课堂展示案: 1: 15min’ 后学生根据抽签决定板书各知识点的小组和同学, 2: 教师利用10分钟对板书内容进行点拨和适当拓展. 课后巩固案 ( 5 min’) ------测试你的语言运用和语境理解的能力。 1. She was always scolding the boy and he ____________ . A. ran across A. run away B. ran away with B. run over C. ran away C. run into D. ran down D. run out 2. If you ______ any problems when you arrive at the airport , give me a ring. 3. (2009, 湖北高考) Some parents are just too protective . They want to ____ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish C. lying D. lie 4. Hearing the news, he hurried home, _______ the book ______ on the table. A. lying B. lie 5. (2009,辽宁高考) Usually John would be late for meetings. But this time, ________my surprise, he arrived on time. A. little B. much C. ever D. even 6). ---- Dad, there is a snake at the gate crawling this way. ---- Don’t _______ , boys. There is no danger. A. afraid B. frighten C. terrify D. panic 7). _________ the sound of the gunfire, the crowd ______. A. H paniced B. H panicked C. H paniced D. H panicked 8). If you are ____ about Australian cities , just read the book written by Dr Johnson. A. interested B. anxious C. upset D. curious D. me to take 9). My advisor encouraged ______ a summer course to improve my writing skills. A. for me taking B. me taking14C. for me to take10). The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing ________ should have attracted the local government’s attention. A. solving A. in B. solve C. to solve D. solved D. in 11). He was busy _______ the books _______ ropes. B. with C. with 12). (2009 上海) David threatened ________ his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid. A. to be reported wish. A. die out B. die off C. die away D. die down 14). I’m ______ of the ________dark. A. frightening C. frightened they don’t really need. A. to persuade A. being persuaded Period 4 : B. persuading B. persuading C .being persuaded D . be persuaded 16). There is nothing more I can try ________ you to stay, so I wish you good luck. C. to be persuaded D. to persuaded ( 2 课时) B. frightened D. frightening B. reporting C. to report D .having reported 13). Elephants would _____soon if man was allowed to shoot as many as they15). While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _______ into buying somethingGrammar 1: ( 动词形式)Review of verb forms学习内容: 非谓语动词的用法 学习目标: 1). 了解非谓语动词的三种形式: 不定式 (to do ); 动名词 (doing ); 分词:现在分词 过去分词 done) 2). 了解他们在句中所起得作用(通常可以在句中什么位置) 。 1st: 课前预习案 ( 10 min’) 预习1: 非谓语动词的导入: 是动词的非谓语形式,他们不能在句中做_______ 部分,可充当其他 语法成分,可以起名词、形容词或副词的作用。在句中作主语、宾语、 表语、定语、补语或状语。其实大家只要记住,在句中谓语动词之外出 现了动词含义,就用非谓语动词的某一种形式,具体哪一种形式就看其 与关键信息的主被动关系和时间关系。 预习2 : 【读懂表格一】 填表格-----根据下面例句总结非谓语动词的普15通的用法。在表格相应的成分下划勾 ∨ 名称 不定式 动名词 现在分 词 过去分 词主语宾语宾补表语定语状语总结:可见做主语、宾语的是具有名词特性的 ________ 和 关系不一样。 除了动名词,_____, _______, ________都可以做状语。 预习3: 【读懂表格二】 非谓语动词的结构与特点 非谓语 动词 主动语态 (一般式) do to (完成式)to have done (进行式)To be -ing 形式 doing being done Having been done done 与句子主 语一致 与句子主 语一致 (一般式) doing (完成式) having done -ed 形式 结构 被动语态 to be done to have been done 句子主语 或谓语动 词的宾语 逻辑主语____________他们都可以做_______; _________; _________ 只是表达时间先后和主被动特点不定式一般表示动作的将来 或同时发生表示动作的进行或主 动 表示动作的完成或被 动总结:可见非谓语形式也有其相应的被动形式;根据与谓语动词的时间关 系,有一般式,完成式,或进行式。所以我们在使用时要分清主被动和时 间关系。 【解题点拨】 解答考查非谓语动词的题目时,一定要保持头脑冷静,一般 遵循以下解题思路。 (1). 分析句子结构(特别是句中谓语动词的搭配及相应的结构) ,确定设空 处在句中的位置(如主语,宾语,定语,状语或补足语等) (2). 找准相关非谓语动词的逻辑主语,确定该动词与逻辑主语的主被动关 系。 (3). 判断非谓语动词与谓语动词的时间关系,判断该用不定式表要做(to16 do )还是要被做(to be done) ,是在做(doing)还是在被(being done),是 完成(having done) 还是完成被动(having been done ) (4). 做了以上的思维过程,将答案放进空格处,看能否做到字从意顺,表达 完整恰当的意思。 课堂探究案 【探究一】3 min’ (30 min’)动名词和不定式做主语和表语有什么不同。体会下面的例句。(根据意思表示可以用不定式、动名词的主动,也可用其被动形式) Doing nothing is doing ill. 无功就是过。 The best language is smiling. 最好的语言是微笑。 To save time is to lengthen life. 节约时间就是延长生命。 The most important job for me this afternoon is to teach the child English. My wish is to go to a key university. Being admitted to Beijing University makes his family proud of him. The terrible thing is to be laughed at. 不同点:___________________________________________________. 【探究二】 8 min’ 1. 有些动词接不定式或动名词做宾语在意思上没什么区 别,他们是:_______________________________________________. 2. 有些动词接不定式或动名词都可,但意思不一样,理解下列句子的意思。 I forgot telling you my telephone number. DDI tell you my telephone number? I forgot to close the door. ---- I should close the door , but I ___ close the door. I remember being taken to Beijing at the age of five. 翻译:_______________. Remember to call me when you get back home. ----You _____ call me when you get back home. 类似的词有: regret doing sth./ to do sth. 意思是:_________ mean to do sth. / doing sth. _______________ stop to do sth. / doing sth. ____________________ . 2. 动词 need, want, require 做“需要”讲时,后接动名词的主动和不定式的被 意思一样。 The trees need / want / require __________ / __________( 浇水) 3. 注意介词短语后用动名词形式,注意含介词 to 的短语和不定式 to 的区别 例如: be / get/ be accustomed to ----- be used to do sth. / be happy to do sth. / come to do sth. 等等。 不定式 to 和介词 to 有什么区 ____________________ ◆◆思考 doing / to do 的否定形式。17 I’m accustomed to not drinking wine when at a party. I insisted on his not coming with us. I begged him not to follow me to the market. 通过例句总结不定式和 ing 的否定形式:____________; _____________ 4. allow , advise, forbid, permit doing / sb. to do sth. ---被动结构: doing sth. is allowed/ advised/ forbidden/ permitted 或 sb. is allowed/ advised / forbidden/ permitted to do sth. 填空: ① Smoking is forbidden here but you are allowed ________ ( smoke) ② We don’t allow ________ ( smoke ) in the hall. ③The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed ______ (catch). ④I can hardly imagine Peter ___( sail) across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. (sail) ⑤ I would appreciate your _(call) back this afternoon. ⑥ The discovery of the new evidence led to the thief _______( catch). 5. 有些动词后只能接不定式做宾语;有些动词后只能接动名词做宾语,在日 常学习中不断积累记忆并灵活运用。 【探究三】 3 min’ 分词做表语常限于表示心里活动的动词,-ing 形式常表 示“使人感到/ 觉得….; --ed 形式表示主体“感到….” 所以当修饰人的表情、 眼神、眼泪、声音等多用---ed 形式,表示 “感到…的表情,声音…等” 。 【考一考】 1).The students went out of the examination spot with _____(失望) expressions. 2). Hearing the _____ (激动)news, the students gave out _____ (激动) shouts. ( exciting, excited ) 【探究四】 10 min’ 不定式、ing 、ed 的形式作宾补在时间和主被动关系上 的不同。 1) have , get 和 leave 都可以接现在分词做宾补 (表宾语动作正在进行) : ; 或过去分词做宾补(表宾语与动词被动的关系) 。 2) 感官动词一感 : (feel ) 二听 , (listen to , hear) 三让 (let, make ,have) , , 五看 (look at, see, watch, notice, observe)用现在分词做宾补 (表示宾语 的动作在进行) ;用省 to 不定式做宾补(表示动作完成或经常进行DD变为 被动语态时省掉的 to 需要加上) 。 区别1:以动词 see 为例体会 do , doing, done 做宾补的区别 see + 宾语+ do see + 宾语+ doing 看见….. 做…..了 看见….正在做18 see +宾语+ being done see + 宾语+ done看见…. 正在被做 看见…被做在具体语境中体会结构并填空。 1): I heard her _______ ( sing ) an English song when I passed by her room yesterday. 昨天经过她房间时,我听见她在唱英文歌。 2). I heard her _________ ( sing ) an English song just now. 刚才我听见她唱了一首英文歌。 3). I heard an English song _______ ( sing ) by a little girl when I passed by her room yesterday. 4). I’d like to see the plan ___________ ( carry out ). 5). I looked down at my neck and found my necklace __________ ( go). 6). I was surprised to find my hometown _________ ( change ) so much. 7). At that moment I saw him ______ ( cross) the road. 8). I was glad to see the children well ________ ( take ) care of . 9). A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ ( smoke) in the kitchen. 区别2:let sb. do sth. Let sth. be done Don’t let your children ________ ( play) with matches. Let the work _________ ( do ) immediately. 区别 3: leave sb. doing 让某人一直做某事 Leave sth. undone 留下某事没做 unfinished/ unsettled/ untouched Leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事 leave sth. to be done 留下某事要做 1). It’s wrong of you to leave the machine _________ ( run). 2). The guests left most of the dishes _________ ( not touch) , because they didn’t taste delicious. 3). He left, _______ ( leave) me ________ ( do ) all the work. 4). We hurriedly ended our meeting, leaving many problems _______( settle). 5). He went away without saying anything , _______ ( leave) us _______( stand) outside. 区别4: 注意 have 的几种结构: 1). have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 / get sb to do sth. (改错题中出现,注意有 to 无 to ). 2). have sb. / sth. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事 / get sb. doing sth. 3). have sb. / sth. done 让某事/ 某人被…./ get sth. done ( 表示使/ 让某事由19 别人去做; 或 使 ….遭受….) 1):He left his work _______ ( not do ) . 2. He had his deskmate ___________ ( do ) homework for him. 3. We had the fire __________ ( 燃烧) all day. 4. The beggar lay there and saw people ________________ ( 来来去去)。 5. I heard someone _______ ( 敲门) at the door three times. 6). They had the light __________ ( burn ) all night long. 7). When he woke up, he found himself ________ after by an old woman. A. looking B. looked C. being looked D. be looked区别5: 注意不定式用于下列结构中, 注意不定式的一般式(to do), 一 般被动式 (to be done ) 完成式 ( ; been done)在具体语境中的运用。 Sb. be said / believed/ known / reported / considered / found / thought + to do (主动) 据说要做…. to be done (被动)据说要被做 to be doing (主动) 据说在做…. to have done ( 主动)据说做过----to have been done(被动)据说被….了 转换练习: 1). It is said that he has gone abroad. ===== He is said _______________. 2). He is thought _________ ( invent) the first telephone in the world. 3). Allen is said ________ (design) a new computer program recently, but I don’t know when she will finish it. 【探究五】5 min’ 非谓语动词做定语 to have done ) ,完成被动式 (to have区别1: 不定式做定语 to do / to be done 1). 不定式所修饰的名词通常可以做不定式动词的宾语,不能直接做宾语的 需加上相应的介词。 ①The Browns have a comfortable house to live _______. ②He had no money and no place to live _______. ③I want to have a piece of paper to write ________. ④I need a pen to write _______. ⑤I have some clothes to ______ ( 洗), so I am not free now. ⑥I have some clothes to _______ (洗) when I passed by the clothes-washing shop. 2). 不定式可用来修饰被序数词、最高级、或 no, all, any 等限定的中心词,且 中性词与动词为主动关系。20 ①He was the best man _________ (do ) the job. ②She was the first woman ________ ( win ) the gold medal in the Olympic. 3). 某些修饰抽象名词的动词含义也常用不定式。常见的有:ability, chance, idea, fact, excuse, promise, answer, reply, attempt, belief, way, reason, moment, time. ①Do you have the ability ______ ( read and write ) in English. ②I have no chance _______ ( go sightseeing) ③We all think that the plan you suggest _____ the work is very practical. A. completing B. completed C. to complete D. should complete 3).不定式用于一些固定结构中如: be + adj. + to do sth. It’s + adj. + for sb. to do sth. It’s adj. + of sb. + to do sth. ① How pleased the young man were ____ that their lost son was found by the police. A. to hear B. hear C. heard D. hearing ② It’s really stupid of you ________ him the news yesterday so it has been disturbing him all the time. A. having told A. reusing B. telling B. reused C. to tell C. reused D. to have told D. to be reused ③ Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it ___. ④ I like getting up very early in summer . The morning air is so good _______. A. to be breathed B. to breathe C. breathing D. being breathed 区别2:非谓语的被动含义做定语的区别: 不定式的被动 ---- 被动,将来 现在分词的被动 DDD 被动,正在进行 过去分词 done DDDD 被动,完成 例句展示:1). Have you read the novel _____ ( write ) by Dickens? 2). Listen! The song ________ ( sing) is very popular with the students. 3). The question ______ ( discuss) at tomorrow’s meeting is very important. Period 5 : Grammar ( 2nd )课堂探究 探究1:小组对学和群学, 讲解语法第 1 课时的理解和疑难,小组长将不能 解决的疑难板书在黑板上。 ( 6 min’) 探究 2: 师生就共同疑难一一理解和梳理,达到理解运用的目的。 ( 20 min’) 语法巩固练习: (14 min’)21 【巩固一】 认真理解和阅读《5.3》P 76----81 上面的内容,体会不定式、现在分词、过去分词在句中除谓语外的不同位置上所表达的时间和主被 动关系的不同。 (利用早读或天天读完成) 【巩固二】动手做一做,完成课本 P 24 Activity 2 , 体会表心里状态的动词 的过去分词( 主体感到….) 和现在分词 (让人感到….) 的 含义的不同。 【巩固三】 动手做一做,完成课本 P 24 Activity 3, 理解动词不定式 和分词做宾语的不同结构。有些动词后只能接不定式。有些动 词后只能接 ing 形式。这些需要在平时的学习中不断积累和总 结。 【巩固四】 动手做一做,完成课本 P 24 Activity 5,了解不定式,现在分 词和过去分词在句中不同位置的综合运用, 加油! You can make it !Period 6: Vocabulary and listening & Everyday English ( 听力, 直接引语变间接引语和交际用语) 教学目标: 1). 学会在听力中获取电影类型的判断, 听取时间信息. 2). 直接引语变间接引语的方法. 3). 学会写影评. 知识目标: ① feel in the mood for sth. / to do sth be set in sp. / st. ② be set in sp. / st. 以?地点或时间为背景 ③ hang on a minute = wait for a minute 等一下 ④ get a move on = hurry up ⑤ grab a bite to eat = ____________. 快速吃了饭。 能力目标:学会写影评 课堂预习案 (10 min’) 【预习一】 1). 听前预测, 熟悉听力中会出现的词汇。 读懂 Activity 1 . 2. 3 中 的信息,预测听力的内容,了解需听取的重要信息。熟悉听力中会谈的四部 影片: Master and Commander 《怒海争锋》 The Last Samurai 《最后的战士》 Monsoon Wedding 《雨季的婚礼》 The Emperor and the Assassin 《皇帝 与刺客》 课堂探究案 (15 min’) 1). 完成听力训练 课本听力部分的 Activity 4 and 3 2). 根据听力内容填空: Billy looked _______ (1), he wanted to _______ (2) , but it was22 _______(3) , so Van suggested ______(4) a film. They haven’t been to the cinema ________(5) . Van bought the ________(6) . It says Master and Commander sounds ______(7). It’s a _______(8) adventure. It’s about the captain of a British _____(9) boat during the war with Napoleon. He sails half way across the world _____(10) to catch a French ship. The Last Samurai is a ______(11) film, but it is _____(12) in Japan. It’s another _____ (13) adventure. It’s about an American soldier who came to ________(14) the Japanese to ______(15) guns. He got ________(16) by the Samurai and _________(17) a samurai warrior himself. Monsoon Wedding is an ______(18) film. It’s about a family in Delhi who_______(19) a wedding party. It is a ________(20) comedy. It’s won lots of _______(21) . But Billy doesn’t feel in ______(22) for weddings. He likes good ______(23) adventure. The Emperor and the Assassin is a _______(24) film. But it sounds like a ________(25) . It is about ________(26) adventure. It’s the story of the _____ (27) emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. The review considers the film ______(28). At last they decided to see the ______(29) film starting at _________(30) . So they grab a bite to ____(31) (快速吃了饭) and get a ____(32) on. (匆忙走了) 。 【探究二】 转述别人的话----直接引语变间接引语 ( 10 min’) 直接引语变为间接引语时,句子结构、时态、人称等都要发生变化。 完成 function P 27, 体会在时态、人称和结构上的变化。 注意:1). 宾语从句的三种连接词: that, if/ weather, wh2). 主句为一般过去时态时,从句时态相应的往过去推移. 主句为一般现在时, 根据从句的时间用相应的时态. 如直接引语为客观真理或事实则不随主句而变. 直接引语为祈使句,去掉引号要加 to, ask , order 须记住. 若在当天或当地进行转述,时间状语或地点状语或方向性动词不变。 3). 从句主语遵循“一随主,二随宾,三不更新”的原则。 4). 无论直接引语为一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,变为宾语从句都用陈述句 语序. 5). 指示代词、时间/地点状语、方向性动词的变化. 指示代词: (these) --- that (those); 时间状语: this today/ now----that day / then, this week---that week, yesterday----the day before, last week--- the week before, two days ago--- two days before, next week --- the next/ following we 地点状语:here--- there, tomorrow--- the next/ following day 方向性动词 come ---go, bring--- take, 课后巩固案:23( 5 min’) 【巩固】----- 完成小练习卷上直接引语变间接引语。 Period 7: Function & Writing 教学目标:根据本模块的学习,学会写一段影视作品简介。 知识目标: 学会运用下列句型和表达: ① where the story is set 故事发生的背景 ② when it’s set 时间背景 ③ who the main character(s) is (are). ④ What happens 发生了什么事 ⑤ how the story ends 故事结局如何 能力目标:学会写电影简介 课前预习案 (10min’) 【预习一】根据 P 28, Activity 1 的一段影视简介,学会自己写一个包括下列 故事或电影的摘要 ◆① where the story is set 故事发生的背景 ◆② when it’s set 时间背景 ◆③ who the main character(s) is (are). ◆④ What happens 发生了什么事 ◆⑤ how the story ends 故事结局如何 [预习2]: 电影简介的时态: _________; 人称: _________; 要点: ___________________________________ 关键词组或句型: ______________________________________. 课堂探究案 ( 15 min’ + 10 min’) 探究1: 先根据提示将自己熟悉的或由意义的一部影片的主要信息或关键 词罗列出来, 动手写一写。 (1DD2 名同学板书在黑板上) 15 ( min’) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ . 探究2: 师生讲评学生作品,( 10 min’) 探究3: 学生互评作文。 (5 min’) Period 8 : Cultural corner (文化角) The Life of Mark Twain ( 马克。吐温的生活) 学习目标:1) 。了解 Mark Twain 的生活,学习名人的生活态度,开阔眼24 界。 2). 学会在泛读中通过中心词、句、段了解文章大意。提升泛读 能力。 知识目标: resemble: no exception : warn sb. of/ about sth. warn sb. (not) to do sth. lead a …life: make one’s fortune determine to do st determine on sth./doing sth. be determined to do sth. set off from sp. for sp. only to do sth. / only to be done that establish the reputation as 能力目标: 通过泛读了解更多名人的故事,学习他们的奋斗精神。 课前预习案 ( 5 min’) 预习1:阅读 21century P3 关于 Mark Twain 的介绍,口头陈述获取的信 息。 课堂探究案 ( 30 min’) 【探究一】 fast reading: 读文章第一遍时,有意识的抓住每段的中心句. ( 3 min’) Para.1: ___________________________________________________ Para2: ______________________________________________________; Para3: ______________________________________________________; 【探究二】listening -----注意语音、语调和断句。听后填空,获取细节信息, 了解 Mark Twain. 有利于对文章的复述。 ( 8 min’) Mark Twain is one of the greatest writers in ___________ (1). His vivid and often amusing _________ (2) of life on the Mississippi are popular with readers . His __________ (3) life provides him with good materials of his works , for example , The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is set in the ________ (4) River. Even his pen name Mark Twain has connection with the Mississippi. “Mark Twain” , which means “ ___________ (5)” , was a call used by __________ (6) on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into _________ (7) water. Mark Twain’s life was adventurous. He had _________ (8) education. After dropping out of school , he planned to make his __________ (9) in South America. But for some reason, he changed his plan. He worked as a pilot for several years on the Mississippi . Later he became a _________ (10) and began to write stories about life on the river. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are his masterpieces. 【探究三】careful reading-----重要词汇、短语、句子的掌握. ( 15 min’) 1). 划出含有非谓语动词的句子和含有从句的句子, 仔细分析并翻译理解, 准备好在课堂讲解和展示。 2). 划出重要的短语,并体会在文中的意思。25 3). 用下面的词语造句,考考你是否理解并能运用。 (---1D2 名学生板 书。 ) resemble: _____________________________________________________. no exception : _______________________________________________ warn sb. of/ about sth. __________________________________________ warn sb. (not) to do sth. lead a …life: _____________________________________________ make one’s fortune_____________________________________ determine to do st determine on sth./doing sth. be determined to do sth. set off from sp. to sp. ____________________________________________ only to do sth. / only to be done that ________________________________ establish the reputation as (确立作的名誉)__________________________ 课后巩固案: ( 5 min’) 熟读文章直至能复述,学会对名人进行介绍。26
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